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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of Sirte

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering

A seminar entitled:

Corrosion in Underground Petroleum Pipelines

Prepared by:

Abdul-Baset Omar Ali

Supervised by:

Musbah Masoud


Corrosion process is one of the major problems that has ever challenged the industrial
processes. The destructive attack of a material due to corrosion contribute the main cause
of plant shutdown, waste of valuable resources, loss of product, reduction in efficiency,
and costly maintenance. Several technique have applied for checking the potency of

In this proposed seminar introduce a general overview of corrosion in underground

petroleum pipelines in which show the common forms of corrosion occurs In addition a
general ways of monitoring and controlling of these form of corrosion.

As the results, the presence of corrosive constituents such as water, salts CO 2, H2S or
even abrasive material (sand) contribute largely for internal corrosion. External corrosion
is caused by electrochemical interaction between the pipe and the surrounding
environment (soil in the case of buried pipes).

Table of Content

Table of Content..................................................................................................................II
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................1
2. Types of Corrosion.........................................................................................................2
2.1 Uniform Pipe Corrosion.............................................................................................2
2.2 Pitting Corrosion...................................................................................................2
2.3 Selective Leaching.....................................................................................................2
2.4 Galvanic Corrosion....................................................................................................2
2.5 Crevice Corrosion......................................................................................................3
2.6 Cavitation Corrosion..................................................................................................3
2.7 Erosion Corrosion......................................................................................................3
2.8 Stray Current Corrosion.............................................................................................4
2.9 Internal Corrosion......................................................................................................4
2.10 External Corrosion...................................................................................................4
2.11 Sweet corrosion (CO2 corrosion).............................................................................5
2.12 Sour corrosion (H2S corrosion)................................................................................5
3. The Corrosion Process.....................................................................................................6
3.1 Differential Cell Corrosion........................................................................................6
4. Corrosion Pipelines Control............................................................................................8
4.1 Control Internal Corrosion.........................................................................................8
4.2 Control External Corrosion........................................................................................8
4.2.1 Pipeline Coatings.................................................................................................8
4.2.2 Metallic Spray Coatings......................................................................................8
4.2.3 Cathodic Protection (CP).....................................................................................9
5. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................10
6. References......................................................................................................................11

Corrosion in Underground Petroleum Pipelines

1. Introduction

As one of the five major transportations, pipelines, compared with others, have the
following advantages: (a) low cost; (b) high efficiency; (c) short construction period; (d)
safe and environmentally friendly; (e) suitable for all kinds of areas. Hence, they’re
generally considered as cheaper, safer and more effective. With the global oil and gas
industry developing rapidly, the pipelines for the transport of oil and gas are mainly made
of steel and usually buried underground, where, however, the pipelines can get seriously
corroded. Once corrosion happens, it shortens the pipelines’ lifespan and contaminates
the oil within.

Corrosion is the deterioration of material or its properties because of a reaction with its
environment. Corrosion of pipelines (external, internal, or atmospheric) will depend on
the environment and the changes that occur during the life of that pipeline.

Although there are various definitions of corrosion, the support definition used in the
corrosion industry, is “The deterioration of a material, usually a metal, which results from
a reaction with its environment.”

With respect to pipeline corrosion, In regards to external corrosion, the environment

would be groundwater or moist soil for onshore pipelines and seawater for offshore
pipelines. For internal corrosion, the environment would be water containing sodium
chloride (salt), hydrogen sulfide, and/or carbon dioxide. The deterioration would be
dissolution of the iron into the environment, which reduces the strength of the pipeline.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, liquid petroleum products and natural gas
have been transported by extensive underground networks of steel and iron pipes. The
American Gas Association reports that, in 2013, over 2.4 million miles of buried steel
mainline pipe was used for the transport of natural gas within the United States. Trunk
lines for natural gas products add to this total.

There are, in addition, 170 000 miles of pipeline for transport of crude oil and refined
products. The soil environment contains oxygen and is sufficiently conductive to allow
passage of electrical current; therefore, buried steel structures are subject to corrosion. By
the late 1920s, the number of leaks had begun to increase alarmingly and, by the early
1930s, all major pipeline owners were providing some measure of corrosion mitigation to
their pipelines, including application of coatings and cathodic protection [1]

The economic impact of the corrosion :-

The Global Cost of Corrosion:-

According to NACE International’s IMPACT report, the numbers on the economic

impact of corrosion are startling. The global cost of corrosion in 2013, the most
recent numbers available, is estimated to be US$2.5 trillion, which is equivalent
to 3.4% of the global GDP ,(3 to 4% of GDP of industrialized countries).

