Science- LP (Quiz)

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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Integrated Laboratory School
Elementary Department
Normal Rd., Baliwasan, Zamboanga City

Name of PST: Norjimar S. Appad Date Submitted: Feb. 07, 2024

Mentor: Mr. Ahmad Alnedzmir S. Alpha Date of Teaching: Feb. 19, 2024


(3rd Periodic Exam)

I. Objectives
At the of the end of a 90-minute quiz, the Grade V – Alpha pupils are expected to do
the following with at least 85% level of accuracy:
a. recall the concepts on the following topics:
1. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
2. Sexual Reproduction in Nonflowering Plants
3. Asexual Reproduction in Plants
4. Living and Nonliving Things in Estuaries
5. Feeding and Ecological Relationship
6. Ways and Benefits of Protecting and Conserving Estuaries and
Intertidal Zones
7. Measurements;
b. answer the test independently with accuracy; and
c. follow the directions correctly.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Sexual Reproduction in Nonflowering
Plants, Asexual Reproduction in Plants, Living and Nonliving Things in Estuaries, Feeding
and Ecological Relationship, Ways and Benefits of Protecting and Conserving Estuaries and
Intertidal Zones, and Measurements;
a. Reference: Science for Smart Learners. pp. 130-178

III. Materials
Test Paper

IV. Procedure

A. Preparation
Good morning class (Good morning, teacher!) how are you today? (We’re fine teacher,
how about you?) I’m also fine, thank you! You may now take your seat. Before we start, kindly arrange
your chairs one seat apart, keep all your books and notebooks inside your bag. I only want to see
your ballpen on top of your chair.
Now, I have something to introduce to you. Take a look at the left most part of
whiteboard. Can anyone tell to the class what do you see on our whiteboard? (Animals, sir!)
(Foods, sir!) alright! So, how many animals do you see? (There are 3 animals, sir!) very good!
Therefore, we will divide our class into three groups: This is the Group 1, this is the Group 2, and this the
Group 3. Each of these animals represents your group. This rabbit is for Group 1, this goat is for Group 2,
and monkey for Group 3. These animals are really hungry and they need food for them to live,
however their foods are on the other side and they cannot walk or run without your help, do you want to
help these animals to get their food? (Yes, sir!) okay! So, in order for you to help these animals to get
their foods, there are things that you should do or remember when we are having a discussion, can you
mention what are those? (Behave) (Participate) (Listen when teacher is speaking) (Answers may vary)
okay very good!

B. Presentation
Today we are going to have our 3rd periodic exam in Science. As you remember, last time we
discussed about Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Sexual Reproduction in Nonflowering
Plants, Asexual Reproduction in Plants, Living and Nonliving Things in Estuaries, Feeding and
Ecological Relationship, Ways and Benefits of Protecting and Conserving Estuaries and Intertidal
Zones, and Measurements. Did you study and review your lessons, class? (Yes, sir!) Great! You
should, class. Our test today consists of 40 items.

