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SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Engineering

TimeSyncState tags

After you have configured and activated the time synchronization of the OS servers, two
tags are created in the SSM directory of the internal tag management. The
@TimeSyncDevice1State and @TimeSyncDevice2State tags signal the status of the
server on the access point 1 and access point 2 interfaces. Possible states are: Active
Master, Passive Master, and Slave.

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SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Engineering

Communication settings
To check if these settings have been applied, select the following path on the OS
"START > Siemens Automation > SIMATIC > SIMATIC NET >
Communication Settings".
 Under "Time of day", make sure that "Time-of-day adjustment" is activated.
 The "Received time" will only be synchronized when a time master is active and this
card is not the time master.

Access point of the OS server

When you have selected a symbolic name as access point in the Time Synchronization
Editor, you must assign a real interface to this name on the OS server. This assignment
takes place in the communication settings of the OS server.

Take great care with the spelling when naming the access point. The must be identical
to the name selected in the Time Synchronization Editor.

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6.3.5 Configuration: AS as slave for SIMATIC mode

The CPU and the CP modules must be configured so that they work together with the
time synchronization.

The CPU module must be configured in HW Config under "Properties". Normally, the
AS is NOT configured as the master in PCS 7.

 In the "Diagnostics/Clock" tab, the "As slave" option is set for the Synchronization
Type in the PLC. This allows the CPU to accept a time frame from the time master on
the system bus.

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CP443-1 (Ethernet)
The Ethernet CP module must be configured in HW Configuration under "Properties".
 Select the "SIMATIC Mode - Forward time of day" option in the "Time-of-Day
Synchronization" tab.
 Do not select "Use corrected time". Click on "OK".

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CP443-5 (Profibus)
The Profibus time can also be synchronized when configuring the Profibus CP as the
DP master and time synchronization slave. This must be configured in HW

 Open the "Properties" of the CP 443-5.

 Make sure that the "DP master" option is selected and "DPV1" is set for the DP mode
in the "Operating Mode" tab.
 In the "Options" tab, select the "From station to LAN" option and the "Activate data
record gateway" check box.

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SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Engineering

Checking the time synchronization

Once you have downloaded and run the CPU, verify that the synchronization was
 Open the HW Configuration for the AS on the ES and go online.
 Right-click on the CPU to open the shortcut menu, and select "Set Time of Day".
 Set the "Time difference compared to time on the module" to reflect the time
Time synchronization
Checking thedifference between your local time and UTC.
time synchronization of the CPU
 Select the "Take from PG/PC as UTC" check box and click "Apply".

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 The module time changes to the local time and returns after a few seconds to the
synchronized UTC time.

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6.3.6 Configuration: AS for NTP mode

 CPU with integrated Ethernet interface
 These CPUs may only be used in PCS 7 configurations with a system bus and
terminal bus.

CPU Properties, Diagnostics/Clock tab

The CPU with integrated Ethernet interface can only be synchronized using NTP mode.
The automation system is configured as the time master for time synchronization.

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SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Engineering

Time-of-Day Synchronization tab for integrated Ethernet

If Ethernet is integrated in the CPU (PN), the "Time-of-Day Synchronization" tab

appears in the Ethernet object properties of the CPU.
 Select the "Enable time-of-day synchronization in NTP mode" option in the "NTP
Mode" group in the "Time-of-Day Synchronization" tab of the PN-IO.
 Enter the IP address of the central plant clock (SICLOCK TC 400 or SICLOCK TM)
as the NTP server address.

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SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Engineering

6.3.7 Configuration: OS client as slave

Startup list of the client

Check whether the CCTMTimesync.exe application was added to the "Startup list" of
the computer.

"Startup" tab on client - "Time Sync" application

In contrast to the configuration for an OS server, all time synchronization settings on the
ES are made in WinCC in the client project and then downloaded to the client.
 Open the client project of the ES.
 Open "Time Synchronization".
 Select the "Synchronization via Terminal Bus (Slave)" option and select "Use the time
from a connected WinCC server" check box.

 This option uses the server data packets that were downloaded to the project in order
to locate the available OS servers.

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SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Engineering

6.3.8 Configuration: OS engineering station with DCF77 as client

The WinCC time synchronization is only active in Runtime mode. Since the ES almost
never switches to Runtime mode, the time on the ES is not synchronized to the control
system by default. We recommend that you use the DCF77 client tool on the ES for
permanent synchronization of the time.

ES time synchronization with DCF77

The DCF77 client tool is located on the PCS 7 installation DVD under:
 To install the DCF77 client, run "setup.exe" on the ES computer.
 Continue the installation by following the instructions on the screen.
 The service must be started with the account of a real user not as "Local System".
 Do not perform a restart when the installation is finished.
 Double-click the DCF77 tool in Control Panel to open it.
 Select the PCS 7 OS server (master) for "Port".
 Clear the "Verify time zone MEZ/MESZ" option.
 Click "OK" to save the changes, and then restart the computer.

You can use Windows aids to check whether the DCF77 service is running:
Computer Management > Applications and Services > Services
The DCF77 service must have the "Started" status.

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SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Engineering

6.3.9 Time synchronization with external time transmitters

The following time transmitters are used in the PCS 7 environment for synchronization
with an external time transmitter:

 DCF77RS or GPSDEC time transmitters can be connected to the communication

interface of an OS server. We recommend SICLOCK with an external time transmitter
(DCF77RS or GPSDEC) for the most precise time synchronization.

6.3.10 Exercise and checkpoint

Exercise: Synchronize all stations to the time of the master

In this exercise, you configure the time synchronization of your system components.
The master server is used as the time master, and the redundancy partner is configured
as a cooperative time master. Regardless of the CPU used, the AS is synchronized by
means of the CP 443-1 in SIMATIC mode.


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6.4 User administration

6.4.1 Overview
The "User Administrator" is used to configure and manage operator authorizations.
Process mode, archive operations, and WinCC system operation can be protected
against unauthorized access. You can, for example, restrict changes to setpoints,
recipes, picture selection, etc., to specific users and OS areas.

The user administration must be configured for each client OS and server OS.
To simplify configuration, the user administration offers an export function.
Double-click "User Administrator" in WinCC Explorer to open user administration.
The WinCC Configuration Studio opens.

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SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Engineering

The authorization levels relate to functions in Runtime and have the following meanings:

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SIMATIC PCS 7 OS Engineering

6.4.2 Configuration of the user administration

Creating a group
You create a new user group with a right-click on "User Administrator" and selecting the
"New group" function. Enter the name of the new group.
You specify the authorizations of the group in the "Authorizations" tab. You can pass on
this authorization to members of the group.

Creating users
Create a new user either by right-clicking on the desired group and then selecting the
"New user" function. The properties of the user can either be specified in the main
window for a selected group or in the properties window for a selected user.

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Exporting / importing authorizations

In a server-client system without SIMATIC Logon, all stations must be administered

locally with regard to users. Only for referenced clients is the user administration copied
when loading the PC station.
The WinCC Configuration Studio supports the import and export of configuration data.
This function makes it easier to synchronize station-bound user administrations.
The scope of the exported user data depends on the selected node in the navigation
area. This means you can export all data, individual groups or even only individual

The two file formats "Office Open XML Workbook" .xlsx and "Text file" .txt are available
for the export.

The import of user data does not depend on the selection in the navigation area and
always takes place in the main menu.
Edit > Import
Make sure that the import of data cannot be undone.

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