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Evaluation of the Efficacy of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor in

Removal of Colour and Reduction of COD in Real Textile Wastewater

Article in Bioresource Technology · July 2008

DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2007.07.024 · Source: PubMed


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Somasiri Wijetunga
University of Ruhuna


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Evaluation of the efficacy of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor
in removal of colour and reduction of COD in real textile wastewater
Wijetunga Somasiri , Xiu-Fen Li b, Wen-Quan Ruan b, Chen Jian b

Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka
Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology, Southern Yangtze University, 170 Huihe Road, Wuxi 214036, PR China

Received 5 May 2007; received in revised form 11 July 2007; accepted 13 July 2007
Available online 24 August 2007


The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was evaluated for its efficacy in decolourization and reduction in chemical oxy-
gen demand (COD) of real textile wastewater (RTW) under different operational conditions. The efficiency of UASB reactor in reducing
COD was found to be over 90%. Over 92% of colour removal due to biodegradation was achieved. The activities of the anaerobic gran-
ules were not affected during the treatment of textile wastewater. Cocci-shaped bacteria were the dominant group over Methanothrix like
bacteria in textile wastewater treatment. Alkalinity, volatile fatty acids (VFA) content and pH in effluents indicated that the anaerobic
process was not inhibited by textile wastewater. It is concluded that UASB reactor system can effectively be used in the treatment of
textile wastewater for the removal of colour and in the reduction of COD.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Anaerobic treatment; Decolourization; Degradation; Textile wastewater; UASB reactor

