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Technical Review & Value Proposition

T24 Upgrade R10 to R16

Nib International Bank

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

28th September 2016

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
TEMENOS Holdings NV.
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5

Upgrade Assessment .................................................................................................................. 5

Further Assessment Sessions ................................................................................................ 5

NIB BANK Roles and Responsibilities throughout the Upgrade Assessment ........................ 6

Technical Architecture Review .............................................................................................. 6

Current Pain points..................................................................................................................... 7

New Technology ....................................................................................................................... 10

Enterprise Frameworks ....................................................................................................... 10

T24 Enterprise (TAFJ)........................................................................................................... 11

Data Lifecycle Management (Data Separation) .................................................................. 13

Reporting Database ............................................................................................................. 14

Integration Framework (Event driven) ................................................................................ 15

Operational Monitoring ...................................................................................................... 17

Design Studio....................................................................................................................... 18

Technical Changes Highlights ................................................................................................... 20

COB and Online Performance ............................................................................................. 20

Database Locking................................................................................................................. 20

History of deleted records................................................................................................... 20

CALLJEE ................................................................................................................................ 20

Single Signon & ldap integration ......................................................................................... 21

Local Developments Dependency ............................................................................................ 21

Architecture .............................................................................................................................. 22

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Possible Target Architecture ............................................................................................... 22

Interfaces .................................................................................................................................. 23

Upgrade Approach ................................................................................................................... 24

Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 24

Prerequisites........................................................................................................................ 24

Deliverables ......................................................................................................................... 25

Testing Stages ...................................................................................................................... 26

Timeline ............................................................................................................................... 27

Development during the Upgrade Phase ............................................................................ 27

Key Technical Recommendations............................................................................................. 29

Application Platform ........................................................................................................... 29

Enterprise Service Bus ......................................................................................................... 29

Data Lifecycle Management ................................................................................................ 29

TCIB instead of ARCIB .......................................................................................................... 29

DLM Assessment ................................................................................................................. 29

Next steps ................................................................................................................................. 30

Appendix A: Preferred Stacks ................................................................................................... 31

Appendix B: Technical Changes from R10 to R15 .................................................................... 31

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Author Version Date

Haribabu Duggineni V 0.9 (first draft) 28/09/2016


Abbreviation Description

AMR Annual Maintenance Release

CI Continuous Integration

ESB Enterprise Service Bus

IDE Integrated Development Environment

IIB IBM Integration Bus

NVDB Non-Volatile Database

RDBMS Relational Database Management System

TOCF Temenos Open Connectivity Framework

TSA Temenos Service Agent

TSM Temenos Service Manager

TWS Temenos Web Services

VCS Version Control System

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Nib International Bank is investigating on upgrading their R10 ETMB T24 System to the latest Release of
T24. Therefore an Upgrade Assessment has taken place and the technical Review part has been conducted
in the time from 21st to 27th of Jul 2016 in their premises in Addis Ababa.
R10 is six years behind the current release and in extended maintenance. Since R10 Temenos has
significantly invested in new technology in order to fulfil today’s requirements to a modern bank.
During the technical session we reviewed the technical enhancements, new features and technology
delivered by Temenos in R16. Discussions were around the Software Architecture, including T24
Enterprise Java Platform (TAFJ), Data Lifecycle Management, Capabilities of Design Studio, Integration and
Interaction Framework.
We have also had a review of a list of pain points and could close many of them during the assessment
week by adapting the new functionality given in T24 R16. This document refers to the latest release R16.
We have added the technical changes until R15 Release which is what we have now. Further information
about R16 enhancements and changes can be provided once the R16 Release is available.
The document aims to reflect the technical assessment week in more detail than the technical summary
does and should be taken as complement to the latter together with all supplemented documents. The
technical enhancements highlights to existing T24 components will be provided in the document
“Technical Changes”.

