R16 Release Highlights

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What's New in R16 AMR!

©2016 Temenos Headquarters SA - All rights reserved.

Warning: This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorised reproduction of this document, or any por-
tion of it, may result in severe and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
Table of Contents
Release Information 4
Overview 4
Application Framework 5
Core 5
Banking Framework 6
Accounts 6
Accounting Unit 7
Collateral 7
Common Reporting Standards 7
Delivery 7
Interest and Charges 8
European Union Financial Transaction Tax (EU FTT) 9
System Tables 9
Limits 9
Loan Loss Provisioning 9
Payment Order 9
Standing Orders 10
Business Intelligence 11
Insight 11
Insight Risk 11
Channels 13
Internet Banking 13
Mobile Banking 14
Corporate 15
Bills 15
Letters of Credit 15
Miscellaneous Deals 15
Syndicated Lending 15
Temenos Connect Internet Banking - Corporate 16
Enterprise Frameworks 18
Multi Tenant 18
Integration Framework 18
T24 External BPM 18
Payments 19
Funds Transfer 19
Temenos Payments Hub (TPS) 19
Retail 24
Arrangement Architecture - Core 24
Private Wealth 26
Derivatives 26
Repo 27
Securities Trading 27
Structured Products 29
Treasury (T24) 30
Forex 30
Interest Rate Swaps 30
Position Management 30
OTC Clearing 30
Treasury Trader 31

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Forex 31
Single Instance for Multi-Entity 31
Servers 31

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Release Information
For Internal Circulation only.

Version Build Date

0.1 R16 AMR 30.04.2016

The Release Highlights lists the new functionality that has been introduced into T24, for each major release. It is broken
down by Product Stream.

- Click this icon to see full R16 AMR documentation (need to be within Temenos Network).

For documentation support, contact knowledge team.

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Application Framework


Display of New Date Format

Enhancement ID: 1295972

T24 now supports a new date format, which is displayed in the DD.MM.YYYY format.

Automating T24 Upgrade Process

Enhancement ID: 1276655

The T24 Upgrade process is enhanced to provide an automated option for the conversion and authorisation of records
provided in the Upgrade. The option is not activated by default and is not mandatory.

Enhancing PROTOCOL for Audit log update

Enhancement ID: 1555175

Enhanced the PROTOCOL file for Audit log update. Introduced a single log file to track the User's Activity Details. This
update is also available in TAF log. This applies only for Browser, IRIS, ARC-IB and ARC-Mobile.

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Banking Framework


Statement Entry Modification for TPS Information

Enhancement ID: 1214524

Additional information can be added in STMT.ENTRY without having to add multiple fields in STMT.ENTRY and also map
multiple sets of additional information onto STMT.ENTRY through soft accounting.

Stopping Account Statements for Specific Accounts

Enhancement ID: 1216757

A new option named ‘NOSTMT’ is provided in the table STMT.GEN.CONDITION, in order to stop account statement pro-
duction for accounts with criteria that match the conditions defined in STMT.GEN.CONDITION.

Checking for Limits during Account Closure Process

Enhancement ID: 1192716

When a request is made to close an account, the system checks if a limit is attached to the account and thereby raises
an error if there is a limit attached.

Posting Restrict Handling

Enhancement ID: 1321519

The length of Posting restriction codes are increased from two digits to four digits to increase the potential number of
records from 99 to 9999. A new field ALT.OVERRIDE is introduced to define an Alternate Override in place of the Default

AC Funds Authorisation Processed in Transaction Recycler

Enhancement ID: 1341985

The enhancement automates the retry of funds authorisation requests, which are generated during payment processing
from Ordering Accounts. It also prioritises the retry of funds payment requests by processing on a First in First out
(FIFO) basis.

ACFA Posting Restrictions

Enhancement ID: 1389928

This enhancement allows the Account Officer to approve requests for funds from a T24 account, which should be deb-
ited for payment, when the account is blocked or held or when funds are not available. This is achieved by providing
additional information to the manual funds request queue, indicating the reason for the request submission.

T24 TAP Reference Data Fields

Enhancement ID: 1415006

Reference data from integrated systems can now be entered in Funds Transfer, Customer and Account applications

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Accounting Unit

Allowing AU Module to be Added to an Existing Company

Enhancement ID: 1175190

Facility to convert a company to accounting units. Banks can now migrate from the existing ACU/DBU GPACK to the
Core T24 AU module. This conversion is facilitated in a single COB, by deactivating the GPACK and activating the AU


Collateral Advance Ratio

Enhancement ID: 1192721

Margin rates can be defined and applied for Non Security Collaterals as well. The Assets and Liabilities of a customer
can be consolidated and margin surplus/deficit can be determined.

