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Agents sAles JournAl nAtionAl edition

CirCulAtion 50,000*
Independent insurance advisors rely on the Agents Sales Journal as their primary sales resource. Our readers have been in the business for an average of 10 to 15 years, are just hitting their professional stride,and are looking to grow their practice through a combination of new products, new opportunities, and ASJs hard-hitting editorial content. Our unique blend of sales-oriented how-to information, based off the needs of producers as identified through Agent Medias ongoing market research platform, is perfect for helping advisors everywhere build their life, health, and annuity practices. ASJs content and editorial mission help the top producers of today become the super producers of tomorrow efficient, high-profile, and connected independent agents poised to take the industry by storm.
* June 2009 BPA Circulaiton Statement

Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449

Adapting to Our Readers Needs

According to the 2008 Independent Brokerage Study, jointly conducted by Agent Media and NAILBA, trade magazines are the No. 1 source of information for agents. And in todays uncertain business climate, ASJs role is more important than ever. With the October 2009 issue, ASJ has redesigned its magazine to better help readers navigate the unique challenges facing todays up-and-coming independent insurance advisors.


after Our logo will have a more contemporary look and feel to match the personality of our young, energetic readers.

ASJs format is changing from a tabloid, news-style journal to a contemporary glossy magazine. ASJ will maintain its larger dimensions, allowing us to put more information into the hands of readers.

Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449

Producers Face Tough Times in Health Insurance Marketplace

2008 Agent Media study shows stagnating sales, shifting challenges

Asjs Unique Editorial Mission

Exclusive & Comprehensive Selling Guides

Each issue of the Agents Sales Journal includes exclusive and comprehensive selling guides designed to help agents master the basics of their field, develop strong selling strategies for marketing and prospecting, and find the right products for their clients needs.

Todays health market appears to be insure our cars because theyre assets. Optimism and opportunity ailing. The largest asset, though, is our health, While sales have waned over the past In early 2007, 64 percent of agents so why not insure that, as well? year, producers remain optimistic: SevenOne avenue for agents to help their ty-ve percent of agents said they expect indicated that theyd seen a rise in new health insurance sales, with only 8 small-business clients a group dened their sales to increase over the coming percent indicating a decrease. This year, as workplaces with year, while only 20 percent believe they however, Agent Medias* third-annual fewer than 100 em- will stay the same and 4 percent expect Health Insurance Study showed that ployees and which a decrease. only 54 percent saw an increase over comprises 99 perI think the message is getting out last years sales, with 20 percent suffering cent of U.S. busi- there that its as critical to take care of a decrease in new policies since 2007. nesses is a high- our health care as it is to take care of (See Chart 1) deductible health plan paired with a our assets, said Goodwin. So why the drop? Many experts say health savings account (HSA), which While Mike Norderhaug, vice president that, while the individual marketplace can help shift the burden of cost to of sales strategy for Assurant Health, has stayed steady or even increased in employees while encouraging them to agrees that the group marketplace is volume, sharply rising premiums have pursue preventive treatment against suffering, this trend creates an opporforced many small-business owners to catastrophic illness. On page 28, we tunity for agents to move forward in cut down or eliminate the health benets reveal the results of the HSA portion of the individual health marketplace as they offer to employers, leaving a gap Agent Medias 2008 Health Insurance employees with reduced or nonexisin many agents businesses. Study, conducted in partnership with tent health benets at work seek other They feel its become just too expen- the Association of Health Insurance avenues for coverage. Already, in fact, sive, said Carolyn Goodwin, president Advisors (AHIA), the Council for Dis- most agents sell individual major medical of the Texas Association of Health Under- ability Awareness (CDA), and the Na- more than any other policy (42 percent), writers. I think thats a valid objection tional Association of Health Underwrit- with group health trailing behind at 22 if you look only at numbers as opposed ers (NAHU). percent. (See Chart 2) 2008to the value of what you have. But Ive shiftingrst, lets take a look at the chalAgent Media study shows stagnating sales, But challenges used car insurance as an example and lenges faced by and experiences of CHART 2 BY CHRISTINA PELLETT homeowners insurance as an Ive used those producers in the health insurance example we insure our homes and we marketplace. With a great deal of pressure on Todays health market appears to be insure our cars because theyre assets. Optimism and opportunity

Unprecedented Market Research

Unprecedented market research reveals agents experiences and outlooks on each product field, serving as benchmarks for agents and promoting ideas that carriers and insurance marketing organizations can use to betterChallenges faced meet and shifting priorities those producers needs.

