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Unit:2 Server Control

ASP.NET Server control events

 In this session, we will discuss about control level events.
 ASP.NET server controls, such as TextBox, Button, and DropDownList has their
own events.
 For example, Button has a click event.
 TextBox has TextChanged event and DropDownList has SelectedIndexChanged
 We have a set of asp.net validation controls that has validation events.
 The events that all these controls expose can be broadly divided into 3
1. PostBack events - These events submit the Web page, immediately to the server for
processing. Click event of a button control is an example for PostBack event.
2. Cached events - These events are saved in the page’s view state to be processed
when a postback event occurs. TextChanged event of TextBox control and
SelectedIndexChanged event of a DropDownList control are examples of cached
events. Cached events can be converted into postback events, by setting the
AutoPostBack property of the control to true.
3. Validation events - These events occur on the client, before the page is posted back
to the server. All validation controls use these type of events.
 In previous session, we have understood that control events are processed after the
PageLoad event.
 The picture below describes the same.
 Among the control events, Cached events happen before PostBack events.

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2.1IsPostBack in asp.net:
 IsPostBack is a Page level property, that can be used to determine whether the page is
being loaded in response to a client postback, or if it is being loaded and accessed for the
first time.
 The Page.IsPostBack property is a boolean property that indicates whether the page is
being rendered for the first time or is being loaded in response to a postback. A postback is
a request sent from a client to the server from the same page, user is already working with.
 The Page.IsPostBack property can be used to check the value of this property and
perform different actions depending on whether the page is loading for the first time or
not. For example, you can use this property to avoid re-binding data to a control if the page
is not on its initial load.

2.2 DataBinding:
2.2.1 Grid View:
What is GridView in C#?
Data can be displayed in a tabular manner with sorting, paging, and editing options using
the C# data presentation control GridView. The namespace Web.UI.WebControls is
frequently used in web applications. GridView can be bound to various data sources like
databases, XML, and other data sources.

Features of GridView in C#:

GridView in C# has several features that make it a popular choice for displaying data in
web applications. Some of the key features of GridView are:
o Sorting:GridView allows the sorting of data in ascending or descending order. By pressing
and holding down the shift key while clicking on the column headers, you can sort across
several columns.
o Paging:GridView supports the paging of data, which allows you to display a subset of data
at a time. This helps to increase the application's performance when dealing with large
amounts of data.
o Editing:GridView provides editing capabilities, which allow users to edit the data directly
in control. This feature is useful when the user needs to make changes to the data
displayed in the control.
o Selection:GridView allows the selection of data rows, which can be utilized to perform
various tasks on the selected rows, like deletion, updating, or exporting.
o Formatting:GridView provides formatting options for data displayed in the control. You
can manipulate the font, size, color, and other formatting options for the data.

Properties of GridView in C#:

GridView in C# has several properties that can be used to customize its appearance and
behavior. Some of the key properties of GridView are:

o AutoGenerateColumns:This property allows you to automatically generate columns

based on the data source.

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o AllowSorting:This property allows you to enable or disable data sorting in the GridView.

o AllowPaging:This property allows you to enable or disable the paging of data in

the GridView.

o ShowHeader:This property allows you to show or hide the header of the GridView.
o ShowFooter:This property allows you to show or hide the footer of the GridView.

o EditIndex:This property allows you to set the index of the row being edited in
the GridView.

Using GridView in C#:

Using GridView in C# is easy and straightforward. The first thing to do is to give your web
form a GridView control. We can implement it by dragging and dropping the control from
the toolbox onto your form.

Next, you need to bind the GridView control to your data source. Setting the data source as
the GridView control's DataSource attribute will do this. If you wish to automatically
create columns based on the data source, you can also set the AutoGenerateColumns
attribute to true.

Once you have bound the GridView control to your data source, you can customize its
appearance and behavior by setting various properties like AllowSorting, AllowPaging,
and EditIndex.

Moreover, GridView has a number of events that you can utilize to modify its behavior.
Some of the key events of GridView are:

o RowDataBound:This event is fired when a row is bound to the GridView. This event
allows you to change how the row looks.

o RowEditing:This event is triggered whenever a row in the GridView is edited. This event
can be used to validate data or execute other actions on the row.

o RowDeleting:This event is triggered whenever a row in the GridView is deleted. You can
use this event to confirm the deletion or perform any other operation before deleting the

o PageIndexChanged:This event is fired when the user changes the page in the GridView.
You can use this event to rebind the GridView with the new data.

2.2.2 List View:

The ListView Controls are used to display a collection of items. It uses one of the view lists,
such as LargeIcon, SmallIcon, Details, List, and Tile. Furthermore, the ListView allows the
user to add or remove icons from the ListView Control.

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Properties of the ListView Control:


Properties Description
Alignment The Alignment property is used to set the alignment for the item
in the ListvVew Control.
Activation The Activation property is used to get or set a user-requested
action to activate an item.
CheckBoxes The CheckBoxes property sets a value to display the checkbox
that appears next to each item in the list view control.
Columns The Columns property is used to display the collection of
columns header in the ListView Control.
CheckIndices The CheckIndices property is used to get all checked items in the
ListView Control.
GridLines The GridLines Property is used to display the gridlines between
the rows and columns that contain the items and subitems in the
ListView Control.
Items It is used to collect the collection of the items that are in the
ListView Control.
LargeImageList It is used to set or get ImageList to display it as a large icon in the
ListView Control.
HeaderStyle It is used to set or get the column header style in the ListView
MultiSelect The MultiSelect property is used to set a value that allows
selecting more than items in the ListView control.
SelectedItems It is used to obtain all selected items in the ListView control.
ShowGroups The ShowGroups property set a value that represents whether
the ListView items are displayed in groups.
SmallImageList It is used to set or get ImageList to display the image as a small
icon in the ListView control.
TopItem The TopItem property is used to set or get the first item in
View The View property is used to set the items displayed in the List
view. The View property has the following values:
SmallIcon: It is used to display small size icons.
List: It is used to display items in a list, and it only shows
LargeIcon: It is used to display large size icons.
Report: It is used to display items and its sub-items.

