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Symbols Nacional of Peru


The cockade of Peru is a national emblem of Peruvians. The colors of

the ribbon are the same as those of your flag. It was established, along
with the flag and the coat of arms, by decree of Simón Bolívar on
February 25, 1825.
Currently there is no regulation that requires its use, although in some
institutions it is mandatory to wear it on the left side of the chest
throughout the month of July, in which the national holidays are
celebrated. It can also be worn by individuals during that month.
Originally made of fabric, however, today it is mostly used in the form of
a metal pin.
The fifth article of the Decree issued by Simón Bolívar, and endorsed by
his minister Hipólito Unánue on February 25, 1825, states the
following: "The cockade will be white and red,
national anthem

On September 17, 1821, a public contest was held to choose the

na�onal march. The chosen composi�on was the one created by José
Bernardo Alcedo in the music, the lyrics of José de la Torre Ugarte and
was adopted the same year of the call. In this program we tell you
what the whole history of his composi�on was and how he con�nues
to represent us today.

First flag of Peru (1821-1822)

This was the first official flag of Peru and was designed by General José de San Mar�n. The
officializa�on was made on October 21, 1821, by decree.
The design had two diagonal lines, which in turn form four triangles: two red on the sides and two
white ones above and below. In the center is the first coat of arms of the country, which was a
laurel in the shape of a circle that surrounded the sea, the mountains and the sun.
As you may have no�ced, cra�ing the above flag turned out to be quite complicated not only to
cra�, but also to reproduce.
To improve it, it was redesigned as follows. Three horizontal stripes: two red at the ends and a
white one in the middle, with a red sun in the center, ended up being the new design.
The officializa�on of this new flag, which maintained the red and white color, was on March 15,
1822, when José Bernardo de Tagle was the one who governed.
Third flag of Peru (1822-1825)
José Bernardo de Tagle, was the Marquis of Torre Tagle and Supreme Delegate in interim
replacement of José de San Mar�n and a�er modifying the flag he realized that it was confused
with the flag of Spain from afar or when the colors were wearing out.
The solu�on that De Tagle gave was to observe the flag and finally change the stripes to their
ver�cal shape.
The officializa�on of this new model Fourth flag of Peru (1825-today)
The last modifica�on was created by the law of the Cons�tuent Congress of February 25, 1825. The
overall design was maintained, this includes the colors (red and white) and the shape (ver�cal). The
only modifica�on that was made was to the shield. It was made on May 31, 1822.
coat of peru

The coat of arms of Peru is the official heraldic symbol of Peru, which is used by the
Peruvian State and other public ins�tu�ons of the country. In its current version, it was
approved by the Cons�tuent Congress in 18254 and ra�fied on March 31, 1950. The
fields of the coat of arms represent the natural resources of Peru: the vicuña
represents the animal kingdom; The cinchona tree represents the vegetable kingdom
and the cornucopia, the mineral kingdom. Crowns symbolize victory. The cinchona tree
became important in the years when malaria ravaged the Peruvian people and the
dust extracted from its bark was used to cure this disease.

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