Concentration Cap Calculation

Enhancement ID: 1192719

This enhancement facilitates applying cap for a collateral value, which is used to ensure that an asset is not used extens-
ively, defining whether a collateral can be allocated for a liability i.e. eligible for allocating to a particular liability or not
and configuring the order of collaterals to be used for allocation of liability (ranking of collaterals).

Collateral Exclusion
Enhancement ID: 1175200

This enhancement provides a facility to exclude the collaterals i.e. not consider a collateral’s value based on the Coun-
try, Currency, Security, Industry and Issuer..

Common Reporting Standards

Aggregation Process for Account Classification

Enhancement ID: 1437817

Provision to classify customers based on the balances held and identify the Reportable status based on Tax jurisdiction
as part of CRS regulation.


Swift Compliance 2015

Enhancement ID: 1132400

Generic rules can be defined for SWIFT that can be used across many messages and can restrict certain currencies
from specific message types.

Swift 2015 IBAN BIC Derivation Rule Changes

Enhancement ID: 1358265

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Provision to adhere to the Statutory requirement set by the Swift ref Regulation as part of the Swift 2015 changes. This
facilitates the system to handle a change in the National ID Length and also to identify the Unique National ID using the
Office type and Group type values defined in the BIC records.

SWIFT 2015 59F Payment Message Changes

Enhancement ID: 1309269

Facility to generate tag 59F, which is a new tag for SWIFT messages in financial applications. T24 system supports new
mandatory fields and/or conditional mandatory fields in order to generate valid SWIFT MT format messages.

Ability to Define Hold Mail Period

Enhancement ID: 1175206

Facility to capture start dates and end dates for time periods, when customers like to restrict the correspondences that
are sent to them.

It provides options for handling correspondences—that have been held—at the end of the holding period. It checks:

l if correspondences need to be generated or not

l if correspondences should be generated but just maintained in the system for future delivery
l if correspondences should be printed and sent to the customer after the Hold period ends


FATCA Income Reporting

Enhancement ID: 1438396

This enhancement addresses the reporting requirements of payments made to custodial and depository accounts and
non-participating financial institutions.


IFRS Hedge Accounting

Enhancement ID: 1133407

T24 system has been enhanced by providing an accounting framework to do the Hedge Accounting based on the rules
of IAS 39.

Interest and Charges

Negative Debit Interest Rate

Enhancement ID:1193814

Negative interest rates can now be applied to Debit Interest on customer accounts.

Interest Based on Cleared Funds

Enhancement ID: 1216759

Facilitates the calculation of interest for credit movements based on cleared funds, instead of the value date.

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French APR Calculation
Enhancement ID: 1438875

The enhancement allows the local country specific calculation of APR and Maximum Legal Rate for accounts, in the IC
module of T24 (by the application of Interest and Charges). It has been developed for France, but can be applied to
other countries.

European Union Financial Transaction Tax (EU FTT)

Enhancement ID: 1175192, 1219005, 1219007

This enhancement enhances the core tax framework in T24 so that the following relevant modules can support FTT:


System Tables

Transaction Code Length Increase

Enhancement ID: 1192668

The length of Transaction codes is increased from three digits to four digits to enable the creation of additional codes.


Limits for OBSI Products

Enhancement ID: 1574238

The existing T24 LIMIT module allows mixing products of different types on the level of the GLOBAL limit but restricts
mixing sub-products of different types. Enabling the mixture of such limits on the level of limit products, allows external
systems to register limits exposure in T24..

Loan Loss Provisioning

Provision Calculation and Posting on a Daily Basis

Enhancement ID: 1308936

Facility to trigger the calculation and posting of provision on every business day. This functionality is available in the PV
module through a new field called CALC.POST.FREQ and the only frequency currently supported is Business day

Payment Order

Ability to Generate a Payment Request

Enhancement ID: 1132369

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This enhancement builds a capability to request payment from a T24 account, which may be processed by the T24 Pay-
ment system (referred as TPS) or by the external Payment system as maintained by the bank.

The Payment order information will be captured and the necessary processing logic will be applied, after which, a pay-
ment order event will be emitted. This results in a message for execution by the target Payment system.

