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Vol. XXVI No.

7 JULY 2024 Rs: 2/-

with Registrar of Newspapers for India No:69823/98.
Published between 6th & 10th of every month. Regd

WPP No: TN /PMG (CCR)/ WPP/454/24-26

Postal Regn No: TN/CCN/483/2024-2026.

VISION: Transformed students impacting the campuses and the nation as disciples of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

UESI Thrust Area - ‘Caring & Growing’ (2021-24)

UIT Editorial Team

Sharing the Gospel: Our Sacred Duty and Privilege
Samarpan Kumar
Urmila Kuldip O ur Lord has entrusted UESI with a great mission: to bring the
gospel of Jesus Christ to the college students of our country.
Evangelism is the heartbeat of our ministry, and every student,
in 1 Corinthians 15:3, “For what I received I passed on to you as of
first importance,” the gospel is our utmost priority. Let’s follow
his example and lead many lost students to the Lord.
Esther Renu Hembrom
graduate, and staff member must be actively involved in this
Mona Mathew To effectively reach the ever-changing student community,
sacred duty. Every activity we engage in should support this
Ruth Collins we must equip and explore different evangelistic methods:
primary goal.
conversational, personal, sports, social media evangelism, and
Poonam Sotra Jesus gave us the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20, many more. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can adapt and
Jemima Chauhan saying, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” This innovate new methods to reach students where they are. One
Smitha George command calls us to actively share the gospel with students unique way UESI engages in evangelism is through Evangelistic
Sunder Singh Babu who have not yet heard the good news. Jesus is the Light of the Bible Studies, which proves effective in reaching students.
world, the Truth, and the Way to eternal life. We cannot keep this
Lakshmi Sunder As we observe July as the Month of Evangelism, let us pray
life-changing message to ourselves. Students today are exposed
and focus on evangelism with renewed determination and
Design & Lay-out and addicted to many things, with easy access through social
commitment. The task is great, but our God is greater. Let us
media consuming about 4 hours daily. What they watch and
Prince Edwin. P go forth and share the good news of Jesus Christ with all the
listen to affects their personality. Introducing them to the Lord
students of our nation. Sharing the gospel is not just our
E-mail at this stage gives them the chance to focus on more meaningful
duty; it is our privilege. Together, we can impact lives and pursuits in life. We must rise to the call and share the gospel
transform campuses for the glory of God.
with urgency and love.
Website: In Christ’s service,
Paul dedicated his life to preaching the gospel, especially among the Gentiles, proclaiming “the boundless riches of Bobby. M
Christ” (Eph 3:8). His commitment inspires us to advance God’s Chairperson, Evangelism Cell,
Contents kingdom among university students. Just as Paul emphasized Training Department, UESI
1. Sharing the Gospel
2. BSC, VGJC & HTC Free Evangelistic Bible Study Resources Soft Copy Available!
3. GS Speaks - Heart Talk, Dear Members,
AGM Notification We are excited to share new resources to help you lead Evangelistic Bible Studies effectively.
4. Reports & CL Advts Scan the QR code to access these materials, the exclusive July Evangelism
5. Reports Cell Magazine, and other evangelism resources.

6. Prayer Diary Let’s spread the Gospel to students together!

7. Interview -National Evangelism Cell

8. Treasurer’s Letter


Initial Initial
Contribution ₹ 500 Contribution ₹ 6000
Camp Contribution ₹ 5500 Course Contribution ₹ 30000

All the Alumni Students and Graduates of Visakhapatnam,
Dear ones,
We are excited to announce the Thanksgiving and Jubilee
celebrations of UESI-Vizag in Visakhapatnam Greater Visakha
Municipal Corporation (Bhimili to Anakapalli). As we celebrate
50 years (1974—2024) of God’s guidance and faithfulness, we
invite you to this august occasion as part of the UESI family, in
The program is scheduled as follows:
Kerala State Council 2024 08.11.2024 (Friday) 9 AM to 09.11.2024 (Saturday) 8 PM

T he UESI Kerala Annual State Council was a gathering filled with inspiration and Let’s come together in praise and thanksgiving, for soul-stirring
purpose, held on 15 &16 June at the UESI Kerala Centre in Cochin. 47 participants testimonies, fellowship, and edification by the word of God.
comprising of graduates, students and staff attended the event, and Bro Jacob Varghese, Click here:
the UESI General Secretary, represented the National UESI board and delivered
inspirational devotional messages. During the Council, regions and departments Queries @ Devaraj-9949168888, Rajasekhar 9949683081
presented their annual reports and plans, and new office bearers for the year were Get set for the celebrations! Organize your travel plan.
Don’t miss out!
UESI Kerala expressed gratitude to Bro Joseph Jacob for his exceptional leadership as
Thanking you, Yours in His Vineyard
President for the last four years and announced Bro Viji Thomas as the new President of
UESI Kerala. Please continue to uphold the ministries in the state in your prayers. Visakhapatnam Golden Jubilee Celebrations Committee



