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Kurdistan Regional Government-

Ministry of Higher Education and
Scientific Research
Soran University/ Faculty of Arts/
Department of English

Reading Comprehension Strategies For English Language


Prepared by: Supervised by:

Fakher Saeed Chiyayee Khorshed

2023 – 2024

Since reading is a crucial component of any educational program, improving reading

skills is essential and can be achieved with the use of useful analysis techniques. In
essence, reading comprehension methods can be defined as "a sophisticated scheme that
deftly balances the reader and the content, employing unique skills." Procedures are
particularly important for students who are fighting the hardest. Readers are able to
directly connect the information they are looking at with what they have already learned.

1. Skimming for the main points.

It is among the most basic techniques for anyone learning a dialect. When someone is
skimming, they are rapidly scanning the content to determine its main points.
Understudies have the advantage of being able to anticipate the purpose of the material,
the central idea, and supporting contemplations with the use of this method. Many
believe that skimming could be a haphazard strategy that follows the eyes wherever they
go. Nevertheless, there should be a framework in order to skim appropriately, but you
don't have to go over everything in detail. What you take off is more basic than what you
inspect. What texture do you then examine closely, and which do you eliminate? Assume,
for the moment, that you are working on an extensive chapter or website. You can get a
good idea of what information will be examined by carefully reading the first few pages.
You can start reading once you understand the direction of the examination, as it is the
first statement in each part. These serve as so-called point sentences, giving you an
overview of the subject. You will need to skim more if the subject sentence does not
make sense to you or if the material is a significant barrier to your understanding. Your
eyes must scroll down through the remainder of the text after each topic sentence to find
the essential details, like names, dates, or events. Drop down through the remaining
segments, keeping in mind that they were subject sentences, until you get close to the
end. Since the final few sections might feature an overview or conclusion, you should
stop there and give it a thorough read. Without a doubt, your general comprehension will
be less than if you read the material carefully. If, during the skimming process, you sense
that you are grasping the important points, then you are skimming accurately.
*When to skim

You shouldn't skim all the time because it is done quickly and with comprehension that is
below average. That being said, there are a number of situations in which skimming is
crucial. Assume you are enrolled in a presentation skills course and that you should pass
an oral report in a few days on the first computers ever created. At this time, you will find
six books and four articles in the daily paper. You don't have time to consider every word
because you need to be organized for a long time, but you do need a large amount of
reliable information. Skimming will help you find the information quickly while ensuring
that you make ethical use of your time. It will also increase the total amount of usable
cloth you receive for your investigation. Anticipate that you will have a test in a few
days. You don't have to go over everything again; you just need to review the texture you
learned. You can rapidly find the material you haven't mastered and take into
consideration because it's that cloth by skimming.

Ask yourself the following questions while you read to help you decide whether or not to
skim: If you said "yes" to any of them, then skimming could be a useful tool for you.

Is this texture considered non-fiction?

Since it was a brief period of time, do I have a section to study?

Do I currently know anything about this?

Is it possible to skip any of the textures?

If you believe you already have enough information on the establishment or that you
don't need the information, then don't bother. Ignoring texture could be the most
productive use of your time going forward. Reasonable: Just because someone wrote
something doesn't mean it's not worth looking at. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how
much information you can quickly absorb if you choose carefully what to skim and what
to ignore.
2. Construct the aim (purpose) of reading.

Examining deliberately helps students understand what they are looking for, helps them
filter out potentially misleading material, and speeds up the process of looking. Often,
while beginning any kind of examination these days, it is essential to establish a purpose.
What is the purpose of your browsing? Is it to check the time for a moving photo or a
number in the phone book? Perhaps the goal is to distill a short story's main idea or to
show how a character develops throughout the course of a novel. Whatever the case, the
explanation is based on what you, the reader, believe you will accomplish by the end of
the examination. Without a purpose, it is possible to lose track of your thoughts and
finish an examination without ever understanding what you have actually read. Without a
doubt, the key is to work more brilliantly rather than harder. Understanding the purpose
of your investigation allows you to locate the solution you're looking for with the least
amount of fuss and complaint.

These are some pointers that you should think about before, during, and after reading a

Before Reading:
What information do I currently have about the subject?
What knowledge can I expect to gain?
To find out what I will be learning, I will quickly skim the book.
While Reading:
Take a moment while reading to consider what you have read fairly. Try to relate it to
something you already know.
Do I comprehend the material I just read?
Any queries, unfamiliar terms, or remarks you would like to express about the content
should have a sticky note placed next to them.
After Reading:
Go back over any parts that you found unclear.
Review the notes on your sticky note.
Mentally summarize what you have just read.
3 . Scanning text for specific information.

It is the extra important strategy that a language student has to become proficient in.
Scanning is the quick search within a text for particular information, like names, dates,
locations, and explanations of important terms. Reading for specific information is
knowing what information or what kind of information you're seeking for, figuring out
where to get it, and then closely reading the pertinent passage to gain a comprehensive
understanding. searching a text to determine whether information is contained within
might occasionally entail searching for specific information as well. Once the information
you require has been identified, it is useful to ascertain which section of the text contains
it. Both headings and reading for the gist can be helpful in this. The primary reading
technique used is scanning. This entails skimming the text fast, avoiding unfamiliar
jargon, and concentrating only on the most important words, phrases, and concepts. You
should be able to locate the precise information by scanning. Then, to properly
comprehend that section, read it again with greater attention.

Methods for Scanning

1 Perform a keyword search by jumping around the text and searching each one at a time.

2 Quickly skim the paragraphs until you locate the term you're looking for

3 Carefully consider the surrounding content and determine whether you've found what
you need.

4 . Guessing.

One of the most valuable talents that students may learn and utilize both inside and
outside of the classroom is assuming from context. What's more, it is a skill that is
reasonably simple to teach and practice.
Contextual guessing is the process of deducing meaning from context in order to
understand a text you are reading. Through contextual guessing, readers are able to
recognize key terms while reading and in fact infer semantic relationships between
words. Contextual guessing involves giving students instructions on how to highlight
words they are unsure of without consulting a dictionary, how to infer the general
meaning from context, how to avoid using words they are unsure of, and how to
concentrate on words that are cognates, roots, prefixes, and suffixes when reading aloud.

This tactic encompasses a wide variety of steps. It could be necessary for students to be
able to speculate about many parts of the text:

* word meaning
* grammatical connection
* conversation rapport
* hidden meaning
* cultural connections
* semantic content

When reading is done this way, it takes on the form of a guessing game, and students do
best when they grasp this concept as soon as possible. Students require a lot of proper
practice in order to become more successful and accurate guessers.


In summary, developing reading comprehension abilities is essential for English-dialect

learners to achieve academic and professional success. Understudies can improve their
comprehension of written materials and advance their overall dialect proficiency by
consistently applying the above-discussed strategies. Remembering that mastery of these
abilities requires time and effort means that persistence and dedication are essential to
achieving success in reading comprehension.


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