Payment Order and TPS Integration

Enhancement ID: 1553929

This enhancement facilitates integration with the payment system within a single transaction boundary, by merging Pay-
ment Order and its Order Management service layer.

Minor Improvements in POA

Enhancement ID: 1579040

This enhancement provides the facility to:

l Enhance the validation rules in POA

l Enhance POA to hold additional fields for ultimate debtor, creditor and agents
l Enhance STO to hold additional fields
l Enhance Beneficiary to hold additional fields

Alerts for Payment Order

Enhancement ID: 1553931

Enhanced T24 to display an override and alert the Payment Order initiator in case of insufficient funds are used to book
the payment. The initiator of the Payment Order is notified with a business event, when a ‘Payment Order’ payment is
not successfully processed.

Standing Orders

Provide Additional Standing Order Types to TPS

Enhancement ID: 1312343

Additional Standing Order (STO) types and optional SEPA fields enable processing of payments through Temenos Pay-
ments Hub (TPS) after COB.

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Business Intelligence


Enhanced User Experience for Various Management Functions

Enhancement IDs: 1187524, 1195924, 1244194 and 1275656

Now, Insight offers new and refreshing front-end screens for User, Role, Company and Data Relationship Management

Content and Definition Management

Enhancement ID: 1339153

Content and Definition Management functionality is now introduced in Insight.

Insight Front-end Mega Menu

Enhancement ID: 1339168

Insight Front-end now displays a Mega-Menu for easy navigation of all applications

Quick Reports Manager

Enhancement ID: 1339155

The new Quick Reports function enables the business user to create and manage the reports according to the business
requirements using predefined report templates.

Password Complexity and Change Password Features in Insight Front-end

Enhancement ID: 1380760

Password Complexity and Change Password features are now introduced in the new Insight front-end.

Reporter Module - Dataset Manager

Enhancement ID: 1275705

Dataset Manager is now introduced to manage data/content management (power) user of Insight.

Insight Risk

Pooling and Client Segmentation

Enhancement IDs: 923767 and 1309751

Insight Risk, under the IRB approach, now supports Pooling and Client Segmentation functionality.

Scoring and Rating Model

Enhancement ID: 923771

Insight Risk now supports Scoring and Rating Models to grasp the creditworthiness of borrowers and the quality of credit

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Probability of Default
Enhancement ID: 923796

Insight Risk, under the IRB approach, now supports the Probability of Default (PD) functionality.

New Number Formats Supported in Regional Settings

Enhancement IDs: 1389639 and 1411499

Insight Risk now supports input, save and display of number formats such as Dutch (Belgium) (“,” as decimal symbol
and “.” as digit group) based on the regional/language settings of the browser.

Equity Risk and Interest Rate Risk

Enhancement IDs: 1480705

Users now can calculate Equity Risk and FX Risk and view the reports.

Automated VaR Calculation

Enhancement IDs: 1380809

The VaR Calculation process is now automated.


Extracting Unique Data

Enhancement ID: 1160765

Users can now extract unique list of files based on the file’s owner company.

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Internet Banking

Accounts Grouping and Consolidated Account Statements

Enhancement ID: 1226758

TCIB Corporate users can now group their accounts and view the consolidated account statements.

Overdraft Limit Information

Enhancement ID: 1225637

TCIB Corporate users can now view the overdraft limit information under account balances section.

Internet Services - Product Line for TCIB and TCMB Products

Enhancement ID: 1207209

The Internet Services Product Line is now revamped to provide both the Internet Banking and the Mobile Banking
Products and Product Groups.

TCIB Corporate's Trade Finance Dashboard is now Enhanced

Enhancement ID:1462313

TCIB Corporate dashboard is now enhanced with options to view the trade finance transactions along with the updated

Export LC options under Trade Finance

Enhancement IDs:1270337, 1270285, 1270340 and 1270335

The newly enhanced Trade Finance menu of TCIB Corporate now offers Export LC (Advice/Amendment/Drawings)

Import LC Amendments and Drawings options under Trade Finance

Enhancement IDs:1309606 and 1270295

The Trade Finance menu of TCIB Corporate now offers Import LC (Amendment/Issuance Drawings) options.

Guarantees option under Trade Finance

Enhancement IDs: 1270358,1270394, 1270406 and 1270401.

The Trade Finance menu of TCIB Corporate now offers Guarantees (Issuance/Amendment/Invocation of Guar-
antees/Advice on Inward Guarantees) options.

