grammar test

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1. I’d love to ________ in the 19th century.

o live o lived
o have lived o have been lived

2. Take a sandwich with you ________ you get hungry later.

o when o so as not to
o if o in case

3. She ________ have short hair, but now it’s long.

o used to o before
o use to o didn't

4. I’ll send it to you ________ I get the money.

o in case o until
o unless o as soon as

5. Do you think it’s ________ rain tomorrow?

o will o going
o going to o to

6. By next month I ________ all my exams, and I can relax!

o will finish o will be finishing
o will have finished o will have been finishing

7. I was ________ exhausted by the end of the day.

o completely o extremely
o very o incredibly

8. I ________ been hit by a car, but luckily I just managed to get out of the way.
o could have o must have
o can have o should have

9. I wish he ________ so rude to people when we go out.

o hadn't been o wouldn't be
o won't be o didn't be

10. It was the first time he ________ anything so spicy.

o was eating o had been eating
o has eaten o had eaten

11. She ________ in a small house near the park.

o living o stays
o lives o live

12. Where ________ he work?

o do o does
o is o don't

13. I ________ to Germany last year.

o went o goed
o go o gone

14. This house is ________, but also ________.

o bigger … expensiver o bigger … more expensive
o more big … expensiver o more big … more expensive

15. I spend too much time ________. I’d like ________ more time for myself and my family.
o working … having o working … to have
o to work … having o to work … to have

16. _______ spent time abroad when I was a student, I found it easier to get used to ________ in another
o Have … live o Having … live
o To have … living o Having … living

17. She’s wearing a ________ dress.

o black long beautiful o long black beautiful
o long beautiful black o beautiful long black

18. I’ve already called her four times ________.

o before o yesterday
o again o today

19. I don’t know where she is. I suppose she ________ got stuck in traffic.
o must have o might have
o should have o can have

20. If he ________ one minute later, he ________ the train.

o would arrive … would miss
o had arrived … would have missed
o arrived … would have missed
o would have arrived … would have missed

21. Winters here ________ be really cold sometimes, so make sure you bring warm clothes!
o might o can
o could o may

22. Let’s go to the cinema.

Great idea! What film ________ we watch?
o do o shall
o will o are we going to

23. I ________ like getting up early.

o not o don't
o doesn't o am not

24. If I had more time, I ________ do more exercise.

o 'm going to o will
o would o want to

25. He ________ ever works as ________ as he should.

o hard … hardly o hardly … hard
o hard … hard o hardly … hardly

26. He drives quite ________, but his brother drives really ________.
o slowly … fast o slow … fastly
o slow … fast o slowly … fastly

27. Could you tell me ________?

o the bus stop is where
o where the bus stop is
o is where the bus stop
o where is the bus stop

28. But they ________be away – I saw them this morning!

o don't have to o mustn't
o shouldn't o can't

29. That wasn’t a good idea – you ________ thought about it more carefully.
o should have o must have
o ought have o have to

30. Where ________ they from?

o are o is
o am o isn't

31. That smells good! What ________.

o are you cook? o do you cooking?
o do you cook? o are you cooking?

32. I drink coffee ________.

o twice in day o twice a day
o two times for a day o two times day

33. Whose bag is this?

It’s ________.
o my o the mine
o mine o of me

34. I wouldn’t say that to him if I ________ you.

o were o am
o was o would be
35. I’m busy on Friday, so I ________ come.
o not can o don't
o am not o can't

36. How long have they ________ there?

o waited o been waited
o been waiting o waiting

37. The film ________ by Quentin Tarantino.

o did directed o was directed
o was direct o directed

38. How did this ________ broken?

o be o was
o get o become

39. Put ______ bag on ______ table, then give me ______ apple and ______ bar of chocolate.
o the / the / a / a o a / the / an / the
o a / a / the / the o the / the / an / a

40. She’s from ________, so she speaks ________.

o Spanish … Spanish o Spanish … Spain
o Spain … Spainese o Spain … Spanish

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