Upgrade Assessment
The Upgrade Assessment Service has been designed to help NIB Bank to have a clear view about the
approach of the Upgrade Exercise and answer their open questions around the same. NIB Bank will
understand benefits of the upgrade with new technologies and functionality and can maximize the value
of it and align their project pipeline with our future roadmap. By reviewing the current Architecture,
Infrastructure and Interfaces NIB Bank will also be aware of the impact on their systems. The scope of this
Technical Review was to
 outline the technical changes in T24 from current to target release
 to assess the impact of this upgrade on the technical architecture and NIB Bank’s IT infrastructure
 discover new T24 technology components
Overall Goal is to review new technical enhancements and the potential opportunities it gives to NIB Bank
for extending and optimizing its use of T24 and reducing known pain points. The Assessment itself and
supporting output will enable NIB Bank to analyze further and begin to determine their technical priorities
to feed into the overall Upgrade plan.

Further Assessment Sessions

A technical scoping which analyses NIB Bank’s system together with the local development, is a crucial
part of the Upgrade Assessment and delivers high level estimates together with a high level project plan.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

This will help to minimize the risk of rolling out the upgrade. The scoping has not been conducted yet but
will be started later, from where a high level project plan will be incorporated into the Statement of Work
which is the final result of the Upgrade Assessment.
Other Assessments for Business, Training Needs will be conducted in the upcoming weeks.

NIB BANK Roles and Responsibilities throughout the Upgrade Assessment

 Planning & co-ordination of Workshops and Interviews
 Providing suitable executive level support from NIB BANK during the entire engagement
 Providing NIB BANK Process Know How (engaging Subject Matter Experts for different process
areas for participation in Workshops and interviews)
 Providing all relevant information on our consultants’ request
 Agreement on overall value proposition for upgrade and the approach to be taken

Technical Architecture Review

 Workshop to review above contents to outline the major areas of change to be

Key Activities
delivered as part of the move to the R14 release of T24
 Analyse impacts on NIB BANK’s T24 infrastructure to upgrade from R08 to the R14
release of T24
 Provide a detailed architecture / topology diagram for the deployment

Key Outputs  Proposed High level Technical Architecture

 Technical input to the overall consolidated high level roadmap showing the main
steps in the upgrade approach, which can be used as the basis of a high-level
project plan
 Key Technical Changes to be evaluated along with their documented benefits

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Current Pain points

The following pain points have been identified in the first workshop and we tried to close them as much
as possible during the assessment week by only taking upgrade functionality into consideration..

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Pain Points in Detail:

These are the remarks, while yellow ones are not clear or not fully covered in in R16 and the Red ones are
not covered at all

Painpoint Description Comment
in R16
Why do we have DCD middle layer
between T24 and Oracle Database. We
In TAFJ environment, we will not require DCD anymore.
believe that it has performance impact
DataBase T24 can directly talk to Oracle Database using JDBC Yes
on the system. Our Expectation is there
should not be any middle layer between
T24 and Oracle DB

SWIFT messages are produced based on the Delivery

Module (Using DE.PRODUCT and other Delivery related
parameter files), setup in the system. Bank has to review
T24 is producing lot of SWIFT messages
SWIFT and Decide which SWIFT messages has to be sent SWIFT Yes
for LC related transactions.
alliance gateway and unnecessary messaged can be
marked as DELETE. This feature available in R10 as well in
Latest release.

Yes. We can automate the COB process. In TSA.SERVICE

record of COB, we can use the field FREQUENCY to specify
Is it possible to Automate the COB
COB the TIME at which COB has to be triggered automatically. Yes
Once the Specified TIME reached, COB service will start

TCServer is out dated solution. We have JCA Architecture

ATM ATM and Other TCServer Configuration.
(TOCF) and with this architecture we need not require
configuration Maintenance of environment.vars file Yes
environment.vars file anymore. We can use this
Issues for each TCServer.
architecture in current release R10 itself.

