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Data Science with Python


This chapter brief about the history of the organization, major milestones, overall organization
structure Products and services offered, number of people working in the organization, operation of
different departments and their functions.

1.1 About the Company

Fig.1.1: Alpha Ace Academy logo

The institute was started by Manoj T S and Ananta S Bhat who are self-taught web developers with
motive to upskill students, provide best training, create a fun and friendly learning environment.
Alpha Ace Academy is a leading software training institute in Mysuru. Young and passionate
trainers are ready to empower students of various fields of study with IT knowledge and skills that
are essential for an individual to increase their chances of getting placed in an IT Company. At Alpha
Ace Academy - A CUBE, they're more than an institution. They're a community of Data Science
enthusiasts, situated in the heart of Kuvempu Nagar, Mysore. Their journey is driven by a deep
passion for technology and a mission to equip students with the skills for a data-driven world. They
are a team of passionate youngsters, committed in providing quality training in trending software
tools and programming languages which will set the path of a student's career in the right direction.
From the beginning, their way of training provides practical exposure, which in turn helps students
in expanding their problem-solving skills and critical thinking.
The need for software training is skyrocketing and they provide the best solution. They provide
training for all major software products – from Adobe products to SQL – and they have an ever-
growing team of trainers. The institute's mission is to empower future generations by equipping them
with the tools needed to succeed in the global IT industry.

Vision of the Company: To empower individuals with a strong foundation in Data Science,
setting the stage for success in the digital age.

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Data Science with Python
Company Product & Services:
The courses include - top programming languages like python. Java, JavaScript, C, C", etc. Full
Stack web development training in various stacks of development like ERN, MEAN, .NET full
stack, JAVA full stack, Python Django etc. are our main career building courses which offers
placements in prestigious IT Companies inside INDIA.
• Python
• Java
• C and C++
• Frontend Web Development
• Full Stack Web Development
• Full Stack Development
• HTML, CSS, JavaScript
• Web Development
• Data Science
• Machine Learning
• Artificial intelligence
1.2 About the domain specific software:
Data Science involves extracting insights and knowledge from large volumes of data using various
techniques and tools. It encompasses data analysis, machine learning, and statistical methods to
uncover patterns and make informed decisions. The field plays a crucial role in solving complex
problems and driving innovation across various industries.

Benefits of tools
• Improved decision making

• Enhanced business intelligence

• Predictive analytics

• Innovation

• Personalized making & customer segmentation

• Real time monitoring and reporting

• Cost reduction and efficiency opt

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Data Science with Python

1.3 Objectives of the Internship

• Enhance Programming skills: To improve programming skills, particularly in python
for data manipulation and querying.
• Develop communication skills: To learn how to effectively communicate their findings
to both technical and non-technical stakeholders through presentations, reports and
• Learn Data Analysis Techniques: To learn various data analysis techniques such as data
cleaning, data visualization, statistical analysis and machine learning algorithms.
• Networking Opportunities: To get chance to network with professionals in the field,
potentially leading to future job opportunities or collaborations.
• Get Hands-On Experience: Opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real- world
scenarios, working with datasets and using analytical tools.
• Explore advanced Techniques: To learn specific areas of data science such as deep
learning, natural language processing, reinforcement learning and so on, should have
chance to explore these techniques under guidance.
• Develop Domain Knowledge: To develop domain-specific knowledge relevant to the
industry or problem space they are working in, enabling them to better understand the
context of their analyses and make more informed decisions.
• Participate in Workshops and Training: To participate in workshops, training sessions,
and seminars conducted by professionals in the field, covering topics ranging from
technical skills to career development and industry trends.

