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EDU 803: ICT in Education

Course Contents
1. Concepts of ICT
2. Characteristics, benefits and challenges of ICT in Education
3. ICT in Everyday Life
4. Computer and File Management
5. Application Software-Use of Microsoft Word
6. Presentation Software-Microsoft PowerPoint
7. Identify the types and functions of Software
8. Internet – Email – Google Form
Concepts of ICT
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) refers to technologies that provide
access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information
Technology (IT) but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the
Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums. Information
and communication technologies (ICT) have provided society with a vast array of new
communication capabilities. For example, people can communicate in real-time with
others in different countries using technologies such as instant messaging, voice over IP
(VoIP), and video-conferencing. Social networking websites like Facebook allow users
from all over the world to remain in contact and communicate on a regular basis.

According to (Sukanta, 2012), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are

referred to as varied collection of technological gear and resources which are made use of
to communicate. They are also made use to generate distribute, collect and administer
information. ICTs is a generic term referring to technologies that are used for collecting,
storing, editing and passing on (Communicating) Information in various forms.’ The
above definition separates distinct fields of ICTs and the same time links them together
so as to operate as an entity (Lina et al., 2011). (ICT) Since Existence has been the key
tool for development in many different ways in the whole world. Students interactions in
digital learning environments are distributed over time and space, and many aspects of
eLearning phenomenon cannot be investigated using traditional research approaches at
the same time, the possibility to collect digital data students’ online interactions and
learning opens a range of new opportunities to use ICT as research tool and apply new
research approaches (Kudishora, 2009).
Characteristics of ICT in Education:
1. Interactive Learning: ICT tools allow for more interactive and engaging learning
experiences through multimedia content, simulations, and virtual reality, enabling
students to grasp complex concepts effectively.
2. Access to Information: The internet provides access to a vast amount of
information, enabling students and educators to access up-to-date and diverse
resources, including e-books, research papers, and educational videos.

3. Personalization: ICT allows for personalized learning experiences by tailoring
content and assessments to individual student needs and learning styles.
4. Collaboration: ICT facilitates collaborative learning by enabling students and
teachers to communicate, share ideas, and work together in real-time, regardless of
their physical locations.
5. Distance Learning: ICT enables remote learning, making education accessible to
students in rural areas or those unable to attend physical classrooms due to various
Benefits of ICT in Education:
1. Improved Learning Outcomes
2. Enhancing Teaching Methods
3. Access to Global Knowledge
4. Flexibility and Convenience
5. Cost-Effectiveness
Challenges of ICT in Education:
1. Infrastructure and Connectivity
2. Digital Divide
3. Teacher Training
4. Quality of Online Content
5. Distractions and Misuse
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way research
is conducted, including how references and citations are managed. Here are some ways
that ICT may likely help in research.
 Providing new tools and methods for data analysis: "ICTs provide a range of tools
and techniques for data collection, analysis, and visualization, enabling
researchers to manage large datasets and perform complex analyses." (Creswell,
 Access to online databases: ICT has made it easier to access online databases,
which contain large volumes of material such as academic journals, books, and
conference proceedings. This makes it easy for scholars to identify and access
important study references.
 Citation management software: Citation management software such as Zotero,
EndNote, and Mendeley have simplified the organization and management of

references for researchers. These programs may generate citations and
bibliographies in a variety of citation formats, including APA, MLA, and Chicago.
 Collaboration tools: Information and communication technology (ICT) has made
it easier for researchers to work with peers and share ideas. Researchers can
communicate with one another and exchange their work using tools like Google
Scholar,, and ResearchGate.
 Plagiarism detection tools: Tools like Turnitin, Grammarly, and Copyscape
employ ICT to discover probable instances of plagiarism by comparing a
researcher's work to a large database of published text.
 Digital archives: Digital archives, such as JSTOR, Project MUSE, and the Internet
Archive, provide researchers with access to historical and primary sources,
making it easier to find and cite relevant references.
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) have significant impact on various
aspects of my life. The following are some ways in which ICT help and improves my life:
 Communication: ICT has altered the way we interact with others. We
communicate with our family, friends, and people from different ethnic groups
regardless of their geographical distance through smartphones, email, instant
messaging, and social media.
 Education: ICT has changed education by making it more accessible, simple, and
convenient. I can learn new skills and knowledge and access educational resources
from anywhere in the world.
 Entertainment: ICT provides a wide range of entertainment options, from
streaming music and video games to online social games.
 Health: ICT has a great impact on my health. With the help of telemedicine, I can
consult with doctors and healthcare professionals remotely, and access medical
information and resources online.
 Work: ICT has transformed the way I work, making it easier to collaborate,
communicate, and work remotely. I can work from anywhere and access my files
and data from any device.
 Information: ICT has made information easier to access, making knowledge more
accessible than before. With the help of search engines (like Google, YouTube,
Bing, etc,) online databases, and digital libraries, you can find information on any
topic within seconds.
The following are some of the key characteristics of ICT in education:
1. Enhances learning
2. Facilitates collaboration
3. Promotes self-paced learning
4. Increases accessibility
5. Enhances teaching
6. Fosters creativity and innovation
7. Facilitates assessment

