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IQRA BCA College-Bharuch

601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

UNIT-3: Cloud Management

 Tasks of Cloud management

o It is the responsibility of cloud provider to manage resources and their
performance. Management of resources includes several aspects of cloud
computing such as load balancing, performance, storage, backups, capacity,
deployment, etc. The management is essential to access full functionality of
resources in the cloud.

o Audit System Backups

It is required to audit the backups timely to ensure restoring of
randomly selected files of different users. Backups can be performed
in following ways:
 Backing up files by the company, from on-site computers to the
disks that reside within the cloud.
 Backing up files by the cloud provider.
It is necessary to know if cloud provider has encrypted the data, who
has access to that data and if the backup is taken at different
locations, then the user must know the details of those locations.

1 Prepared By: Tasneem Gandhi

IQRA BCA College-Bharuch
601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

o Data Flow of the System

The managers are responsible to develop a diagram describing a
detailed process flow. This process flow describes the movement of
data belonging to an organization throughout the cloud solution.

o Vendor Lock-In Awareness and Solutions

The managers must know the procedure to exit from services of a
particular cloud provider. The procedures must be defined to enable
the cloud managers to export data of an organization from their
system to another cloud provider.

o Knowing Provider’s Security Procedures

The managers should know the security plans of the provider for the
following services:
 Multitenant use
 E-commerce processing
 Employee screening
 Encryption policy

o Monitoring Capacity Planning and Scaling Capabilities

The managers must know the capacity planning in order to ensure
whether the cloud provider is meeting the future capacity
requirement for his business or not.
The managers must manage the scaling capabilities in order to ensure
services can be scaled up or down as per the user need.

o Monitor Audit Log Use

In order to identify errors in the system, managers must audit the logs
on a regular basis.

o Solution Testing and Validation

When the cloud provider offers a solution, it is essential to test it in
order to ensure that it gives the correct result and it is error-free. This
is necessary for a system to be robust and reliable.

 Cloud Storage Devices

Cloud Storage is a service that allows to save data on offsite storage system
managed by third-party and is made accessible by a web services API.
Storage devices can be broadly classified into two categories:

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IQRA BCA College-Bharuch
601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

 Block Storage Devices

o The block storage devices offer raw storage to the clients. These
raw storages are partitioned to create volumes.
o Hard drives are block-based storage systems. Your operating
system like Windows or Linux actually sees a hard disk drive. So, it
sees a drive on which you can create a volume, and then you can
partition that volume and format them.
o For example, If a system has 1000 GB of volume, then we can
partition it into 800 GB and 200 GB for local C and local D drive
o Remember with a block-based storage system, your computer
would see a drive, and then you can create volumes and
o Block storage divides large volumes of data into smaller units
called blocks. Each block is associated with a unique identifier and
placed on one of the system's storage drives. Block storage is fast,
efficient and provides the low latency required by applications
such as databases and high-performance workloads.

 File Storage Devices

o The file Storage Devices offer storage to clients in the form of
files, maintaining its own file system. This storage is in the form of
Network Attached Storage (NAS).
o In this, you are actually connecting through a Network Interface
Card (NIC). You are going over a network, and then you can access
the network-attached storage server (NAS). NAS devices are file-
based storage systems.
o This storage server is another computing device that has another
disk in it. It is already created a file system so that it’s already
formatted its partitions, and it will share its file systems over the
network. Here, you can actually map the drive to its network
o In this, like the previous one, there is no need to partition and
format the volume by the user. It’s already done in file-based
storage systems. So, the operating system sees a file system that
is mapped to a local drive letter.
o File storage organizes data in a hierarchical system of files and
folders; it is commonly used with personal computer storage
drives and network-attached storage (NAS). Data in a file storage
system is stored in files, and the files are stored in folders.
Directories and subdirectories are used to organize the folders

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IQRA BCA College-Bharuch
601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

and locate files and data. A file storage-based cloud can make
data access and retrieval easier, with this hierarchical format
being familiar to users and required by some applications.

 Cloud Storage Classes

Managed cloud computing and the needs of individual organizations have

immensely changed the way information technology works. In fact, the COVID-19
pandemic has only accelerated the need for managed cloud computing technology
as organizations are looking for smarter ways to run their business. Organizations
can choose to manage their cloud computing infrastructure themselves or opt for a
managed cloud provider to help reduce the burden of day-to-day management.