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Methods of the ListView Control:

Method Description
ArrangeIcons() The ArrangeIcons method is used to arrange all the items
displayed as icons in the ListView control.
FindItemWithText() It is used to search the first ListViewItem that started with the
given text value.
GetItemAt() The GetItemAt method is used to get an item at the specified
location of the ListView control.
Clear() The Clear method is used to clear all the items and columns
from the ListView control.
Sort() The Sort method is used to sort items of the ListView.

Events of the ListView Control:

Events Description
ItemActivate The ItemActivate event occurred when an item activated in the
ListView control.
ItemChecked The ItemChecked event is found in the ListView control when
the checked state of an item changes.
TextChanged The TextChanged event is found in the ListView control when
the property of the text changes.
ItemCheck When the status of a check item changes, the ItemCheck event
is found in the list view control.
AfterLabelEditEvent It occurs when the user in the ListView control edits the label
for an item.

2.2.3 DataList:

DataList is a Databound control to display and manipulate data in a web application. It is a

composite control that can combine other ASP.Net controls and it is present in the form.
The DataList appearance is controlled by its template fields.

The following template fields are supported by the DataList control:

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 Itemtemplate: It specifies the Items present in the Datasource, it renders itself in the
browser as many rows present in the data source co collection.
 EditItemTemplate: Used to provide edit permissions to the user.
 HeaderTemplate: Used to display header text to the data source collection.
 FooterTemplate: Used to display footer text to the data source collection.
 ItemStyle: Used to apply styles to an ItemTemplate.
 EditStyle: Used to apply styles to an EditItemTemplate
 HeaderStyle: Used to apply styles to a HeaderTemplate
 FooterStyle: Used to apply styles to a FooterTemplate.

Frequently used properties with DataList

Event: Event is a precise time that something happened.

2.2.4 DataBindingEvent:

The following two events can be used as data binding:


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The ItemDataBound Occurs After any control’s object has been created its properties have
been initializied with values retrieved from corresponding data fields.
By accessing the databound item via the event argument’s controlname.item property and
modifying its setting as needed,you can add functionality to your application within an
ItemDataBound event Handler.


The DataBound event is fired to indicate that the control’s data binding mechanism has
been completed, After all data items from the chosen data source have been processd,this
event happens.By giving a handler to the DataBound Event, You can additionally
implement Extra logic at this time.

2.2.5 Repeater:

The Repeater control is used to display a repeated list of items that are bound to the
control. The Repeater control may be bound to a database table, an XML file, or another list
of items.
Repeater is a Data Bind Control. Data Bind Controls are container controls. Data Binding is
the process of creating a link between the data source and the presentation UI to display
the data. ASP .Net provides rich and wide variety of controls, which can be bound to the

Repeater has 5 inline template to format it:

1. <HeaderTemplate>
2. <FooterTemplate>
3. <ItemTemplate>
4. <AlternatingItemTemplate>
5. <SeperatorTemplate>
6. <AlternatingItemTemplate>
HeaderTemplate: This template is used for elements that you want to render once before
your ItemTemplate section.

FooterTemplate: - This template is used for elements that you want to render once after
your ItemTemplate section.

ItemTemplate: This template is used for elements that are rendered once per row of data.
It is used to display records

AlternatingItemTemplate: This template is used for elements that are rendered every
second row of data. This allows you to alternate background colors. It works on even
number of records only.

SeperatorTemplate: It is used for elements to render between each row, such as line

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Some point about Repeater Control
 It is used to display backend result set. It is used to display multiple tuple.
 It is an unformatted control. The Repeater control is a basic templated data-bound list. It
has no built-in layout or styles, so you must explicitly declare all layout, formatting, and
style tags within the control's templates.
 The Repeater control is the only Web control that allows you to split markup tags across
the templates. To create a table using templates, include the begin table tag (<table>) in
the HeaderTemplate, a single table row tag (<tr>) in the ItemTemplate, and the end table
tag (</table>) in the FooterTemplate.
 The Repeater control has no built-in selection capabilities or editing support. You can use
the ItemCommand event to process control events that are raised from the templates to
the control.
We have to use scriptlets for data access.
Data Bind Control can display connected and disconnected model.

Data Bind Control have DataBind() method and DataBound event

-> DataBind()
-> ItemCreated -> Event
-> DataBound -> Event

System.Commom.Data namespace
-> DBDataRecord Class

Controls -> Child Control

Every DataBindControl implement collection.

The data in DataSource is bound to Repeater using its DataBind Method. Once the data is
bound, the format of each data item is defined by a template like ItemTemplate.

2.2.6 FormView:

FormView is a new data-bound control that is nothing but a templated version of

DetailsView control. The major difference between DetailsView and FormView is, here
user need to define the rendering template for each item.
Its properties like BackColor, ForeColor, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, Height
etc. are implemented through style properites of <tahle> tag.

Following are some important properties that are very useful.

Templates of the FormView Control
EditItemTemplate The template that is used when a record is being edited.
InsertItemTemplate The template that is used when a record is being created.

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ItemTemplate The template that is used to render the record to display only.
Methods of the FormView Control
ChangeMode ReadOnly/Insert/Edit. Change the working mode of the control from
the current to the defined FormViewMode type.
InsertItem Used to insert the record into database. This method must be called
when the DetailsView control is in insert mode.
UpdateItem Used to update the current record into database. This method must
be called when DetailsView control is in edit mode.
DeleteItem Used to delete the current record from database.

2.3 Web Server Controls, HTML Server Controls (basic HTML

Server Control), Validation Controls, Navigation Controls, Login

Web Server Controls:


Label controls provide an easy way to display text which can be changed from one execution of a page
to the next. If you want to displaya text that does not change, you use the literal text.
Basic syntax for text controls:

Common Properties of the Labels:


Property Description
runat Specifies that the control is a server control. Must be set to"server"
Text The text to display in the label

 The TextBox control is used to get the input from the user of the webapplication.
 An asp.net textbox has several properties, that we need to be aware of as adeveloper.
Properties of a TextBox control
1. TextMode Propertry - SingleLine, MultiLine and Password.
 When you set the TextMode to MultiLine, use Rows property to control thenumber of
lines to display for a MultiLine TextBox.

