Sepm Qb Answers

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1. Explain Domain Analysis in Requirement Analysis?

List out the rules of thumb that should be

followed when creating the analysis model?

Domain analysis in requirement analysis involves understanding the domain for which the software

is being developed. It includes gathering information about the domain from various sources such as

domain experts, existing systems, and documentation. The goal is to create a comprehensive model

of the domain that can be used to inform the development of the software.

Rules of thumb for creating the analysis model:

1. Keep the model simple and understandable.

2. Focus on the essential aspects of the domain.

3. Use standard notations and conventions.

4. Validate the model with domain experts.

5. Continuously refine the model as new information becomes available.

6. Ensure the model is flexible and can accommodate changes.

7. Use the model to communicate with stakeholders and guide development.

2. With a neat diagram explain the elements of analysis model? illustrate with an example scenario

based modelling of safe home system?

The elements of an analysis model include:

1. Data Dictionary: A repository that defines the data elements used in the system.

2. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD): A diagram that shows the relationships between different

data entities.

3. State-Transition Diagram: A diagram that shows the different states of the system and how the

system transitions from one state to another.

4. Data Flow Diagram (DFD): A diagram that shows how data flows through the system.

5. Use Case Diagram: A diagram that shows the interactions between the system and its users.

6. Class Diagram: A diagram that shows the different classes in the system and the relationships

between them.

Example scenario-based modeling of a safe home system:

1. Use Case: Access Camera Surveillance via the Internet

- Actor: Homeowner

- Scenario: The homeowner logs into the system, selects the camera view option, and views the

camera output on their device.

Activity Diagram:

1. Enter password and user ID

2. Select major function

3. Select surveillance

4. View camera output

Swimlane Diagram:

1. Homeowner: Enter password and user ID, select major function, select surveillance, view camera


2. Camera Interface: Validate password/ID, display major functions, generate camera output
3. Develop an activity diagram for access camera surveillance via internet display camera views

(ACS-DCV) and consider the same scenario for swimlane diagram?

Activity Diagram:

1. Enter password and user ID

2. Select major function

3. Select surveillance

4. View camera output

Swimlane Diagram:

1. Homeowner: Enter password and user ID, select major function, select surveillance, view camera


2. Camera Interface: Validate password/ID, display major functions, generate camera output
4. Explain the following data modelling concepts with an example

a) Data objects: A representation of almost any composite information that must be understood by

software. Example: An "automobile" with attributes like make, model, body type, price, and options


b) Data attributes: Characteristics that describe data objects. Example: Attributes of an automobile

include make, model, body type, price, and options code.

c) Relationships: Connections between data objects. Example: A relationship between an

"automobile" and a "dealership" where a dealership sells multiple automobiles.

5. What is class-based modelling? How do analysis classes manifest themselves as elements of the

solution space?

Class-based modelling is a method of identifying the classes (objects) that are relevant to the

system being developed and defining their attributes and relationships. Analysis classes are the

elements of the problem space and represent the entities that the system must manage. They

manifest as elements of the solution space by being translated into software classes, which

encapsulate data and behavior and interact with other classes to achieve the desired functionality of

the system.
6. Explain how grammatical parse is used for developing potential classes? Suggest six selection

characteristics that should be considered for potential class for inclusion in analysis model.

Grammatical parse is used to identify potential classes by analyzing the nouns and noun phrases in

the requirements documentation. These nouns and noun phrases often represent entities that need

to be modeled as classes in the system.

Selection characteristics for potential classes:

1. Retained information: The class should store information that must be remembered between

different interactions.

2. Needed services: The class should provide services that are essential to the system's


3. Multiple attributes: The class should have multiple attributes that define its state.

4. Common operations: The class should perform operations that are common to many instances.

5. Essential requirements: The class should be necessary to meet the system's essential


6. Cardinality: The class should have a clear and consistent relationship with other classes.
7. Describe the CRC modelling? With a neat diagram explain CRC index card?

CRC (Class-Responsibility-Collaborator) modeling is a method used to identify and organize the

responsibilities of classes and their interactions with other classes. Each CRC card represents a

class and lists its responsibilities and collaborators.

CRC Index Card:


| Class: |

| Responsibilities: |

| - Responsibility 1 |

| - Responsibility 2 |

| Collaborators: |

| - Collaborator 1 |

| - Collaborator 2 |

8. What is agility? Write 12 agility principles to achieve agility?

Agility is the ability to create and respond to change in order to succeed in an uncertain and

turbulent environment. It emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction.

12 agility principles:

1. Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.

3. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference for shorter timescales.

4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

5. Build projects around motivated individuals and trust them to get the job done.

6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information is face-to-face conversation.

7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.

8. Agile processes promote sustainable development.

9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

10. Simplicity is essential.

11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

12. Regularly reflect on how to become more effective and adjust accordingly.
9. List the human factors that must exist among the people in an agile team?

Human factors in an agile team:

1. Trust: Team members must trust each other to complete tasks effectively.

2. Communication: Open and effective communication is crucial.

3. Collaboration: Team members should collaborate and support each other.

4. Respect: Respect for each other's skills, opinions, and contributions.

5. Adaptability: Willingness to adapt to changes and new ideas.

6. Commitment: Dedication to the team's goals and project success.

10. Explain the Extreme Programming(XP) with a neat diagram?

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development methodology that emphasizes

customer satisfaction, continuous feedback, and teamwork. It involves practices such as pair

programming, test-driven development, and continuous integration.

Diagram of XP:

1. Planning: Define user stories and plan iterations.

2. Design: Create simple designs and use CRC cards.

3. Coding: Pair programming and test-driven development.

4. Testing: Continuous testing and integration.

5. Listening: Continuous feedback from the customer.

6. Releasing: Frequent small releases.

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