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Instructions to be posted via Google Classroom

4. Debrief (10 marks)

Describe the following sensory properties of your snack. You may use the helping
words on the next page to help you. Use the guiding questions below to help you.
You may present your sensory evaluation in the following modes
 Audio
 Video
 Paragraph
 Poster

Sensory evaluation
Colour Look at the presentation of your snack.
What is/are the colour(s) of your snack?
How is/are the colour(s) of your snack appealing for school carnival?

Shape Look at the presentation of your snack.

What is the shape of your snack?
How is the shape of your snack appealing for school carnival?

Texture Touch the snack with your fingers.

How does the texture(interior and exterior) feel on your fingers?

Take a bite of your snack.

How does the texture of the snack feel in your mouth?

Taste Take a bite of your snack.

What is the taste of your snack?

(Hint: Link to the ingredients that may have caused this taste)

Glossary of Terms – Sensory Evaluation of Food
The sensory descriptors below can help you describe a food product. It is non-
exhaustive and should be product specific.
Aromatic Rancid
Burnt Smoky
Buttery Sour
Fishy Spicy
Fruity Sulphuric
Herbal Sweet
Nutty Yeasty
Bitter Smoky
Bland Sour
Buttery Spicy
Flavourless Stale
Metallic Sweet
Rancid Tangy
Salty Tart
Clear Moist
Coarse Opaque
Crumbly Peaked
Curdled Rounded
Firm Runny
Flat Smooth
Greasy Soggy
Layered Thick
Lopsided Watery
Chewy Moist
Coarse Paste-like
Crisp Pulpy
Crumbly Rough
Dense Rubbery
Dry Runny
Elastic Slimy
Flaky Smooth
Fluffy Soft
Grainy Spongy
Greasy Springy
Gritty Stiff
Hard Tender
Heavy Thick
Light Tough
Lumpy Watery


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