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2. Text - Use this property to set or get the Text from the TextBox.
3. MaxLength - The maximum number of chatacters that a user can enter.
4. ReadOnly - Set this property to true if you don't want the user to change the textin
the TextBox.
5. ToolTip - The tooltip is displayed when the mouse is over the control.
6. Columns - Use this property to specify the width of the TextBox in characters
7. Height - Set the height
8. Width - Set the width
9. AutoPostBack
 By default, the TextChanged event of a TextBox control is cached in the viewstate, and is
executed when the webform is submitted thru a postback by clicking the button control.
 If you want to change this behaviour, and post the webform immediately when the Text is
changed, set AutoPostBack to true. Setting this property to true, will convert the cached
event into a postback event.
Events of TextBox:
 TextChanged - This event is fired, when the text is changed.
Methods of a TextBox:
 Focus - Set input focus onto the control.
 To view the properties of the TextBox, Right click on the control, and selectProperties.
 In the properties window, you can also find the events supported by the control.
 All these properties can be set at the design time, or at runtime using code.

The Button is an asp.net web server control. This control is used to performevents. It is also used to
submit client request to the server. To create Button either we can write code or use the drag and
drop facility of visual studio IDE. We can display a simple push button on a web page by adding
button control on asp.net web page.

There are three type of button in asp.net.

1. SimplePush Button: Simple Push Button displays text on a button control.

2. LinkButton:Link button displays text that looks like a link or hyperlink.
3. ImageButton: Image Button displays an image on a button control.

These entire three buttons has main two events Click and Command events. Bydefault in asp.net
button has click events.
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This is a server side control and asp provides own tag to create it.The example is given below.
<asp:ButtonID="Button1"runat="server"Text="Submit"BorderStyle="Solid"ToolTip="Submit"/> Server

renders it as the HTML control and produces the following code to the browser.

<inputname="Button1"value="Submit"id="Button1"title="Submit"style="border- style:Solid;"

Property Description

AccessKey It is used to set key board shortcut for the control.

TabIndex The tab order of the control.
BackColor It is used to set background color of the control.
BorderWidth It is used to set width of border of the control.
Font It is used to set font for the control text.
ForeColor It is used to set color of the control text.
Text It is used to set text to be shown for the control.
ToolTip It displays the text when mouse is over the control.
PostBackUrl Path of the page when redirect while clickt he button.
OnClientClick Write any client side script code function name.

It is a server web control that acts as a hyperlink. It is used to display a hyperlink-style button
control on the web page. ASP.NET provides a tag to create Link Button and has following syntax. The
Link Button code is like:
<asp:LinkButtonID=”LinkButton1″ runat=”server”>LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>

Property Description

ID Identification of LinkButton control

Text Display text on LinkButton like hyperlink.
PostBackUrl Path of the page when redirect while click theLinkbutton.
OnClientClick Write any client side script code function name.


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Use of ImageButton control is to display an image that responds to mouse clicks. Both the Click and
Command events are raised when the ImageButton control is clicked. You can use the OnCommand
event handler to make the ImageButton control behave like a Command button.

This is a server side control and asp provides own tag to create it.
<asp:ImageButtonID=”ImageButton1″runat=”server”/> This

controlhas its own properties that aretabled below.

Property Description

ID Identification of ImageButton control–

ImageUrl Set image path to display image on image button control.
AlternateText Alternate Text text display when image can not display on webpage.
PostBackUrl Path of the page when redirect while click the Image button.
OnClientClick Write JavaScript or any client side script code function name.

 The ASP.NET Hyperlink control is used to create a link to another Web page.
 Properties:
Text - The link text that will be shown to the user
Navigate URL - The URL of the page to which the user will be sent ImageURL -
The URL of the image, that will be displayed for the link. If you specify both the
Text and ImageUrl, the image will be displayed instead of the
text. If for some reason, the image is not unavailable, the text will be displayed.Target
- If target is not specified, the web page to which the hyperlink is linkedwill be
displayed in the same window. If you set the Target to _blank, the web page will be
opened in a new window.
Focus() - Call this method to Set the input focus when the page loads.
No HyperLink control specific events.


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The DropDownList control is asp.net web server control. We can use dropdownlist control for hold
group of items. The dropdownlist control is used to store the multiple items and allow user to
select only one item from it.The dropdownlist control is also known as combo box control. In
dropdownlist controlwe canstoremultiple items but wecanselectonlyone itemat atime, that’s whyit is
also known as Single Row Selection Box.

Property Description
SelectedValue Get the value of the Selected item from the dropdown box.
SelectedIndex Gets or Sets the index of the selected item in the dropdown box.
SelectedItem Gets the selected item from the list.
Items Gets the collection of items from the dropdown box.
DataTextField Name of the data source field to supply the text of the items.
DataValueField Name of the data source field to supply the value of the items.
DataSourceID ID of the data source component to provide data.
DataSource The data source that populates the items in the listbox.
AutoPostBack True or false. If true,the form is automatically posted back to the server when
user changes the dropdown list selection. It will also
Fire OnSelectedIndexChanged method.
AppendDataBoundItems true or false. If true, the statically added item (added from .aspx page) is
maintained when adding items dynamically(fromcode behind file)or items are
OnSelectedIndexChanged Method name that fires when user changes the selection of the dropdown box.
(Fires only when AutoPostBack=true.)

 CheckBox Control is used, when you want the user to select more than oneoption
from the available choices.
 For example, the education of a person.
 A person can have a graduate degree, post graduate degree and a doctorate.
 In this case the user selects all the 3 checkboxes.
 Where as a person, may just have a graduate degree, in which case he only
selects, the graduate checkbox.