Reference Currency Displayed

Enhancement ID: 1226802

TCIB User Details page now displays the reference currency as a read-only information.

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POA is now integrated with Standing Orders Functionality
Enhancement ID: 1587891

The Payment Order Application (POA) is now integrated with the Standing Orders functionality present in Internet Bank-

POA is now integrated with Accounts Transfer Functionality

Enhancement ID: 1572530

The Payment Order Application (POA) is now integrated with the Accounts Transfer functionality present in Internet

POA is now integrated with Domestic Payments Functionality

Enhancement ID: 1587884

The Payment Order Application (POA) is now integrated with the Domestic Payments functionality present in Internet

POA is now integrated with International Payments Functionality

Enhancement ID: 1587886

The Payment Order Application (POA) is now integrated with the International Payments functionality present in Inter-
net Banking.

Cheque Management in TCIB Corporate

Enhancement ID: 1492022

TCIB Corporate users can now view the status of the cheques, stop the cheques and request for new cheque books.

EB.USER.CONTEXT concat file is now Improved

Enhancement ID: 1226802

The EXT variables, that were not in use, have now been deprecated in the EB.USER.CONTEXT concat file and a new set
of EXT variables are now introduced.

Mobile Banking

TCMB Application for Windows Phone

Enhancement ID: 1376238

Temenos Connect Mobile Banking application is now available for Windows Phone platform.

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Commission rate on a Defined Frequency

Enhancement ID: 1270244

Commission period (monthly, quarterly and semester) can be defined for the calculation of commission on discount of a

Letters of Credit

Limits for Sight Discounted Drawings

Enhancement ID: 1331748

The liability of the risk party gets updated when sight drawings under an Import/Export LC is discounted.

Swift Changes 2015 - Tag 59F

Enhancement ID: 1183583

Option F for tag 59 (Beneficiary customer SWIFT tag) in the payment related SWIFT messages (MT103 and MT202C) is
supported as per SWIFT 2015 requirements.

Waiving Defaulted Charges

Enhancement ID: 1576149

One or more charges can be waived in LC without the need of waiving the entire set of charges, audit trail of which will
be maintained.

Export Transferable LC
Enhancement ID: 1559471

When transferring a documentary credit, MT720 will be sent to the advising bank. Option is also available to define the
advise through bank.

Miscellaneous Deals

Auto Processing of Inward MT768 and MT 769

Enhancement ID: 1392403, 1392518

Auto processing of the inward SWIFT messages MT768 and MT769 is supported.

Syndicated Lending

Fronting Bank in Syndication

Enhancement ID: 945864

A syndicated guarantee can be issued by any participant bank who is available for fronting.

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Temenos Connect Internet Banking - Corporate
Corporate Dashboard
Enhancement ID: 1328511

The Corporate Dashboard displays all the transactions which are in the respective user's work list based on the user enti-
tlements and also displays the limit details at the product level.

Letters of Credit

Import LC Amendment
Enhancement ID: 16219

Request for amendment to an Import LC can be initiated through Internet Banking.

Export LC Advising
Enhancement ID: 16238

Export LC advised by the bank is available in the queue of the Corporate customer and can view the transaction/inward

Export LC Amendment Advising

Enhancement ID: 16239

Export LC amendment advised by the bank is available in the queue of the Corporate customer and can view the trans-
action/inward messages.

Import Drawings
Enhancement ID: 913070, 16230

Corporate customer can view the details of documents presented under Import LC and give appropriate instruction to
the bank through Internet banking.

Export Drawings
Enhancement ID: 16243, 16248

Corporate customer can initiate submission of documents under Export LC through Internet Banking.

Miscellaneous Deals

Inward Guarantees Advising

Enhancement ID: 913111

Guarantees advised by the bank is available in the queue of the Corporate customer and can view the trans-
action/inward messages.

Issuance of Guarantee
Enhancement ID: 913104

Corporate customer can initiate request for issuance of bank / shipping guarantee through Internet Banking.

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Amend Guarantee
Enhancement ID: 913109

Corporate customer can initiate request for amendment to a bank guarantee through Internet Banking.

Claims under Guarantees Issued

Enhancement ID: 913114

Corporate customer can view the details of the claim received under the guarantee and respond through Internet Bank-

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Enterprise Frameworks

Multi Tenant

MT Tenant Off-boarding
Enhancement ID: 1224798

To facilitate the off-boarding of a Tenant which is moved to another MT server/release or no longer a part of MT sys-
tem, the MT.TENANT.CLEANUP application has been added in the MT Product.