T he new government is in place

after a much-anticipated election
and we can see the Lord’s hand in an amazing way.
righteousness that is by faith from first to last …”.
Paul’s desire to preach the gospel did not arise from
the circumstances around, rather out of a deep
Today our campuses are filled with deep challenges
- issues like loneliness, addictions of different types,
corruptions, lawlessness, unhealthy competitions,
Thank you for standing together in the gap to seek conviction that the gospel is the power of God jealousy and many more. We are duty-bound to
God’s face as we encounter uncertain times. As and the revelation of the righteousness of reach out to these spaces with the gospel of our Lord
responsible citizens of the country let us continue God. “Because our gospel came to you not simply Jesus Christ as an answer to the problems of human
to pray for the newly elected government and with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit kind, transforming the very being and making life
opposition parties that they would fear the Almighty and deep conviction,” 1Thess1:5. What is our attitude purposeful.
God and lead the nation with integrity of heart, truth towards the gospel? Is it just a ticket to heaven/
Today, the Lord is on the lookout for such young
and justice. As the Psalmist says, “Blessed is the eternal life or is it an event to be conducted under
people who would actively engage in the campuses
nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose the first AIM of UESI or does it come with the deep
as beacons. Are we ready to make the gospel
for his inheritance”. We are responsible not just to conviction that it is the power of God?
available to students before they pass out from the
pray but to actively and intentionally engage in the
As a young college student, I was captivated by the campuses? Our campuses might be closed for a Bible
welfare of people.
unconditional love of God. But what prompted me study group and other activities but who can stop us
The previous two months have been quite hectic to be an evangelist was not just a recognition of the from living the gospel - which is more powerful than
in UESI with summer programs like CMTCs, NMTCs, urgency to proclaim the living God to the perishing a dynamite?
ALTCs, and State councils of different states. I could souls but also a compulsion to obey God’s command
The active life of a committed Christian student is the
be a part of 2 state councils - UESI Maharashtra and in the book of Ezekiel where God speaks to the
active presence of an unseen God. As the students
UESI Kerala - and Kerala State Students’ Consultation house of Israel, “Son of man, I have made you a
and graduates get transformed through the power of
Program. I was thrilled to see the active engagement watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word
the gospel, we will be able to see its impact in every
of our students, graduates and staff in different I speak and give them warning from me,” Ezek 33:7.
sphere of human life resulting in God’s kingdom
aspects of the ministry. You can get glimpses of If we don’t warn the people of their sins we will be
being established in the campuses and workplaces.
different state councils and summer programs in this held accountable for their blood. We cannot convince
issue of UESI Intouch. anyone but it is the Holy Spirit who convicts and As you process these thoughts and consider the
leads people to repentance. So, evangelism is no special emphasis on the first AIM of UESI throughout
The UESI Evangelism cell has declared this month
more a matter of choice rather a compulsion this month, will you commit yourself to be a
as the Month of Evangelism. They plan to bring out
to all who believe. watchman in your own campus and work space?
short write-ups for the next 30 days. This should
As watchmen, let us be alert, watchful and raise an
prompt us not just to pat our backs but also to reflect As an University movement, the opportunity before
alarm to save lives.
as we read the experiences and articles relevant to us is vast. We have good reason to be silent and
our present condition and take innovative steps to withdraw from being an active witness. But we AGM is approaching. So let us prayerfully prepare
share the gospel actively. need to cultivate the vision and passion of our Lord. ourselves to celebrate God’s goodness throughout
The gospel writers clearly indicate that Jesus looked the previous academic year and also retrospect and
For UESI members, sharing the gospel is a lifestyle.
through the eyes of His Father. His heart went out rejuvenate ourselves to serve the Lord with more
Often, we use the phrase, “Evangelism is the
to the perishing souls and He intentionally engaged vigour and enthusiasm.
cutting edge of UESI”. According to the Apostle
with them and extended invitation to His Father’s
Paul, “the gospel is the power of God that brings May the Lord bless you!
house - a house where all the sick, broken and tired
salvation to everyone who believes … For in the Jacob Varghese,
can come to and be reconciled and restored.
gospel the righteousness of God is revealed — a General Secretary, UESI

UESI Annual General Body Meeting 2024 - Announcement-3 At the AGM Venue
Dear UESI Family members, Kindly treat this as the AGM Notice, which CND Desk: UESI In Touch and Campus Link database (hard and soft
is now circulated well in advance, as copy) will be made available for corrections & updates.
Kindly find the Dates and Venue of ‘The
stipulated. Campus Link Counter: To have spot subscription (New and Renewal).
UESI Annual General Body Meeting’
I understand that railway ticket bookings All the AGM Participants are requested to subscribe for Campus Link
Dates: 9 am on the 26th of July to 1 pm on (new, renew and gift subscriptions).
have already been opened, hence I urge
the 28th of July 2024
you to book your tickets in advance to IVP (India) Book Stall There will be new and old books. Kindly come
Venue: Ashirwad Global Learning Center avoid all inconveniences for your travel. prepared to buy the same. Look for attractive offers.
(Seva Bharat), Pocharam, Hyderabad Please arrive before breakfast on the 26th
of July 2024 and plan to leave only after
All nominated members from every State,
team time 4.30 pm on the 28th July 2024. UESI National Graduates Conference
Board Members, Department Chairperson,
Secretaries (both Graduate and Staff ), and Dr. Ratna Kumar Kancharala, (NGC 2024)
Board Invitees are expected to attend the UESI Board Secretary Theme: Transition under God's Sovereignty
same. Mobile: +91 94906 01416 Venue: Ashirwad Global Center, Hyderabad
The statutory agenda and reports for Email: Dates: 27-30 December, 2024
the AGM shall be circulated later to all
Save the Dates!!!
concerned after necessary Board approvals.


