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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software

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Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02

From : Guido Dieltjens

Remote emergency install tool

Description of operation


The Remote emergency install tool is a tool that can be found in the remote directory of the software release
and it runs on a PC to install software on drystar printers.
For the DS550x release R6.1.0, a new mode of operation is added that has the purpose of replacing the 17
installation floppies with the remote emergency install tool

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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software
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Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02


1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................................1

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................................................................................2

3 REMOTE EMERGENCY INSTALLATION WITHOUT BOOT FLOPPY............................................................3

3.1 FIRST SCREEN ............................................................................................................................................................3
3.2 INSTALL START ..........................................................................................................................................................3
3.3 DEFAULT ADDRESS ....................................................................................................................................................4
3.4 LOGIN ........................................................................................................................................................................4
3.5 CONNECT ...................................................................................................................................................................4
3.6 PRINTER RESET ..........................................................................................................................................................5
3.7 INSTALLATION COMPLETION......................................................................................................................................5
3.8 CONFIRMATION MESSAGE ..........................................................................................................................................6
4 INSTALL AFTER BOOT FROM EMERGENCY DISK 0........................................................................................7
4.1 EMERGENCY DISK ......................................................................................................................................................7
4.2 START OF INSTALLATION ...........................................................................................................................................7
4.3 DEFAULT DEVICE ADDRESS .......................................................................................................................................7
4.4 LOGIN ........................................................................................................................................................................8
4.5 UPLOAD PROGRESS ....................................................................................................................................................8
4.6 REMOVE THE FLOPPY .................................................................................................................................................8
4.7 FINAL BOOT WITHOUT FOLLOW-UP ............................................................................................................................9
4.8 FINAL BOOT WITH FOLLOW-UP ..................................................................................................................................9

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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software
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Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02


3.1 First screen

At start of the tool, you get a screen like this:
You don’t have to change to SW-base, and the format disk is not selectable, because it will always format the
internal harddisk.

3.2 Install start

To start the installation you fill in the hostname of the device and press the install button.
Next the question pops up whether you want to save the configuration of the printer.
If you choose no, you will lose all settings that were done on the printer.
Also the network settings are lost.
Then it’s supposed that you re-install the configuration from a backup afterwards.
If you have a clean disk, it is a waste of time to select “Yes”.

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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software
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Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02

3.3 Default address

If you didn’t enter a hostname in the “Device” field, the tool asks you if you want to use the default APIPA
This address is the factory address and it is only used until the network settings were changed

3.4 Login
The login screen asks you for the username and password

3.5 Connect
After this, the tool connects to the printer and checks if the software release can run on this printer.
If so, the upload begins.

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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software
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Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02

3.6 Printer reset

If the backend board (MEC) of the printer didn’t respond at connect time, the tool will have spotted this and so it
will ask you to manually power the printer off and back on after software upload.
If the tool can reboot the printer itself, this question won’t be posed.

3.7 Installation completion

After reset, and when the restore of the configuration was done successfully, the printer is monitored until it is in
its regular boot phase.

This can take op to about 20 minutes

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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software
[klik hier en typ naam - telnr. schrijver]
Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02

When the configuration wasn’t saved, the tool won’t wait until the printer becomes ready, but instead you get the
“installation successful” message at the end of the upload of software, right after the reboot. This is because the
device its hostname will be changed and so the boot after installation can’t be monitored.

3.8 Confirmation message

When the job is completed, the result is shown.

If the printer is no longer alive on the expected address, within time, you get this message.

If at that time, the printer is booted, you should check the network cable, and then check the network settings.
If the printer shows a system failure on screen, first try to reboot the printer manually before starting with board

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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software
[klik hier en typ naam - telnr. schrijver]
Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02


4.1 Emergency disk

For the DS550x, from release R6.1.0, the emergency disk (disk 0) changed from an emergency disk to prepare
for an install with 17 floppy disks, to a preparation for installation with the remote emergency install tool.
So the printer must be powered on with this boot floppy inserted.
After a while, the display will show a message:


If the backend doesn’t respond, you won’t get this message, but you can proceed anyway. Although this
indicates that the board or its connections need service.

The printer must be connected to the network socked of the PC with the special cross-link cable, and it should
be reachable on the APIPA IP address, although this can take a minute to get alive after the
message appeared.

4.2 Start of installation

Now you can press the install button. Most convenient is to leave the device name empty.
If there are still settings on the printer you want to retain, press “Yes” on the next question

4.3 Default device address

By leaving the device blank, you can now choose OK to use the default device address.
Otherwise you have to enter in the device field of the tool.

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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software
[klik hier en typ naam - telnr. schrijver]
Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02

4.4 Login
At this time you must enter a valid login / password

4.5 Upload progress

If at boot time of the printer, the hard-disk was not formatted or was empty, it is formatted it by now, and it will
automatically skip the option to save and restore the configuration.
If it wasn’t formatted the printer will be reset to enable a disk format anyway. This is also done automatically. But
in that case the settings can be saved and restored. Software upload will proceed

4.6 Remove the floppy

When the upload of the software is finished, the tool asks to remove the floppy from the device, and after that,
confirm this action. After that an automatic reboot of the printer will take place.

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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software
[klik hier en typ naam - telnr. schrijver]
Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02

If at connection time, the tool noticed that the backend board (MEC) is not responding, it will ask you to remove
the floppy and reboot the device manually, and confirm this afterwards with the “OK”

4.7 Final boot without follow-up

If the configuration was saved successfully, there is no follow-up until final boot because the network address
changes due to the settings in the configuration. This is in contrast to the installation without emergency disk.
So you will get a successful message.

The log screen of the tool also shows you some accompanying info.

4.8 Final boot with follow-up

If the configuration wasn’t restored, so if you are still using the default APIPA address the tool will follow-up on
the installation progress. So you must leave the crossed cable connected not to lose track of what’s happening

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HE/IMG/Op/R & D/HardCopy/Software Drystar Printer Software
[klik hier en typ naam - telnr. schrijver]
Remote emergency install tool DATE: 2011-05-02

Again, if the reboot failed or the connection is lost, you get a failed message.

Or after at least 10 minutes you can get a message when the final boot is running

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