1. Introduction which seriously affects the aesthetic quality, water transpar-

ency and dissolved oxygen concentration in water bodies,
The textile industry which is one of the largest water resulting in deterioration of aquatic environment.
consumers in the world, discharges wastewater containing Various types of dyes are used in the textile industry to
various pollutants such as degradable organics, colours, obtain the required colours and the shades of fabrics. As a
nutrients, pH altering agents, salts, sulfur, toxicants and result, different types of new dyes are being invented and
refractory organics (Wouter et al., 1998). These pollutants produced. Many of these dyes are very resistant to natural
are formed during various stages of the textile manufactur- degradation processes. Dyes can be classified on their
ing process, namely singeing, desizing, scouring, bleaching, chemical structure (Azo, Anthraquinone, Azine, Xanthene,
mercerizing, dying, printing and finishing. Depending on Nitro, Phthalocyanine, etc.) or application methods used in
the final products, textile factories follow all or several of the dyeing process (Acid, Basic, Direct, Reactive, etc) (Cli-
above stages of the production process. ona et al., 1999). To acquire the target colour, a mixtures of
The main aspects associated with the treatment of textile different dyes belonging to different chromogenic groups
wastewater are the removal of emerged colour from unfixed are used in the dyeing process, making the treatment of dis-
dyes and the removal of degradable organics. The presence charged textile wastewater a difficult task (Cliona et al.,
of very small amounts of dyes in water is highly visible 1999; André et al., 2005). Out of more than one million
tons of dyes produced, 280,000 tons are believed to be
Corresponding author. Tel.: +94 41 2229147; fax: +94 41 2292384.
annually discharged directly into wastewater, worldwide
E-mail addresses:, (Hao et al., 2000; Robert and Sanjeev, 2005). Therefore,
(W. Somasiri). the severity of the problem related to textile wastewater
treatment is widely recognized and immediate remedial trant compounds (Harada et al., 1996; Donlon et al., 1997;
measures are required to tackle the problem. Van Lier et al., 2001; Jantsch et al., 2002).
Different methods of wastewater treatment developed so Most of the studies on decolourization of textile waste-
far have been evaluated for possible application in the water under anaerobic process have been carried out with
treatment of textile wastewater to remove colour and bio- synthetic textile wastewaters (Wouter et al., 1998; O’Neill
degradable organics. Even though good colour removal et al., 2000; Pearce et al., 2003; Allègre et al., 2006). Studies
was possible by advanced oxidation processes such as with with RTW under different anaerobic reactors have not
Fenton’s regent (H2O2 and Fe2+), H2O2 and ozonation, been adequately reported. It is very difficult experimentally
their operational costs and sludge generations are high to simulate all the components in RTW. The best option is
(Stanislaw et al., 2001; Marco and José, 2007; André the use of RTW as it will show the real situation inside the
et al., 2007). Coagulation and flocculation using lime, reactor in the treatment of textile wastewater. Therefore,
alum, polyelectrolyte, and ferrous salts produce large the primary objective of this study was to evaluate the
amounts of sludge imposing handling and disposal prob- UASB reactor in terms of its efficiency in removing colour
lems. The adsorption of dyes using activated carbon and and COD in the treatment of RTW. Furthermore, the reac-
other adsorbents are very expensive and requires pretreat- tor process stability and morphological changes of
ments. Reverse osmosis, which is shown to be effective, microbes were also monitored.
needs high-pressure and thus increases energy consump-
tion. Membrane filtration methods such as nano-filtration 2. Methods
and ultra-filtrations are effective. However, operational
costs and concentrated sludge loads are high (Allègre 2.1. Digester configurations
et al., 2006; André et al., 2007). The photochemical oxida-
tion of dyes using UV with oxidation agents like catalyses, A laboratory scale UASB reactor was used in the study.
H2O2 are also not economically viable and forms harmful The effective volume of the reactor was 1.25 l (230 mm
by-products (Muruganandham and Swaminathan, 2004; height · 84 mm internal diameter). The flow distributor
André et al., 2007). was placed at the bottom of the reactor to distribute influ-
Electrochemical oxidation is a feasible technique due to ents evenly from the bottom. The solid–gas–liquid separa-
non toxic by products and higher color removal rates. tor was also kept in the upper part of the reactor to prevent
However, high energy costs limit its application for the tex- the loss of granules from the reactor and for easy release of
tile wastewater treatment (Mohan et al., 2007; André et al., the gas produced by anaerobic digestion. A peristaltic
2007). pump with a constant discharge flow was used to pump
The biological methods in the textile wastewater treat- the substrate into the reactor. The reactor was operated
ment seem to be a cost effective alternative to the phys- at 35 ± 3 C in a temperature controlled room.
ico-chemical and photochemical methods which have
various limitations. Different biological treatment meth- 2.2. Additional nutrients
ods involving various microorganisms have been
employed for the possible application for the treatment The synthetic wastewater (SWW) was used for the reac-
of textile wastewater. Although single bacterial and fun- tor startup and it was prepared according to Ergüder et al.
gal strains are effective in treatment of textile wastewater, (2003) with minor modifications. Synthetic wastewater
especially for color removal, maintaining of single cul- composed of macro and micronutrients, and carbon
tures in field application and the inability of degrading sources essential for microbial growth. The composition
all different dyes are the drawbacks for its commercial of nutrient medium used for the SWW preparation were
adoption (Pearce et al., 2003; André et al., 2007). Aero- (mg/l): NH4Cl (1200), MgSO4 Æ 7H2O (400), KCl (400),
bic biological methods are ineffective in textile wastewa- CaCl2 Æ 4H2O (50), (NH)2HPO4 (170), FeCl2 Æ 4H2O (40),
ter treatment since poor or no color removal has been CoCl2 Æ 6H2O (10), KI (10), MnCl2 Æ 4H2O (0.5),
obtained for most of the dyes, especially azo dyes. CuCl2 Æ 2H2O (0.5), ZnCl2 (0.5), AlCl3 Æ 6H2O (0.5),
Anaerobic and anaerobic/aerobic processes have been Na2MoO4 Æ 2H2O (0.5), H3BO3 (0.5), NiCl2 Æ 6H2O (0.5),
shown as effective methods in removing colour and NaWO4 Æ 2H2O (0.5), Na2SeO3 (0.5), NaHCO3 (3000).
organic loads in textile wastewater (Wouter et al., 1998; Chemical oxygen demand of SWW was adjusted with glu-
Frank et al., 2001; Rui et al., 2001; Sponza and Isik, cose when required. Macro, micro, buffering solution and
2002; Manu and Sanjeev, 2003; Pearce et al., 2003; Mén- carbon source were prepared, separately, once every six
dez-Paz et al., 2005; Ilgi and Rukiye, 2006; Mustafa and days and stored below 4 C to prevent premature degrada-
Delia, 2006; André et al., 2007; Nilsson et al., 2006; Anj- tion, and diluted as required when necessary.
ali et al., 2007).
Among the different anaerobic reactors, UASB reactor 2.3. Analytical methods
has found to be more resistant to toxic compounds present
in wastewater and appears to be highly suitable for the Total alkalinity, pH, total suspended solids (TSS), total
treatment of wastewater containing xenobiotic and recalci- volatile suspended solids (TVSS) and total phosphorus
were determined according to the procedures outlined in by immersing in graded series of ethanol, critical-point
standard methods (APHA, 1985). Chemical oxygen dried, sputter-coated with gold–palladium and scanned
demand was determined spectrometrically by 5B-1 Quick by scanning electron microscope (Quanta 200, AFEI Co.,
COD analyzer (The LianHua Environmental Instrument Holland).
Institute, Langzhou, PR China). Volatile fatty acid content
as acetic acid in effluents was determined by titration 2.5. Methanogenic activity of granules
method recommended by Buchauer (1998). The colour of
influent and effluent was determined spectrophotometri- Specific methanogenic activity (SMA) of granules was
cally by UV–visible spectrometer (Shimadzu UV-2450). carried out in 250 ml flasks. The granules were incubated
The samples were filtered by micro fiber filter and centri- three days to remove residual substrates, then washed with
fuged at 7000 rpm for 10 min prior to absorbance measure- phosphate buffer solution (1.28 g Na2HPO4/l and 0.42 g
ments (Rui et al., 2001; Méndez-Paz et al., 2005). Colour NaH2PO4/l) in order to remove additional residual sub-
removal was determined based on the maximum absor- strates and, used for the activity test (Brás et al., 2005).
bance of UV visible spectrum using The granule samples of 2.2 g in volatile suspended solids
A i  Ae were transferred to flasks containing nutrient medium and
Colour removal ð%Þ ¼  100; ð1Þ incubated without agitation further 12 h at 35 ± 3 C in a
dark room. Then, glucose solution was added (3000 mg/l
where Ai is absorbance in influents and Ae is absorbance in as COD) and flushed with N2 for 5 min and incubated at
effluents. 35 ± 3 C. The gas produced was measured at 1 h intervals
by liquid displacement method using Mariotti flask con-
2.4. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images taining 5% (w/v) NaOH solution (Ghangrekar et al.,
1996). After each gas measurement, the flasks were manu-
The scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images were ally shaken. Specific methanogenic activity of granules was
observed in granules before and after treatment to find determined by taking the slope of the graph drawn by
out the changes of microbial community in granules. The methane production (cumulative) against time and
granules were washed three times in a 0.1 M phosphate expressed as CH4 L/g-VSS d.
buffer at pH 7.2 and then fixed with a mixture of 1% glutar-
aldehyde and 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1% phosphate 2.6. Reactor startup
buffer at pH 7.2. Fixed granules were sliced in the phos-
phate buffer solution exposing its interior. Post fixed was The reactor was seeded up to 1/3 of its height, with
carried out with OsO4 and washed, dehydrated stepwise anaerobic granular sludge obtained from another reactor