The 1978 NACE sponsored report examines each industry in depth, providing
discussions of the causes, costs, and results of corrosion, and arrived at a
calculation of $276B in direct corrosion costs (the costs that . Indirect costs were
estimated to be at least as much as direct costs. In the 15 years that have
passed since the study was released, inflation has driven both the direct and
indirect costs of corrosion over $500 billion annually, totaling over $1 trillion in
2013 and rising to $1.1 trillion by the end of 2016. (2)

2. Types of Corrosion

2.1 Uniform Pipe Corrosion

As the name indicates, uniform pipe corrosion causes uniform loss of material along the
surface of the pipe, resulting in a continuous thinning of its solid structure. The rate of
reaction is measured by the depth of penetration of the surface in millimeters per year.

Uniform corrosion often results from atmospheric exposure (especially polluted industrial
environments); exposure in fresh, brackish, and salt waters; or exposure in soils and
chemicals. By selecting a suitable piping material and a combination of corrosion
protection methods such as cathodic protection as well as surface coatings, it is possible
to prevent this type of deterioration [3].

2.2 Pitting Corrosion

Pitting corrosion is the severe, localized deterioration of a limited surface area, leading to
cavity formation, or pits, on a pipe's surface. In some cases, these pits may puncture the
pipe. The reasons for pitting corrosion include:
 Pipe material defects or surface defects
 Mechanical damage to the protective passive film
 Penetration by an aggressive chemical species, such as chlorides

2.3 Selective Leaching

Selective leaching also called ( graphitic) or (dealloying) corrosion, occurs when a noble
metal and a more reactive element form an alloy. This may result in the loss of the
reactive element from the pipeline's surface, causing loss of strength and premature
failure. A typical example of this is the removal of nickel, cobalt or zinc from copper
alloys. This can result in color changes or changes in density in the affected material. The
addition of aluminum or tin can, in some cases, provide protection from leaching.

2.4 Galvanic Corrosion

Galvanic corrosion occurs when dissimilar alloys or metals of different corrosion

potentials are connected electrically.

In this case, only the metal working as an anode with respect to the other will deteriorate.
This reaction can be prevented by using a combination of metals that are closer in the
galvanic series, and by placing insulation between the two.

2.5 Crevice Corrosion

Crevice corrosion is caused by an accelerated reaction at joints and other crevices of a

pipeline due to differential oxygen availability. The surfaces starved of oxygen become
the anode in an electrochemical reaction. Replacing riveted joints with welded joints can
help overcome such problems.

2.6 Cavitation Corrosion

Cavitation damage occurs in a pipeline when the fluid’s working pressure drops below its
vapor pressure, leading to the formation of vapor pockets and vapor bubbles that collapse
at the internal surface of pipeline.

Cavitation can be prevented at the design stage by reducing fluid pressure gradients and
excessive pressure drops in the range of the vapor pressure of the liquid, as well as
ensuring zero air ingress. Coatings can also reduce the rate of material loss.

2.7 Erosion Corrosion

Erosion corrosion is due to the relative movement of fluid and the inner surface of the
pipe. Fluid turbulence can result in a rapid rise in erosion rates. Poorly finished internal
pipe surfaces or pits that may form can disturb smooth fluid flow, leading to localized
fluid turbulence. This can result in a high erosion rate. A combination of cavitation,
erosion and corrosion - at high temperature or high pressure - can lead to very severe
pitting corrosion. The addition of chromium or molybdenum to steel can improve the
corrosion protection in this case.

2.8 Stress Corrosion Cracking

Stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) is defined as cracking of a material produced by the

combined action of corrosion and tensile stress. There are two forms of external SCC on
underground pipelines: high-pH SCC (also referred to as classical SCC) and near-neutral-
pH SCC (also referred to as low-pH SCC).

2.8 Stray Current Corrosion

Stray current corrosion is caused by the flow of stray currents through pipelines. This can
cause localized pitting and pin holes on metal surfaces at the precise points where stray
currents leave the surface. Sources of stray electricity include:

 High voltage overhead or buried lines nearby

 Electric railways
 Electric welding machines
 Earthed DC source
 Cathodic protection

Damage can be reduced by controlling electricity leakages, bypassing stray current to an

earthing station or the use of an additional protective system [3].