CMTC 2024 Highfield, Kotagiri
C ommittee Members Training Camp, Kotagiri kick started on 21st May at
Highfield with 47 students and young graduates from 25 ICEUs, EUs and
EGFs across the country and they represented 13 states from 5 zones. The camp
started with sharing, ice breakers, orientation and teaching on QT. The sessions
on Doctrines brought deeper understanding, clarity and an assurance on being
children of God. Thank God for the core team: the oneness among them and their timely
God spoke to the participants through the devotion speakers who led them to cooperation; for the Highfield team: their services.
self-reflect and take decisions such as drafting of personal vision and mission We thank God for the impact made on all the participants during the camp and
statements, being servant leaders, using spiritual gifts, spending quality time we pray that they will be trend setters for the Lord.
with the Lord, being holy and good stewards. Doubts were clarified during the
Q & A session. Feedback

The Practical Talk helped the students to treat their studies as God’s work. They “I decided to make maximum use of time and talent, make a timetable and be
saw their role in the big picture of God’s work towards humanity. Subsequent consistent. Be an aggressive Christian in sharing the Word and involving in prayer
practical talks on stewardship came as a reinforcement to the participants. as a priority”.
Through the relationship sessions, the students were convicted to forgive and set “I decided not to be timid or in fear while sharing the Gospel, I will stretch out my
right strained relationships. hands to the closest to the farthest and help them with whatever I can with my
The students enjoyed PBS and GBS sessions and decided to practice it regularly. might. I have made a commitment to have QT with God every day.”
There was a day of picnic for the participants at the end of the first half of the “God spoke to me about servant leadership, having a vision and about my gifts
camp. They had a time of jamming at the Botanical Garden which attracted the during the devotion. I decided to treat my studies as God’s work in the big picture,
public and tracts were distributed. The students enjoyed it and understood about not worry about works or look for appreciation, leave it to the Holy Spirit and seek
creative evangelism. only God’s Glory.”
The participants enjoyed the quiet day. This new and rich experience was “I decided that I must have a vision and mission in my life to honour God.
memorable and drew them closer to their Creator.
I must be a friend maker and soul winner for Christ like Paul.”
The activity team conducted activities and games in the afternoon and evening
play time. Many activities were related to the upcoming practical talk sessions, “The doctrine and devotion session helped me learn many new principles and
and it became a warmup for the session. The handbook sessions enlightened the most of my doubts got clarified. The QT passage encouraged me and gave me
students with facts about our organisation. confirmation to take a stand for God and be a better leader.”

The camp ended on the 4th of June with a time of sharing. The students shared John Wesley
their learning and decisions made during the camp. Director CMTC ’24, Kotagiri

Mizoram State Council 2024 Campus Link Themes

T he 12th State Annual Council of UESI-Mizoram
was held on 14th June 2024 at HATIM Evangelical
Wing in Kawmzawl, Lunglei with 120 participants.
Sep-Oct 2024
Missional Discipleship
Higher Studies and Career in Indian or abroad
The UESI Mizoram was officially recognized by The deadline to receive the articles is on 20th
three church denominations: the Baptist Church of Aug 2024
Mizoram, the Mizoram Presbyterian Church, and the Evangelical Church of Maraland. Representatives
from all three denominations attended the council. The council started with greetings from Bro
Nov-Dec 2024
Poudikhonbou Pamei, Zonal Secretary, UESI-Northeast Zone. Rev. Dr PL Lianzuala took expositions on Successive Leadership
Students as Team Leaders
the theme, “Soar” – Is 40:31, during the night devotions. The council evaluated the activities from the
The deadline to receive the articles is on 20th
previous year. Several decisions were taken especially regarding UESI Mizoram relationship status with Oct 2024
All Mizoram Mission and Evangelism Network (AMEN), sending one coordinator to Kotagiri for training,
the Strategy 2025 recommended by State Planning and Evaluation Cell (SPEC) and celebration of UESI You can upload your articles, testimonies, short
Mizoram Golden Jubilee next year. New leadership teams were also appointed for the various state- stories, Bible studies, anecdotes, jokes, poems
level committees. The State Executive Committee extended their heartfelt thanks to the Principal and and cartoons based on the themes to:
Evangelical Wing of HATIM, and notably to the AICEU batch of 1996-1999. Let us praise God that the
united efforts on all fronts finally paid off.
Email Id:
May God bless the ministry among students at Mizoram.