When we upload Salary Files, If one of

We do not have any CORE process to validate it. We have
the File Content is wrong system is not
Salay File DEVELOP a Local Service, Which Should validate the File
processing the Rest Of Files. Is there any No
Upload Issues and if the file is wrong should remove the file from Ready
way to validate the File before it is been
To Process list.
pickup by the T24 service.
In Latest Release, HVT (High Volume Transaction)
SUB Account Many SUB accounts are created and
Accounts been introduced. With HVT setup only one Yes
Issues Reconciliation become very difficult.
Account will be exist in the system.
should be allowed only from oracle and Using JBASE AuditTrigger program, We can restrict DDL
DataBase Yes
should not give access to JBASE operations from JBASE command prompt.
command prompt.
Ingegration Frame Work makes Interfaces Integrations
Interfaces Integration of all Interfaces to T24. very esay and seemlesly we can connect many interfaces YES
to T24.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Some of Log Files are moved to DB with Latest Release.

Many Log Files been written in Log Files related to Local Development should update
Log Files Yes
directory. LogInformation to Oracle Table instaed of UD type files
which are created under
SMS alerts should be sent all the JOINT Using CORE Delivery Module SMS setup, we can send
SMS Alerts Yes
Account Holders for JOINT ACCOUNTS. Alerts to All the JOINT Account Holders.
Any One can Modify / Delete data from Use jBaseAuditTrigger routine to monitor the Operations
Security Yes
jBASE command prompt. performed from jBASE.
In latest Release, We have Option to maintain the LOCKS
Jdls is an issue and to Start the Jdls we
Jdls Locking at Database Level. If we go with this options, we can stop Yes
always need root access.
using jDLS.
We can handle it in two ways. 1) We can share the T24
To install fixes in MultiApp binaries (t24bin, t24lib, tamlib…) using NFS and NFS can be
Installing Fixes environment, we always need to Sync mounted to all the T24 Application Servers. 2) Using Yes
the folder across all the servers. Design Studio we can install the pack in all areas without
sync the bnk directory.
Images and Documents maintenance in
With Latest T24 Version, We have option to store the
NFS Server NFS Server is bit difficulty. Many Yes
images directly in DataBase.
security risks are there with NFS.
Image Will Check with Migration team and Need to review the
Images can be migrated only to BNK No
Migration Issue Migration Strategy.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

New Technology

Enterprise Frameworks
Temenos has implemented a comprehensive Enterprise Framework around T24, which enables us to
encapsulate Banking Functionality from Technology Capabilities, like Interfacing with external systems,
Development and Configuration as well as Platform Architecture.
These are the six Frameworks involved:
Framework Architectural Business challenges addressed Technical resources Key business Measurable benefits
Style exploited benefits
Integration Event-Driven Make multiple systems work • Design Studio Agility/ • 4x faster integration
Framework Architecture together seamlessly in (near) • Standard message competitiveness, • 80% reduction in
real-time and in a way that can formats speed-to-market, implementation time
evolve easily; enable 100% process • ESBs / MQs cost-efficiency
Interaction Representational Create a unified user interface • Design Studio Usability, customer As many user interfaces as
Framework State Transfer across multiple user agents1 that • IRIS hypermedia server experience required (by role and device)
(“REST”) draws on multiple back-end • T24 OData services innovation, cost-
systems; Build an open banking • Partner API gateways efficiency
platform2; Evolve front- and backend
at different paces

Data Virtual Value Gain much faster access to data • Design Studio Scalability, • >100x faster queries
Framework Chain for reporting; analyse anything • Non-volatile intelligence (data • 10x cheaper transactions
any time; preserve transactional database insight), cost- • 80% faster transactions
performance during growth; • Columnar storage efficiency • database size reduction3
• Non-SQL database • great benchmark test results
• In-memory DB
Platform One-Level Reduce the cost and complexity of • Java application Flexibility, • Choice between 3+1 stacks
Framework Enterprise running systems (leverage bank’s server independence, • 80% consultancy/day cost
or market’s skills); ensure platform • JDBC scalability, cost- savings
choice; increase the scalability of • JMS efficiency
the business platform
Design Model-Driven Undertake more efficient model- • Design Studio Productivity 10x increase in change
Framework Development driven development; gain more • Version Contol System Agility management and productivity
control over change • Continuous Integration Quality

Component Open Services Undertake progressive renovation • OSGI Maintainability • 24x7 uptime
Framework Gateway Initiative smoothly as well as smaller, faster, • OSGi container • online update4
(“OSGi”) simpler upgrades • incremental upgrade
• improved re-use.
1 A user agent is a piece of software that acts on behalf of a human customer; you can consider it do be the user interface, like the browser you use to navigate on internet.