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Data Science with Python


This chapter gives the detailed description of company, its various departments and about
domain specific/software/tools environment. Alpha Ace Academy is working on following
2.1 Data Science & Analysis:
Data science and analysis involve extracting insights and knowledge from data using various
techniques, tools, and methods. The process typically involves:
1. Data collection: Gathering data from various sources
2. Data cleaning: Preprocessing and cleaning the data
3. Data visualization: Visualizing data to understand patterns and trends
4. Data analysis: Applying statistical and machine learning techniques to extract insights
5. Insight generation: Interpreting results and generating actionable insights
6. Communication: Presenting findings to stakeholders
• Data science and analysis are used in various fields, including:
1. Business: To inform business decisions, optimize operations, and improve customer
2. Healthcare: To improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and optimize resource allocation
3. Social sciences: To understand social phenomena, predict behavior, and inform policy
4. Environmental science: To understand climate patterns, monitor ecosystems, and inform
conservation efforts
5. Sports: To improve team and player performance, inform coaching decisions, and
optimize strategy
• Some common data analysis techniques include:
1. Regression analysis
2. Cluster analysis
3. Decision trees
4. Random forests
5. Neural networks
6. Hypothesis testing
7. Confidence intervals

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Data Science with Python
• Data science and analysis tools include:
1. Python libraries (e.g., Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn)
2. R programming language
3. Data visualization tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI)
4. Machine learning algorithms (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras)
5. Statistical software (e.g., SPSS, SAS)
• The benefits of data science and analysis include:
1. Informed decision-making
2. Improved operational efficiency
3. Enhanced customer experiences
4. Competitive advantage
5. New business opportunities
6. Improved healthcare outcomes
7. Environmental sustainability

2.2 Full Stack Web Development: Full stack web development refers to the development of a
complete web application, from the front-end (client-side) to the back-end (server-side). A full
stack web developer is proficient in both front-end and back-end development and can handle all
aspects of web application development.
2.3 Cyber security: Cyber security refers to the practices, technologies, and processes designed to
protect digital information, networks, and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
disruption, modification, or destruction. This includes protection against malware, viruses,
hacking, phishing, and other types of cyber threats.
2.4 React JS: React JS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was developed by
Facebook and is now maintained by Facebook and a community of developers.

React allows you to build reusable UI components and manage the state of your application in a
declarative way. It uses a virtual DOM (a lightweight in-memory representation of your UI) to optimize
rendering and update only the parts of the UI that have changed.

2.5 Artificial Intelligence: AI (Artificial Intelligence) refers to the development of computer systems
that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as:

1. Learning
2. Problem-solving
3. Reasoning

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Data Science with Python
4. Perception

5. Language understanding
2.6 Machine Learning:

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that involves developing algorithms and
statistical models that enable machines to learn from data, make predictions, and improve their performance
over time.

Machine Learning involves:

1. Data preprocessing

2. Model selection

3. Training

4. Validation

5. Deployment

2.7 Salient Features

• Expertise in Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Python, and Artificial Intelligence

• Industry experts who are committed to providing with the latest practical knowledge.

• Data-First Philosophy: Data Science isn’t just a part of what we do; it’s our essence.

• Through Machine Learning unlock the power of intelligent algorithm.

• Through Data Analysis uncover insights hidden in data.

• Through Python Programming learn the gateway to Data manipulation.

• Through Artificial Intelligence explore the future of technology.

• Diving into Data Analysis and discover patterns and tre

• Explore Machine Learning train models and predict outcomes.

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Data Science with Python

This Chapter contains the detailed description of Task:


• Python works on different platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux.etc.
• Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language.
• Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it
is written. This means that prototyping can be very quick.
• Python can be treated in a procedural way, an object-oriented way or a functional way.
1. Numeric Type – int, float, complex
2. Sequence Type – list, tuple, range.
3. Text Type – string.
4. Mapping Type – dictionary.
5. Set Type – set.
6. Boolean Type – bool.
1. Arithmetic operation - +, -, *, /, //, %, **
2. Comparison operation - >, <, >=, <=, ==,!=
3. Logical operation – AND, OR, NOT
4. Type conversion – int to float, float to int, float to str. Etc.
5. F strings – f “string {expression}”
6. Indexing – string[index]
7. Slicing – [ : : ]
8. String methods: str.upper(), str.lower(), str.len().etc