Maharashtra State LTC W e are thankful to the Lord for the State level LTC held at Panvel, Maharashtra from 15th to
20th June. 21 students representing Solapur, Pune and Mumbai attended the camp. The
theme for the camp was “Worthy Leader”, so the devotions and practical talks were based on
the theme. With good speakers the camp was a blessing to all who participated. Do pray for
the students who have left the camp with the understanding of who a worthy leader is, that
they do the work in their campuses committed to the call.
Stephen Shinge, MH Staff Pune


Advanced Ltc’24
(Conducted By North Zone Along With National Training Department)

A n Advance Leadership Training Camp was held at Indira Holiday Home,

Chandigarh, 15th - 22nd June 2024, with 28 students from Haryana, Punjab,
Chandigarh, and Himachal Pradesh. Senior student leaders, young graduates,
and one closing talk. Students benefited. 5 groups were formed with program
leaders, worship leaders, and different work leaders.
and graduate families from Chandigarh participated. Overall, 47 members Core team members Bro Rohit, Bro Satya, Bro Abishek Lal, Bro Nagender and Bro
attended. Chandigarh was very hot and when the Camp started,the temperature Spencer worked hard behind the scenes and Chandigarh EGF young graduates
was 47℃, but the students adjusted well. and families helped alongside. On the 21st an outing in and around Chandigarh
The theme verse was 2 Timothy 3:17 “That the man of God may be perfect, was organized and everyone had a blessed time of enjoyment and fellowship.
thoroughly furnished unto all good works”. persons. Graduate families helped in the two-by-two session. NZ state staff
and graduates helped with mobilization and prayer, and the campsite workers
The First-day Keynote Address and campsite orientation was done by Bro cooperated well.
On 22nd June, students shared their feedback stating that it was a significant time.
14 resource persons took the sessions. Bro Sylas Dayal & Bro Parveen Bharthi They made important decisions, and few students planned to start Bible studies
took 10 doctrines, Bro Daniel Balwinder, Bro Nagender, Bro Abishek Lal, and Sis on their campus. They also decided to take quiet time regularly and do PBS once
Poonam took handbook session, Bro Binu Thomas took PBS, Sis Rama Bharthi a month.
took GBS, Bro Rohit, Pas Vikram, Bro Jaison and Bro Narendra Kataria gave
- Mr. Samuel Spencer, ZS North zone
practical talks and Bro Rohit James and Bro Sudheer took devotional messages

UESI - Goa: First EGF Conference State Leadership Training Camp- 2024
G oa’s first ever EGF Conference that took place on 16th & 17th
June is a milestone in the ministry of Goa. UESI-Goa was U ESI Gujarat Training Department organized a State Leadership Training Camp during
29th May - 3rd June 2024 at Vadodara. 28 participants from 8 centers participated
in the camp. Bro Sony Abraham (Mumbai EGF) brought forth challenging devotional
honoured to host the UESI National President, Bro John Victor
and family along with Rev. Dr Jacob Thomas (former professor, messages based on the theme “Imitating Christ” (Jn 13:15). Doctrinal sessions were led
UBS Pune). by Mr Arpit Khristmukti which were fruitful and PBS/GBS teaching was provided by Mrs
Preeti Khristmukti. The majority of participants decided to do PBS and GBS once or twice
The praise and worship session was led by young graduates. The in a week/month. Handbook and Practical Talk Sessions were led by UESI staff and EGF
theme of the conference was “Rejoice, Revive and Reach out”. graduates. The participants had a blessed time in the 2/2 fellowship with graduates and
staff. They also took important decisions related to sharing the gospel with their colleagues
and guiding them to the kingdom of God. Further, they decided to practice Jesus’ style of
servant leadership, plan about missions and make it their goal. They also learned about
their role as stewards, mentors and being consistent in spiritual disciplines.
Kindly pray for all the LTC participants who have started their journey as servant leaders, so
that they may imitate Christ with their whole being. [Heart, Mind and Body].
The devotions encouraged the graduates to rejoice at all times
- in sorrow or joy - because God is always with us. Rev Dr Jacob Noel Parmar, LTC Director
Thomas also took a session on work ethics in Christian life. Bro
John Victor covered the roles and responsibilities of a graduate, Empowering the Future:
and emphasized the eight focus areas of graduates. We believe
that every graduate will take the ministry forward through the
UESI Kerala First State Student Consultation
various ways they can lead.
The history of the UESI ministry in the state was also presented by
T he first State Student Consultation of
2024 took place at the UESI Kerala Centre
in Edappally from June 14th to 17th. Students,
the pioneers, state committee members, staff and coordinator. graduates, and staff from across the state
Goa’s history has left us in awe of the way God guides. gathered to discuss the state of fellowships report on field ministry, and the Treasurer,
Two young graduates attended the NMTC-2024 and shared their and ways to improve their ministries. A Mr. Jacob Panikker, presented the financial
testimonies. One among them, Ashish, has surrendered himself highlight of this meeting was UESI General report.
to the divine call and offered himself to be a Coordinator for UESI Secretary Mr. Jacob Varghese sharing
his valuable experiences and motivating After the official sessions, participants
ministry in Goa.
everyone of us. This was followed by classes engaged in discussions, identifying several
UESI-Goa is planning for decentralisation. Please pray for God’s and group discussions on the importance of concerns. Key suggestions included
intervention and guidance in this process. It is indeed a proud a prayerful life and how it helps share faith increasing campus visibility through social
moment for every graduate and student in the ministry to on campus. media, equipping students with personal
be part of the legacy that has started since 1978! We are also evangelism workshops, bridging the
looking forward to our Golden Jubilee in 2028! The UESI Kerala State Council played a crucial gap between seniors and students, and
role in the consultation, with students emphasising the interconnectedness of
Appreciate your prayers and participation. receiving updates on UESI activities across UESI's four aims to maintain consistency
God bless the ministry! Kerala. President Prof. Viji Thomas and other and purpose within the UESI Kerala. Please
State EGF Committee, Goa new office bearers were introduced and do pray for UESI Kerala.
dedicated in the state council. The State
Secretary, Mr. Sujoy Jacob, shared a detailed Evans Samuel Biju, IIT Palakkad