2 By building an open banking platform, we mean building the ability for a bank to sell its services through another platform and conversely the ability for a bank to offer others’
services through its platform.
3 This figure has been proven with tests on very large client data sets, including at a tier 1 bank.
4 Making updates while the system is running for continuous operations. (Updates = Fixes without Changes in the Data Model)

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

T24 Enterprise (TAFJ)

Upgrade to the latest T24 Release will enable NIB Bank to switch to the Java implementation of T24.
T24 Enterprise on Java Platform runs entirely in a JEE Application Server which empowers all JEE
Application Server capabilities like scalability and high availability, clustering and resource pooling etc. The
following diagram shows a logical view on the architecture.

The main advantages of having the entire application running in a standard java application server are
 T24 automatically inherits capabilities from JEE Application Servers like scalability and resilience,
even clustering is possible now for T24.
 Resource Pooling Functionality of the Application Server will utilize existing resources much better,
for example a pool of connections to a database will be managed by the AppServer instead of
having one dedicated connection.
 T24 is fully managed by the application server

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

 You can share the skills of existing staff or use standard knowledge from the market to run and
maintain your T24. Also it’s more attractive for employees to work with standard tools than
proprietary software.
 T24 Enterprise can run on different platforms (hardware and operating system) and can easily
ported from one to another as it can only see the Java Virtual Machine running. This mitigates the
risk of “having decided” for a specific vendor in case you want to change in the future.
 Using the standard technologies, T24 is now even open for future technologies and challenges.

Example Scalable Deployment

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Example Clustered Deployment

Data Lifecycle Management (Data Separation)

NIB Bank is suffering from their big database size, especially a huge data growth of 6.4 GB per day:
1. Backup / Restore Procedures take a long time and delay other processes.
2. It’s not possible to put archived data to a separate instance while still being accessible.
Using DLM, NIB Bank can separate the Read/Only data from transactional data. Imagine, all non-volatile
tables like Statement Entries, Spec Entries, Category Entries, Funds Transfers, Teller History and many
more will be separated in a read only database, located on a different storage.

 This will reduce the transactional data drastically (around 70%) and so the major data can be
placed on cheaper disks, performance will increase significantly because of the much smaller
transactional database.
 Backups will be much faster as well as Restore Procedures, because the daily backup plan will only
include the small transactional portion. The Read-Only data can be backed up in a less frequent
way, eg. weekly.
 Cloning Environments will be faster due to the size of the transactional data. T24 instances can
have their own transactional database while many of them can point to the same Non-Volatile
Read-only data will be archived automatically because we’re using date sensitive partitions, eg. one
partition per month. Partitions older than the specified threshold can be automatically moved to an
archive database.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

The data separation is fully transparent to developers and users, read-only data can still be accessed
through the existing routines and queries. There is no need of duplicating those in order to access the
data, like it was for Archiving.

Reporting Database
In T24, you normally have two fields in each record of any table. That is the unique id of this record and
one XML record with all T24 fields included in one XML String. The latter can’t be accessed by normal SQL
statements because the columns are sequentially named C1, C2, C3 etc. It isn’t anyway advisable to allow
users or external systems to do ad hoc queries on the live database, as these queries can be very heavy
load on the database and thus disturb the system and the other users.
Now with the Data Framework, there is an option to create a Reporting Database with real columns rather
than XML Records. That is much more convenient to query with SQL statement as you would do with any
other database. You can allow users to do that because the queries would run against the separate
Reporting Database rather than T24 Database, residing on a different storage or even server. And the data
will be provided (near) real time and you don’t have to wait and synchronize once a day.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

The data model for Customer and Account Balance Reporting module is already available, the Financial
Data Reporting Model will be deployed as part of the 201612. Further models will follow, like Credit &
Limit, Regulatory, Treasury and Business Verticals. There is also a potential enhancement to add local
fields and tables.