The following are the Advantages of ICT in Education:
1. Improves engagement
2. Encourages individual learning
3. Encourages collaboration
4. Students can learn useful life skills through technology
5. Enhanced the modes of communication
6. Cost-efficient
7. Paperless: Eliminate the usage of paper. Eco-friendly
8. A better teaching and learning methods
9. Enhanced data and information security
10. Minimize cost and save time
11. Easy student management
12. Automatic solutions to manual paper-based processes and procedures
13. Interactive and collaborative teaching and learning methods
14. Direct classroom teaching
15. Spread awareness of the social impact of technological change in education
16. Web-based LMS tools connect students, educators, scholars and researchers, and
education personnel together
17. Enhance E-learning and learning management system (LMS)
18. Independent learning platforms for students
19. Teachers can teach better with images, videos and graphics while delivering
20. Educators can create engaging, interesting, and well-designed classroom activities
21. Improve the administration and enhance the quality and efficiency of education
22. Promote and improve the digital culture in schools, colleges, and universities
The following are the Disadvantages of ICT in Education
1. Misleading and misguiding information
2. Risk of cyber-attacks and hacks
3. A risk to the traditional book and handwriting methods
4. Implementing computers and the internet for ICT replace the conventional
education curriculums
5. Managing courses online is difficult
6. Misuse of technology
7. Not accessible everywhere
8. Teachers require experience to handle ICT
9. Implementing computers and the internet is expensive
10. Few believe that computers can limit imagination
How to create Google Form

Creating a Google Form is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide on how
to create a Google Form:
1. Open Google Forms:
 Go to your web browser and navigate to the Google Forms website
 Alternatively, you can access Google Forms through your Google Drive.
Click on the "+ New" button, then select "Google Forms" from the drop-
down menu.
2. Start a New Form:
 Click on the "Blank" option to start a new form from scratch.
3. Add Questions:
 In the form editor, you can add questions by clicking on the "+ Add" button.
 Select the type of question you want to add (e.g., multiple-choice, short
answer, paragraph, etc.).
 Enter the question text and customize any options (e.g., answer choices,
required question, etc.).
4. Add More Questions:
 To add more questions, click on the "+ Add" button again and repeat the
 You can rearrange questions by clicking and dragging them to the desired
5. Add Sections and Headers (Optional):
 If you want to organize your form with sections or add section headers,
click on the three dots beside a question and choose "Section" or "Section
6. Add Images or Videos (Optional):
 To add images or videos to your form, click on the image or video icon in
the toolbar.
 You can upload an image or link a video from YouTube.
7. Customize Settings:
 Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner to access the settings.
 Here, you can configure various options such as collecting email addresses,
limiting responses, and allowing users to edit responses after submission.

8. Preview Your Form:
 Click on the eye icon in the top-right corner to preview your form and see
how it looks to respondents.
9. Edit Theme (Optional):
 If you want to change the appearance of your form, click on the color palette
icon in the top-right corner to select a theme or customize the colors.
10. Save and Distribute Your Form:
 Once you're satisfied with your form, click on the "Send" button in the top-
right corner.
 You can choose to share the form via a link, email it to specific recipients,
or embed it on a website.
11. Collect Responses:
 As respondents fill out your form, their responses will be automatically
collected in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.
How to Create Email Address
To create an email, you'll need an email account with a service provider. The most common
email providers include Gmail, Outlook (formerly Hotmail), Yahoo Mail, and others.
Here's a general guide on how to create an email account using Gmail as an example:
1. Go to the Email Provider's Website:
 Open your web browser and go to the website of your preferred email
service provider (e.g., for Gmail).
2. Click on "Create Account" or "Sign Up":
 On the email provider's homepage, look for a button that says "Create
Account" or "Sign Up" and click on it.
3. Fill Out the Registration Form:
 You'll be directed to the account registration page. Fill out the required
information, including:
 Full Name: Enter your first name and last name.
 Username: Choose a unique username that will be your email
address (e.g.,
 Password: Create a strong and secure password for your email

