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— eS RTO kufFeceny,]. , gol Fes {Ard aa fae Fed * star] i wnpeTd £ ao. re) ‘gan Go Ec Te alvrang. Yo Hands rule ri Oramagnehic CN” ts a Glrorg fi ed is posst ble Ce | ret? Ua ca ri con Q Nigand. re ~ & & paiks avail lable I t +e a @ scanned with OKEN Scanner BS Palade) Gol labels! ad 4s b Li dtep> % A spPiocahedral ~ Cn-1)d Enver OF bita) Complex $ low spin Complex so, HO Dt ts a diamagnetic aD ks (Fecene] solr Fe Cav) 38us* Fet®: Lay) 36 sa en” is a chong Weld ligand. Gm. Fc Yeorvanged ts posssble against ty Hund’ ni eet? mT) 1 oo ty) gas uated Ugands ben”, Ge” Paive em) Pe Li) OO a Le aX w = yp arse, octahedva) je Dante orbital ew beoSp complex low spin fomplex Compounds. a onel ! Ne vacnte) 8” ee Va 1-932 Bm, 8th 0 Poramagnetc: © scanned with OKEN Scanner a (tote) * " gle CO % [hyd ad2g™ cot? Crd fale 3d pr ts Weak field ligand $0 Tearranceme mnt ts 704 Possible agaiwt Jo Hunde vale co'*: fbb bl) [7 CLO CTT ad uy uP ad er = Gem pains cot’ GTA Te] ie) Ladd) De bod TT) are ube se SP2d> 6 OCtahedral. ¥ nd Orbital: (0 outer orbital Coniple x y high Spin Complen ney 7 Pb ve a paramagnelit He Salut) .viysuqem a [eo C6 04), > Sol CO: Cayjgdtury aa ptt far] adé rs Strong freld ligand Lo ic possible Againsr fo Hundt €c contin C00" rearrangement vule ot: @ahhta OD oo 1) Be aed 3%" > ber pairs co. Hilatatshs) 1) Debts) mmo 28 peg TY 4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 41+ is Octahedral + ond Ponev orbitad Complen at low spin comple ge 9205 Heo Dr iso lia magne lic 5) (nicennd sot: Pnitar] ad tus” nis Coed Gali) nS En en is Gtrong Held Ugand- So 6 reavrary gait fo Hund'c dule nev Goleta] CO qv Ot Li} 3d ad ene 2+ Yer pairs we: Fs oY 5 L_dsp . yp dsp” Square planar # Dnner pvbttalwr) low spin neo H:0 ) Nileou. sol Ons: (ard 32% as tay) Gthkhs tn ad ® Us tote grong field Ingand So &¢ 0% int do ‘ rearranged again! gag male en 4 © scanned with OKEN Scanner & Niv [Talololdlal \ |. 34 ap Wn = we, pairs ne play i] Dl Lele Ts) oD 3d us 4p ud se S 4 Sp tebralred ral “4 Taney orbital con tow 4pm Complex vo Shorg Held ligand Complex. n20 Hed AD 6 & dtomagndtre Limitations of V8T This theory could wot explain the Quarilize tion of the magnetic inner orbital and Outer orbital Compler, Change of | magnetic wnoment vith tempera of . Complexet: data , existence of dure! avid . | colour Coystall Field ctheory (CFT) thie theory wor proposed PY He Bethe in 1209 and Man Vleck: Orgel im 1935, applied this theory do Coordinatron).. Compounds - In hit treated ar point chewges theory, Higande ave oF gwiom and dipoles im cateoF im case neutral molecules @ scanned with OKEN Scanner The ive d-orbitale ave clacsitied ar three deorbitale ie. duy ,y2 and dar ave oriented in between he COordinate areea, are called tg -ovbitale ithe other too d-orbital Fe dave along the axes are Called @gorb4 and dy. oriented Duele approach of figonde, the five degen ¢ d-orbilals split. Splitting of d-orbilals chepends on the nature of the Cryddal -feld. (The energy ditterence belween tig and ey Jewe ts oduignated by 4 and Fe called’ “Crautal field splitting energy]. By using spectrosco ple coordination, Compoundt, metal ton but aitterent ligand , the Crystal ield splitting for each ligand har been Caltulate dA Serie in) which ligand cave data for a number of