1. Name given to a memory location to store object.
2. Rules: can’t start with number, use only alpha-numeric character expect _ .etc
1. Ordered collection of objects, Mutable
2. Slicing, Methods
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Data Science with Python
3. Ordered collection of objects, immutable
4. Indexing, slicing, tuple unpacking, methods.
1. Ordered collection of objects stored as key value pairs.
2. Accessing, modifying, delete, methods .etc.
1. Unordered collection of unique objects

2. Set operations

1. Tools to solve problems
2. Control flow statements – if, if else, if elif elif --- else
3. Looping statements – for, while .etc
1. Range (), Input (). etc, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation,abstraction.etc


for i in range(0, n): for

j in range(0, i+1):
print("*", end=" ")

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Data Science with Python

def pypart2(n):
k = 2*n – 2
for i in range(0, n):
for j in range(0, k):
print(end=" ")


for j in range(0, i+1):

print("* ", end="")

def triangle(n):


for i in range(0, n):

for j in range(0, k):
print(end=" ")
for j in range(0, i+1):
print("* ", end="")

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Data Science with Python

def numpat(n):

num = 1

for i in range(0, n):

num = 1

for j in range(0, i+1):

print(num, end=" ")

num = num + 1



alph = 65

for i in range(0, n):

print(" " * (n-i), end=" ")

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Data Science with Python
for j in range(0, i+1):
print(chr(alph), end=" ")
alph += 1
alph = 65



This game is a word-guessing game that challenges the player to guess a 5-letter word in 6 attempts
or less. The game provides feedback in the form of:

- Correct letters in the correct position

- Correct letters in incorrect positions

- Letters that are not in the word

The player must use this feedback to refine their guesses and try to guess the word correctly before
running out of attempts. If they succeed, they win! If they use up all 6 attempts without guessing
correctly, the game ends. The game also features a play-again option, allowing the player to start a
new round with a new word to guess.

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Data Science with Python

import random

secret_number = random.randint(1, 20)

print(secret_number) # for debugging purposes

score = 5
while True:
guess = int(input("Enter a number between 1 and 20: "))

if guess > 20 or guess < 1:

print("Invalid input!")

if guess == secret_number:
print("Correct guess!")
score -= 1 # decrement score even on correct guess
print("Score =", score)

elif guess > secret_number:

print("Too high!")
score -= 1

print("Too low!")
score -= 1

print("Score =", score)


Fig.3.1: Output of guess the number program

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Data Science with Python
This is a word-guessing game where the user has to guess a 5-letter word within 6 trials. After each
guess, the game provides feedback in the form of:
- Letters at correct spots
- Letters at wrong spots
- Letters not present in the word
The user can use this feedback to refine their guesses. If they guess the word correctly before using
all 6 trials, they win! Otherwise, the game ends with a "Trial over" message.
The game also offers the option to play again, allowing the user to start a new round with a new
word to guess.

import random

words = ['apple', 'grape', 'world', 'mouse', 'sweat']

random_index = random.randint(0, len(words) - 1)

random_word = words[random_index]

letters_not_present = []

trial = 1

while True:

if trial <= 6:

print(f"Trial {trial}")

guess_word = input("Enter a 5-letter word: ")

if len(guess_word) != 5:

print("Invalid word")


if guess_word == random_word:

choice = input("Do you want to play again?\nY for yes\nN for no: ").lower()

if choice == 'y':

random_index = random.randint(0, len(words) - 1)

random_word = words[random_index]

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Data Science with Python
trial = 1





correct_spot_letters = []

wrong_spot_letters = []

for g_index, g_letter in enumerate(guess_word):

if g_letter == random_word[g_index]:


elif g_letter in random_word:




print(f"Letters at correct spot: {correct_spot_letters}")

print(f"Letters at wrong spot: {wrong_spot_letters}")

print(f"Letters not present: {letters_not_present}")

trial += 1


print("Trial over.....!")

choice = input("Do you want to play again?\nY for yes\nN for no: ").lower()

if choice == 'y':

random_index = random.randint(0, len(words) - 1)

random_word = words[random_index]


trial = 1

continue else:

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Data Science with Python

Fig3.2: Output of word game

class BankAccount:
def __init__(self, account_number, account_name, balance=0):
self.account_number = account_number
self.account_name = account_name
self.balance = balance

def deposit(self, amount):

self.balance += amount
print(f"Deposit Successful! New balance: {self.balance}")

def withdraw(self, amount):

if self.balance >= amount:
self.balance -= amount
print(f"Withdrawal Successful! New balance: {self.balance}")
print("Insufficient balance!")

def display_details(self):
print(f"Account Number: {self.account_number}")
print(f"Account Name: {self.account_name}")
print(f"Balance: {self.balance}")

def main():
account = BankAccount("123456789", "John Doe")

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Data Science with Python
while True:
print("1. Deposit")
print("2. Withdraw")
print("3. Display Details")
print("4. Exit")
choice = input("Choose an option: ")
if choice == "1":
amount = float(input("Enter amount to deposit: "))
elif choice == "2":
amount = float(input("Enter amount to withdraw: "))
elif choice == "3":
elif choice == "4":
print("Invalid option. Please choose a valid option.")


1. Heart data set:

Plotting a bar graph of Heart data set using Python Programming. The below figure 3.3 shows the
representation of bar graph.

Fig.3.3: heart data set

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Data Science with Python

Importing the data of the heart data set in the tabular column in below figure 3.4 and plotting the graph
using the data.

Fig.3.4: Tabular column of heart set data

The representation of every data in the above figure 3.4 in the form of bar graph. The below figure 3.5
represents the bar graph for the data in the above figure 3.4.

Fig.3.5: Bar graph representation

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Data Science with Python
2.Finding mean, median, variance using python libraries:

Python libraries like NumPy and Pandas provide efficient functions to calculate statistical measures like
mean, median, and variance. Here's a brief description of how to use these libraries to calculate these
statistics. These libraries provide efficient and convenient ways to calculate statistical measures, making
data analysis and scientific computing tasks easier in Python. The below figure 3.6 and 3.7 shows the
calculation of mean median variance using python libraries.

Fig.3.6: Finding mean and mode

Fig.3.7: Finding median and variance

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Data Science with Python

• The price of a car depends on a lot of factors like the goodwill of the brand of the car,
features of the car, horsepower and the mileage it gives and many more.
• Car price prediction is one of the major research areas in machine learning.
• Train a car price prediction model with machine learning using Python.
• One of the main areas of research in machine learning is the prediction of the price of
• It is based on finance and the marketing domain.
• It is a major research topic in machine learning because the price of a car depends on
many factors. Some of the factors that contribute a lot to the price of a car are:
• If one ignores the brand of the car, a car manufacturer primarily fixes the price of a car
based on the features it can offer a customer.
• Later, the brand may raise the price depending on its goodwill, but the most important
factors are what features a car gives you to add value to your life.
• The dataset used here to train a car price prediction model is the car dataset.
• It contains data about all the main features that contribute to the price of a car.

1. Importing the necessary Python libraries and the dataset. Figure 3.8 represents the same.

Fig.3.8: Importing the Python libraries and the dataset

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2. There are 26 columns in this dataset, so it is very important to check whether or not
this dataset contains null values before going any further. Below figure 3.9 shows
the data set.

Fig.3.9: Data set of null values

3. So, this dataset doesn’t have any null values, now let’s look at some of the other
important insights to get an idea of what kind of data we’re dealing with as shown
in below figure 3.10.

Fig.3.10: Data set of non-null values

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Data Science with Python
4. The price column in this dataset is supposed to be the column whose values we
need to predict. So, let’s see the distribution of the values of the price column as
shown in figure 3.11 and 3.12.

Fig.3.11: data set of car price prediction using ML in bar graph.

Fig.3.12: List of car names

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5. Now let’s have a look at the correlation among all the features of this dataset in the below
figure 3.13.

Fig.3.13: correlation among all the features of data set.