 Phone Number: Provide a valid phone number to verify your
account and recover it if needed.
 Date of Birth: Enter your birthdate for age verification purposes.
 Gender (optional): Some providers ask for gender information for
demographic purposes.
4. Accept Terms and Conditions:
 Read the terms of service and privacy policy of the email provider, then
check the box to accept them.
5. Complete Verification (if required):
 Depending on the email provider, you may need to verify your account
through a code sent to your phone number or an alternate email address.
6. Set Up Account Recovery (optional but recommended):
 Most email providers allow you to set up account recovery options, such as
adding a recovery email address or setting security questions. This will help
you regain access to your account if you forget your password.
7. Welcome to Your Email Account:
 Once your account is set up and verified, you'll be redirected to your inbox.
From there, you can start sending and receiving emails.
Difference between Animation and Transition:
An animation is a special effect that applies to a single element on a slide such as text, a
shape, an image, and so on.
A transition is the special effect that occurs when you exit one slide and move on to the
next during a presentation.
What do you understand by google form?
Google Forms is a free online tool from Google which allows users to create forms,
surveys, and quizzes as well as to collaboratively edit and share the forms with other
people. Educators can use Google forms to assess their students at the beginning of the
class and gauge pre-existing knowledge.
In Google Forms, you can create quizzes by using various question types and features.
Here's an explanation of each of the mentioned features:
Explain the following features in google forms Answer key, multiple choice, short
answer, shuffle option order and make this a quiz
1. Answer Key:

 The Answer Key is used to grade and evaluate quiz responses
automatically. In a quiz, you set correct answers for each question, and
when respondents submit their answers, Google Forms will compare their
responses to the answer key to calculate scores.
 For each question, you can mark the correct answer(s) in the Answer Key
section while creating or editing the question.
2. Multiple Choice:
 The Multiple Choice question type allows you to create a question with
several answer options, from which respondents can choose one or more
correct answers.
 You can add multiple choice questions by selecting the "Multiple choice"
question type and entering the question and answer choices.
3. Short Answer:
 The Short Answer question type allows respondents to provide a brief text
response to the question.
 You can use short answer questions when you expect respondents to
provide concise text answers, such as names, dates, or short explanations.
4. Shuffle Option Order:
 The Shuffle Option Order feature is used in multiple-choice questions to
randomize the order of answer choices for each respondent.
 When enabled, the answer options will appear in a different order for each
respondent, reducing the likelihood of bias in quiz results.
5. Make this a Quiz:
 "Make this a Quiz" is a feature that allows you to convert your Google Form
into a quiz by enabling specific settings such as point values, answer
feedback, and answer key.
SPSS can be used to perform different statistics easily and effectively list any 10
1. Descriptive Statistics
2. T-tests
3. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
4. Regression Analysis
5. Chi-Square Test
6. Correlation Analysis
7. Factor Analysis
8. Cluster Analysis
9. Non-parametric Tests
10. Frequencies and Crosstabs

Explain how to analyze mean, median and mode in SPSS
Analyzing mean, median, and mode in SPSS is a straightforward process. Here's a step-
by-step guide on how to perform these analyses using SPSS:
1. Launch SPSS and Import Data:
 Open SPSS and import your data file or enter your data directly into the
SPSS data editor.
2. Explore Descriptive Statistics:
 Click on "Analyze" in the top menu, then select "Descriptive Statistics" and
finally "Frequencies."
3. Select Variables:
 In the "Frequencies" dialog box, move the variables you want to analyze
from the left column to the right column.
4. Choose Statistics:
 Under "Statistics," select the statistics you want to calculate. Check the
boxes for "Mean," "Median," and "Mode."
5. Frequencies Options (Optional):
 You can choose additional options, such as "Display frequency tables" and
"Display percentile values" under the "Frequencies" dialog box.
6. Click "OK":
 Once you have selected the variables and statistics you want to calculate,
click "OK."
7. View Output:
 SPSS will generate an output window with the results of the frequency
analysis. The mean, median, and mode for each variable will be displayed
in the output.
Explain how to analyze mean, median and mode in EXCEL
Analyzing mean, median, and mode in Excel is simple and can be done using built-in
functions. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform these analyses in Excel:
1. Enter Data:
 Open Excel and enter your data in a column or row. Make sure the data is
organized in a single column or row for accurate calculations.
2. Calculate Mean:

 To calculate the mean (average), use the "AVERAGE" function.
 In an empty cell, type "=AVERAGE(" and then select the range of cells that
contain your data (e.g., A1:A10).
 Press Enter, and Excel will display the mean of the selected data.
3. Calculate Median:
 To calculate the median, use the "MEDIAN" function.
 In an empty cell, type "=MEDIAN(" and then select the range of cells that
contain your data (e.g., A1:A10).
 Press Enter, and Excel will display the median of the selected data.
4. Calculate Mode:
 Excel does not have a direct function to calculate the mode. However, you
can use a combination of functions to find it.
 In an empty cell, type "=MODE.MULT(" and then select the range of cells
that contain your data (e.g., A1:A10).
 Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter (this is an array formula), and Excel will display
an array of all modes present in the data, if any.
Compare and contrast between system software and application software
1. Definition and Purpose:
 System Software: System software refers to a set of programs designed to
manage and control the computer hardware, provide a platform for running
application software, and ensure the smooth operation of the computer
system. It acts as an intermediary between hardware and applications.
 Application Software: Application software is a group of programs
developed to perform specific tasks or applications for end-users. It allows
users to accomplish various tasks such as word processing, data analysis,
web browsing, and more.
2. Examples:
 System Software: Examples of system software include the operating
system (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux), device drivers (e.g., graphics card
drivers, printer drivers), and utility programs (e.g., disk cleaners, antivirus
 Application Software: Examples of application software include word
processors (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs), web browsers (e.g.,
Chrome, Firefox), media players (e.g., VLC, iTunes), and image editing
software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop).

Computer and File Management: File management is organizing and keeping
track of files and folders, helping you stay organized, so information is easily
located. A folder is a container for storing programs and files, similar to a folder in a file
cabinet. As with a file cabinet, working with poorly managed files is like looking for a
needle in a haystack. It is frustrating and time-consuming to search through irrelevant,
misnamed, and out-of-date files to find the one you want.
Microsoft Excel: Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Office Excel) is a spread sheet
application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
A spreadsheet is a rectangular table (grid) of information, often financial information.
Excel has some features namely calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables and a
macro programming language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).
Excel is one of the most popular microcomputer applications to date.
Microsoft PowerPoint: Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program developed by
Microsoft. This is used to produce professional-looking presentations. It is an
application that comes with the Microsoft Office suit. Microsoft PowerPoint runs on
Microsoft Windows and the Mac OS computer operating systems.


SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and Excel (Microsoft Excel) are both
software tools commonly used for data analysis, but they have different features and
purposes. Here are the main differences between SPSS and Excel:
1. Purpose:
 SPSS: SPSS is specialized statistical software designed for advanced data
analysis, hypothesis testing, and statistical modeling. It is commonly used
in social sciences, market research, and other fields where complex
statistical analyses are required.
 Excel: Excel is a general-purpose spreadsheet software that is widely used
for data management, basic calculations, and simple data analysis. While
it offers some statistical functions, it is not as powerful or specialized as
SPSS in terms of statistical analysis.
2. Statistical Capabilities:
 SPSS: SPSS offers a wide range of statistical procedures, including
descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, regression analysis, factor
analysis, cluster analysis, and more. It provides a comprehensive suite of
tools for data exploration and hypothesis testing.
 Excel: Excel includes some basic statistical functions, such as mean,
median, standard deviation, and t-tests. However, its statistical capabilities
are limited compared to SPSS, and it may not be suitable for complex

3. User Interface:
 SPSS: SPSS has a dedicated interface specifically designed for statistical
analysis, making it more intuitive and user-friendly for researchers and
 Excel: Excel has a more general spreadsheet interface that is familiar to
many users, but it may require additional effort and knowledge to perform
advanced statistical analyses compared to SPSS.
4. Data Management:
 SPSS: SPSS is proficient in handling large datasets and has robust data
management capabilities, allowing users to clean, recode, and transform
data efficiently for analysis.
 Excel: While Excel can handle relatively large datasets, it may become
cumbersome for extensive data management tasks, especially when
dealing with complex data structures.
5. Graphical Output:
 SPSS: SPSS provides various options for generating high-quality graphs
and charts that are suitable for research publications and presentations.
 Excel: Excel also offers graphing capabilities, but SPSS typically provides
more specialized and customizable options for visualizing data in a
research context.