having the Same arranged in order of ineveating magni lide of. Crystal, Field splitting. is called & eetrochemical Servet Spectrocherneal Serre qr ewe CSch LESSEE “COHN Code Hing Neg CEOTAN NM Lend cnr eco @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Crystal Field Splitting in Octahedra| Gr Care oF Octahedral Complexe, energ y Separation #6 denoted by Mo Culhere Subscript 0 it for Octahedral) Octahedral Complexes ithe sinsligands On approach 4the Central metal ton along the oui of dv-y and dz,> orbitals «These are es orbttale- + eg det ot oybitals S energy, of Energy © wbitale tap. gait! cle eveare set of 0 he energy of eg orbitals wll inerean by (ile) Be and ag wail clecreaie By Cle) tt auae, the fourth electron enters one ot ie eq" orbitals ghving the Leonhgurate Ryep! Uguadi “Hor vwshich Known at weak field ligand high Spin Complenes 94 Bore, tt becomes’ more emerge tically for the fourth dedtion fo O«cepy bites | “De &P oare and form favourable a t4 orbital with Contiguration Cldhere Pe energy required, Tor € paiting Iman orbital). Ligands ahich produce thivetHecl are L known an-(shong Keka (eqand! «27 Form ley © scanned with OKEN Scanner Spin Complexes energy IE de tay du dye T° ear Keng Ct and, Nsg- Crystal field Stabilisation ener Metal chorbi talr hedta” ¢ SS e 17008 the doch an sphervéal cryitel eld dy od dy Sidey dy, Splithng of Lib ie otlahedval Gayle field FP cowec 2 20 cH.oe PYENMS Lene Nom Len 20 fee in The precent of strong and weak field gens , (Cong Tchr sbidion i sated RPT Ts Hibulinnin atthe «| Stabil | gy] 9 ene te a [* o-ude |v a [4 | * 0-666) 2. a A ai4+ [4 |e baat} | a | mw ” n de \ ~T | gh | Me] Mop ™ obo | |: 1 day | 2s] a at AL | 8} fate | ty ty [ay | ae ar ano] Ae fay [a8 | | wae ft | A @ scanned with OKEN Scanner “Crystal Field Gtabilitation energre in the prasnee of Sbiong % weak feta ligands a stabil: | No-of e | shabilisalag No -0# os [Disab i 6d eae ved ehrlion saute fe * a Lapa __| ag ovbitals | ey orbital _lenerty| eles Lig orbitate legortilal 899 etehont a | * ode] 1 * | 044 i ae lale oso) 3 ir \ + | 0-8 be 2 ae ” Fafa Vado] > pig] jade 3 a lay z reo] 2 aia [at | ob bo | 4 : é 3 ob | ge fuels Q.0b> | 1 aay tin la F ube} oO {4 la] | tee] 4 at tay [|v a aay : > 3 pass] 1 far day | Mfr] ey? cay a> lav bay [tu | 4 | F dt yay ji lay [on] as pawl 9 [ay fay lau] o> | 4 ase fe Jo Fy EM Ly | ay | qe foedely [ay feu fay aye | oe for ge im ON LH Ly | ay food | o fm fay | ty fay fay foot |e. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Gytal fidd Splitting ‘tn Tetrahedral Complenes Dp detrahedtral Complexe, four higonds roan be imagined to Oeerpy the AMernale Corer ok the Cube and the rmetal fon af the Cenlee of the (ube : Gn such — Complexer d-orbtlal spktting i inverkd ond it gmalley Ot (Ompared to the octohedral field splitting Energy of 4. set of orbilalt > Energy of eset oF orbitals + 2 Orbital. splitting . energies ore So fous thot eleclFons ave not possible to Pairing of thete orm high Spin Complener- energy S deyty dey ; pla) & Z » J bE Byer . 