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 Another example, would be when you want the user to select the days of his

 In short, if you want to provide the user with more than one option to select
from, then choose a check box Control.
Important Properties of the CheckBox Control
Checked - This is a boolean property, that is used to check if the check box is
checked or not.
Text - This is a string property used to get or set the text associated with the checkbox
TextAlign - right or left. On which side of the check box the text should appear
AutoPostBack - Set this property to true, if you want the webform to be posted
immediately when the checked status of the check box changes.
Focus() - Just like TextBox, checkbox also supports, Focus() method. If you want to set
the input focus, to a specific checkbox, Call this method for that check boxcontrol.
CheckedChanged - This event is fired when the checked status of the check button
control is changed.

HTML of the ASPX page, we used in the example

<div style="font-family:Arial">
<fieldset style="width:350px">
<asp:CheckBox ID="GraduateCheckBox" Checked="true"
Text="Graduate" runat="server"
oncheckedchanged="GraduateCheckBox_CheckedChanged" />

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<asp:CheckBox ID="PostGraduateCheckBox" Text="Post Graduate"
runat="server" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="DoctrateCheckBox" Text="Doctrate" runat="server" />
<br /><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Submit" onclick="Button1_Click" />
Code from the CodeBehind file
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StringBuilder sbUserChoices = new StringBuilder();if
if (PostGraduateCheckBox.Checked)
sbUserChoices.Append(", " + PostGraduateCheckBox.Text);
if (DoctrateCheckBox.Checked)
sbUserChoices.Append(", " + DoctrateCheckBox.Text);
Response.Write("Your Selections: " + sbUserChoices.ToString());
protected void GraduateCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("Graduate Checkbox Selection changed");

CheckBoxList control is a single control that groups a collection of checkable list items, Following are some

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important properties that are very useful.

Property Description
SelectedValue Gets the value of first selected item.
SelectedIndex Gets or Sets the index of the first selected item.
SelectedItem Gets the first selected item
TextAlign Gets or Sets the alignment of the check boxtext.
DataTextField Name of the data source field to supply the text of the items.
DataValueField Name of the datasource field to supply the value of the items.
DataSource The data source that populates the items in the checkboxlistbox.
AutoPostBack true/false. If true,the form is automatically posted back to the server when user
click any of the checkbox. It will also fire OnSelectedIndexChanged method.
AppendDataBoundItems true/false. If true,the statically added item(added from.aspxpage) is maintained
when adding items dynamically (from code behind file) or items are cleared.
OnSelectedIndexChanged Method name that fires when user click any of the checkbox in the list.(Fires
only when AutoPostBack=true.)
Items Gets the colleciton of the items from the list.
RepeatLayout table/flow.Gets or Sets the layout of the chekboxes when rendered to the page.
RepeatColumns Gets or Sets the no.of columns to display when the control is rendered.
RepeatDirection Horizontal/Vertical.Gets or Sets the value to indicate whether the control will be
rendered horizontally or vertically.
DataSourceID ID of the datasource component to provide data.


 Radio Button control is used, when you want the user to select only one optionfrom
the available choices.
 For example, the gender of a person. A person can be Male or Female. He cannotbe
 So, if the user has first selected Male, and if tries to select Female, the initialMale
selection he made should automatically get de-selected.
 Another example would be when you want the user to select his or her favorite
 In short, if you want to provide the user with mutually exclusive options, then
choose a Radio Button Control.

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Important Properties of the Radio Button Control
Checked - This is a boolean property, that is used to check if the button is checkedor
Text - This is string property used to get or set the text associated with the radio
button control
TextAlign - right or left. On which side of the radio button the text should appear
AutoPostBack - Set this property to true, if you want the webform to be posted
immediately when the checked status of the radio button changes.
Group Name - By default, the individual radio button selections, are not mutually
exclusive. If you have a group of radio buttons, and if you want the selectionsamong the
group to be mutually exclusive, then use the same group name for allthe radio button
CheckedChanged - This event is fired when the checked status of the radio button
control is changed.

RadioButtonList control is a single control that groups a collection of radio buttons.
Note:RadioButtonList controls supports the same set of properties as the CheckBoxList control does.

 Adrotator control is used to display random ads.
 The ads information can be stored in an xml file or in a database table.
 In this session we will discuss about using an XML file.
XML file attributes
1. ImageUrl - The URL of the image to display
2. NavigateUrl - The URL to navigate to, when the ad is clicked
3. AlternateText - The text to use if the image is missing
4. Keyword - Used by the adrotator control to filter ads
5. Impressions - A numeric value (a weighting number) that indicates thelikelihood
of how often the ad is displayed.

 Create an asp.net web application project, and add an XML file.

 Name the XML file as AdsData.xml.
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 Copy and paste the following in the XML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<AlternateText>Please visit http://www.Google.com</AlternateText>
<AlternateText>Please visit http://www.pragimtech.com</AlternateText>
<AlternateText>Please visit http://www.Youtube.com</AlternateText>
 Create an Images folder in the project, and add the images.
 Drag and Drop the AdRotator control on the webform.
 Set AdvertisementFile="~/AdsData.xml".
<asp:AdRotator AdvertisementFile="~/AdsData.xml" ID="AdRotator1" runat="server" />
 To open the target web page in a separate browser window, set Target="_blank"
 Use KeyWord attribute to filter ads.
 The KeywordFilter and AdvertisementFile properties can be changed at runtimealso.
 Changing the KeywordFilter at runtime could be very useful.

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 For example, when the AdRotator control is on a master page, and if you want to
change the KeywordFilter on each content page based on the keyword density, so
that, only the ads targeting the page content can be displayed.

Validation Control:
ASP.NET validation controls validate the user input data to ensure that useless,
unauthenticated, or contradictory data don't get stored. ASP.NET validation controls define an
important role in validating the user input data. Whenever the user gives the input, it must
always be validated before sending it across to various layers of an application. If we get the
user input with validation, then chances are that we a resending the wrong data So, validation is
a good idea to do whenever we are taking input from the user.

