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1.In any triangle ABC, tan is equal to
a+b c a−b c b−c A a−c B
a. tan b. cot c. cot d. cot
a−b 2 a+b 2 b+ c 2 a+ c 2
2. The function y = f(x) will have a point of inflection at that point where
2 2
dy d y dy d y
a. =0 b. =0 c. > ¿0 d. <¿0
dx dx
dx dx

3. The equations x + 2y = 1 and 3x + 6y = 9 have

a. Only one solution set b. Only two solution set
c. Infinite numbers of solution sets d. No solution set
a b c
4. In the Sine law = = =2R, for any ∆ ABC , R stands for
SinA SinB SinC
a. The altitude b. The inradius c. The circum radius d.The median
5. The derivative of sinx with respect to Cosx is
a. cotx b. - cotx c. tanx d. - tanx
6. If b2-4ac > 0, then the roots are
a. Real and equal b. Real and imaginary c. Real and unequal d. None of the above
7. The product of the roots of quadratic equation 2x2-3x-2=0 is
a. 1 b. -1 C. 3 d. -3
8. The sum of two complex numbers z = (a,b) and w = (c,d) is equal to
a. (a+b, c+d) b. (a+d, b+c) c. (a-c, b-d) d. (a+c, b+d)
9. The absolute value of a complex number z = (a, b) = a + ib in the non negative real number |z❘ is defined by
a. a 2+ b2 b. √ a2 +b2 c.a 2 b 2 d. √ a2−b2
n n
10. lim
x −a is equal to
x →a x−a
a. n x n−1 b. nx
c. na n−1 d. na n
d( 2
11. x is equal to
3 −3 −6 6
a. b. c. 3 d. 3
2x 2x x x
12.∫ (ax +b) dx is equal to