Table 1
Experimental stages of the RTW treatment
Stage No of Feed composition Remarks
I 20 Only synthetic wastewater was used. COD in synthetic Reactor startup period. UASB reactors operate well with high
wastewater was increased up to 6000 mg/l from 2000 mg/l strength wastewaters. The reactor instability can also be easily
monitored at high COD loads
II 18 RTW was diluted to 50% with synthetic wastewater. The final Stepwise increases of toxicity compounds are essential in anaerobic
COD level was maintained at 6000 mg/l reactors in order to acclimatize microbes to toxic compounds. Other
nutrients were provided to acclimatize of microbes for recalcitrant
compounds in RTW. COD in RTW were low; therefore, it is
essential to have additional carbon sources for the growth of
III 16 Increased the RTW concentration up to 75% and remaining The stepwise increase of recalcitrant compound containing
25% was synthetic wastewater wastewater is essential for the acclimatization of microbes to new
IV 18 Only RTW was fed, however, macro and micronutrients, The additional nutrients and carbon sources are required for proper
buffering agents, and carbon sources were added. Final COD acclimatization of microbes to the new environment
was 6000 mg/l
V 15 Same as stage IV, except micro nutrients were not added Since RTW contains other compounds (Table 1), micronutrients
were not provided to monitor the effect of micronutrients on reactor
VI 14 Same as stage IV, except buffering agents, micro and macro At this stage, reactor performance can be monitored without
nutrients were not added providing additional nutrients and buffering agents
VII 15 Only RTW was used. Final COD was reduced to 2000 mg/l. Reactor performance can be monitored with a low COD RTW
None of the macro and micronutrients or buffering agents
were added
running with SWW. Total suspended solids and TVSS 3. Results and discussion
of granules were 103.24 g/l and 85.80 g/l, respectively.
Initially, the reactor was fed with SWW having 3.1. Reactor performance at startup
2000 mg/l COD. Later, COD was increased stepwise,
up to 6000 mg/l. After reactor reached a steady state, The reactor performance at start up period is shown in
achieving more than 90% COD removal, RTW was Table 2. It operated well during the start up period. Chem-
introduced. ical oxygen demand removal was over 97% and VFA and
alkalinity values were within the recommended values for
2.7. Textile wastewater anaerobic digestion process (Speece, 1996). The pH of
effluents (7.6 ± 0.1) indicated an active metabolism of
Real textile wastewater collected from a textile factory methanogens.
(Pacific Group, Wuxi, PR China) was used for the study.
The composition of RTW varied widely due to the variety 3.2. COD removal efficiency under different operating
of recipes, techniques, machinery, raw materials, and fab- conditions
rics used in the production processes of the factory. The
collection of representative (homogeneous) samples was Chemical oxygen demand in RTW used in this study
difficult for the study, as required. Therefore, RTW was was comparable with other reported values (Olcay et al.,
collected on three days per week, mixed together, stored 1996; S
ß en and Demirer, 2003; Ilgi and Sabiha, 2005). How-
at 4 C and used for the study. The characteristics of ever, high COD levels in RTW have also been observed
RTW used for the study were (mg/l): COD (832 ± 52), (Wouter et al., 1998; Sopa et al., 2000). Mustafa and Delia
TOC (327 ± 22), alkalinity as CaCO3 (583 ± 45), total N (2004) found that, in some instances, COD was less than
(99 ± 18), total P(325 ± 21), TSS (525 ± 45), TVSS 500 mg/l. It seems that COD of textile effluents are chang-
(460 ± 54), Na (1360 ± 111), K (123 ± 9.5), Ca ing with the types of textile produced and the types of pro-
(275 ± 18), Al (169 ± 14), Fe (18.04 ± 1.3), Mg cesses followed in the production process. Chemical oxygen
(28.4 ± 3). The pH and true colour (absorbance at demand removal in all experimental stages was over 97%
580 nm) were 9.2 ± 0.2 and 35.1 ± 4.2 cm/m, respectively. except stage VII where COD removal was 90%. Low
Heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cd and Ni) were found in less than COD removal in stage VII was merely due to the low
1 mg/l concentration. COD in effluents. The effluent COD in all stages was
almost constant (200 mg/l) and influent COD in all
2.8. Experimental procedure stages, except for stage VII was 6000 mg/l. Therefore,
as a percentage, COD removal was low in stage VII. The
All the experiments were carried out under the steady higher COD removal can be expected when the anaerobic
state conditions of UASB reactor. The length of each phase granular sludge having high microbial activity is used in
of the steady state was based on the stability of the biore- the reactor (André et al., 2007). The effluent COD was
actor. The flow rate and hydraulic retention time (HRT) 78 mg/l without RTW at the end of the startup period
during operation period was set at 1.8 l/h and 24 h, respec- of the experiment (Table 2). However it increased in the
tively. The investigation was carried out in seven experi- study with RTW indicating that the effluents contained
mental stages including reactor startup. The details of non-degradable organics.
each stage are shown in Table 1.
3.3. Colour removal efficiency under different operating
2.9. Measurements conditions

