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Explain decision table testing and generate test cases for triangle problem using

decision table
Decision table testing is a technique used to derive test cases by considering the
combinations of inputs that determine the system behavior. Here is a decision table for the
triangle problem:
a < b+c
b < a+c
c < a+b
Output type of triangle

Decision Table:
| a < b+c | b < a+c | c < a+b | Output |
|T |T |T | Equilateral |
|T |T |F | Not a triangle |
|T |F |T | Not a triangle |
|F |T |T | Not a triangle |
|T |T |T | Isosceles |
|T |T |T | Scalene |【14:0†source】

Explain boundary value analysis with example

Boundary value analysis (BVA) focuses on the boundaries of the input space to identify test
cases. It involves testing at the boundaries between partitions. For example, in the triangle
problem, if the valid input range for each side is 1 to 200, the boundary values to test would
be 1, 2, 199, 200. Here are some BVA test cases for the triangle problem:
1. (1, 1, 1) - Equilateral
2. (1, 1, 2) - Not a triangle
3. (199, 199, 199) - Equilateral
4. (200, 200, 200) - Equilateral

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