Please refer to the supplemented document “Data Framework -Financial Reporting Models.pdf”
for more details of the Reporting Models

Integration Framework (Event driven)

The Integration Framework enables any transaction in T24 to be represented as an event. Any data in T24
needed for the event can be configured without any coding and design time tooling is provided to set up
events. The events are available in near real time.
Using Integration Framework helps to expose events and integrate T24 with other systems with an
extremely fast turnaround. You can very easily define interfaces (events) in Design Studio and hence
achieve a very quick Time To Market.
Additionally, you can connect these events with an Enterprise Service Bus and integrate T24 seamlessly in
your overall Application Landscape.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

The T24 runtime will use events in two phases, that is 1) to generate the event with all required data and
schema in a T24 table. The second phase is the delivery to a JMS Message Queue, pushed by a Service
Agent (TSA). There’s an opportunity to use a native adapter to the ESB which integrates better and also
provides T24 Design Time Components for Mapping, Transforming, Routing etc.

NIB Bank has to review the existing interfaces and project the upcoming interfaces and based on the
behaviour of the Interface Bank can take decision on ESB.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Operational Monitoring
The T24 Operational Performance Monitoring tool (TOP) is a comprehensive system management
framework (powered by Splunk - a 3rd party technology that requires licensing), that provide a robust
console, a rich set of tools and the ability to detect and simplify the full range of events that could arise
within a T24 environment. This functionality comes as a splunk application (plugin) in order to visualize
T24 data and optimize the handling of T24 metrics and logs.
It allows to control the overall health of the T24 environment by providing near real-time operational
analysis that permits:

 Performance tuning
 Error detection and resolution
 Alerting
Splunk offers a wide range of system monitoring tools, giving you a full view of all possible angles of your
whole system. Currently there are more than 300 available plugins from different vendors monitoring
different metrics.

NIB Bank uses Gamma from Abris, an IT monitoring and management tool for Temenos T24 and the logs
can be used by this tool as well. NIB Bank would benefit from the changes in the transaction and error
logs, which comes with R16.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Design Studio
You can use modern and best practice development tools with Design Studio. Language sensitive coloring
and code completion helps to develop very fast. Stop at a breakpoint by just clicking on the code window,
then see variables and context sensitive information instantly. All this is state of the art development tool
and now we can use this to develop for T24, when using TAFJ.
No need to code Java, it is still JBC code to be developed and all those tools can be used together with it.

T24 Design Studio also enables you to create and organize your code of local development much more
efficient. It is based on the eclipse IDE platform and can be connected with any available Version Control
System to make sure developers are synchronized and your deployment will be in line with your projects.
It will also support T24 objects (integration events, oData services, versions, enquires, menus, local
references, static data and all possible T24 records) to be synchronized with the VCS with the ability to
compare and synchronize between different systems. Your local development can be packaged and
deployed from one to another system stage.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Finally, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment are possible now as you can use commercial
or open source components to integrate with a Build Server, run maven scripts to build and add the
packages to deployment server in their repository. Or choose whatever level you want to achieve,
everything possible with TAFJ and Design Studio. Only limited with TAFC.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Current Development

NIB Bank has currently the following developments in flight:

1. T-Insight implementation
2. CRM
3. Islamic Banking (Not yet Started)
4. T24 Bio-Metrics

Bank has to take decision about the ongoing projects either put them in Hold or go for Upgrade upon
Completion of current ongoing projects.

Technical Changes Highlights

Although the big changes have been implemented in new technology modules, there are also many
changes and enhancements made in the modules you are already using. A list of those changes has already
been given to NIB Bank and also supplemented to this report, but the Top 5 are mentioned below:

COB and Online Performance

Number of improvements have been made to COB and Online Performance. Dynamic Select, Select
Ahead and Bulking are few to mention. Other components like Integration Framework and Database
Separation can be used to enhance performance
Value: Optimized Utilization of Hardware Resources. Increased COB and Online Performance will
enhance overall user experience.

Database Locking
Can be used instead of OS Locking. With OS locking a record lock is separated from the actual record. Now
with Database Locking, the lock is taken by the database together with the record.
Value: Secure Transaction Locking

History of deleted records

A new file suffix $DEL is introduced to store all the deleted transaction details. Deleted unauthorized
records will now be stored in the database for audit trail.
Value: Complete Audit Trail for all User Activities

Reduces performance overhead by reusing the existing connection to the JEE Container rather than
creating one JVM per Session (CALLJ).