MT Replicate Console
Enhancement ID: 1283328

An additional option in the MT.REPLICATE.CONSOLE application is added for allowing the MT operator to send selected
field data for a record, to one or more Tenants with only the fields selected being sent across. The
MT.REPLICATE.CONSOLE now allows the users to select a full record to be sent or just the update of the selected fields.

Integration Framework

Initial Load Service

Enhancement ID: 1361744

Initial Load service is a TSA Service to trigger events based on existing T24 Data.

T24 External BPM

Business Data Based Search

Enhancement ID: 1344313

An enquiry "BPM.PENDING.TASK" is introduced to display the pending task based on the selection criteria.

Connectors to Red Hat BPM Suite

Enhancement ID: 1225811

T24 can now execute processes on Red Hat BPM Suite 6.0.3.

Reinstate Screen Flow

Enhancement ID: 1464317

It is now possible to auto present the user's next task’s screen.

Starting a BPM Process with Parameters

Enhancement ID: 1272283

BPM process can now be started with parameters, which can be store to process variables even before starting the pro-

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Funds Transfer

FT Split Commission
Enhancement ID: 1132391

Commission, charges and tax amounts in a Funds Transfer transaction are posted separately to the customer account.
In this way, the customer can get details of the charges, commission and tax, through the separate description in the
account statement.

Temenos Payments Hub (TPS)

SWIFT Standard Message Type MT200

Enhancement ID: 1243138

The ability to support MT200 is available.

Rerouting of Payments
Enhancement ID: 1243143

Rerouting of customer and bank transfers is possible now.

Order Entry Repair Screen

Enhancement ID: 1243147

The necessity to key in the SW- prefix is removed.

Audit Trial Improvement

Enhancement ID:1243164

User changed fields, in the Repair Input Screen, can be captured.

SWIFT Cancellations, Queries, Answers and Free Format Messages

Enhancement ID: 1243799

Enquiries support to Send Cancellation Request, Queries, Free Format Messages and Answer for Queries in TPS.

FX Threshold Limit
Enhancement ID: 1243823

STP for the Foreign currency payments exceeding the threshold limit.

SWIFT Changes
Enhancement ID: 1243829

The beneficiary details in the new Tag 59F can be mapped and introduced currency restriction for the currencies XAU,
XAG, XPD, XPT in Tag 32 to restrict the payment.

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Extend Heavy Weight for Country Group and Filter Product
Enhancement ID: 1316509

A product can be defined for SEPA payments using the Heavy Weight Product table and the extended peeling-off mech-

Forward Entries
Enhancement ID: 1244046

Raising forward entries for finalised and parked payments is possible.

Automated Repair Tool STeP

Enhancement ID: 1239928

The details of the user changed field can be captured and display it to the authoriser who authorises the payment.

Posting Restrictions: Flexible Stop

Enhancement ID: 1243804

Restrictions on customers and accounts are configured in a flexible manner instead of always raising errors and delay-
ing payments by moving them to the repair queue. Restrictions and the way they need to be handled have become con-

FATF Regulation Support

Enhancement ID: 1235022

The FATF SR VII regulation, which specifies the inclusion of full ordering customer information in payment instructions,
is now supported. The ordering customer information in Tag 50 of a SWIFT message is what is governed by this reg-

Clearing Directory Upload

Enhancement ID: 1237275

TARGET2 Directory files received from the TARGET2 system, can be uploaded into the TPS generic table named Clear-
ing Directory.

Sanction Screening
Enhancement ID: 1243760

Users can now manually approve/send the payments to external screening application.

Routing Credit Transfer to SEPA Clearing

Enhancement ID: 1316512

The new solution identifies the payments, which are SEPA compliant defining a specific product type, validates the data
towards the pacs.008.001.02 SEPA format and also checks the reachability for the credit side.

Standing Order Changes

Enhancement ID: 1364543

The details from applications like Payment Order, STO can be mapped to TPS tables.

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Pending and Processed Payments Enquiry
Enhancement ID: 1243898

Enquiring payments based on Ordering Customer Name, Ordering Customer Account Number, Ordering Banks, Bene-
ficiary Name, Beneficiary IBAN / Account Number, Beneficiary banks, Ledger Product Code and Fee Product is now pos-

Generating Email/SMS Alerts

Enhancement ID: 1243884

Now, EMAIL.SMS payment alert confirmations can be sent for payments executed using TPS.