2 Reerage energy 1 the el-orbilads in { ye SS Sherical erga Sena ae ig ar arse dey” u ‘ sphthae a a-orbita i Achohedral eryttal re field a @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Colour in Coordi nation Compounds the Crystal field theory attribules the colour the Coordination Compound clus to d-d ot vvamiittan oF the election dee electian jomP From tag level ‘to higher 6 level qstal field, Splittin ligand: ae Sulotkance if Ja the absence of doce not occur and hence the colour less eg. (1 «H0y,)* - 1 glue in Colours Violet ta Colour [cuctddal® ete limi Fations of CET DE doe not Conticler “the formation of bon dling in, Comple xet 9.94 16 alo unable fo actount | Salictactorily of legandh, ¢ gat for the relative Gkrengths 4 nd does mot explain why "#10 is thronger lige than OFT a. D4 giver PO account of the parttaly covalent nalare jot metal - metal bonds Ugand field mole cuter Orbital Theory “This theory was put “Brioard bY lund are Mulliken as, fy pees Hheory sal © scanned with OKEN Scanner the lorie orbitals: of the “alom participak in molewle formation get maned to give ew an equivalent nurebrr of new orbital, Called he ynolrutlor orbilale The electron are now yunder dhe intluence of all the nuclei abslty ot Coovdmation Compounds in solution rebers Gabrlity of — Cornplen te the clegree of astociation behocen the uo species involved. in the Stale ob equilibi- exprened o4 Cability Conctant (k) og Maal = (me)* ie Lerauny* ime? The -lactors on which Stability of the Cornp ler depends i) Charge on the Cenbral rnetal alem As the mognilude of charge on metal aloe increcier, ability of the Complex increas prabire’ ob recto fon: The _Sabilty i order #5 adehd 25d Sevier iu) Basie Notre OF ligand : Strong truld Vents treble Compe, © scanned with OKEN Scanner The instability’ “Conitaint ov the “ctssocicit ialion, Contant oF Compounk it defined ar th vecéprocal ot the formation oY tability Contant - Dmmportonce amet Application_of : Cordination fampounde : = wathey are uted ia many qualitative ald Quantitative analytit- a. Hardest of water ectimated by Simple with Na €DT™! aitration fan be aachiewe d metals 3 Purikcation ot Ahrough formation and gubsequeent lecomporite of they coordination great. importance in biological Compounds « 4: They onte Systems : 5 They are wed as calalyct for many irduityia | proces 6 Pn medicinal chemitty there {Co greeny interect OF chelating ~therapy. Organometallic Compounds They Condalas thd or more rélalfer bmn bond in “thei. molecules “They 2" ofthe Follow ing type ——— © scanned with OKEN Scanner H) Siqmale) Bonded Compounch Mela! - Carbon bond | Sigma bend cog ts)aPh 2alOHeds RmMg—¥ ate 2) Pier) Bonded Compounds Om eghith molecule: [ions | Containing “H-bonds act ar legand ,0g. ferrocene, diben sene chyomittm and Feise's salt sBecse's, Salb in k(PE CELL - GHyl] in which thylene ach ar a ligand which donot haw a lone pair of election Gn. Fervocene , Fe OU’ ~ (Hels 1 “preenh the pumber of Cav bon alom: with which metal tonics vidireclly attached J | Band TW Bonded Compound Mela! Carbonylt are theiy example Metal~ Carbon bend of metal carkonyle have bath o- and Th - bond character They have CO molecule 2 ligand eq, 1 t ' 0. ae Ni \ co ° J \\e ° oc Feltode (wiccod4) i A © scanned with OKEN Scanner [ tilkin son's catalyct Cehcrrhs) ch) is used ay | homogeneous catalyst in the hydrogenetion of alkenes» teigley ~ Natta Catalyst [TiCly 4 COHe); At) ack’ as hetero geneous Catalys in the poly meritation oF ethy lene.). Pir v © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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