(ax +b)n −1 (ax +b)n +1

a. ax(ax +b)n−1 b. an(ax +b)n +1 c. d.
a(n−1) a(n+1)
13.The perpendicular drawn from the vertices on their opposite sides meet at a point, this point in known as ..........
a. Orthocenter b. Circumcentre c. Incentre d. Centroid
14.If 'n' is any positive integer, then [r(cose + isinθ )]n is equal to
a. rn [cosθ + isinθ ] b. rn [cosne + isinnθ ] c. rn [cosnθ + sinnθ ] d. rn [cos"θ + isinn θ ]
15.If a = bx, b=cy and c = az, then
a. xyz = 1 b. xyz= 0 C. x+y+z = 1 d. xyz = abc
16.In any triangle ABC, cos A is equal to
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
b +c −a
a. b.
c + a −b c.
a+b −c d.
a +b + c
2 bc 2 ca 2 ab 2 abc
17. ∫ cosec ax dx dx is equal to]
cotax cotax
a. +c b. - +c c. cotax+ c d. - cotax+ c
a a
18.If a, b, c from an Arithmetic sequence, then
a. b2 = ac b. b2 ¿ ac c. b2 > ac d. None of the above
19.log am is equal to
a. log am b. Mloga c.log bb.log bm d. log ba.log m b
20. lim is equal to
θ→0 sinθ
a. 0 b. 1 c. a d. All of the above
21."He looked very scruffy, but he still got the job" means the same as
a. Despite he looked very scruffy but he still got the job
b. Despite his scruffy appearance, he got the job
c. Despite of his scruffy appearance, he got the job
d. Despite of the fact that he looked very scruffy, he got the job
22.In which quarter of the dictionary will you find the following words: picture, journey, kitchen, include
a. First and Fourth b.Third and Second c. Second and Thirdd. Second and Fourth
23.During heart attack, the blood flow to the heart is blocked and ............. cells of the heart muscles die of the lack of oxygen.
a. Consequently b. Incidentally c. Anyway d. All of the above
24.The underlined word in "Thomas Hardy is described as a very industrious writer" means
a. Sensible b. Pessimistic c. Diligent d. Successful
25.Patricia Hampl was born ....... 1946 ....... Minnesota and educated ........ University of Minnesota.
a. in, on, at b. in, in, on c. in, in, at d. in, at, on
26.I drank some........ coffee.
a. Good very Brazilian b. Brazilian very good c. Very good Brazilians d. Very Brazilian good
27.If I ...... a more reliable car, I ....... rather than fly.
a. Would have ........ would drive b. Had......... had driven
c.Had ............ would drive d. Would have had ............. would drive
28................ to Switzerland during the vacation.
a.All they are going b. They are all going
c. They all are going d. They are going all
29. We should use ........ time we have available to discuss Roma's proposal.
a. The little of b. The little c. The few d. Little
30."A laser beam is used penetrate even the hardest substances". The underlined word means......
a. Light up b. Repair c. Identify d. Pass through
31. We saw ......... in the wildlife reserve
a. Several kind of birds b. Several kind of bird c. Several kinds of birds d. Several kind of bird
32.The landscape can change abruptly after a rainstorm in the desert southwest
a. Quickly b. Sharply c. Favorably d. Slightly
33."Somebody is watching us" means the same as
a. We are been watching b. We were being watched
c. We are being watched d. We are watching somebody
34.I had a racing bike when bike when I was young, and........
a. My brother did so b. So did my brother
c. So my brother d. My brother did so too
35.In fact, mistranslation.... a great share of verbal errors
a. Accounts for b. Accounted for c. will accounted for d. Account for
36.If the price of oil........., people will drive less old.
a. Will increase b. Increase c. Increases ` d. Will be increased
37.I phoned my friend at home, but.........
a. There was no answers. b. There were no answer. c. There were no answers d. There was no answer.
38.It was .......... as we went into the room
a. Strange quiet b. Strange quietly c. Strangely quiet d. Strangely quietly
40............. they slept soundly.
a. Hot though the night air was b. Hot was as the night air
c. Although hot the night air was d. Hot though was the night air
41.Sound waves in air are always longitudinal because
a. Air is mixture of several glasses b. Air does not have a modulus of rigidity
c. The density of air is very small d. Of inherent characteristics of sound waves in all media
42.If an isolated conduction sphere is given a positive charge, its mass
a. Decreases b. Increases
c. Remains constant d. May increase or decrease depending on material
43. For a given temperature difference, which of the following pairs will generate maximum thermo-emf?
a. Antimony-Bismuth b. Silver-Gold c. Iron-Copper d. Lead-Nickel
44. If a hollow spherical conductor of radius 2m carries a charge of 500μC, then the electric field strength at its
surface is
a. Zero b. 1.125×106 N/C c. 2.25×106N/C d. 4.5×106N/C
45.The radius of first Bohr orbit of electron in hydrogen atom is
a. 5.3 Ȧ b. 0.53 Ȧ c. 53 Ȧ d. 0.53mm
46.What is the dimensional formula of impulse?
a. M°LT1 b. MLT-1 C. M-1L3T2 d. ML3T0
47.If the power of a heater is 1W and 1A of current is passed through it, then the resistance will be
a. 4.2 Ω b. 4200 Ω c. 10 Ω d. 0.1 Ω
48.If a spherical liquid drop of radius 'R' is divided into 8 equal droplets and its surface tensions is 'T', then work done
in the process will be
a. 2πR2т b. 3πR2Т c. 4πR2T d. 2πRТ2
49. Which mirror is used for shaving?
a. concave mirror b. Convex mirror c. Concave cylindrical mirror d. None of the above
50.A highly capacitive circuit has a power factor which is
a. Low b. High c. Zero d. Fluctuating
51.Tear gas is
a. Nitrous oxide b. Chloretone c.. Chloropicrin d. Chlorine
52.Among below which is reducing agent?
a. KMnO4 b. K2Cr207 C. 03 d. H2S
53.The product obtained by formaldehyde and Phenol is
a. Trioxane b. Locomotory organ c. Bakelite d. None of the above
54.Which is weak acid?
a. H2CO3 b.HCOOH c. H2C2O4 d. All of the above