There are two types of Validation:

1) Client side validation

2) Server side validation

1) Client side validation:

When validation is done on the client browser,then it is known as Client-SideValidation.
When validation is done using a script(usually in the form of JavaScript)in the page that
is posted to the end user’s browser to perform validations on the data entered in the
form before the form is posted back to the originating server.Then, client-side validation
has occurred.
Client-side validation is quick and responsive for the end user. client-side validation is
the more insecure form of validation.
When a page is generated in an end user’s browser,this end user can look at the code of
the page quite easily(simply by right-clicking his mouse in the browser and selecting
View Code).
2) Server side validation:
 When validation occurs on server, where application reside sit is called server side
 The more secure form of validation is server-side validation.
 The main advantage of Server-Side Validation is that if the user some
how bypasses the Client-Side Validation, we can still catch the
problem on server-side.
 Server-side provides more security and ensures that no in valid data is processed by
the application. Server- Side Validation is done by writing the custom logic for
validating all the input.

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Unit:2 Server Control
The best approach is always to perform client-side validation first and then,after the form passes
and is posted to the server, to perform the validation checks again using server -side validation.

Over view of the Validation controls:

Validation server controls are used to validate user-input. A Validation server control is
used to validate the data of an input control. If the data does not pass validation, it will display
an error message to the user.
The syntax for creating a Validation server control is:
<asp:control_name id="some_id" runat="server"/>

Validation Control Description

RequiredFieldValidator It makes sure the user enters data in the associated Data-entry control.
RangeValidator It makes sure that theuser-entered data passes validation criteria that you
set yourself.
CompareValidator It uses comparison operates to compare user-entered data to a constant
value or the value in another Data-entry.
RegularExpressionValidator It makes sure that the user-entered data matches a regularexpression.
CustomValidator It makes sure that the user-entered data passes validations criteria that
you set yourself.
ValidationSummary It displays the list of all the validation errors on the webpage.

Common Properties of validation controls:

Property Description
ControlToValidate Gets or sets the input control to validate.
Display Gets or sets the display behavior of the error message in a validation
EnableClientScript Gets or sets a value indicating whether client-side validation is enabled.
Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the validation control
is enabled.
ErrorMessage Gets or sets the text for the error message displayed in
a ValidationSummary control when validation fails.
ForeColor Gets or sets the color of the message displayed when validation fails.
IsValid Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the associated input control
passes validation.
SetFocusOnError Gets or sets a value that indicates whether focus is set to the
Control specified by the ControlToValidate property when
validation fails.
Text Gets or sets the text displayed in the validation control when validation
ValidationGroup Gets or sets the name of the validation group to which this validation
control belongs.

Common Methods of validation controls:

Property Description
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Unit:2 Server Control

Validate It per forms validation on the associated input control and up dates the IsValid
Required Filed Validator Control:
1) RequiredFieldValidatorControl:
This is the simplest validation control that makes sure that the users have entered data into a Data-entry
control. Suppose that the users are entering data for buying shoes in Data-entry control. In that case you may
want to make sure that the users enter the number of shoes they want to buy. If they omit to enter a value, this
validation control will display its error message.
This control has an Initial value property, which is set to an empty string (“”) by default. If the data has not
changed from that value when validation occurs, the control displays its error message.
Property Description

Initial Value Specifies the starting value of the input control.Default value is""


A Range validator tests if thevalue of a Data-Entrycontrol is inside a specified range of values. You use three
main properties- ControToValidate, MinimumValue and maximumValue. The ControlToValidte property
contains the Data-Entry control to validate, MinimumValue and MaximumValue properties holdthe minimum
and maximum values of the valid range. If you set one of the MinimumValue and MaximumValue properties,
you also must set the other. Also set the Type property to the data type of the value to compare, the possible
values are the same as for comparison validators.


Property Description
MaximumValue Specifies the maximum value of the input control
MinimumValue Specifies the minimum value of the input control
Type Specifiesthedatatypeofthevaluetocheck.Thetypesare:
 Currency
 Date
 Double
 Integer
 String

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Unit:2 Server Control

A CompareValidator compares the value entered bythe user into a Data-Entry control with the
value entered into another Data-Entry control or with a constant value. As usual for validation
controls, you indicate the Data-Entry control to validate by setting the ControlToValidate property. If
you want tocompare a specific Data-Entry control to another, set the ControlToCompare propertyto
specify the control to compare with.You can also compare Date-Entry value to the constant value,for
that you have to set the ValueToCompare property.
Use theType property to specify the type of comparision to perform.Here are the possibilities:

Operator Discription
Equal Checks if the compared value are equal.
NotEqual Checks if the compared value are not equal.
GreaterThan Checks for the greater than relationship.
GreaterThanEqual Checks for the greater than or equal relationship.
LessThan Checks for the less than relationship.
LessThanEqual Checks for the less than or equal relationship.
DataTypeCheck Compares data types between the value enteres into the Data-Entry
control being validated and the data type specified by theType property

Property Description
ControlToCompare The name of the control to compare with
Operator The type of comparison to perform.The operators are:
 Equal
 GreaterThan
 GreaterThanEqual
 LessThan
 LessThanEqual
 NotEqual
 DataTypeCheck
ValueToCompare A specified value to compare with
A regular expresson Validator control is used To Check if the value in data-Entry control
matches a
Pattern defined By a regular expression.You use regular expression to See if the text Matches a
certain Pattern, Which Is A Great Way to Check If The User Has Entered Text In The Way You
Property Description

ValidationExpression Specifies the expression used to validate input control. The expression
validation syntax is different on the client than on the server. Jscript is used
on the client. On the server, the language you have specified is used

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Unit:2 Server Control

5)CustomValidator control:
ASP.Net also allows the freedom of writing your own validator. This eases the task of a
developer to validate the form at the client side itself. It also allows putting more
complex validations in place. Validations that are business or application-specific can
be written using custom validators.