6.Training a Car Price Prediction Model:

Use the decision tree regression algorithm to train a car price prediction model. So let’s split the data into
training and test sets and use the decision tree regression algorithm to train the model as shown below
figure 3.14. The model gives 100% accuracy on the test set, which is excellent.

Fig.3.14: Splitting the data into training and test sets

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Fig.3.15:Tree regression algorithm.

This is how we can train a machine learning model for the task of predicting car prices by using the
Python programming language. It is a major research topic in machine learning because the price of a car
depends on many factors

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4.1 Application:

• In Finance: Data Science plays a key role in Financial Industries. Financial Industries
always have an issue of fraud and risk of losses. Thus, Financial Industries needs to
automate risk of loss analysis in order to carry out strategic decisions for the company.
Also, Financial Industries uses Data Science Analytics tools in order to predict the future.
It allows the companies to predict customer lifetime value and their stock market moves.
• In E-Commerce: E-Commerce Websites like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. uses data Science
to make a better user experience with personalized recommendations. For Example,
when we search for something on the E-commerce websites, we get suggestions similar
to choices according to our past data and also, we get recommendations according to
most buy the product, most rated, most searched, etc. This is all done with the help of
Data Science.
• In Health Care: In the Healthcare Industry data science act as a boon. Data Science is
used for: Detecting Tumor, Drug discoveries, Medical Image Analysis, Virtual Medical
Bots, Genetics and Genomics, Predictive Modeling for Diagnosis etc.
• Image Recognition: Currently, Data Science is also used in Image Recognition. For
Example, when we upload our image with our friend on Facebook, Facebook gives
suggestions Tagging who is in the picture. This is done with the help of machine
learning and Data Science. When an Image is Recognized, the data analysis is done on
one’s Facebook friends and after analysis, if the faces which are present in the picture
matched with someone else profile, then Facebook suggests us auto-tagging.
• Data Science in Gaming: In most of the games where a user will play with an
opponent i.e. a Computer Opponent, data science concepts are used with machine
learning where with the help of past data the computer will improve its performance.
There are many games like Chess, EA Sports, etc. will use Data Science concepts.
• In Delivery Logistics: Various Logistics companies like DHL, FedEx, etc. make use of
Data Science. Data Science helps these companies to find the best route for the Shipment
of their Products, the best time suited for delivery, the best mode of transport to reach the
destination, etc.

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Data Science with Python
• Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning and Artificial
Intelligence are the hottest subjects right now. Python along with its inbuilt libraries and
tools facilitate the development of AI and ML algorithms. Further, it offers simple,
concise, and readable code which makes it easier for developers to write complex
algorithms and provide a versatile flow. Some of the inbuilt libraries and tools that
enhance AI and ML processes are: Numpy for complex data analysis, Keras for Machine
learning, SciPy for technical computing, Seaborn for data visualization.
• Data Science: Data science involves data collection, data sorting, data analysis, and
data visualization. Python provides amazing functionality to tackle statistics and
complex mathematical calculations. The presence of in-built libraries provides
convenience to data science professionals

4.2 Advantages:

• Practical experience working with data and solving real-world problems.

• Exposure to industry-standard tools, technologies and practices.
• Networking opportunities with professionals in the field.
• Industry Ready Talent - The program helps the students to gain job-specific skills &
knowledge required the field of data science.
• Career Opportunities - Diverse career paths, including industries such as finance,
healthcare, retail and many others.
• Industry Experience - Internship opportunities & projects helps the students understand
the corporate culture & requirements.
• Access to new technologies - Well-equipped labs offer students access to new
technologies and opportunities for data analysis & interpretation

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Data Science with Python


The internship experience in Data Science with python internship was very insightful. In
conclusion, this internship experience has provided valuable insights into the practical application
of data science methodologies and tools in real-world scenarios. Through hands-on projects and
collaboration with experienced professionals, I have developed a deeper understanding of data
analysis, visualization, and interpretation. Moreover, the exposure to diverse datasets and
challenges has honed my problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Overall, this
internship has been instrumental in shaping my career path in data science and has equipped me
with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in this field.

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Data Science with Python

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