1. Open Microsoft Word and open the document you want to enable Track Changes
2. Go to the "Review" tab in the Word ribbon at the top of the window.
3. In the "Tracking" group, click on the "Track Changes" button. This will turn on
the Track Changes feature, and any modifications you make will be recorded.
4. By default, Track Changes will mark additions with underlined text and deletions
with strikethrough text. You can customize this by clicking on the small arrow
next to the "Track Changes" button and selecting "Change Tracking Options."
Here, you can choose different formatting for additions, deletions, and other types
of changes.
5. Make any edits or revisions to the document. Each change you make will be
highlighted and labeled with your name.

6. If you want to insert a comment in a specific location, select the text you want to
comment on, go to the "Review" tab, and click on the "New Comment" button in
the "Comments" group. Type your comment in the comment pane on the
window’s right side.
7. To navigate between changes, use the "Previous" and "Next" buttons in the
"Changes" group on the "Review" tab. This allows you to review and accept or
reject each change individually.
8. If you want to accept or reject a change, click on the change you want to address,
and then click on the "Accept" or "Reject" button in the "Changes" group.
Alternatively, you can right-click on a change and choose "Accept" or "Reject"
from the context menu.
9. To turn off the Track Changes feature, go to the "Review" tab and click on the
"Track Changes" button again. This will disable the feature, and the document will
no longer record any changes.
Computer Analysis with Microsoft Excel Uses and challenges

Uses of Microsoft Excel for Computer Analysis:

1. Data Organization and Management
2. Statistical Analysis
3. Data Visualization
4. Financial Analysis
5. PivotTables and PivotCharts
6. Scenario Analysis
7. Business Intelligence
8. Data Cleaning and Manipulation
9. Forecasting and Trend Analysis
10. Database Management
11. Administrative Tasks
Challenges of Using Microsoft Excel for Computer Analysis:
1. Limited Capacity
2. Error-Prone
3. Version Compatibility
4. Lack of Data Validation
5. Limited Data Visualization Options
6. Data Security Concerns
7. Reproducibility and Auditing
8. Version Control
Using Excel to Calculate Mean, Median, Mode, Range, STDEV and Variance
1. Calculate Mean:
 In an empty cell, type "=AVERAGE(A2:A11)" and press Enter.

 Excel will calculate and display the mean of the data in the selected range.
2. Calculate Median:
 In an empty cell, type "=MEDIAN(A2:A11)" and press Enter.
 Excel will calculate and display the median of the data in the selected
3. Calculate Mode:
 Excel does not have a direct function for calculating the mode. However,
you can use an array formula to find the mode.
 In an empty cell, type "=MODE.SNGL(A2:A11)" and press Ctrl + Shift +
Enter (since this is an array formula).
 Excel will calculate and display the mode of the data in the selected range.
4. Calculate Range:
 In an empty cell, type "=MAX(A2:A11) - MIN(A2:A11)" and press Enter.
 Excel will calculate and display the range of the data in the selected range.
5. Calculate Standard Deviation (STDEV):
 In an empty cell, type "=STDEV(A2:A11)" and press Enter.
 Excel will calculate and display the standard deviation of the data in the
selected range.
6. Calculate Variance:
 In an empty cell, type "=VAR(A2:A11)" and press Enter.
 Excel will calculate and display the variance of the data in the selected
Differences between Manual Spreadsheet and Electronic Spreadsheet

1. Format:
 Manual Spreadsheet: Manual spreadsheets are typically physical sheets of
paper or notebooks where data is recorded by hand using pen or pencil.
They involve a manual process of calculations and updates.
 Electronic Spreadsheet: Electronic spreadsheets are digital files created
using software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. They are stored
electronically and allow automated calculations, data manipulation, and
dynamic updating.
2. Calculation and Formulas:

 Manual Spreadsheet: Calculations in manual spreadsheets are done
manually using pen or pencil. Formulas and functions are not
automatically applied, requiring users to perform calculations manually.
 Electronic Spreadsheet: Electronic spreadsheets support automated
calculations using formulas and functions. Users can enter formulas once,
and the spreadsheet will automatically update results based on changes in
Explain the various Internet Browsers for Windows, Linux and Macintosh
Internet Browsers for Windows:
1. Google Chrome.
2. Mozilla Firefox
3. Microsoft Edge
4. Opera
Internet Browsers for Linux:
1. Google Chrome and Chromium
2. Mozilla Firefox
3. Midori
4. Brave
Internet Browsers for macOS (Macintosh):
1. Safari
2. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
3. Opera
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without giving proper
credit or acknowledgment to the original author or source. It involves presenting someone
else's work as one's own, whether it is a direct copy or a slightly modified version.
1. Mendeley
2. Endnote
3. Zotero
4. Google Scholar
5. Research gate
6. Academia
7. YouTube


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