Chemical oxygen demand, colour and pH in influents Colour removal in all experimental stages were over
and effluents were determined once in two days. The alka- 92%, and it can be seen that the effluent residual colour
linity and VFA content were measured twice during each (absorbance at 580 nm) was almost constant (0.02) dur-
stage. The first reading was taken two days after the reactor ing study period (Fig. 1). The observed colour removals
was shifted to new stage. Second reading was obtained just were comparatively higher than the values reported by
before shifting the reactor to new stage. Mustafa and Delia (2004). They observed 55% of colour

Table 2
Reactor performance during startup
Period No of days Influent COD (mg/l) Effluent COD (mg/l) COD removal (%) Alkalinity (mg/l) VFA (mg/l)
1 5 2013 (±88) 66 (±25) 97 1403 (±25) 48 (±8)
2 8 3963 (±18) 60 (±8) 98 1439 (±120) 55 (±13)
3 7 6063 (±442) 84 (±9) 99 1407 (±110) 78 (±8)
0.40 100 Table 3
Comparison of colour in treated effluents with consent standards
0.35 Colour wavelength Absorbance
Residual Colour at 580 nm

Typical permissible Treated RTW

Colour Removal (%)

80 coloura effluent
0.25 400 0.115 0.097
70 450 0.085 0.053
500 0.065 0.034
60 550 0.055 0.024
600 0.040 0.017
50 650 0.028 0.011
700 0.013 0.007
0.05 40 a
Cliona et al. (1999).