Prayer Diary Last Friday (FAD) First Saturday (National Dawn Prayer@5 am)
16 UESI Kerala 17 18 UESI Gujarat 19 20 Rajasthan
Thank God for 17 students who Thank God for contributions of Thank God for students who Pray for the follow up of Thank God for Leadership Train-
attended Kerala Committee Mem- former president Joseph Jacob; are equipped through Disciple- various camps; Effective func- ing Camp at Udaipur from 17th
bers Training Camp; 10 students Initiatives to reach unreached ship Training Camp and Lead- tioning of all the State level – 22nd June; West Zonal Staff
who attended Graduating Students places in Northern Kerala. Pray for ership Training Camp which Departments and Cells; Active Conference at Jaipur. Pray for ef-
Training Program; 16 students who State EC members; God’s guidance were conducted this summer; involvement of all students fective functioning of ICEU, EGF,
attended Kerala student consulta- in promoting good governance Ladies Cell Trainer’s program, and graduates who are provid- Regional, and EC committees;
tion; Annual state council and the and administration; Monthly fi- Need of coordinators and staff for
new leadership team under the nancial needs; Effective function- ‘Jars of Clay’ which equipped different regions; Students who
leadership of Br. Viji Thomas; Out- ing of State Student Cell and guid- and motivated about 35 Lady ing leadership in the commit- attended LTC and CMTC to effec-
Graduates. tees at different levels.
going committee members ance to new committee members. tively involve at the local level.
21 UESI Telangana 22 23 Bihar 24 UESI Uttar Pradesh 25
Thank God for State councils Pray for Staff theological fund Thank God for One day students’ Pray for One day retreats at Thank God for Br. Stalin’s chil-
held on 8th -9th June; Workshop on to support higher education for retreat held at Patna; CMOP held Patna, Muzaffarfur, Hisua, dren admission and smooth
meaningful Bible studies from 15th staff ; Laying of roads and con- for Nalanda ICEU, Purnea ICEU & & Panchhanpur; Formation shifting at Prayagraj; State LTC
J ULY 2024

– 17th June; Planning of REGCONs struction of toilets at the study North-west regional committee of Gaya ICEU; Effective func- from 11th - 17th June. Pray for
across the state; The Audio-Visual centre, and beautification of members; NWR prayer confer- tioning of EC and all regional State level teams and Regional
ence conducted via zoom; North- committees; Monthly financial Coordination Teams orientation
Department (AVD) has planned to the campus; Need of graduate East Regional Evangelistic camp need of around 3 lakhs; Regu- to be completed; Effective func-
conduct ‘Singing Competition’ for helpers in the state; All EGFs held at Purnea; Patna regional lar contribution from all EUs &
students and graduates in all the may increase their contribution tioning, teamwork and unity
prayer conference; One young EGFs; Raise local leaders and among different State leadership
regions of the state. according to the state budget. graduate attended Hindi NMTC. second line leadership.
teams; Monthly financial needs.
UESI UP: North Central
26 UESI Finance and Administration Dept. (FAD) 27 28 Region 29 Goa 30 Himachal Pradesh
Pray for need of July 2024: Thank God that staff salary for June Thank God for Annual Report Thank God for the first Goa Thank God for one-day Bible
Rs.84.33L including AGM need of was disbursed; Staff reimbursement and plan presented in State State EGF conference - all the study workshop at Sunder-
Rs.14L, and training program needs of April – June 2024 and Children Annual Planning Workshop & participants and their active nagar; Four students could
of 8L; All states to contribute regu- Education Assistance – 1st Install- State Council; Lucknow EGF participation; State council attend ALTC. Pray for new
larly to meet our monthly needs; ment was disbursed; Admin and meeting regularly and contrib- meeting. Pray for Active in-
Young graduates (<40Y), one time Finance Audit at UESI Karnataka was student contacts in Solan; Lo-
and occasional contributors to start conducted by FAD team; Conducted uting to the state and national. volvement of all our gradu- cal graduates to own up the
ates; EGF cells to be started in
contributing regularly; Implement Admin and Finance Training for UESI- Pray for Faizabad EU to be re- three areas; Active leadership ministry and work at grassroot
the centralized accounting software Telangana Accounts staff; Completed vived and one Graduate family of all student leaders; Ap- level; Students to understand
in states – Phase 2. auditing National accounts in time. to take initiative. pointment of new coordinator. the ministry and take initiative.
Andaman and Nicobar
1 Islands 2 UESI CND 3 4 Chhattisgarh 5
Thank God that Port Blair EGF Praise God for the PT work- Pray that all UESI members: stu- Thank God for successful State Pray for fruitfulness of upcom-
restarted in July. Bro. Suresh & ing for UESI and published IVP dents, graduates and staff may LTC in June; Fruitful & Mean- ing CMOPs for State Executive
staff met a student at the Poly- Books to release in AGM 2024 use of Websites (, ingful State Council of 2023-24 Committee, Regional Coordi-
technic College boys hostel. Pray social
and many EUs and EGFs sub- media channels: Facebook, You- on 30th June; Good academic nation Team, EGF & EU Com-
for Committee Members Orien-
scribed for Campus Link using Tube, Instagram and the guide- results of EU Students; 3D giv- mittees; RCTs may guide EUs &
tation to be conducted for A&NI ing practiced by EUs & EGFs; 6 EGFs well; Affiliated EU & EGF
EGF & Port Blair ICEU; Higher edu- the special offer. Pray that all lines on social media sent by CND committees to prepare year
cation of the final year students. students have participated in plans prayerfully; God may
the 300+ National Stewards and they may subscribe & make the National Hindi & English bless the upcoming evangelis-
Evangelistic efforts to be taken in join NDP on 3-Aug. use of the electronic learning fa-
institutions in the Port Blair area. cility: RIGHTNOWMEDIA CMTCs. tic efforts to be fruitful.
UESI Training Depart-
6 Sikkim 7 8 Jharkhand 9 10 ment (TD)
AUGUS T 2024