With a great deal of pressure small employers to reduce coverag more people a shifting to the in vidual market buy health insu ance on their own Norderhaug sa This is new to lots of people. They facing this on their own, and th will need agents. They will rea need advice to help them sort out th options.

The top ve challenges faced by agents todays health marketplace speak larg to two of the strongest pain points health consumers: cost and accessibili Forty-ve percent of agents say their b gest challenge is that clients believe th cant afford coverage, while 42 perce

Producers Face Tough Times in Health Insurance Marketplace

Pellett, page

ailing. In early 2007, 64 percent of agents indicated that theyd seen a rise in new health insurance sales, with only 8 CHART 1 percent indicating a decrease. This year, however, Agent Medias* third-annual Health Insurance Study showed that only 54 percent saw an increase over Increase substantially last years sales, with 20 percent suffering a decrease in new policies since 2007. (See Chart 1) Increase somewhat So why the drop? Many experts say that, while the individual marketplace has stayed steady or even increased in Stay the same volume, sharply rising premiums have forced many small-business owners to Decrease somewhat cut down or eliminate the health benets they offer to employers, leaving a gap in many agents businesses. Decrease substantially They feel its become just too expensive, said Carolyn Goodwin, president of the Texas Association of Health Underwriters. I think thats a valid objection CHART 3 if you look only at numbers as opposed to the value of what you have. But Ive used car insurance as an example and Ive used homeowners insurance as an example we insure our homes and we

In the past year, did your new health insurance sales

When deciding which presidential candidate to support, which of the CHART 2 following issues is most important?
The U.S. economy
What type of health insurance do you sell the most?
Individual major medical

The largest asset, though, is our health, so why not insure that, as well? One avenue for agents to help their small-business clients a group dened as workplaces with fewer than 100 employees and which comprises 99 percent of U.S. businesses is a highdeductible health plan paired with a health savings account (HSA), which can help shift the burden of cost to employees while encouraging them to pursue preventive treatment against catastrophic illness. On page 28, we reveal the results of the HSA portion of Agent Medias 2008 Health Insurance Study, conducted in partnership with the Association of Health Insurance Advisors (AHIA), the Council for Disability Awareness (CDA), and the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU). But rst, lets take a look at the challenges faced by and experiences of those producers in the health insurance marketplace.




While sales have waned over the past year, producers remain optimistic: Seventy-ve percent of agents said they expect their sales to increase over the coming year, while only 20 percent believe they will stay the same and 4 percent expect a decrease. I think the message is getting out there that its as critical to take care of our health care as it is to take care of our assets, said Goodwin. While Mike Norderhaug, vice president of sales strategy for Assurant Health, agrees that the group marketplace is suffering, this trend creates an opportunity for agents to move forward in the individual health marketplace as employees with reduced or nonexistent health benets at work seek other avenues for coverage. Already, in fact, most agents sell individual major medical more than any other policy (42 percent), with group health trailing behind at 22 percent. (See Chart 2)

small employers to reduce coverage, more people are Individual shifting to the indi- major medical vidual market to buy health insurGroup health ance on their own, Norderhaug said. This is new to lots of people. Theyre Medigap/Medicare facing this on their own, and they supplement will need agents. They will really need advice to help them sort out their Long term care options.

What type of health insurance do you sell the most?

42% 22% 11% 7% 5% 4% 4% 2%



Challenges faced and shifting priorities


The top ve challenges faced by agents in Consumer-directed health todays health marketplace speak largely plans (HSAs, HRAs, etc.) to two of the strongest pain points for health consumers: cost and accessibility. Forty-ve percent of agents say their bigVoluntary benets gest challenge is that clients believe they cant afford coverage, while 42 percent


Pellett, page 14

Short-term major medical



National security In the past year, did your new health insurance sales
Increase substantially Increase somewhat Stay the same Decrease somewhat Decrease substantially

21% 15%

Group health Medigap/Medicare supplement Long term care Disability Consumer-directed health plans (HSAs, HRAs, etc.) Voluntary benets Hospital/surgical Short-term major medical

22% 11% 7% 5% 4% 4% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0%

10% Health insurance

*Source: Agent Medias 2008 Health Insurance 1% Market Study. Conducted by Agent Media in partnership with the Association of Health Mini-med 1% Insurance Advisors, the Council for Disability 42% Awareness, and the National Association of Critical illness 1% Health Underwriters. Survey sent to Agent International plansMedias agent database.