0.00 30
phenomenon was not observed in this study and colour
Experimental Stages
removal was stable.
Influent-Ab Effluent-Ab Colour Removal The typical colour consent standards were formulated in
Fig. 1. Influent and effluent absorbance (at 580 nm) and colour removal at most of the countries to regulate the colour in discharged
different experimental stages. effluents in various industries (Cliona et al., 1999). The
treated effluent colour of RTW was compared with these
permissible values (Table 3). It is clear that the effluent
removal at 55 HRT in RTW treatment with UASB reactor. from the UASB reactor can be released to the environment
The colour removal was 81–96% in the treatment of acid since its absorbance values were much lower than that of
dying textile wastewater in laboratory scale UASB reactor colour consent values recommended.
at 17 HRT (Mustafa and Delia, 2006). Even following a
similar production process, RTW vary in composition 3.4. Colour removal mechanisms
due to the use of different types of dyes belonging to differ-
ent chemical groups. The textile factory at which RTW was The UV–visible spectra in influents and effluents were
taken used about 50–60 different types of dyes in different taken to identify the spectral changes. The spectrum
colours. Therefore, it was extremely difficult to find the changes in effluents provide the evidences of degradation
types of dyes used on the day of textile wastewater of dye molecules (Manu and Sanjeev, 2003; Rui et al.,
collection. 2001; Robert and Sanjeev, 2005). When colour removal is
The main reasons for different colour removal values in attributed to biodegradation, the new peak will appear in
different studies may be due to the types of dyes, microbes effluents or peaks in influents will completely be disap-
used and the process parameters used in the reactor. Mus- peared in effluents (Kuo-Cheng et al., 2003). The major
tafa and Delia (2004) have used partially granulated absorbance peak in influents was observed at 580 nm.
sludge, while totally granulated sludge was used in this However, no absorbance peaks were observed at
study. The inclusion of an additional carbon source as a 580 nm in effluent spectrum and it confirmed that the
co-substrate (Tapioca) has increased the decolourization colour removal was attributed to biodegradation. The
efficiency up to 70% in RTW treatment by UASB systems colour of RTW was formed by different kind of dyes with
(Sopa et al., 2000). In this study, the readily biodegradable different composition. Based on the findings of Cliona et al.
carbon source (glucose) might have increased the metabolic (1999); red, yellow, blue and black dyes may have contri-
activities of granules and thereby the decolourization. buted much more than other dyes in RTW used in this
Moreover, the low influent colour of RTW may also have study.
affected the decolourization process. The observed colour
in RTW was comparatively lower than the reported values. 3.5. Alkalinity, VFA and pH of effluents under different
Most probably, the degree of colour in RTW was decided operating conditions
by types of dyes and the types of production processes
involved. The reappearance of original colour after anaer- The alkalinity required for buffering of textile wastewa-
obic treatment of simulated textile wastewaters has been ter adversely affects the economical feasibility of the anaer-
reported and it is basically due to the presence of azo dyes obic treatment. In addition, the alkalinity of textile
(Knapp and Newby, 1995). In the anaerobic decolouriza- wastewater increases the alkalinity in the reactor. Mustafa
tion process, azo bond (–N@N–) which is responsible for and Delia (2005) reported that alkalinity 3000 mg/l as
the colour is broken down and relevant amines are pro- CaCO3 was sufficient to provide required buffering capacity
duced. Some of the amines are auto oxidized and original to treat simulated textile wastewater. Therefore, NaHCO3
compounds are formed giving the original colour when was used at the concentration of 3000 mg/ as a buffering
they are exposed to air (Frank et al., 2001). However, this agent at the beginning of the experiment.
The alkalinity was over 2000 mg/l during early stages of genic and acetogenic bacterial activities were utilized imme-
the experiment (Stages II, III, IV and V) at which NaHCO3 diately and converted to methane by methanogens.
was used as a buffering agent (Fig. 2). In the last two stages Moreover, it is interesting to note that, though buffering
of the experiment, the alkalinity was reduced to less than agents were not used during stages VI and VII, effluent
1920 mg/l without buffering agents. Volatile fatty acid pH was the same as during other stages, indicating the pos-
contents in effluents in all experimental stages were below sibility of avoiding the use of expensive buffering agents for
130 mg/l, and in the later two experimental stages, it the anaerobic process in textile wastewater treatment
slightly increased showing the inability of consumption of (Fig. 3). The reduction of pH by acidifying bacteria in
all VFA produced by acetogenic microbes. However, the anaerobic systems is an additional advantage to make a
observed VFA concentration was less than the critical lim- favorable growing environment for methanogens, which
its (250 mg/l as acetic acid) where an anaerobic reactor can perform decolourization processes effectively. The
shows process instability (Speece, 1996). It is noteworthy acidifying bacteria are more tolerant to pH fluctuations
that even without providing an additional buffering agent and could lower the pH of alkaline influents by producing
in the influent; the alkalinity, VFA and pH were well within carbon dioxide and acids such as formic, acetic, etc (Wou-
desirable values for anaerobic digestion (Fig. 2). This is an ter et al., 1998).
added advantage for the anaerobic process. The best oper-
ation of anaerobic reactors can be expected when the pH is 3.6. Activities of granules before and after investigation
maintained near neutrality (Rajeshwari et al., 2000). Under
these conditions, H2 and acetic acid formed due to acido- The SMA is a very important parameter to monitor the
activities of granules in different operational conditions.
The SMA at the beginning and end of the study were
3000 150 134.57 and 132.88 ml-CH4/g-VSS d, respectively, indicat-
140 ing no considerable changes of the activity. At the same
2500 time, the minor reduction of TSS and TVSS were also
observed from 102.70 and 84.70 g/l at the beginning of
Alkalinity (mg/L)

