List of Attitudes

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The Three Types of Learning by Benjamin Bloom (1956)

1. Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge); involves knowledge and the development of
intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts,
procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual
abilities and skills.
6 Major Categories
Level 1: Recall Level 2: Interpretation Level 3: Problem Solving
Recall data or Understand the Use a concept in a Separates material or a structure or pattern Make judgments
information meaning, translation, new situation or concepts into from diverse about the value of
interpolation, and unprompted use of component parts so elements. Put parts ideas or materials.
interpretation of an abstraction. that its organizational together to form a
instructions and Applies what was structure may be whole, with
problems. State a learned in the understood. emphasis on
problem in one’s own classroom into Distinguishes creating a new
words. novel situations in between facts and meaning or
the work place. inferences. structure.
cite associate solve analyze arrange appraise
count classify translate appraise assemble assess
define compare utilize break down categorize choose
describe comprehend show compare collect compare
discover compute apply contract combine conclude
draw contrast calculate contrast compile contrast
identify convert complete criticize compose criticize
indicate defend use debate construct critique
know describe demonstrate deconstruct create defend
label differentiate dramatize detect design describe
list discuss change diagram detect determine
match distinguish employ differentiate devise discriminate
name estimate examine discriminate explain estimate
outline explain compute distinguish formulate evaluate
point explore construct experiment generalize explain
quote express illustrate identify generate grade
read extend discover illustrate integrate interpret
recall extrapolate interpret infer manage judge
recite generalize manipulate inspect modify justify
recognize give modify inventory organize measure
record infer interpolate outline plan rank
relate interpolate locate question prepare rate
repeat interpret operate relate prescribe recommend
reproduce locate prepare select produce relate
select paraphrase order separate propose revise
state predict predict summarize rearrange score
tabulate report practice reconstruct select
tell restate relate relate summarize
trace review report reorganize support
write rewrite produce revise test
summarize restate rewrite
translate review specify
schedule summarize
sketch synthesize
Perception: Set: Readiness Guided Mechanism: Complex Overt Adaptation: Origination:
The ability to to act. It Response: The This is the Response: The skilful Skills are well Creating new
use sensory cues includes mental, early stages in intermediate stage performance of motor acts that developed and movement/pattern
to guide motor physical and learning a complex in learning a involve complex movement the individual that fit a particular
activity. This emotional sets. skill that includes complex skill. patterns. Proficiency is can modify situation or specific
ranges from These three sets imitation and trial Learned responses indicated by a quick, accurate, movement problem. Learning
sensory are dispositions have become and highly coordinated patterns to fit outcomes emphasize
and error. Adequacy performance, requiring a
stimulation, that of performance is habitual and the special creativity based on
through cue predetermine a movements can be minimum of energy. This requirements. highly developed
achieved by category includes performing
selection to person’s practicing. performed with skills.
without hesitation and
translation. response to some confidence automatic performance. For
different and proficiency. example, players are often utter
situations sounds of satisfaction or
(sometimes expletives as soon as they hit a
called mindsets). tennis ball or throw a football,
because they can tell by the
feel of the act what the result
will produce.
choose begin copy assemble assemble adapt arrange
describe display follow calibrate build alter build
detect explain react construct calibrate change combine
differentiate move reproduce dismantle construct rearrange compose
distinguish proceed respond display dismantle reorganize construct
identify react trace fasten display revise create
isolate show fix fasten vary design
relate state grind fix initiate
select volunteer heat grind make
manipulate heat originate
measure manipulate
mend measure
mix mend
organize mix
sketch organize
or: manual Responding to
Receiving Valuing: The worth or Organization: Internalizing Values
or physical Phenomena: Active
Phenomena: value a person attaches to a Organizes values into (characterization): Has a value
Awareness, participation on the part of particular object, phenomenon priorities by contrasting system that controls their behaviour.
skills different values,
willingness to hear the learners. Attends and or behaviour. This ranges The behaviour is pervasive, consistent,
selected attention. reacts to a particular from simple acceptance to the resolving conflicts predictable, and most importantly,
phenomenon. Learning more complex state of between them and characteristic of the learner.
outcomes may emphasize commitment. Valuing is based creating a unique value Instructional objectives are concerned
compliance in responding, on the internationalization of a system. The emphasis is with the student’s general patterns of
willingness to respond, or set of specified values, while on comparing, relating adjustment (personal, social,
satisfaction in responding clues to these values are and synthesizing values. emotional)
(motivation). expressed in the learner’s
overt behaviour and are often
ask aid work adhere act
choose answer complete alter discriminate
describe assist demonstrate arrange display
erect comply differentiate combine influence
follow conform explain compare listen
give discuss follow complete modify
hold greet form defend perform
identify help initiate explain practice
locate label invite formulate propose
name perform join generalize qualify
point to practice justify identify question
reply present propose integrate revise
select read read modify serve
sit recite report order solve
study report select organize verify
use select share prepare
tell study relate
write synthesize

