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Paragraph Writing

Writing a paragraph can be fairly easy if you think about it as simple format to follow. Usually, you will be
asked to write about a topic or to answer a question.
Types of Writing
Basically, it’s simple. Your job is to filter the details down to what it really important. It’s how teachers
measure your comprehension.
1) How did it start?
2) And then what happened?
3) And then what happened?
4) And then what happened?
5) How did it end?
Answering a Question

The process is the one you will experience the most. It is to answer a question you have been asked to answer.
The question you are asked to answer is the topic itself and an easy way to start your answer.
If ever you are stuck trying to start a paragraph to answer a question, use part of the Question as part of your
first sentence. This way your reader can understand what the topic is in your response.
Question: What is your favourite dessert?
Answer: My favourite dessert is _______. (Fill in the blank).
Information Writing
This is similar to what you would read in a text book. It provides information about a topic, starting with a
general introduction, and then describes different aspects/characteristics of the topic.
Normally, one sees the following:
1) Title
2) Sub-title. This provides a sense of the Main Idea of the essay.
3) Section headings. When going into further detail one will see a Title for each section followed by one
or a couple of paragraphs on this particular detail.
4) Pictures. You will see pictures with captions to help provide context and understanding about what the
words themselves are describing.
Your job here is to give the reader your understanding of the topic, and if required your opinion.
Opinion Writing
Here you are asked to give an opinion on a Topic. This type of writing requires you to provide your reasons for
the opinion, and not a typical student “I don’t know.” As you get older the expectation is you will support
opinions with reasons. As well, to develop a reason you need to back it up with some form of evidence to
support the reason.
You may not be aware of this, but in fact you are taking in data all the time and this is how you are developing
and arriving at your reasons.
Ideally, before you make a reflex Yes or No response, you should first think about the evidence you know
about the topic, then create your reasons and then form your opinion rather than the normal automatic
Example of the Process
Topic Writing
You have been given a topic to write about – Harry Potter stories; yes or no?
The Main Idea here is – did you like the Harry Potter stories?
Essay response will be: Yes, I do like them. No, I do not like them.
This is a large topic, so try to narrow it down using your memories of what you thought or felt as you read the
stories or watched the movies. (If you haven’t then I recommend them, they were fun.) Next, narrow this
down and think of specific chapters or scenes and your reactions to them. From there pick 2-3 ideas and write
them down on paper.
Template To Follow
Topic – Do you like the Harry Potter stories?
Ideas about this topic – magic, friendship, lessons learned
Specific Idea (magic):
1) Would be fun to try,
2) Is it possible?
3) Chocolate frogs that can jump around.
You should arrange your ideas so that they lead your reader through your ideas from weakest to strongest so
your conclusion will have some real impact.
Write it out in a sentence form. The sentences need to be full and complete. Noun, verb and object. Again, I’ve
taught you this.
Writing the paragraph
Introduce the topic, follow with one sentence per detail and if needed supporting evidence. This depends on
the paragraph you have been asked to write. Finally, conclude with a “clincher” sentence.
Introduction Sentence
This is to grab your readers attention to try to engage their brain to want to read more. Think of an ad that
gets your attention to pay attention.
“Did you read the Harry Potter books and just love them, well I did!
Body Sentences.
They need to connect in a way that leads the reader to the conclusion. Usually, the sentence will start with
what are called transition words or phrases. For example:
First, next, and then, further, as well, furthermore, one reason, finally, and in conclusion. Lots of choices here.
As well, consider using adjective (words to describe nouns … I’ve taught you this already!) to “spice up” your
It is important in an opinion writing essay to include two things:
1) Your reasoning for the opinion offered in the first sentence and
2) Supporting details/evidence/facts that lead you to your reasons.
For example, if you like the Harry Potter movies you could write:
“One reason I enjoy Harry Potter movies is that it shows the values and life lessons we can all learn to live our
lives by. For example, in the story Ron gets mad at Harry and Hermione but eventually he realises he was
mistaken and he goes back to his friends and rescues Harry from the bottom of a pond.”

The Clincher
This the sentence you have led your reader to in your paragraph, just like if you are walking though some thick
woods and finally get to your destination – a beautiful sunny meadow.
It must repeat the same Main Idea that your Introduction sentence has, but using slightly different wording.
One way to start the Clincher is to say, “As you can see …” and another handy technique is finishing your
sentence in the form of a question.
“So, as you can now see the harry potter books are the absolute best and if you have not read them, why not?”
Paragraph Example
“Did you read the Harry Potter books and just love them, well I did! “One reason I enjoy Harry Potter movies is
that it shows the values and life lessons we can all learn to live our lives by. For example, in the story Ron gets
mad at Harry and Hermione but eventually her realises he was mistaken and when coming back to them he
rescues Harry from the bottom of a pond.” As well, there is great food to eat; like did you ever see a chocolate
frog jump out a train window before? And finally, there are great quotes. Professor Dumbledor tells Harry -
“You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” “So, as you can
now see the harry potter books are the absolute best and if you have not read them, why not?”
Reread your essay, read it out loud to let your ears double check what you wrote. AND! Make sure your
finished essay fulfills the criteria of the assignment. For example, is it a 3-sentence, a 5-sentence or a 7-
sentence essay you are asked to write? Details count so marks are not deducted.
Ultimately, the best way to write a good paragraph is to practice writing them. The more you practice the
better you get. This is true in hockey or dance as well as with school work.

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