Thank God for all the new Pray for God’s wisdom and guid- Thank God for His guidance, Pray for Bible study cells Thank God for His guidance
student leaders; The 5th State ance to the State leaders; Plans for protection and providence in in two premier institutes in to plan 4 CMTCs and 1 ALTC
Council & the presence of Bro. the new academic year and all the the last month; Successful com- Ranchi to be regularized; for year 2024; Cell members
Laxman Teja, our Zonal Secre- graduates’activities; More contrib- pletion of ‘Ink Your Thought’, an EGF Bible study at Ranchi, commitment and support;
Dumka and Dhanbad to be
tary, who guided and encour- utors towards the state monthly essay writing competition orga- continued; EGF Bible study Successful completion of
aged us all; The newly added needs; All the student leaders and N-CMTCs at Kotagiri, Dehra-
nized by IIT ISM; EU committee to be started at Jamshedpur,
graduate members; State lead- dun, Navi Mumbai and Kol-
in IIT ISM, Dumka ICEU and Ran- Bokaro and Pakur; EU Bible kata; Successful completion
ers; Farewell programs in 3 EU their EU unit programs to be effec-
Units. tive and meaningful. chi ICEU were reshuffled. study to be started at Bokaro. of ALTC Hindi for North Zone.
UESI Training Depart-
11 ment (TD) 12 IFES Chad: Union des Jeunes Chrétiens - UJC 13 14 IFES Vanuatu: Gud Nius Yunivesiti Felosip (GNYF) 15
Thank God for helping all the Thank God for God’s work in Pray for training programmes Thank God for the creatively Pray for courage for GNYF stu-
Directors, core team members raising Ezéchiel to be General across Francophone Africa, contextual way the gospel dents who are anxious about
and resource persons to carry Secretary for UJC Chad. Pray such as the Common Mini- was presented in 2021. pray inviting friends or classmates to
out their responsibilities suc- read the Gospel or attend talks/
cessfully, His guidance and pro- for godly wisdom as he leads; mum Program which provides for the student leaders as they events; Gospel distribution and
Two major initiatives: the for- student leaders with founda- plan? Huia Jisas? (Who is Je-
tection throughout the camps. tional skills in evangelism and sus) 2024 over coming weeks public events in late July and
Pray for all the participants to mulation of a new strategic August – that students will en-
discipleship; God to provide the
exercise their learning and work plan for UJC and the construc- resources needed so that lead- – that the Holy Spirit will give gage with Scripture, encounter
towards fulfilling the commit- them inspiration, wisdom, Jesus, and enjoy an ever-deep-
tion of their headquarters. ers like Ezekiel can be formed. and anticipation.
ments and decisions taken. ening relationship with him.


