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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Integrated Laboratory School
Elementary Department
Normal Rd., Baliwasan, Zamboanga City

Name of PST: Norjimar S. Appad Date Submitted: 02/21/24

Mentor: Mr. Jovannie M. Sarona Date of Teaching: 02/22/24


(4As Method)

I. Objectives
At the end of 50-minute lesson, the pupils of Grade V–Alpha are expected to do the following with at
least 85% level of accuracy:
a. identify the parts of project planning;
b. explain the importance of project making; and
c. create a plan for project making.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Project Making
References: Dynamic Series in HELE – page 302-304

III. Materials
Visual Aids, Incentive Chart, Cut-out Pictures, Pictures

IV. Procedure

A. Preparation

Good morning, class! (Good morning, sir!). Before you take a seat, kindly pick up the trash under
your chairs, fix yourselves, and show me that you are ready for our class today. Are you class excited? (Yes,
sir!). When I say “ready na, ready na?” you say “Aha! Aha! Ready na!” okay, Grade 5 Alpha, ready na,
ready? (Aha! Aha! Ready na!) alright!


Now, we have here a chart. What do you see on our chart? (Trashcans) (Bottles) Very good! How
many trashcans are there? (There are three trees, sir!) Very good! Therefore, we will divide the class into
three groups – this is the group 1, this is the group 2, and this is the group 3. The tree represents your group.
What is the name of our chart? (It’s recycling time!) Alright! Which means your task is to recycle? What do
you usually recycle? (Plastic, sir!) Alright! You are to recycle plastic, but you need to collect plastic bottles
first as your materials for recycling. Now, for you to collect plastic bottles, there things that you should do or
remember when we are having our class, can you mention those? (Be quiet) (Participate) (Raise your hand
when you ask permission) (Answers may vary) Very good!

1. Motivation
Before we start with our new lesson, I want you first to take a look at this picture. Who can tell the
class what have you observed on the picture? (There are plastic bottles) Very good! What else? (The boy is
thinking) Very good! What do you think the boy is thinking? (Maybe the boy is thinking of something to do
with the bottles) That’s right! The boy is thinking of something that he can make out of these plastic bottles,
yet, he needs help. Are you willing to help this boy of making something out of these plastic bottles? (Yes,
sir!) Alright!

To help this kid of what to make with these plastic bottles, we will have a group activity. Now, what
you are going to do is to think of anything that you can make out of these plastic bottles. Did you
understand? (Yes, sir!) Very good! I have here a format for you to follow.


1 3
You have to plan on what to do with this plastic bottle, each group will be provided a project plan sheet
and you write all your plans here by filling this out, you are given 10 minutes to finish this. Did you
understand? (Yes, sir!) Very good! What do we have to do and remember when we are having a group
activity? (Cooperate) (Participate) (Communicate properly) (Don’t be noisy) Very good! You may now form
a circle among your group. You may now start!
Time is up! Go back to your seats and arrange your chairs. Are you all in your proper seat? (Yes, sir!)
Very good! Noe, let us call the representatives of the group 1 to present their output (The group 1 starts
presenting their work) Very good! Let’s give them an amazing clap! Alright! Now, let’s have the
representatives of the group 2 (The group 2 starts presenting their work) Very good! Let’s give them a
superman clap! Alright! Now, the last but definitely not the least, the representatives of the group 3 (The
group 3 starts presenting their work) Very good! Let’s give them a boo! Boom! Pow! Clap! Alright! Very
well-done, class! Let’s give ourselves a GOOD JOB clap!

How was the activity? (It’s good!) Alright! How did you start writing the project? (By planning, sir!)
Very good! What do you think is the purpose of planning? (For us to think ahead of time on what to do and
how to do the project) (Answers may vary) Very good! Can you make a project without planning? (No, sir!)
Very good! What did you consider in writing your project? (We consider the time allotted for the project,
materials needed, and we made sure it is target-specific) Very good! who can tell me the importance of
making a plan before doing the project? (For us to be guided on what, when, why, who, and how to work
with the project) Excellent!