Both options, i.e., managed and unmanaged cloud services, have their advantages.
The ultimate decision of which option to go with depends on the business and the
requirements of the workloads they plan to move to the unmanaged or managed
cloud services.

Cloud storage can be broadly classified into two categories:

 Unmanaged Cloud Storage

o Unmanaged cloud storage offers online storage space on-demand. The
unmanaged cloud storage system appears to the user to be a raw disk that
the user can partition and format.
o An unmanaged cloud computing has a ‘do it yourself’ model where
organizations pay for the resources they use. This is generally a public cloud
where the customer rents the infrastructure and has administrative access
to manage their cloud computing services directly. This approach gives
businesses two key things – control and freedom to customize and deploy
software as per their need.
o Unmanaged cloud computing is also a cheaper option than managed cloud
services. Hence businesses that are comfortable managing their resources
prefer to use this option.

 Managed Cloud Storage

o Managed cloud storage means the storage is preconfigured for the
customer. The customer can neither format, nor install his own file system
or change drive properties.
o A managed cloud is a custom-built, organizations specific private cloud
solution where the organization can harness the power of the private cloud
without worrying about the cost, stress, or time it takes to manage it. An
organization seeks the services of managed cloud hosting service providers

4 Prepared By: Tasneem Gandhi

IQRA BCA College-Bharuch
601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

for solutions and resources. The managed cloud provider offers hands-on
availability, redundancy, 24x7support, guidance, monitoring, management,
troubleshooting, and more.
o This solution is preferred by organizations that do not have a proper IT team
or resources and are therefore uncomfortable with the full deployment. It is
also a preferred option for organizations with complex infrastructures and
applications that would much rather outsource this function. Businesses get
the full support of the managed cloud provider and work with them to
create the perfect solution that is ideal for their business.

 Virtualization
[Refer Unit 2 Topic- Virtualization]

 Hypervisor
 A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor or VMM. The hypervisor
is a piece of software that allows us to build and run virtual machines which are
abbreviated as VMs.
 A hypervisor allows a single host computer to support multiple virtual machines
(VMs) by sharing resources including memory and processing.
 Hypervisors allow the use of more of a system's available resources and provide
greater IT versatility because the guest VMs are independent of the host
hardware which is one of the major benefits of the Hypervisor.
 In other words, this implies that they can be quickly switched between servers.
Since a hypervisor with the help of its special feature, it allows several virtual
machines to operate on a single physical server. So, it helps us to reduce:
 The Space efficiency
 The Energy uses
 The Maintenance requirements of the server.

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IQRA BCA College-Bharuch
601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

 Types of hypervisors
o There are two types of hypervisors: "Type 1" (also known as "bare
metal") and "Type 2" (also known as "hosted"). A type 1 hypervisor
functions as a light operating system that operates directly on the host's
hardware, while a type 2 hypervisor functions as a software layer on top
of an operating system, similar to other computer programs.
o Since they are isolated from the attack-prone operating system, bare-
metal hypervisors are extremely stable.
o Furthermore, they are usually faster and more powerful than hosted
hypervisors. For these purposes, the majority of enterprise businesses
opt for bare-metal hypervisors for their data centre computing
o While hosted hypervisors run inside the OS, they can be topped with
additional (and different) operating systems.
o The hosted hypervisors have longer latency than bare-metal hypervisors
which is a very major disadvantage of it. This is due to the fact that
contact between the hardware and the hypervisor must go through the
OS's extra layer.
o Hardware acceleration technology improves the processing speed of
both bare-metal and hosted hypervisors, allowing them to build and
handle virtual resources more quickly.
o On a single physical computer, all types of hypervisors will operate
multiple virtual servers for multiple tenants. Different businesses rent
data space on various virtual servers from public cloud service providers.
One server can host multiple virtual servers, each of which is running
different workloads for different businesses.

o Type 1 hypervisor

 The native or bare metal hypervisor, the Type 1 hypervisor is

known by both names.
 It replaces the host operating system, and the hypervisor
schedules VM services directly to the hardware.
 The type 1 hypervisor is very much commonly used in the
enterprise data centre or other server-based environments.
 It includes KVM(Kernel based Virtual Machine), Microsoft Hyper-
V, and VMware vSphere.

o Type 2 hypervisor
 It is also known as a hosted hypervisor; The type 2 hypervisor is a
software layer or framework that runs on a traditional operating

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IQRA BCA College-Bharuch
601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

 It operates by separating the guest and host operating systems.