Interview with TD Chair and UESI Board Member - Dr. Emmanuel Subhakar Pilli
1. Please share briefly about yourself and your EC, TMI Committee, Rajasthan State EGF EC and were
family. senior advisors of Jaipur and Pilani ICEUs. MNIT
I was born in a God-fearing Christian family and students meet for fellowship in our home.
both my parents were teachers. I did my Engineering
4. How has UESI influenced your personal and
and was an EU student and committee member of
professional life?
Machilipatnam ICEU (1992-96). I did my M Tech in
As an EU student (1992-96), I learned planning
BIT Ranchi Campus in Hyderabad and was an EGF
and time management. I understood the
member (1996-2006). I taught Computer Science in
importance of record keeping, writing minutes,
a private Engineering College. I served as Graduate them, always took the priority. I am reminded of Is
and documentation. I was taught to be accountable
Secretary of Hyderabad District. 40:31, “Those who hope in the LORD will renew their
by maintaining receipts and bills, spending God’s
God led me to marry Phoebe Vanmathy in 2004. She money carefully, and looking to God for all my strength. They will run and not grow weary, they will
was an EU student in Bangalore and did her M Sc needs. As a student leader, I had the opportunity walk and not be faint”.
from IIT Madras and M Phil from MCC, Madras. She to counsel many students. I could attend CMTC,
worked as a coordinator in Mysore for one year. We SMTC, SCC (State Council), and NCC (AGM) and get a Campus Link Announces . . .
moved to Roorkee, Uttarakhand as tentmakers in broader understanding and a national vision. These
A Special CL Subscription Drive for ICEUs & EGFs
2006 and I joined the Ph D programme at IIT Roorkee learnings as a student have helped me handle many
(2008-2011). God gifted us with our daughter administrative professional roles later as Coordinator, To
Pramiti Evangeline in Dec 2007. I later worked in a Head, and Dean. As part of my professional career, I The Secretaries of Affiliated & Functional ICEUs
private University in Dehradun for two years. God have been part of teams involved in proposal writing, The Secretaries of Recognized & Functional EGFs
took us to Rajasthan by miraculously opening doors documentation, and preparing strategic plans. I The Cell leader of EU Cell and EGF Cell
for me at NIT Jaipur (MNIT) as a faculty member in could also effectively handle people management CL Subscription for…
2013. I also handle an administrative role in IIIT Kota and help mend relationships and build harmony.
since 2023. ICEUs & EGFs: Rs. 200/- for one year (6 Issues)
I was taught excellence and multitasking as Life for ICEUs & EGFs: Rs. 1500/- for Ten years
2. Can you share your experience of a student. Uncle PC Verghese appreciated the (60 Issues)
encountering Christ? Machilipatnam EU’s student initiative in arranging
If ICEUs & EGFs subscribe before AGM July 24:
As I lost my father when I was only 8 years old, my a gospel meeting but prayed for us that God would
mother and paternal aunt nurtured me spiritually. help us excel in our studies as some of us failed in Pay Rs. 500/- for three years (18 Issues)
I invited Jesus into my heart many times in church academics. I worked hard and cleared all backlogs, Pay Rs. 1400/- for Ten years (60 Issues)
youth retreats. I made this decision (for the last with a first class in the final year, all of this while A/c Name: UESI Publication Trust
time) in a Christmas program in Machilipatnam (Dec handling the role of ICEU Secretary. Over the years, A/c No: 0907101061471
1992), just a few days after I joined B. Tech course. I have handled multiple roles in my workplace, UESI Bank: Canara Bank
Senior students explained about the assurance of and church. Branch: Chennai Kellys Corner
salvation. I was nurtured spiritually in Bible studies, IFS code: CNRB0000907
5. You are a tentmaker, TD chairperson
camps, and retreats by UESI graduates and staff.
and a board member, in addition to your Update the payment details & Address at link:
3. When did your association with UESI begin? responsibilities at home and work. What
And what led you to become actively involved are the challenges you face and how do you
CL Desk Email ID:
in the movement? navigate through them to create a balance?
CL Desk Mobile: +91-9176 988 987
After I accepted Christ I decided to regularly attend When I was a young graduate (2000), I was asked
the EU Bible studies. I was attracted to the vision and to handle two major roles in UESI AP at the same Hurry up and subscribe
mission of UESI of reaching Friends of Other Faiths. time. God guided me through Phil 4:13, “I can do all Honorary Editor,
The simple lifestyle of graduate families like Mr MC things through Him who gives me strength”. Since Campus Link
Paul and Mr Deenabandhu and their involvement then, I have never been afraid of handling multiple
in the lives of students influenced me. LTC 1994 roles both in profession and ministry. Phoebe, my News, Reports & Advertisements
and CMTC 1995 in Kotagiri built me up spiritually. wife, has a similar passion for ministry and we have
for UESI-In Touch
I was amazed to hear stories about Prof Enoch, Dr always supported each other in all our endeavours.
Norton Sterett, Highfield, Faith Policy, and students God has placed many students, friends and mentors, To: Secretaries of National Depts & Zones
initiative. who stood with us and helped us in managing Please send the reports, advertisements, and
many roles. Many of the IIT EU students helped news of national depts, zonal and states in max
After Engineering, I moved to Hyderabad. I was
in our work/ministry in Roorkee. Many staff and 200 words with event name, dates, participant
encouraged by staff worker (Bro M Isaac) to spare at
graduates helped us in Jaipur. As a family we missed number: Students & graduates, objective, topics,
least one hour for students in two weeks. Another
many vacations as we were mostly in camps and result and one photo (min. 1 mb) to: intouch@
staff (Bro Edward Williams) nominated a ‘nominal’
conferences or in some committee. Our daughter, and copy to mandapallisamarpan@gmail.
graduate like me to be Graduate Secretary Missions
Pramiti, has not complained as she saw value in com,, on or before 15th of
Dept in UESI-AP (1998). God used these two
what we were involved in. I can’t say that I have every month.
incidents and made me realign all my priorities and
balanced (but I just navigated through) family, work
since then I have always been available for student Please inform to 8713011332 immediatly through
and ministry, but we as a family chose to sacrifice
ministry. I served as a steward in Hyderabad District, SMS/WhatsApp that you have sent an email.
our comfort and happiness to be available to serve
UESI-AP State EC and Missions Department. Phoebe - UIT Editorial Team,,
students. I also can’t say that we excelled in all roles
and I were both stewards on Uttarakhand State EGF 8713011332
in profession or ministry, as the greater cause among