 The custom validation code is written in a function in the code-behind page and
the function name is passed as an attribute to the Custom Validator class .
Custom validation can be done either at the client-side or the server-side.
 Client Validation Function property specifies that the validation is to be
performed on the client-side. Such validation code must be written in some
scripting language such as JavaScript, VBScript,etc.

 The Server Validate event handler is used when validation has to be done
on the server-side. The server-side validation routine is written in C#, VB
.Net or any other .Net language.
With a custom validator, you set the ClientValidation function property to the
names of a script function, such as Javascript or VBscript function. This function will
pass two arguments- sources and arguments. Source gives the source control to
validate, and arguments, hold data to validate as arguments.Value. if you validate the
data, you set arguments.IsValid to TRUE else to FALSE.
Using custom validatoris perhaps the most powerful way to use validators.Existing
beyond the
Simple range checking and field checking validators,custom validators also let you write your
own customization code.
Property Description

ServerValidate It occurs when validation takes place on the server.

ClientValidationFunction Specifies the name of the client-side validation script function to be

Note:The script must be in a language that the browser supports,
such as VBScript or Jscript WithVBScript,the function must be in the
With JScript,the function must be in the form: Function
FunctionName (source, arguments)
ValidateEmptyText Sets a Boolean value in dicating whether empty text should be

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6)Validation Summary control:

The Validationsummary control, which summarize the error messages from all
validators on a web page in one location. The summary can be displayed as a list, as a
bulleted list, or as a single paragraph, based on the DisplayMode property. You can alos
specify if the summary should be displayed in the web page and in a message box by
setting the ShowSummary and showMessagebox propertises, respectively.

Property Description
DisplayMode Howto display the summary.Legal values are:
 BulletList
 List
 SingleParagraph
EnableClientScript A Boolean value that specifies whether client-side validation
is enabled or not
Enabled A Boolean value that specifies whether the validation control is
enabled or not
ForeColor The fore color of the control
HeaderText A header in theValidation Summary control
ShowMessageBox A Boolean value that specifies whether the summary should be
displayed in a message box or not
ShowSummary A Boolean value that specifies whether theValidation Summary
control should be displayed or hidden
ValidationGroup Sets the group of controls for which the validation Summary object
displays validation messages.

Master pages provide templates for other pages on your website. Master pages
allow you to create a consistent look and behaviour for all the pages (or group of
pages) in your web application.

A master page provides a template for other pages,with shared layout and
functionality.The master page defines placeholders for the content, which can be
overridden by content pages. The output result is a combination of the master page
and the content page.

The content pages contain the content you want to display.

When users request the content page, ASP.NET merges the pages to produce
output that combines the layout of the master page with the content of the content

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Unit:2 Server Control

MasterPageKey Points:

1. The extension of MasterPage is'.master'.

2. Master Page can not be directly accessed from the client because it just acts as
a template for the other Content Pages.
3. In a Master Page we can have content either inside ContentPlaceHolder or
outside it. Only content inside the ContentPlaceHolder can be customized in
the Content Page.
4. We can have multiple masters in one web application.
5. A Master Page can have another Master Page as Master to it.
6. The content page content can be placed only inside the content tag.
7. Controls of Master Page can be programmed in the Master Page and content
page but a content page control will never be programmed in MasterPage.
8. A master page of one web application cannot be used in another webapplication.

Menu control in asp.net

 As the name speaks for itself, Menu control in asp.net is used to display
a menuin an asp.net web application.
 The content for the Menu control can be specified directly in the
control or themenu control can be bound to a data source.
 We will discuss data binding in a later video session.
 In this session, let's discuss specifying the contents directly in the
 A Menu control is a collection of MenuItem objects.
 To get a menu as shown in the image below:

 we would configure the menu control as shown below.

<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Home.aspx" Text="Home"Value="Home">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Employee.aspx" Text="Employee"

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Unit:2 Server Control

<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/UploadResume.aspx" Text="Upload Resume"

Value="Upload Resume">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/EditResume.aspx"
Text="Edit Resume" Value="Edit Resume">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/ViewResume.aspx" Text="View
Resume"Value="View Resume">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Employer.aspx" Text="Employer"
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/UploadJob.aspx" Text="Upload
Job" Value="Upload Job">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/EditJob.aspx"
Text="Edit Job" Value="Edit Job">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/ViewJob.aspx"
Text="View Job" Value="View Job">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Admin.aspx" Text="Admin" Value="Admin">
NavigateUrl="~/AddUser.aspx" Text="Add
User" Value="Add User">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/EditUser.aspx"
Text="Edit User" Value="Edit User">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/ViewUser.aspx"

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Text="View User" Value="View User">

 By default, the menu control is displayed using vertical orientation.
 If you want to change its orientation to Horizontal, use Orientation

 <asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal">

 By default, StaticDisplayLevels Property is set to 1.
 This means only the first level is statically displayed.
 If you want 2 levels to be displayed statically, you would set this
property to 2.

<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" StaticDisplayLevels="2">

 To control the amount of time it takes for the dynamically displayed
portion of amenu to disappear, use DisappearAfter property.
 This is in milliseconds.
 If you want the menu to disappear after 2 seconds, you would set it to
2000milliseconds as shown below.
<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" DisappearAfter="2000">

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SiteMapPath control in asp.net

 SiteMapPath control displays navigation path.
 This navigation path is often called as breadcrumb.
 Using SiteMapPath control is straight forward.
 Here are the steps
1. Drag and drop SiteMapPath control onto the master page.
<asp:SiteMapPath ID="SiteMapPath1" runat="server">
2. Right click on the project name in solution explorer and add a SiteMap file.
Copyand paste the following content.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-
<siteMapNode title="DummyRoot">
<siteMapNode url="~/Home.aspx" title="Home"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/Employee.aspx" title="Employee">
<siteMapNode url="~/UploadResume.aspx" title="Upload Resume"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/EditResume.aspx" title="Edit Resume"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/ViewResume.aspx" title="View
<siteMapNode url="~/Employer.aspx" title="Employer">
<siteMapNode url="~/UploadJob.aspx" title="Upload Job"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/EditJob.aspx" title="Edit Job"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/ViewJob.aspx" title="View Job"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/Admin.aspx" title="Admin">
<siteMapNode url="~/AddUser.aspx" title="Add User"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/EditUser.aspx" title="Edit User"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/ViewUser.aspx" title="View User"/>

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Unit:2 Server Control

That's it we are done. Run the application and notice that SiteMapPath control
displays the navigation path. The SiteMapPath control automatically reads data
from Web.sitemap file.