Self-esteem Obedience Self-control Appreciation of One’s Culture

Self-confidence Appreciation of One’s Rights Calmness Globalism
Wellness Hope Responsibility Compassion
Respect Charity Accountability Work Ethics
HonestyList of Fortitude Industriousness Creativity
Personal discipline
Attitudes Resiliency Industry Entrepreneurial Spirit
(from K to Positive vision Cooperation Financial Literacy
12 CG): Acceptance Optimism Global Solidarity
Patience Determined Satisfaction Making a Stand for the Good
Critical thinking Independent Persistent Voluntariness of Human Act
Open-mindedness Gratitude Cheerful Thoughtful
Interest Tolerant Reliable Seriousness
Courteous Cautious Gentle Generous
Considerate Hardworking Decisive Happiness
Sympathetic Realistic Inclusiveness Modest
Frankness Flexible Authority

Maka-Diyos Maka-tao Makakalikasan Makabansa

Love of God Concern for Others Care of the Environment Peace and order
Faith Respect for Human Rights Disaster Risk Management Heroism and Appreciation of
Trusting Gender equality Protection of the Environment Heroes
Spirituality Family Solidarity Responsible Consumerism National Unity
Inner Peace Generosity Cleanliness Civic Consciousness
Love of Truth Helping Orderliness Social Responsibility
Kindness Oneness Saving the Ecosystem Harmony
Humble Concern for Others Environmental Sustainability Patriotism

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

Lorin Anderson, a former student of Bloom, revised the cognitive domain in the learning taxonomy in the mid-
nineties and made some changes, with perhaps the two most prominent ones being, 1) changing the names in
the six categories from noun to verb forms, and 2) slightly rearranging them (Pohl, 2000).
This new taxonomy reflects a more active form of thinking and is perhaps more accurate:

Remembering: Understanding: Applying: Use a Analyzing: Evaluating: Creating: Build a
Recall previous Comprehending the concept in a new Separates material or Make judgments structure or pattern
learned information. meaning, translation, situation or concepts into about the value of from diverse learners.
interpolation, and unprompted use of an component parts so ideas or materials. Put parts together to
interpretation, abstraction. Applies that its organizational form a whole with
instructions and what was learned in structure may be emphasis on creating
problems. State a the classroom into understood. a new meaning or
problem in one’s own novel situations in the Distinguishes structure.
words. work place. between facts and
define convert apply analyze appraise categorize
describe defend change break down compare combine
identify distinguish compute compare conclude compile
label estimate construct contrast contrast compose
list explain demonstrate diagrams criticize create
match extend discover deconstruct critique devise
name generalize manipulate differentiate defend design
outline give modify discriminate describe explain
recall infer operate distinguish discriminate generate
recognize interpret predict illustrate evaluate modify
reproduce paraphrase prepare infer explain organize
select predict produce outline interpret plan
state rewrite relate relate justify rearrange
summarize show select relate reconstruct
translate solve separate summarize relate
use support reorganize
Nonfunctional verbs:
The following verbs cannot be measured or are redundant. They should be avoided when writing objectives:
Able to show interest in will be able to memorize
Appreciation for know Familiar with Comprehend
Awareness of has knowledge of Conscious of learn
Capable of understand
Behavioral terms that are NOT measurable and do NOT meet ANCC’s criteria for approval.
Appreciate Learn how to Have an understanding of Be familiar with
Communicate Be aware of Motivate Grasp the significance of
Increase Enjoy Believe Understand
Be able to know Know how to Implement
Approved Verb List.pdf (Application/pdf object – Mozilla firefox
Instructional Plan (iPlan) Template
(With inclusion of the provisions of DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015)
Learning Area: Grade Level:
iPlan No: Quarter: Duration:
Learning Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum
Key Concepts/
Understandings to
be Developed
Learning Objectives Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions
Knowledge Remembering The learner can recall
information and retrieve
The fact or
relevant knowledge from
condition of
long-term memory: identify,
retrieve, recognize,
something with
duplicate, list, memorize,
familiarity gained
repeat, describe, reproduce
Understanding The learner can construct
experience or
meaning from oral, written,
and graphic messages:
interpret, exemplify, classify,
summarize, infer, compare,
explain, paraphrase, discuss
Skills Applying The learner can use
information to undertake a
The ability and
procedure in familiar
capacity acquired
situations or in a new way:
execute, implement,
demonstrate, dramatize,
systematic, and
interpret, solve, use,
sustained effort to
illustrate, convert, discover
smoothly and
Analyzing The learner can distinguish
adaptively carry
between parts and determine
out complex
how they relate to one
activities or … the
another, and to the overall
ability, coming
structure and purpose:
from one’s
differentiate, distinguish,
compare, contrast, organize,
practice, aptitude,
outline, attribute,
etc., to do
Evaluating The learner can make
judgments and justify
decisions: coordinate,
measure, detect, defend,
judge, argue, debate,
describe, critique, appraise,
Creating The learner can put elements
together to form a functional
whole, create a new product
or point of view: generate,
hypothesize, plan, design,
develop, produce, construct,
formulate, assemble, devise
Attitude A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or
something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s
Values Makabansa
Resources Needed Listing of all
resources needed


Introductory Activity
( ____ minutes)
This part introduces the lesson content. Although at
times optional, it is usually included to serve as a
warm up activity to give the learners zest for the
incoming lesson and an idea about it to follow. One
principle in learning is that learning occurs when it is
conducted in a pleasurable and comfortable
(___ minutes)
This is an interactive strategy to elicit learner’s prior
learning experience. It serves as a springboard for
new learning. It illustrates the principle that
learning starts where the learners are. Carefully
structured activities such as individual or group
reflective exercises, group discussion, self or group
assessment, dyadic or triadic interactions, puzzles,
simulations or role-play, cybernetics exercise, gallery
walk and the like may be created. Clear instructions
should be considered in this part of the lesson.
(___ minutes)
Essential questions are included to serve as a guide
for the teacher in clarifying key understandings
about the topic at hand. Critical points are
organized to structure discussions allowing the
learners to maximize interactions and sharing of
ideas and opinions about expected issues. Affective
questions are included to elicit the feelings of the
learners about the activity or the topic. The last
questions or points taken should lead the learners to
understand the new concepts or skills that are to be
presented in the next part of the lesson.
(___ minutes)
This outlines the key concepts, important skills that
should be enhanced, and the proper attitude that
should be emphasized. This is organized as a
lecturette that summarizes the learning emphasized
from the activity, analysis, and new inputs in this
part of the lesson.
(___ minutes)
This part is structured to ensure the commitment of
the learners to do something to apply their new
learning in their own environment.
(___ minutes)
For the teachers to:
1. Assess whether learning objectives have been met
for a specified duration
2. Remediate and/or enrich with appropriate
strategies as needed
3. Evaluate whether learning intentions and success
criteria have been met

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