55.4.4gm of gas occupies 2240 ml volume at NTP, what will be the molecular weight of that gas?
a. 22.4 b. 44 c. 32 d. 64
56.Which of the following molecule is sp3 hybridized?
a. NH3 b. CO2 C. CO d. N2
57.An acid found in soft drink is................
a. HCI b. HCOOH c. H2CO3 d. H3PO4
58.Which is synthetic polymer?
a. Polyester b. Rubber c. Cellulose d. Starch
59.Bauxite is an ore of
a. Al b. Na c. Fe d. Ag
60.Na2CO3 is
a. Basic b. Acidic c. Neutral d. None of the above
61.The main basis of classifications of protozoa is
a. Number of nuclei b. Locomotory organ c. Size d. Shape
62.Response of organism to stimulus of touch is called ......
a. Phototaxis b. Thermotaxis c. Hydrotaxis d. Thigmotaxis
63.Brown colour of the skin of earthworm is due to
a. Chromophils b. Haemoerythrin c. Maemoglobin d. Porphyrin
64.Body covering of Paramecium is
a. Pellicle b. Cuticle c. Plasmalemma d. Cell wall
65.Which of the following is the chief sources of water and soil pollution?
a. Agro-industry b. Mining c. Thermal power station d. All of the above
66.The largest national park is
a. Chitwan National Park b. Sagarmatha National Park
c. Makalu-Barun National Park d. SheyPhoksundo National Park
67.Study of shells, especially those of mollusks is known as vinummo
a. Biology b. Entomology c. Conchology d. Zoology
68.Which one is the nearest ancestor of modern human?
a. Pithecanthropus b. Sinanthropus c. Homo neanderthalensis d. Homo sapiens
69.The sexual phase of life-cycle of Plasmodium vivax is completed in
a. Blood of man b. Stomach of female Anopheles
c. Salivary glands of female Anopheles d. Body cavity of mosquito 70.Radula is present in
70. Radula is present in
a. Coelenterata b. Protozoa c. Mollusca d. Arthropoda
71.Replication of DNA occurs during dr
a. G1 Phase b. G2 Phase c. M Phase d. S Phase
72.The gametophyte of fern is called
a. Protonema b. Prothallus c. Tropophylls d. Sporophylls
73. Which of the following plant belongs to monocot class of angiosperms?
a. Oryza sativa b. Brassica campestris c. Pisum sativum d. Solanum nigrum
74.The main atmospheric layer near thesurface of earth is
a. Stratosphere b. Mesosphere c. Troposphere d. Ionosphere
75.Adenine is a kind of
a. Purine b. Pyrimidine c. Nucleotide d. Nucleoside
76.Potato plant belongs to the family
a. Brassicaceae b. Solanaceae c. Compositae d. Graminae
77.Lichens indicate
a. Air pollution b. Water pollution c. Soil pollution d. Noise pollution
78.Indirect cell division is called
a. Meiosis b. Mitosis c. Amitosis d. Cleavage
79.Pyramid of energy
a. Is always erect b. Is always inverted c. Is always spindle shaped d. Varies according to ecosystem
80.Scientific name of Rudrakshya is
a. Albizia procera b. Elaecarpussphaericus c. Terminalia tomentosa d. Betula utilis
81.Early wood is also called.......
a. Spring wood b. Summer wood c. Late wood d. None of the above
82.Use of wood preservative.......... of wood
a. Increases durability b. Decreases durability c. Decreases volume d. None of the above
83.While measuring diameter of tree by caliper, errors, if any, are
a. Always negative b. Always positive c. Both positive the negative d. None of the above
84.The table which shows volume of trees by diameter class and in each diameter class by height class is ........
a. General volume table b. Local volume table c. Biomass table d. All of the above
85.Watershed is defined based on
a. Land use characteristics b. Socioeconomic characteristics
c. Demographic characteristics d. Hydrological characteristics
86.Terracing promotes
a. Runoff b. Infiltration c. Erosion d. All of the above
87.Before the culmination of Mean Annual Increment (MAI), the Current Annual Increment (CAI) is
a. Equal to MAI b. Less than MAI c. Greater than MAI d. Always constant
88.Principle of transportation is
a. To maximize cost of transportation b. To deliver logs with significant loss of volume or deteriorate in quality
c. Both (A) and (B) d. None of the above
89. The species whose activity governs the wellbeing of several other species is called......... species.
a. keystone b. Flagship c. Buffer d. Umbrella
90.The scientific name of Grey Wolf isog
a. Partheratigristigris b. Neofelisnebulosa c. Canis lupus d. Uncia uncia
91. Which one of the following is a formal network of Community Forest User groups in Nepal?nolta risge2 d
a. Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal b. Community Forestry User Groups Nepal
c. Community Forestry Network Nepal d. Department of Forestry
92. Who is authorized to hand over national forest to the forest user group as community forest?
a. Chief District Officer (CDO) b. District Forest Officer (DFO) c. Department of forest d. Local Government
93.Eco-tourism in Nepal was introduced to
a. Promote sustainable tourism b. Protect natural resources
c . Generate job opportunities d. All of the above
94.Agrosilviculture is la ylives ybod
a. Growing trees only b. Growing trees and crops in combination
c.Growing crops only d. All of the above
95.Silvopastoral system is more common in
a. Terai b. Hills c. Middle Mountain d. High Mountain
96.Rotation through which a species retain satisfactory vigor of growth reproduction in a given site is
a. Physical rotation ` b. Silvicultural rotation c. Technical rotation d. All of the above
97.The main factor which determines the vetetation types of a site is
a. Altitude b. Latitude c. Longitude d. Magnitude
98.A vertical highway curve is usually a portion of which type of curve?
a. Parabola b. Circle c. Hyperbola d. Spiral
99. The span of the beam generally refers to
a. Life of the beam b .Faced wall c. Panel wall d. Load bearing wall
100.Wilt disease in Sissoo is caused by
a. Ganoderma lucidum b. Platypus biformis c. Fusarium solani al d. Fomesfostuosusballes

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