Based on the activity that we did, what do you think is our lesson all about? (Project making, sir!)
Very good! Making projects in any of the general industries or handicrafts is an experience that Grade 5
pupils like you will have the opportunity to develop some skills. Now, as young as you are, why do you
think it is essential for you to learn about making projects? (Because the knowledge that we will get can be
used as our advantage in the future) (So that as early as now, we can develop skills, such as making projects)
(Answers may vary) Excellent! Exactly class, this can, also, be the start of interest whether as a hobby or a
small business at home or in the neighborhood. Now, in making projects, what do you think is the first thing
to do? (To make a project, the first thing to do is to plan) Exactly!
Yes! to start with a project, the first step is to plan.

- Is thinking ahead of what to do. It is also at this stage where one must answer the questions of
what, why, who, when, and how to work on the proposed project.

Can everyone read what is planning? (Planning - Is thinking ahead of what to do. It is also at this stage
where one must answer the questions of what, why, who, when, and how to work on the proposed project.)
Alright! What did you understand about planning? (It is when we think ahead of time of what to do and how
to do it) (It is also important to consider things, such as to whom is the project, when to accomplish, etc.)
Very good! It is right that in making projects, we need to know what to do? Why do we have to do this?
When do we plan to accomplish it? For whom is this project? And how to do this project? We are thinking of
these things ahead of time – and that is planning. Are we clear? (Yes, sir!) Very good!
Now, based on the activity, what was the first thing you did? (We started to name the project, sir!) Very
good! Naming the project should always come first! How do you write or create the name of your project?
(By simply thinking of what do we want as the project) Alright! Indeed, the first part is to name the project.

I. Name of the Project

- This is the specific title or name of the project. The name/title should speak for itself. It should
give one clear idea of what to expect.

Can everyone read what do we mean by “Name of the Project”? (This is the specific title or name of
the project. The name/title should speak for itself. It should give one clear idea of what to expect.) Alright!
What do you understand? (When crafting a name of the project, it should be clear and precise, sir!) Very
good! Always remember when writing a name of the project, it should be short yet significant. It does not
need to be longed, few words will do but make it is clear and your target audience can easily determine what
your project is all about. Do you understand? (Yes, sir!) Alright!
Now, after you name the project, what was the second thing you did? (We write the focus of our
project and what do we want as the outcome of the project) Very good! Or simply you crafted objectives of
your project. Indeed, the second part is the objectives of the project.

II. Objectives of the Project

- This states clearly why the project is being done. State the use of the project to the project maker
and to the user.

Everyone, please read (Objectives of the Project - This states clearly why the project is being done.
State the use of the project to the project maker and to the user.) Alright! Can anyone tell what do you
understand about objectives of the project? (The objectives should be clear as it describes why the project
should be done) Very good! Class, in crafting objectives there are five things the we can use, just remember
the word S-M-A-R-T: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Now, why do objectives
should be specific? (it has to be specific for the audience to easily understand the purpose of your project)
Excellent! Now, why do you think it has to be measurable? ( So the project is likely to be achieved)Very
good! why it has to be attainable? (To ensure that your project is doable and feasible) Very good! Wy it has
to be relevant? (Because your objectives should be connected with the project that you are planning to do?
Very good! and lastly,why it has to be time-bounded? (To make sure your project can be done within the
allotted time) Exactly! Did you understand? (Yes, sir!) Again, what are the five things to consider when
crafting objectives? (It should be SMART, sir!) SMART stands for? (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Relevant, and Time-bound) Very good!
Now, after writing your objectives, what was the third thing you did? (We did sketch and draw)
Alright! Why did you do so? (For us to surely see the possible outcome and how are we going to do it) Very
good! That’s right! the third part is the sketch or drawing.

III. Sketch or Drawing

- This is a freehand sketch or a formal drawing complete with specifications such as measurements
and the like of the project. This helps you visualize how the finished product looks like.

Kindly read! (Sketch or drawing - This is a freehand sketch or a formal drawing complete with
specifications such as measurements and the like of the project. This helps you visualize how the finished
product looks like.) Alright! can anyone tell to the what have you understood about sketch or drawing? (This
is a drawing that helps us visualize the project that we will be going to make) Very good! Sketch or drawing
allows us to see or visualize how the finished product will look like. Do you understand, class? (Yes, sir!)