TreeView control in asp.net

 TreeView Web control is useful to display hierarchical data in a tree structure.
 The content for the TreeView control can be specified directly in the
control orthe TreeView control can be bound to:
1. XML file
2. web.sitemap file
3. Database table
 A TreeView is a collection of TreeNode objects.
 To get a TreeView control as shown in the image below:

 We would configure the TreeView control as shown below.

 Notice that we have set Target attribute of TreeNode to _blank.
 This ensures that the target page is opened in a new window.
<asp:TreeView ID="TreeView1" runat="server">
<asp:TreeNode Text="Home" NavigateUrl="~/Home.aspx" Target="_blank"
<asp:TreeNode Text="Employee" NavigateUrl="~/Employee.aspx" Target="_blank">
<asp:TreeNode Text="Upload Resume"

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NavigateUrl="~/UploadResume.aspx" Target="_blank"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Edit Resume"
<asp:TreeNode Text="View Resume"
<asp:TreeNode Text="Employer"
<asp:TreeNode Text="Upload Job"
NavigateUrl="~/UploadJob.aspx" Target="_blank"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Edit Job"
<asp:TreeNode Text="View Job"
<asp:TreeNode Text="Admin" NavigateUrl="~/Admin.aspx"
<asp:TreeNode Text="Add User"
NavigateUrl="~/AddUser.aspx" Target="_blank"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Edit User"
NavigateUrl="~/EditUser.aspx" Target="_blank"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="View User"
NavigateUrl="~/ViewUser.aspx" Target="_blank"/>

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Unit:2 Server Control

 To configure the look and feel of the TreeView control, the following styles
can beused.
1. HoverNodeStyle
2. LeafNodeStyle
3. RootNodeStyle
4. SelectedNodeStyle etc.

Internet is emerging as the most widely used medium for performing various
tasks, such as online shopping ,Data exchanging and bank transactions etc. All this
Information and data need to be secured against unauthorized access from illegal sources.
For this purpose, we use authentication and authorization process.

We need to write large piece of code to create forms and user interfaces for authenticating
the user and displaying the desired page based on the roles or rights given to the user. But it is
very time consuming so that Microsoft developed a new series of server controls, called login

To use login controls in your website. You just need to drag and drop them on the web page.
There is no need to write more codes in the codes-behind file. The Login controls have built in
functionality for authentication and authorization of users.

The Membership Service:

This membership services is an important feature of ASP.NET that helps you validating and
storing user credentials.
The ASP.NET Membership services helps to implement the following functionalities in an

 To create new user and password

 To store the membership information such as username, password, address, email and
supporting data
 To authenticate and authorization the visitors of the websites
 It allows the user to create and reset the password
 It allows to create a unique Identification system for authenticated users

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Unit:2 Server Control
The Login Controls:
1. Login
2. LoginView
3. LoginStatus
4. Loginname
5. PasswordRecovery
6. ChangePassword
7. CreateUserWizard.

1.)The Login Control:-

The Login control provides a user interface which contains username and password that
authenticate the username and password and grant the access to the desired services on the
basis of the credentials.
The Login class contains various methods, properties, and events to work with. Some of them are
as listed below:
1. CreateChildControls: It creates an individual control of the Login control and the event
handlers are associated with it.
2. OnLoggingIn: It raises the LoggingIn event when the user adds the login data
before the authentication is completed.
3. OnLoggedIn: It raises an LoggedIn event when the user loginto the web site after the
authentication is completed
4. OnAuthenticate: It raises an Authenticate event for the user authentication.

Properties of the Login Control

1. CreateUserIconUrl: It retrieves the location of the image to display the link to the user.
2. CreateUserUrl: It specifies or retrieves the URL for the new user page.
3. DisplayRememberMe: It specifies the value stating whether to display the RememberMe
4. FailureText: It displays the text when the login attempt fails
5. HelpPageText: It specifies the text of link to the login help page.
6. Password: It retrieves the password entered by the user
Events of the Login Control

1. LoggedIn: It is initiated when the user logs in the web site and is authenticated.
2. LoggingIn: It is initiated when the user submits the login information.
3. LoginError: It is initiated when a login error is detected.
2.) The LoginView Control:-

The LoginView Control is a web server control, Which is used to display two different views of a
web page of any website , depending on whether the any user has logged on to a web page as
anonymous user or registered user .If the user is authenticated, the control displays the appropriate
to the person with the help of the following views template.

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Unit:2 Server Control

 Anonymous Template :- This template (default of all) will be displayed when any
user just open the web page but not logged in.
 LoggedInTemplate:- This Template (page)will be displayed when the user in logged in.
 RoleGroups:- This template will be displayed when user logged in, that is the member of
thespecific role (defined role group).

You can drag and drop Loginview Control on the web page from toolbox as shown below:-

The LoginView class provides the LoginView control. The methods, properties and events
provided by the login class are as listed below:

Methods of the LoginView class:

1. DataBind: It helps user to bind the data source through the LoginView control.
2. OnViewChanged: It raises the ViewChanged event after the view for the control is changed.
3. OnViewChanging: It raises the ViewChanging event before the LoginView control
changes the view.

Properties of the LoginView class

1. Controls: It accesses the ControlCollection object containing the child controls for the
LoginView control
2. EnableTheming: It access or specifies the value indicating the themes to be applied to the
3. RoleGroups: It access the collection of role groups associated with the content templates.