2.9 Internal Corrosion

Internal corrosion refers to corrosion occurring on the inside of a pipeline. This type of
corrosion often results from the presence of molecules such as carbon dioxide (CO 2),
hydrogen sulfide (H2S), water, organic acids and other molecules. Typically, these
molecules react with the internal pipe surface through anodic and cathodic reactions. The
product of these reactions may deposit within the pipe, creating a protective layer that
inhibits further corrosion. In other cases, the products do not precipitate and facilitate
high rates of corrosion. Internal corrosion can also be caused by microorganisms. The
rate of internal corrosion depends on the concentration of these corrosive molecules, the
temperature, the flow velocity and the surface material.

2.11 Sweet corrosion (CO2 corrosion)

CO2 corrosion has been a recognized problem in oil and gas production and
transportation facilities for many years. CO2 corrosion can appear in two principal forms:
pitting (localized attack that results in rapid penetration and removal of metal at a small
discrete area).

2.12 Sour corrosion (H2S corrosion)

The deterioration of metal due to contact with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and moisture is
called sour corrosion . Although H2S is not corrosive by itself, it becomes a severely
corrosive agent in the presence of water , leading to pipeline embrittlement .Hydrogen
sulfide when dissolved in water is a weak acid, and therefore, it is a source of hydrogen
ions and is corrosive. The corrosion products are iron sulfides (FeSx) and hydrogen. Iron
sulfide forms a scale that at low temperature can act as a barrier to slow corrosion . The
forms of sour corrosion are uniform, pitting, and stepwise cracking.

3. The Corrosion Process

Corrosion of most pipelines occurs due to an electrochemical reaction in the presence of

an electrolyte. The rate of corrosion of a piping system is generally related to external
and internal factors. External factors include a working environment of pipes, soil
chemistry and moisture for buried pipes or water chemistry in the case of submerged
pipes. Internal factors that contribute to corrosion may include:

 The oxygen content or reactivity of liquids and gases carried(CO2, H2S).

 The temperature, flow rate and pressure of the fluids and gases.

External Corrosion

A number of correlations between the characteristics of a soil and its corrosively have
been found through research and practical experience that determine the rate of external
corrosion on a pipeline is the differences in the characteristics of the soil from place to
place along a pipeline, as well as from top to bottom. Differences in aeration, moisture
content, and soil composition in these areas can produce strong driving forces for
corrosion. In reverse, the two most important factors in reducing or preventing the
development of external corrosion on a pipeline are the level of cathodic protection and
the quality of the pipeline coating.

3.1 Differential Cell Corrosion

Underground corrosion of pipelines and other structures is often the result of differential
corrosion cells of which a variety of different types exist. These include differential
aeration cells, where different parts of a pipe are exposed to different oxygen
concentrations in the soil, and cells created by differences in the nature of the pipe
surface or the soil chemistry. This behavior is sometimes obvious when excavating an
old, bare pipeline in which some areas are in excellent condition but other areas only a
few feet away are severely corroded.

A differential aeration cell is probably the most common corrosion cell found on
pipelines or other underground structures. One area of the pipeline is exposed to higher
concentrations of oxygen and becomes the cathode in the cell, while another part of the
structure is oxygen deficient and becomes the anode. Electrical current leaves the metal
surface at the anode, increasing the corrosion rate, and flows to the oxygenated cathodic
area, decreasing the corrosion rate.

Differences in soil properties, variation in the moisture content of the soil, the depth from
the surface or oxygen barriers such as paved roads can produce differential aeration cells.
in Fig., which shows a pipeline passing through two dissimilar soils. The corrosion
potential of the pipeline in the clay soil is more negative than the corrosion potential in
the sandy soil, resulting in an increase in the corrosion rate of the pipe in the clay and a
decrease in the sand. Factors other than differences in the oxygen concentration of the

soil can produce a differential corrosion cell such as the one shown in Fig. For example,
differences in the pH, or the concentration of aggressive ions such as chlorides in the soil,
can produce differential corrosion cells [3].

Figure 1: Differential Corrosion Cell

Fig ( )Oxygen differential cell resulting from burial under paving producing an oxygen concentration cel

Pipelines that are exposed to areas of low and high water content in the electrolyte also
exhibit different potentials in these different areas. Generally, the area with more water
content becomes the anode in this electrochemical corrosion cell. This is most severe
when a pipeline passes through a swampy area adjacent to dry areas .