Now, after you draw the project, what was the next part you did? (We identify the tools and materials
needed) Alright! Now, why do you think it is important to determine the tools and materials you need? (So
that we can successfully make the project as planned) Exactly! Indeed, the next part is tools and materials

IV. Tools and Materials Needed

- This determines what kind of materials to use, how much of each material, and the amount to be
spent for each. Specify the tools needed.

Please read, altogether! (Tools and Materials Needed - This determines what kind of materials to use,
how much of each material, and the amount to be spent for each. Specify the tools needed) What have you
understood about tools and materials needed? (Tools and materials are important in project-making) (It is
important to use materials and tools to come up with a project) (Answers may vary) Very good! Class, it is
important to know the materials needed in project-making so that we can easily determine how much will it
cost for the project. Are we clear? (Yes, sir!) Very good!
Now, after you have identified the tools and materials needed for your project, what was the next part
you did? (We proceeded on the step-by-step process of the project) What does it mean by the step-by-step
process? (We started to put the plan into action, such as how we should design it, how we finalize it, etc.)
Excellent! Indeed, the next part is procedure.

V. Procedure
- This is a step-by-step procedure explained in detail so it can be followed clearly and easily. The
procedure guides one from start to finish.

Please read, altogether! (Procedure - This is a step-by-step procedure explained in detail so it can be
followed clearly and easily. The procedure guides one from start to finish) Alright! What have you
understood about procedure? (It is where we put the step-by-step process of the plan) Very good! Class,
procedure is where you write or put the steps you will be taking for your project. It is the order of the things
that you are planning to undergo with your project. Are we clear? (Yes, sir!) Very good!
Now, after the step-by-step procedure, and you have finally come up with a project, what comes next?
(After that, evaluation comes in) Why do you think is it necessary to evaluate your project? (For us to know
if we did great) (For us to determine which part of the project should be improved and retained) (Answers
may vary) Very good! Indeed, we the last part of project planning is evaluation.

IV. Evaluation
- This is a scorecard or a rubric that contains the criteria for evaluation or judging. Each criterion
has an assigned number of points summing up to a total of 100 points. Judging measures the quality
of the finished product based on the set criteria.

Now, read what do we mean by evaluation (Evaluation - This is a scorecard or a rubric that contains
the criteria for evaluation or judging. Each criterion has an assigned number of points summing up to a total
of 100 points. Judging measures the quality of the finished product based on the set criteria.) Alright! Now
who have you understood about evaluation? (It is evaluating the project with certain criteria) (Once the
project is made, then evaluation follows to judge the quality) (Answers may vary) Very good!

At this point, since you already knew the parts of the making a project, we will have an
individual activity. Our activity is to plan your project. Think of a project that you think you can possibly
make, or something that can benefit other people, or something that is worth buying for. Ensure to consider
all the parts of making a project, are we clear? (Yes, sir!) Very good! Now, I will be giving you a plan sheet
where you can write your project and you are only given 5 minutes to do so, do you understand? (Yes, sir!)
Nice to hear that, you may now begin.

This time, to determine if you have really understood our lesson today, we are going to have a short
quiz. Did you understand? (Yes, sir!) Alright! You are only given 3 minutes to answer our 5-item quiz, are
we clear? (Yes, sir!)
Directions: Read and understand each statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE
if the statement is incorrect on the space provided before the number.
__________1. To start with a project, the first step is to plan.
__________2. Planning is thinking ahead of what to do.
__________3. Write the objective first before the name of the project.
__________4. Sketching the project, considering the materials needed, and putting of scorecard are
not important in project planning.
__________5. Project-making allows to develop skills in general industries and handicrafts.
__________6. The name of the project should speak for itself.
__________7. Objectives clearly state of why the project is being done.
__________8. Evaluation of the project is not necessary.
__________9. It is important to specify the tools and materials needed.
__________10. You can start making a project without planning.

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