The host operating system schedules VM services, which are then
executed on the hardware.
 Individual users who wish to operate multiple operating systems
on a personal computer should use a form 2 hypervisor.
 This type of hypervisor also includes the virtual machines with it.

 What is a cloud hypervisor?

o Hypervisors are a key component of the technology that enables cloud
computing since they are a software layer that allows one host device to
support several virtual machines at the same time.
o Hypervisors allow IT to retain control over a cloud environment's
infrastructure, processes, and sensitive data while making cloud-based
applications accessible to users in a virtual environment.
o Increased emphasis on creative applications is being driven by digital
transformation and increasing consumer expectations. As a result, many
businesses are transferring their virtual computers to the cloud.
o Having to rewrite any existing application for the cloud, on the other
hand, will eat up valuable IT resources.
o A hypervisor also helps in the rapid migration of applications to the cloud
as being a part of a virtualization platform.
o As a result, businesses will take advantage of the cloud's many
advantages, such as lower hardware costs, improved accessibility, and
increased scalability, for a quicker return on investment.

 Benefits of hypervisors
Using a hypervisor to host several virtual machines has many advantages:

o Speed: The hypervisors allow virtual machines to be built instantly unlike

bare-metal servers. This makes provisioning resources for complex
workloads much simpler.
o Efficiency: Hypervisors that run multiple virtual machines on the
resources of a single physical machine often allow for more effective use
of a single physical server.
o Flexibility: Since the hypervisor distinguishes the OS from the underlying
hardware, the program no longer relies on particular hardware devices
or drivers, bare-metal hypervisors enable operating systems and their
related applications to operate on a variety of hardware types.
o Portability: Multiple operating systems can run on the same physical
server thanks to hypervisors (host machine). The hypervisor's virtual
machines are portable because they are separate from the physical

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IQRA BCA College-Bharuch
601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

 Security considerations for hypervisors

o A virtual machine (VM) creates a separate world from the rest of the
device, so whatever runs inside it won't mess with everything else on the
host hardware.
o Since virtual machines are isolated, even though one is compromised,
the rest of the system should be unaffected.
o However, if the hypervisor is compromised, it may trigger issues with all
of the VMs that it handles, putting the data in each one at risk.
o Depending on the type of hypervisor, security protocols and
specifications can differ.

 Hardware Virtualization
o Previously, there was "one to one relationship" between physical servers and
operating system. Low capacity of CPU, memory, and networking requirements
were available. So, by using this model, the costs of doing business increased.
o The hypervisor manages the physical resources of the hardware between the
guest operating systems and host operating system. The physical resources
become abstracted versions in standard formats regardless of the hardware
platform. The abstracted hardware is represented as actual hardware. Then the
virtualized operating system looks into these resources as they are physical
o Virtualization means abstraction. Hardware virtualization is accomplished by
abstracting the physical hardware layer by use of a hypervisor or VMM (Virtual
Machine Monitor).
o When the virtual machine software or virtual machine manager (VMM) or
hypervisor software is directly installed on the hardware system is known as
hardware virtualization.

o Types of Hardware Virtualization

Here are the three types of hardware virtualization:
o Full Virtualization
In full virtualization, the underlying hardware is completely simulated.
Guest software does not require any modification to run.
Full Virtualization was introduced by IBM in the year 1966. It is the first
software solution for server virtualization and uses binary translation and
direct approach techniques. In full virtualization, guest OS is completely
isolated by the virtual machine from the virtualization layer and
hardware. Microsoft and Parallels systems are examples of full

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IQRA BCA College-Bharuch
601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

o Emulation Virtualization
In Emulation, the virtual machine simulates the hardware and hence
becomes independent of it. In this, the guest operating system does not
require modification.

o Paravirtualization
In Paravirtualization, the hardware is not simulated. The guest software
run their own isolated domains.

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IQRA BCA College-Bharuch
601-02: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

Paravirtualization is the category of CPU virtualization which uses hyper

calls for operations to handle instructions at compile time. In
paravirtualization, guest OS is not completely isolated but it is partially
isolated by the virtual machine from the virtualization layer and hardware.
VMware and Xen are some examples of paravirtualization.

10 Prepared By: Tasneem Gandhi

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