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Bryan : Oh. . .my God!

Enzy : What's going on?

Bryan : I (1). to bring my English book today. Oh no! I will be in trouble!

Enzy : Don't worry! Mr. Nopri will (2). But you must tell the truth.

Bryan : Really?

Enzy : Yes. I'm a hundred percent sure! But, next time you (3). always bring



Bryan : I will.


Sherly : Hi, Benny. Welcome to my house. (4). !

Benny : Thank you. Wow. . .this is a nice house!

Sherly : Don't mention it! Well, actually I need you (5). . I'm confused what

colour paint is suitable for my room.

Benny : Hmm. . .I think Korean style ia the best choice. You (6). apply natural

colour such as nude or woody colour. It will make your room looks clean and


Sherly : That's a good idea. I like simplicity.

An hour later.
Benny : I just remembered that I have a lot of homework. I (7). go home


Sherly : OK. Do you want me to take you home?

Benny : I (8). your bicycle is broken.

Sherly : Yeah. . .but there is my brother’s motorbike.

Benny : What? you aren't 17 yet? You (9). ride a motorbike by yourself


you (10). have driving license.

Sherly : Yeah. . .you are right, Benny.

Benny : Okay. Don't worry. I (11). take a bus.

Sherly : OK. Take care.


Windy : Hi, Lisa. What's up? You look pale. Are you okay?

Lisa : Not really. Actually, I (12). a headache. It really hurts.

Windy : I am sorry to heard that. Have you taken any medicine?

Lisa : Yes, I have. But, the pain (13). gone away.

Windy : Why, don't you go to the doctor, then?

Lisa : I want to. But, we have an English lesson about an hour. There is a test on


Windy : I see. I think you (14). tell Mrs. Devi that you won't be able to


the test and would like to have a make up test another day.

Lisa : Okay. Do you think Mrs. Devi will give her permission?

Windy : Well, you'd better talk to her as soon as possible.

Lisa : Okay. Thank you for your suggestion.

Windy : Lisa, (15). you like me to accompany you to see Mrs. Lisa?

Lisa : That would be lovely. Thank you

Windy : That's my pleasure.

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