0% 0% 0%

The war in Iraq

3% 17% Immigration

26% 6%

Substandard health Discount plans



When deciding which presidential candidate to support, which of the NATIONAL EDITION following issues is most important?
The U.S. economy National security Health insurance The war in Iraq Immigration

53% 21% 15% 6% 5%

Mini-med Critical illness International plans Substandard health Discount plans



Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449

Asjs Unique Editorial Mission [contd]

Allianz Life

Special Carrier Report Cards

Special carrier report cards indicate which companies best meet agents needs, showing agents the areas carriers excel in and those they can strengthen.


Unique How-To Content

Unique how-to content and selling guides from top industry experts provide practical tips and essential information that help agents improve their businesses.

Special Features
Notable special-focus sections cover products and new marketing strategies, helping to round out readers product portfolios and expertise.



As a companion to our annual Long Term Care Insurance survey, we polled agents nationwide on which carriers best meet their needs in a variety of categories ranging from who is best at keeping premiums stable to which company has the most reasonably priced products. The categories reect all aspects of an agents relationship with their carrier. The list of companies represented in the survey was derived from a ranking of the top LTCI carriers active in the independent distribution channel. Weve presented the top ve companies as ranked by agents in each category, as well as a list of insurers that respondents are contracted with and those they report writing the majority of their business through. Respondents ranked only those companies they were appointed with. Results reect responses from producers who identied themselves as independent agents and who have sold at least one LTCI policy in the past 12 months. Four hundred ten agents took part in the report card rankings. See how your appointed companies ranked in the study, as well as how their competitors fared.
For questions on this and other studies, call 800-933-9449 ext.226 or email

The Producers Guide To



As a companion to our annual Long Term Care Insurance survey, we polled agents nationwide on which Genworth carriers best meet their needs in a variety of categories ranging from who is best at keeping premiums stable to which company has the most reasonably John Hancock priced products. The categories reect all aspects of an agents relationship with their carrier. Massachusetts Mutual The list of companies represented in the survey was derived from a ranking of the top LTCI carriMedAmerica

With which of the following companies are you appointed to sell LTCI?

ers active in the independent distribution channel. Weve presented the top ve companies as ranked by agents in each category, as well as a list of insurers that respondents are contracted with and those they report writing the majority of their business through. Respondents ranked only those companies they were appointed with. Results reect responses from producers who identied themselves as independent agents and who

43% 63% 70% 11% 22% 44% 33% 21% 30%

have sold at least one LTCI policy in the past 12 months. Four hundred ten agents took part in the report card rankings. See how your appointed companies ranked in the study, as well as how their competitors fared.
For questions on this and other studies, call 800-933-9449 ext.226 or email

With which of the following companies are you appointed to sell LTCI?
Mutual of Omaha


Allianz Life

Penn Treaty Network America


Prudential Long Term Care





63% 70% 11% 22%

John Hancock

*Source: Agent Medias 2008 LTCI Carrier Report Card. Conducted by Agent Media in partnership with the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. Survey sent to Agent Medias agent database.

Massachusetts Mutual

Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449



Features & selling Guides

We know ASJ readers are just hitting their professional strides, which means theyre movers and shakers who cant be bogged down with fluff. When they read the Agents Sales Journal, theyre looking for the hard-hitting, easy-to-digest content theyve come to expect and our new format will deliver just that, with shorter, more impactful stories, additional sidebars packed with need-to-know information, tie-ins with interactive online multimedia content, and profiles of successful agents ready to share their exclusive secrets with readers. selling Guides Features The Agents Sales Journal will include hard-hitting feature stories based on

ASJs Comprehensive Selling Guides give readers in-depth knowledge on a specific topic each month. Whether a producer has specialized in the featured topic for years or theyre just beginning to explore that particular market, our Selling Guides will be indispensable, offering: Results on the latest market studies, which debut only in the pages of ASJ Expert insight Firsthand advice from successful readers Information on additional online and multimedia coverage

industry developments and issues our readers tell us they need to know more about.This section will continue to answer the readers question of Whats in it for me? by telling them exactly what they need to know to grow their business. Our Feature packages will also integrate online and print content to bring readers all the information they want to know on any given topic, whether in print or on the Web.

Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449


Front of the Book

Editors letter Formerly the Perspectives column, the Editors Letter is a communication between ASJs editor and the magazines readers. Its goal is to open a dialogue by conversationally expanding upon a specific issue presented in that months magazine or adding to existing coverage in order to guide readers toward success in their business. Periodically, it will cover whats new and interesting on that month.

On The Web Many agents tell us they turn to both our print magazine and our Web site at for the latest cutting-edge information in the insurance world. To bridge the gap between our print and online presence, we created On the Web a full-page department designed to drive readers to to find additional coverage and features they cant get in the print edition.

Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449


Your Practice This expanded department delves into the nuts and bolts of running an insurance practice by offering expert advice on the day-to-day business challenges faced by producers. Coverage may include technology tips for streamlining business, staffing considerations, and finances, as well as information on continuing education, designations, legal issues, and more. Marketing
The Marketing department will cover anything and everything readers can use to grow their business. Most importantly, it will discuss the techniques, both new and tested, that other agents have found successful in building their practice.
Source: Agent Medias 2009 Health Market Study. Survey sent to Agent Medias agent database.


In this department, ASJ doesnt just cover the basics of selling products like life insurance, LTCI, and life settlements. Instead, we take an in-depth look at the tips and secrets for selling both up-andcoming products and tried-and-true offerings, and examine what recent product-related issues may mean for readers.

Prospecting Corner Readers continue to ask ASJ for more prospecting advice, and ASJ delivers in this new-and-improved department. Here, featured prospecting experts from across the nation address specific reader questions on prospecting, the No. 1 challenge faced by agents in the industry today. Fact Finder The brand-new Fact Finder department was designed to help readers succeed by showing them how other producers have overcome specific challenges. In Q&A format, ASJs editor speaks with a successful, established producer, asking questions about their business and the market in which they work. The Q&A will run alongside a professionally shot photo of the agent, helping readers identify with the people theyre learning from.

Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449

Asj &

ASJs readers are early adopters in the insurance industry, and they show that eagerness in the way they digest information about their industry. These producers subscribe to and read e-newsletters, listen to podcasts, attend webinars, and have an active online presence.Thats why the Agents Sales Journal print edition and its Web site,, are working together to provide tech-savvy producers with multiple ways to find what they need to grow and fast.
Our regular podcast series will continue to deliver timely, hard-hitting interviews with industry experts but well also be adding to our print material with special exclusive podcasts and audio clips that deliver even more of the story for busy readers. ASJs interactive features, such as online video tutorials and marketspecific resource pages, will add yet another layer of useful information to our relevant print coverage. Well point readers to expanded online content relating to what theyre reading in print, helping to bridge the gap and drive more readers to ASJonline. Regular e-newsletters offer a combination of print and Web-only material for readers who prefer to receive content straight to their virtual mailbox.

Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449

Value Proposition

Whats in it for Asj readers? Editorial content is closely aligned with agents specific informational needs, giving them the tools they need to grow their core practice and to expand into new revenue opportunities.

Whats in it for Asj advertisers? The opportunity to communicate a companys message to a highly engaged, professional readership actively using ASJ to grow their sales in advertisers key markets.

Its proven that Agents Sales Journal readers have hit their professional strides and are looking for new opportunities. And with ASJs specific research-driven editorial focus and new look, you can be sure even more agents will flock to the magazine and Web site for the best insurance industry information available. Advertising in ASJ should be the primary focus for any company wanting to stay fresh in the minds of young, eager, successful agents. Its the essential media buy, not the optional media buy.

More than 68% of ASJ readers polled in our 2008 Brokerage Study* said that they would contact one or more brokerage agencies in the next year to inquire about products or services.
*Source: Agent Medias 2008 Independent Brokerage Study Survey sent to Agent Medias agent database..


Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449

Asj Reader Profile

AGENT sTATUs* Independent Captive Semi-captive YEARs IN lIFE/HEAlTH BUsINEss* 1-5 6-20 21+ ExPECTED ANNUAl COMMIssION/OVERRIDE INCOME* Less than $50K $50K-$100K $100K-$200K $200K-$300K Over $300K 79% 15% 6% Permanent Life Insurance Fixed Annuities 26% 44% 30% Long Term Care Insurance Disability Income Insurance Individual Health Insurance Medicare Supplement Indexed Annuities Final Expense Insurance Group Health Insurance Variable Products Supplemental Products Mutual Funds, Stocks or Bonds Dental Insurance 67% 58% 53% 47% 46% 44% 43% 34% 33% 32% 28% 25% 21% PRODUCTs ACTIVElY sOlD* Term Life Insurance 72%

23% 37% 26% 6% 8%

MARKETs AGENTs CURRENTlY TARGET OR PlAN TO TARGET* Senior Market 66% Boomer Market Business Market Financial Planning Affluent Market Mortgage Protection Associations
*Source: Publishers Own Data.

48% 47% 38% 27% 24% 18%


Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449

2010 Asj Calendar

CloSing DAte PubliShing DAte PrimAry toPiCS SPeCiAl FoCuS SPeCiAl SeCtionS / AD oPPortunitieS SPeCiAl SuPPlementS bonuS DiStribution


18 Nov

28 Dec

Planning for success in 2010 Compliance/regulation Variable and indexed products The boomer market Charitable giving Life settlements The senior market Annuities Critical illness insurance Selling to Generation Y Retirement income planning Impaired risk Marketing Disability Awareness Month Health insurance Health savings accounts Life insurance Premium financing Combo products (life/LTCI, annuity/LTCI) Benefits market Mentoring Medicare Advantage Long term care insurance Disability Life Insurance Awareness Month Estate planning (using life settlements, annuities, and life insurance) Diversity marketing Product riders (annuities, LTCI, etc.) Working with a marketing organization New and untapped markets LTCI Awareness Month Technology Prospecting

Health market/dental Annuities Benefits Life settlements LTCI Life insurance Disability Health market/HSAs Annuities Benefits Life settlements LTCI Life insurance Disability Health market/individual Annuities Benefits Life settlements LTCI Life insurance Disability Health market/CI Annuities Benefits Life settlements LTCI Life insurance Disability Health market/worksite Annuities Benefits Life settlements LTCI Life insurance Disability Health market/dental Annuities Benefits Life settlements LTCI Life insurance Disability

Compliance Handbook

NAILBA Executive Forum


23 Dec

27 Jan

Variable and Indexed Product Selling Guide

NAVA Marketing Conference


25 Jan

24 Feb

Life Settlement Market Study Guide to Life Settlements Producers Guide to the Senior Market Annuity Market Study Annuity Sales Guide Producers Guide to Disability Insurance Awareness Month

LISA spring conference Benefits Selling Expo NUCO LSS NAFA AALU NAILBA Agency Management Institute Critical Illness Sales Boot Camp


19 Feb

26 Mar


29 Mar

28 Apr

Producers Marketing Kit



26 Apr

26 May

Health Insurance Market Study Health Insurance Selling Guide



24 May

25 June

Life Insurance Market Study Life Insurance Sales Guide


23 June

28 July

Benefits Market Study Benefits Market Selling Guide

Producers Guide to Long Term Care Awareness Month

Senior Market Advisor Expo


21 July

25 Aug

LTCI Market Study LTCI Selling Guide Disability Selling Guide

Producers Guide to Life Insurance Awareness Month

NAIFA FPA annual meeting Society of Financial Service Professionals forum


20 Aug

24 Sept

Producers Guide to Estate Planning

Producers Guide to Medicare Medicare Market Study

LISA fall conference Society of Actuarial annual meeting LIMRA


27 Sept

27 Oct

Brokerage Study Guide to Partnering with a Marketing Organization 6th Annual Technology Directory Producers Guide to Prospecting



20 Oct

19 Nov

For editorial submissions, email Editorial calendar subject to change.


Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449

2010 Pricing
Get more bang for your advertising buck with the largest ad spaces in the industry! The Agents Sales Journals oversized pages lend more room for advertisements and more room for you to get your companys name in front of eager agents.
(ciRcULATiON 50,000) Full Page 2/3 Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/4 Page


The redesign of the magazine also lends itself to additional advertising opportunities that werent available before, such as:
Corner Spread Bleed 1/2 Page Spread Bleed 2 Page Spread Bleed
All prices are net of agency commissions. For special placement, add 15%.

$8,442 $8,442 $13,367

4 color
1 TIMe

$7,035 $5,985 $6,300 $5,670 $5,985 $5,040 $5,775 $4,620

$5,250 $4,515 $4,725 $4,095 $4,515 $3,885 $4,305 $3,570

$4,305 $3,675 $3,885 $3,360 $3,675 $3,045 $3,465 $2,730

$2,730 $2,415 $2,520 $2,205 $2,415 $1,995 $2,310 $1,890

$2,100 $1,785 $1,890 $1,680 $1,785 $1,470 $1,690 $1,331

2 color 4 color

2 color 4 color

2 color 4 color
12 TIMeS

2 color

The Agents Sales Journal offers unsurpassed ad tracking including our brand-new feature, phone number tracking.
Ask about our bonus online circulation for all print advertisers!

CLASSIFIED RATES Business Card Listing Full Listing

3 iSSueS

6 iSSueS

12 iSSueS

$900 $1,400

$1,710 $2,660

$3,249 $5,054

special advertising opportunities

Cover Wraps post-it Notes stiCkers reader serviCe ads BusiNess reply Cards iNserts Gatefold ad advertorials posters

All prices are net of agency commissions. For special placement, add 15%.


Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449

2010 specifications
ASJ AD SIZES Full Page Bleed** Non-Bleed 2/3 Page* Bleed** Non-Bleed 1/2 Page Horizontal* Bleed** Non-Bleed 1/2 Page vertical* Bleed** Non-Bleed 1/3 Page* Bleed** Non-Bleed 1/4 Page Non-Bleed 10.625 WIDE x 12.25 HIGH 9.25 WIDE x 10.75 HIGH PUBLICATION TRIM SIZE Magazine trims to 10.125 x 11.75; keep live matter 5/8 from all sides that bleed. Perfect alignment of type or design across gutter of two facing pages cannot be guaranteed. Allow a 3/16 safety at gutter of spreads.

6.75 WIDE x 12.25 HIGH 5.75 WIDE x 10.75 HIGH


10.625 WIDE x 6.25 HIGH 9.25 WIDE x 5.25 HIGH

2/3 PAGE

5.25 WIDE x 12.25 HIGH 4.25 WIDE x 10.75 HIGH

3.75 WIDE x 12.25 HIGH 2.75 WIDE x 10.75 HIGH

4.25 WIDE x 5.125 HIGH


SPREAD ADVERTINING OPPORTUNINTIES corner SPread Bleed** Custom Size 1/2 Page SPread* Bleed** Non-Bleed 2 Page SPread Bleed** Non-Bleed

20.75 WIDE x 6.25 HIGH 19.25 WIDE x 5.25 HIGH

1/4 PAGE
20.75 WIDE x 12.25 HIGH 19.25 WIDE x 10.75 HIGH

1/3 PAGE


* Partial bleed ads will not bleed on one side, dependent upon location in magazine. ** Leave .875 bottom margin to include reader service number and design for live area only. Agents Sales Journal | | 800-933-9449


Toll-Free: Dial 0 and ask for a Sales Consultant Local: Fax: Email: Agent Media Web site: ASJ Web site: (727) 446-1100 (727) 446 -1166 (800) 933-9449

Jamison H. Burris, ext. 239

advertising sales
Lisa Benoit, ext. 268 Nanetta Culbert, ext. 217 Charles Glassey, ext. 216 Matthew Jones, ext. 237 John Marinelli, ext. 224 Rick Penn, ext 215 Jonathan Stone, ext. 206

list sales
Daniel Anzanello, ext. 247 Tom Beilhart, ext. 218 Dana Mannion, ext. 209 Franz Reiter, ext. 211

Christina Pellett, ext. 226 Heather Trese, ext. 225

art department
Digital art: ext. 222 Fax: (727) 447-1499

group publisher

John DeCesare 201-526-2335

group editor

James Green 800-933-9449 x 229

1255 Cleveland St., Suite 200 Clearwater, FL 33755

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