C. Recall of the Rule

Before we proceed with the test proper, let’s have first a short recap of the lessons we have
discussed. Kindly pay attention and listen to teacher. Let’s start with the Sexual Reproduction in
Flowering Plants and Sexual Reproduction in Nonflowering Plants. Can anyone tell to the class what
do we mean by pollination? (It transfers the pollen from one flower to another, sir!) Very good! May I
know what are the two classifications of pollination? (Self-pollination and cross-pollination, sir!)
Who can differentiate self-pollination to cross-pollination? (Self-pollination is when the pollen is
transferred to the stigma of the same flower, while cross-pollination is when the pollen is carried by
wind, water, or pollinators from one flower) very good!
Now, let’s proceed with the Asexual Reproduction in Plants, can anyone tell to class what
are the two kinds of reproduction in plants? (Natural vegetative reproduction) (Artificial vegetative
reproduction) Very good! What are the three things that allow the buds to grow naturally? (Roots, stems, and
leaves) Very good! How about the three types of artificial vegetative reproduction? (Cutting, layering,
and grafting) Very good! Who can differentiate natural vegetative reproduction to artificial
vegetative reproduction? (In natural vegetative reproduction, no human intervention is needed,
meanwhile in artificial vegetative reproduction, there is a human intervention in which they
propagate plants in an artificial manner) Excellent!
Let’s proceed with another topic, such as Living things and Nonliving Things in Estuaries.
Can anyone tell to the class what the three levels of organism that can be found in estuaries? (Producers)
(Consumers) (Decomposers) Alright! Now, can anyone tell to the class what are the nonliving factors
that affect organisms in estuaries? (Water) (Salinity) (Dissolved oxygen) (Temperature) (Sunlight)
very good!
Now, let’s proceed with another topic on Feeding and Ecological
Relationship. Can anyone tell to the class what do we mean by feeding relationship?
(Feeding relationship is between different organisms as each one relies on the others for food and energy
transfer) Very good! And this relationship is represented by? (Food chain and food web, sir!) alright!
What are the three levels of food chain? (Producers, consumers, and decomposers, sir!) very good! How
about ecological relationship? (Ecological Relationship describe the interactions between and
among organisms within their environment) exactly! Can you give the five main types of ecological
relationship? (Mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, competition, and predation) very good!
We, also, discussed about Ways and Benefits of Protecting and Conserving Estuaries
and Intertidal Zones, can anyone differentiate estuaries to intertidal zones? (Estuary is where the river
meets the sea, whereas an intertidal zone is where the land meets the ocean, sir!) very good! What are
the benefits of estuaries and intertidal zones? (It has ecological and economic value, sir!) correct! Now, can
you name the ways we can do to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones? (Conserve
water) (Use nontoxic pesticides) (Answer may vary) that’s right!
And the last topic we discussed last time was about measurement. What is a
measurement? (A skill in which we express the properties of an object by comparing them to a
standard, sir!) Very good! Can anyone tell to the class what are the five physical quantities of a
measurement? (Length, time, volume, mass, and temperature, sir!) excellent! What is the SI unit for
length? (Meter, sir!) Alright! what is the SI unit for time? (Second, sir!) Very good! How about the SI unit
for volume? (Liter and mililiter) Very good! What is the S1 unit for mass? (Kilogram, sir!) Exactly! How
about the SI unit for temperature? (Celcius, degree fahrenheit, and kelvin, sir!) Excellent!

D. Setting of Standards
It seems like you have understood our discussion on these topics very well. Before we
start our 3 periodic exam can anyone tell to the class what should we remember when we are having a
test? (Follow the directions) (Do not cheat) (Raise your hands when you ask permission) (Answers may
vary) very good! Can I expect all those things from you? (Yes, sir!) Alright!
E. Passing of the Paper
Now, I have the test papers here. I will distribute these papers to each of the row, but do
not pass it yet until I instruct you to do so, are we clear? (Yes, sir!). (The PST is distributing the paper to
each row) You may now pass the paper at the back.

F. Reading of Instruction
Do you all have a test paper now? (Yes, sir!) Alright! Now, let’s read the directions
altogether (The class is reading the directions of the test) Is the instruction clear to you? (Yes, sir!) Are
thereany questions? Clarification? (None, sir!) Alright!

G. Answering of the Test Paper

Alright! kindly write your name, grade & section, and the date today. You are only given
1 hour to answer the test. You may start now!

H. Collecting of Test Paper

Class, are you done answering the quiz? (Yes, sir!) Very good! Pass the paper in front on
my counts. Now, pass the paper to the center. Are all papers here now? (Yes, sir!)
V. Evaluation
How did you find the long quiz, class? (I found quite difficult, sir!) (Answers may
vary) What part of the quiz did you find difficult? (The last part, sir!) (Answers may vary)
alright! what would happen if you took time to study and review the lesson? (We would probably get
good scores, sir!) and how about for those who did not? for those (They would find the quiz quite difficult,
sir!) So, what are you supposed to do to get good scores? (Review/study our lesson, sir!) Alright. But,
still congratulations to all and you may now arrange your seats.

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