The potential along a pipe line depends to some extent on the soluble salt content of the
soil. It is found that sections of a pipe line passing through soil of high salt content are
anodic to sections about which the salt content of the soil is lower (Fig. ).

Fig. . – Pipe line corrosion in different soils.

4. Corrosion Pipelines Control

4.1 Control Internal Corrosion

Corrosion is the deterioration of a substance, usually a metal, due to interaction with its
environment. Oil and gas pipelines are vulnerable to corrosion in part because of the use
of carbon and low-alloy steels. Adding corrosion inhibitors, or chemical substances that
decrease corrosion rates, is one of the most effective methods to control internal
corrosion of pipelines.

The normal industrial practice for controlling internal corrosion of petroleum pipelines is
to use (1) coatings, (2) non-metallic pipeline materials or (3) corrosion inhibitors.
Corrosion inhibitors are most commonly used for control of internal corrosion of all the
long-distance pipelines . Most of the corrosion inhibitors, used in petroleum-industry, are
organic compounds. The composition and structure of the organic corrosion inhibitors
change depending on the application in petroleum industry ,The corrosion inhibitors
belonging to imidazolines, hydroxyether, carboxylic acid, lectone, and tall oil fatty acid
anhydride can be used for both crude oil and liquid petroleum product pipe line

4.2 Control External Corrosion

4.2.1 Pipeline Coatings

Different types of coatings designed to mitigate corrosion include plant-manufactured

systems as well as the tapes applied at construction site. Here are some of the key types
of pipeline coatings, along with their advantages and disadvantages.

4.2.2 Metallic Spray Coatings

The application of sprayed thermal coatings, such as zinc and aluminum, is advantageous
in submerged piping systems. These coatings offer corrosion protection under varying
environmental conditions at low cost.

For very-high temperature pipes, refractory linings, polyurethane linings, metallic
coatings and concrete-mortar linings are used.

4.2.3 Cathodic Protection (CP)

Cathodic protection is an electrical method of reducing the corrosion rate of the pipe's
metal surface by converting it into the cathode of an electrochemical cell. This is
achieved by moving the potential of the pipe metal into the negative direction by
impressing the necessary voltage through an external power source (in case of an
impressed current CP), or by providing a sacrificial anode in the system (in a galvanic

In the case of an impressed current protection system, a calibrated current is

superimposed on the piping structure by means of a dedicated power supply consisting of
a rectifier-transformer connected to a local utility power source. This is connected to an
anode buried in the ground.

In the case of a galvanic CP (sacrificial anode) system, the galvanic hierarchy between a
sacrificial anode metal, such as zinc, and the pipe metal, is used to supply the required
protective current.

Sacrificial anodes are made of different alloys of aluminum, zinc or magnesium. For very
large pipelines, sacrificial anodes cannot deliver enough protective current to ensure
complete pipe protection. An impressed current cathodic protection system is selected
under such conditions [4].

5. Conclusion

Oil and gas pipelines extends to the long distances and are often buried underground and
is controlling the corrosion of essential needs that thing for taking into account the view
of the economic and environmental damage caused by corrosion.

Petroleum pipelines carrying oil, gas or petroleum products are not immune of corrosion
although hydrocarbon fluids by itself are not corrosive. However, the presence of
corrosive constituents such as water, salts CO2, H2S or even abrasive material (sand)
contribute largely for internal corrosion.

Most transmission pipelines are buried in the ground and are made of carbon steel.
External corrosion is caused by electrochemical interaction between the pipe and the
surrounding environment (soil in the case of buried pipes).

6. References

[1] Underground pipeline corrosion Detection, analysis and prevention Edited by Mark E.
Orazem- Woodhead Publishing Series in Metals and Surface Engineering: Number 63.

[2] NACE International initiated the International Measures of Prevention, Application,

and Economics of Corrosion Technologies (IMPACT) study, Gretchen Jacobson, NACE
International, Houston, Texas, USA, March 1, 2016.

[3] Oil and Gas Pipelines Social and Environmental Impact Assessment: State of the Art
Compiled and edited By Robert Goodland May 2005.

[4] Oil & Gas Journal (Pipelines issue 2004); CIA Wor


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