Events of the LoginView class

1. ViewChanged: It is initiated when the view is changed

2. ViewChanging: It is initiated when the view is in the process to be changed.

3.) The LoginStatus Control :-

It specifies that a particular user has logged into the web site. The login status is displayed as a text.
The login text is displayed as a hyperlink but provides the navigation to the login page. The
authentication section of the web.config file is useful for accessing the login page URL.
The LoggedIn and LoggedOut are the two status provided by the LoginStatus control. The
LoginStatus class provides the control. The methods, properties and events for the control are as
mentioned below:

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Unit:2 Server Control
Methods of the LoginStatus Control
1. OnLoggedOut: It raises the event when the logout link is clicked by the user.
2. OnLoggingOut: It raises the event when the user clicks the logout link of the
control.Properties of the LoginStatus Control

1. LoginImageUrl: It accesses or specifies the URL of the image used for the login link.
2. LoginText: It access the text added for the login link
3. LogoutAction: It retrieves the value for determining the action when the user logs out of the
web site.
4. LogoutText: It retrieves the text used for logout the link.

Events of the LoginStatus Control

1. LogginOut: It is initiated when the user sends the logout request to the server.
2. LoggedOut: It is initiated by the LoginStatus class when the user logout process is completed

4.) The LoginName Control :-

It is used for displaying the name of the authenticated users. The Page.User.Identity.Name is
used for returning the user name. The control is not displayed if it does not contain any
logged in user. The LoginName class is used for the control.
The control does not contain any method, property or events associated with it. The FormatString
property is used for displaying the string in the control.

5.) Passwordrecovery Control:-

It is used to recover or reset the password for the user. The password is sent through an email as a
message at the registration time. The Membership service is used for creating and resetting the
The control contains the following three views.
1. Question: It refers the view where the user can enter the answer to the security question.
2. UserName: It refers to the view where the user can enter the username for the password to be
3. Success: It represents the view where the message is displayed to the user.
The control contains various properties, methods and events as mentioned below:

Methods of the PasswordRecovery Control

1. OnSendingMail: It raises the SendingMail event when the user is verified and the password
is sentto the user.
2. OnUserLookupErrror: It raises the UserLookupError when the username does not match
with the one stored in the database,
3. OnSendMailError: It raises an error when the mail message is not sent to the user.
4. OnVerifyingUser: It raises the event once the username is submitted, and the membership
provider verification is pending.

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Unit:2 Server Control
Properties of the control

1. Answer: The answer provided by the user to confirm the password recovery through the valid
2. FailureTextStyle: It accesses the reference to the collection of properties defining the error
text look.
3. HelpPageIconUrl: It image to be displayed for the link to the password is retrieved.

Events of the control

1. SendingMail: It is initiated when the server is sending an email message containing the
password once the answer is correct.
2. AnswerLookupError: It is initiated when the user answer to the question is incorrect.
3. VerifyingAnswer: It is initiated when the user has submitted the answer to the password
recovery confirmation question.
6. ) CreateUserWizard control:-

The control uses the Membership service for creation of a new user. The control can be
extended to the existing Wizard control. The control can be customized through templates and
Some of the properties, methods and events related to the control are as mentioned below:
Properties of the Control

1. Answer: It retrieves or specifies the answer to the password recovery confirmation question.
2. CompleteStep: It shows the final step of the process for creating the user account.
3. ContinueButtonText: It accesses or specifies the collection of properties defining the
look of the control
4. Email: It retrieves the email address of the user
5. LoginCreatedUser: It accesses or specifies the value indicating the new user login once the
account is created.
Events of the control
1. CreatedUser: It is initiated after the membership service provider has created a new user
2. CreatingUser: It is initiated before the membership service provider is called for
creating user account
3. SendingMail: It is initiated before sending the conformation email on the successful
creation ofthe account
4. SendMailError: It is initiated when the SMTP error occurs during the mail sent to the user.
7.) The ChangePassword Control:-

Using this control ,user can easily change your existing password (old password) on the ASP.NET
Website.This control prompts uses to provide the current password first and then set the new
password first and then set the new password.If the old password is not correct then new password
can't be set. This is also helps to send the email to the respective users about the new password.This
control is used ChangePassword class.

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Unit:2 Server Control
Properties of the control:
1. CancelDestinationPageUrl: It accesses or retrieves the URL of the page that the user is
shown once it clicks the Cancel button.
2. CurrentPassword: It retrieves the current password of a user.
3. DisplayUserName: It retrieves the value indicating whether the ChangePassword control
should be display the control and label.
4. NewPassword: It retrieves the new password entered by the user.
5. UserName: It shows the username for which the password is to be modified.

Events of the control:

1. ChangedPassword: It is initiated when the password is changed for the user account.
2. ChangePasswordError: It is initiated when there is an error in changing the password for
the user account.
3. SendMailError: It is initiated when the SMTP error occurs during sending an email message.
Implementing Authentication in ASP.NET login controls

Consider an example to demonstrate the login controls in an ASP.NET application. Perform the
following steps to demonstrate the implementation of the login controls in application.
1. Place the login control in the .aspx form and change the AutoFormat style property to
2. Click the Smart Tag and open the Login Tasks and select the Administer Website option.
3. Click the Security link in the window.
4. Click the Use the security Setup Wizard to configure security step by step link to open the
setup wizard.
5. Click Next button in the welcome the security setup wizard.
6. Click the From the Internet radio button and click the Next button.
7. Click the Next button in the Advance provider settings page.
8. Select the Enable roles for this web site check box and click the Next button.
9. Add the details in the text boxes and click the Create User button to create the user account.
10. Select the All Users radio button in the Rule applies to section.
11. Click the Add this Rule button. Click Next button.
12. Click Finish button, click Close button.
13. Add the LoginName and LoginStatus controls on the web page.
14. Set the LogoutAction property to Redirect, click the smart tag of the LoginStatus
control andselect the Logged In option from the Views drop down list.
15. Execute the application and enter the username and password in the text boxes. Click Log In

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