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Value: Big Performance Improvement for JAVA calls

Single Signon & ldap integration

T24 can now integrate with ActiveDirectory to implement SingleSignon using the SPNEGO / Kerberus
Value: Integration with Active Directory

Local Developments Dependency

From the review of Local Developments, We can see that the Local Development related OD accounts can
be reviewed.
Since with R16 AA Account has capability to do the Aging process for Current Account, This local
development should be reviewed against the available core functionality.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank


Possible Target Architecture

With the new release based on TAFC/TAFJ, the T24 application is not on a separate application layer; it
resides 100% within the Application Server (jboss cluster) on the Application Tier. That enables us to
cluster T24 the same way you cluster any other JEE application, like the web server.
Additionally we can now setup different middleware servers, like an Enterprise Service Bus or Interaction
Framework. While the first would be used mainly to connect other systems with T24, the latter would
provide odata streams for internet and mobile applications. Mashups with other internal or external
systems can be achieved as well.

Technical Report
Oracle DB
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Please note that, NIB Bank does not have Oracle RAC software license. If Bank want to achieve High
Availability from DB level they can configure RAC and attach two nodes of Oracle Instances to it.

The main interfaces other than the Channels are EATS interface and ECX. Both Interfaces are File based
interfaces and at Architecture level there will not be any changes in relation with latest release.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Upgrade Approach

We have a dedicated offshore team with Upgrade Specialists, following our Temenos Implementation
Methodology (TIM). It is a process-driven approach, so that each step in the implementation is clearly
identified, and a documented procedure guides how that process step should be completed.
As a result, the following example of an upgrade execution can be shown:

 R10 Reference System
R10 reference system is required for the R16 Upgrade. Ideally the system that is provided should be
a copy of the Production Environment with anonymized data. If Production copy cannot be provided
then upgrade will be performed on a test environment (preferably UAT). Once after the offshore
upgrade, the upgrade process will have to be repeated again onsite with the Production copy to
validate offshore observations.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Impact of not having Production Copy:

o We may not be able to elicit as many of the upgrade errors as possible that would be caused
by corrupt data or incomplete data conversions.
o First opportunity to elicit these errors is when executing the process onsite for the first
mock upgrade.
o Will not be able measure the timing for the vanilla upgrade and data conversion run on the
full database to identify bottlenecks in the process up front.

 Resourcing
Temenos requires up to 6 weeks’ notice to arrange resources for the Upgrade process upon the
signoff from NIB Bank.

 R16 Reference System
Serves as the reference/control environment during the onsite phase of the upgrade. ETMB Team
must add the Country Layer onto the R16 Core System.
 Local Code
o Converted Local Programs
Complete list of Local customizations that were scoped, modified and ratified to be
technically compliant with the post Upgrade.
o Local Code Conversion Log
Complete log of all modifications made to local code. Full traceability for client between the
unmodified code and converted local code
 Test Case Results
Documented results of all the executed client test scripts as per test communication plan.
 Run Book
Customized upgrade log which contains instructions for the upgrade in the form of a user guide. It
also holds the observations from the TUS team during the offshore upgrade and also the Temenos
testing team. This document will help NIB Bank to complete the live upgrade.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Testing Stages
Temenos will ensure the delivered Target Reference System to be fully tested by testing the proper
installation of the Upgrade itself and running over 700 standard test cases on the upgraded system in
order to reveal possible regressions.
If required, NIB Bank can send over their test cases which we will run as well. A related test software must
be provided in the case not available in Temenos.