Treasurer’s Letter Posted at Patrika Chennai, Egmore on 6 -10 July 2024

Stewardship Lessons from the Life of Laban and Jacob

A s a treasurer, one of my key responsibilities is

to ensure that the right governance is in place
for avoiding non-compliances. But how can this be
– Laban cheating Jacob). There should be a clear
exhibition of honesty and fairness in stewardship
and management from the employer’s side. On
April’24 - June’24 (in Lakhs)
Avg. Monthly Income 38.62
percolated to the local, regional or state levels? I the other hand, as an employee, Jacob, though Staff Salary 29.16 62%
believe being a right steward of the Lord’s work is a quite frustrated about the changing terms and Pension 0.52 1%
responsibility of every stakeholder. The story of Laban agreements, controlled himself to maintain a healthy Staff Future Benefit 3.48 7%
and Jacob, as recorded in Gen 29-31, offers profound working environment thus helping to inculcate trust (EPF, NPS, MUT)
insights into stewardship and the dynamics between and respect (Gen 29:1-20). Trust and ethics are on
employers and employees. Let us try to understand a the downfall in every organization. Let’s uphold this Reimbursement 0.27
few of those insights. truth to build values within our organization which Admin Expenses 1.15 2%
could attract fresh staff, students and graduates to Shifting 0.93 2%
 Stewardship of labor – As an employee, Jacob’s
commitment to his work as a shepherd is evident our ministry.
Northfield (Allot) 3.00 6%
throughout his tenure with Laban. Despite being  Godly Stewardship - Throughout his time with
Dept. Expenses 3.77 9%
deceived and his wages being changed ten times Laban, Jacob relied on God’s guidance and provision.
(Gen 31:41), Jacob remained diligent and worked Even when Laban acted unjustly, Jacob trusted that Highfield Support 0.35 1%
hard. His efforts were blessed by God, resulting in God would take care of him and bless his efforts. Gen Software (Allot) 2.00 4%
the multiplication of Laban’s flocks. This highlights 31:42: “If the God of my father, the God of Abraham
the importance of working diligently and with and the Fear of Isaac, had not been with me, you Children Education Asst. 2.45 5%
integrity, trusting that God will honor our efforts. would surely have sent me away empty-handed. But Avg. Month Expenses 47.08
Gen 31: 38-40 clearly articulates the hardship which God has seen my hardship and the toil of my hands,
Avg. Month Shortfall 8.46
Jacob underwent to achieve his goals. As graduates and last night he rebuked you.” Our God is a just God.
and staff, are we working hard enough to achieve He enables us to find favor among our employers. Total Accu. Accumulated 25.41
our goals? Another aspect of the stewardship of God is that He Deficit
 Stewardship of resources – In Gen 30:37-43, we see will guide us to the right responsibility at the right
time. Jacob’s departure from Laban was guided by Projected Exp for July 2024 (in Lakhs)
an innovative methodology brought out by Jacob
(an employee) in the approach of breeding. He uses God’s instruction (Gen 31:3). This highlights the July 2024 Salary 29.50
his knowledge and strategizes it effectively. When importance of seeking God’s guidance in career
Pension 0.52
we share our thoughts and ideas with God, He is decisions and trusting Him to lead each one of us to
the right opportunities. Reimbursement 1.00
able to sharpen it and use that skill to improve our
business. In these changing times, doing ministry Let us honour God by being effective stewards of God, Admin. 1.00
among the students also needs innovativeness as an employer and as an employee. Staff Future Benefit (EPF, NPS & 3.55
without compromising the law of the land. As MUT)
stakeholders, are we using our experience and skills God bless!
Yours in His Service, Department (CMTC, NMTC etc) 8.00
to bring improvement?
Vinod Oommen Ninan Northfield 3.00
 Ethical Stewardship – As an employer, Laban’s
treatment of Jacob, the employee, was marked by Highfield Support 0.35
+91 9004219775
deceit and change of wages repeatedly (Gen 31:7 AGm Expenses 14.00
Total Projected Expenses 60.91
Remember Northfield Conference Center As mentioned in the earlier Intouch editions, UESI is July 2024
still requires more than Rs. 5 Crores for purchase maintaining a Corpus Fund which is an endowment fund. Shortfall upto June 2024 25.41
of land and putting up a basic structure for The interest from this is used for Operational expenses. The TOTAL funds Required in 53.86
camps. Please pray and participate as the current target is Rs. 1 Crore. Prayerfully consider contributing July 2024
Lord leads. a lump sum amount.

Please note the bank account details to send your contributions through online transfer / NEFT / EFT or write your
cheques in favour of UESI and deposit locally. We request you to send your details such as name, place, date of
remittance, purpose, amount (and address if contributing for the first time) through an e-mail to contributions@ or SMS details to 0944 5431478.
Bank: State Bank of India, A/c Name: UESI Bank: HDFC, A/c Name: Union of Evangelical Students
A/c No: 10332929906, IFSC: SBIN0001515 of India A/c No: 01241000018374, IFSC : HDFC0000124
Branch: Purasawalkam, Chennai-600007 Branch: Kilpauk, Chennai-600010

Published by Mr. Saji Easo and Printed by Mr. Anu Varghese on behalf of UESI PUBLICATION TRUST.
Printed at Lokavani Southern Printers Private Limited, No.122, Greams Road, Thousand Lights, Chennai 600 006.
Published from New No. 19, Old No. 10, Millers Road, Kilpauk, Chennai 600 010. Editor Mr. Saji Easo.


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