120 the study to 100.32 and 82.35 g/l at the end of the study,
VFA (mg/L)

110 respectively. These figures suggest that there were no

severely harmful effects on activity of the microbes in the
1500 100
anaerobic granules.
1000 3.7. Bio-faces of granules in UASB reactor before and after
treatment of textile wastewaters
60 Morphological changes of microorganisms were
0 50 observed in granules before and after treatment of textile
II III IV V VI VII wastewaters. In general, Methanothrix like bacteria are
Experimental Stages the dominant group in anaerobic granules in UASB reac-
Alkalinity VFA tors (Li et al., 1995). In this study, before treatment it
was seen that Methanothrix like bacteria were the domi-
Fig. 2. Alkalinity and VFA at different experimental stages.
nant group. However, they were reduced in number and
the cocci-shape microorganisms increased in numbers after
treatment of textile wastewater. In the course of operation
9.5 of the reactor, morphological changes of microbes can be
9.0 expected since more resistant microbes to chemical com-
8.5 pounds present in textile wastewater can multiply and grow
8.0 better than susceptible microbes in granules.
7.5 There are different groups of bacteria belonging to dif-

7.0 ferent shapes in anaerobic granules. According to Michael

6.5 (2003), methanogens could be present as rod, curved, spiral
and coccus or spherical forms, and their growth pattern
may be irregular clusters or filamenous chains. After the
treatment of textile wastewater it was found that dominant
microorganism group in granules composed mainly of
cocci- shaped organisms. It appears that cocci-shaped bac-
Experimental Stages
teria have dominantly been involved in the decolourization
Influent Effluent
process. Similar observations have been reported by Soon-
Fig. 3. pH in influents and effluents. An et al. (2005) in their study with UASB reactor for the
decolourization of simulated textile wastewater containing Ergüder, T.H., Güven, E., Demirer, G.N., 2003. The inhibitory effects of
azo dye, Orange II. Real textile wastewater apparently con- lindane in batch and upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors.
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conditions. Water Sci. Technol. 34 (5–6), 421–428.
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water, the best option is to mix RTW with municipal or industrial effluent containing a diazo-linked chromophore. War. Res.
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Finally, it can be concluded that UASB system can effec- Kuo-Cheng, C., Jane-Yii, W., Dar-Jen, L., Sz-Chwun, J.H., 2003.
Decolorization of the textile dyes by newly isolated bacterial strains.
tively be used for the colour and COD removals of RTW J. Biotechnol. 101, 57–68.
as a promising technological process over other methods. Li, Y.Y., Fang, H.H.P., Chui, H.K., Chen, T., 1995. UASB treatment of
However, bench scale studies with different anaerobic wastewater with concentrated benzoate. J. Environ. Eng. 121 (10),
microbial granules, RTW and operation conditions are 748–751.
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