Temenos offsite / NIB Bank onsite

 Unit Test
o To verify the functionality of the Upgrade Delta, done before delivering the Upgrade
 Installation Test
o First test to be applied in order to test the runbook. Assures that the upgrade can be installed
correctly and working on existing Hardware & Software
o Basis for the Temenos Upgrade Master

NIB Bank with Temenos Support

 Regression Test
o Uncover Software Regressions.
o Inject Data into both, original and upgraded Environment and compare results
o Use of Testing Tools together with existing testing scripts
 QA Test
o Quality Assurance according to NIB Bank Standards
 Performance & Resilience Test
o To verify required Throughput
o Simulated Failover
 System Integration Test
o Verify the interfaces between the different system components at NIB Bank against the
upgraded T24 System. Expose defects in the interfaces and interaction between the
integrated modules.
 User Acceptance Test
o UAT according to NIB Bank Standards

Note: Temenos Upgrade Specialists will be supporting NIB Bank with Mock Upgrades and Tests until

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

The Technical Scoping by our TUS Team (Temenos Upgrade Service) will analyze the T24 System at NIB
Bank in order to estimate
a) The Timeline of the Upgrade Execution
b) The effort of Local Dev Changes to make local dev compatible with the latest release
As this exercise will only start on 21st Jul 2016, we can’t give the High Level Timeline in this document, we
have to wait for the High Level Project Plan from our TUS Team.
However, I have listed below the necessary steps to be taken for the Upgrade.

 Local Code Cleanup should be carried out to minimize the number of routines to be converted.
This lowers the cost and time needed for the conversion.
 The DLM Strategy should be developed together with a Temenos DLM specialist
 Performance Healthcheck should be executed by Expert Services
 Decisions will be needed which development components should be used in Design Studio as well
as Deployment
 Integration Framework likely to be used already in R10 to integrate Internet Frontend (Control1 ?)

Development during the Upgrade Phase

At some point in the Upgrade Process NIB Bank might need to have a code freeze for their ongoing
development. Although it’s recommended not to have too many changes from then, it doesn’t have to be
necessarily a complete code freeze.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Having parallel Code Branches for both Releases R10 and R16, you are able to deliver both at any time.
However you must be aware that there is additional effort to maintain the different branches, especially
when a change leads to a different solutions in the code.

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Key Technical Recommendations

Application Platform
Upgrade to R16 TAFC Platform

Even though TAFJ is new technology, to maintain the TAFJ, bank need high level WebSphere
Skills and high level Java Skilled professionals.
To go with TAFC, Bank’s current skill set is sufficient.

Enterprise Service Bus

NIB Bank can consider about ESB, to integrate all the interfaces seamlessly. Specially to design
the similar systems like M-Pesa ESB is mandatory.

Data Lifecycle Management

Use T24 DLM Data Separation
to minimize the transactional database
• Simplifies Backup, Archiving and Environment Cloning
• You can use cheaper storage for the read-only data
• Performance Enhancement
• A Temenos Expert Service for this conversion would be needed to start asap in order to to
analyze, assess and execute the best way for the implementation

TCIB instead of ARCIB

TCIB has more features and more user friendly than the current release ARCIB. It is better NIB to consider
TCIB with the latest upgrade.

DLM Assessment
Data Lifecycle Management will definitely be a huge benefit for NIB Bank. To make sure that the setup of
the DLM files and procedures will be right the first time, we recommend this Expert Service with a DLM

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Next steps

 Functional Upgrade Assessment

 Regulatory Assessment
 Training Needs Assessment (TNA)
 Technical Scoping (Estimates & HL Project Plan)
 Statement of Work (putting all together)

Technical Report
Upgrade Assessment for Nib International Bank

Appendix A: Preferred Stacks

Due to the huge number of different combinations of hard- and software components, Temenos has
introduced “Preferred Stacks” to limit this number and improve optimization and quality. The benefit for
you as a T24 client is
 It allows much more thorough documentation & testing
o Reference architectures (high availability & security),
o Benchmarks & sizing, proof of performance and scalability
o Penetration tests
o Runbooks and installers
o Testing and Deployment pipelines per stack
 Technical Approval included
 Roadmap for future platform support
(will be reviewed on an annual basis 12 months in advance of the next AMR)

The preferred stacks for R15 releases up to and including final R16 AMR:

* Websphere TX used for TAP integration

Appendix B: Technical Changes from R10 to R15

For Technical Changes from R10 to R15, Please refer the supplementary document.

Technical Report

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