Receiving MT019 Messages

Enhancement ID: 1237294

TPS is now able to receive and interpret MT019 messages from TARGET2.

Inclusion of 53B
Enhancement ID: 1436797

TPS supports generation of outgoing messages with Tag 53B if external account number is specified for the given

MT202 for Claims

Enhancement ID: 1393616

Now, it is possible to view the list all the received claims in TPS.

Generating MT103 including Standard MT103

Enhancement ID: 1379986

Outgoing MT103+ messages including standard MT103 message can now be generated.

SWIFT Cancellations of Queries, Answers and Free Format Messages

Enhancement ID: 1243971

Requests, queries, free format messages and answers for SWIFT queries can now be cancelled.

Reversal of Payments
Enhancement ID: 1243976

Now, TPS has the ability to reverse a transaction in case of any errors or mistakes.

Product Selection in Order Entry

Enhancement ID: 1339399

Users can now assign different message types for the payments initiated through Order Entry screen.

Credit Transfer Initiations in Embedded Mode

Enhancement ID: 1468476

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Credit Transfer Initiations coming from trusted systems (like other T24 applications) can now be accepted by TPS in a
single entry point.

Medium Weight Payments

Enhancement ID: 1345622

SEPA payments are clearing payments. In general, clearing payments would have less number of payment attributes
based on which payments processing needs to be based on. To enable this, as part of the product determination process
in TPS, a medium weight product determination (as opposed to heavy weight product determination for SWIFT) has
been introduced. This enables definition of payment attributes for clearing payments like SEPA.

Payment Orders from Channels

Enhancement ID: 1243966

TPS now allows processing of payments received from Payment Order.

Manual Payments to FIAT Queue and Block Payments at Account restrictions

Enhancement ID: 1311583, 1311584

Restrictions from DDA are now classified as Warning, Error or Skip, and all the warning types of Debit posting restriction
can be sent to FIAT queue for approval similar to account insufficient balance. A new threshold amount field is added in
the Client condition table and a check is made by the payment and Non STP can be set if the processing amount exceeds
this threshold amount defined for the Client condition table.

USACH Credit Transfer Initiation

Enhancement ID: 1517511

It is now possible in TPS to receive and process the US ACH CTI (Credit Transfer Initiation) payments.

RMA Check per Clearing

Enhancement ID: 1520346

RMA Check based on clearing configuration is now available in Outgoing payments.

Posting Amounts in POR.TRANSACTION

Enhancement ID: 1546755

New fields are added to the transaction database in order to report the main amounts that have been booked in
main/charge accounts.

Enhancement to Tag 53B Support

Enhancement ID: 1580318

A short name can be defined for the account in Loro/Nostro table, a new drop-down enquiry is provided on Cred-
itAccountNumber field and a drop-down is provided to the Credit Account field to list all Loro/Nostro accounts.

Single Workflow Service

Enhancement ID: 1588885

The previous six subflows are now merged into a single flow to increase the performance of payment processing.

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Templates for Order Entry Payments
Enhancement ID: 1438121

The Templates functionality enables the bank user to store templates at different levels and re-use them in order entry
screen to populate the payment details from the stored values. Bank user can store templates from the order entry
screen or can ‘template’ from Pending and Processed Payments screen. Bank Admin user can store the templates to link
them to a specific User, group of users or for all users in the bank.

Mapping US Model Bank Messages to TPS

Enhancement ID: 1518126

It is now possible to receive, accept and map the incoming ACH messages from US Model Bank.

Incoming Debits and Credits from USMB-ACH

Enhancement ID: 1517812

TPS can process the de-bulked incoming ACH Debit and Credit transactions received from USMB as individual trans-
actions, and update the status back to USMB.


SEPA Productisation
Enhancement ID: 1431062

This enhancement is primarily a technical clean-up to standardize the SEPA code and make it fully operational as a
CORE offering

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Arrangement Architecture - Core

Accelerated Payment
Enhancement ID: 1115530

Canadian Accelerated Payment amount calculation is now supported in AA.

Charge Fee Plan

Enhancement ID: 1114260

Package Fees, that is, grouping and selling transaction fees as a package is now available in AA.

Reward Schemes
Enhancement ID: 1159138

A new Product Line named Rewards is now introduced to enable the customers to collect reward points based on their
online activities.

Payment Holiday
Enhancement ID: 1276870

AA now allows the banks to offer payment holidays to customers when they are in need.

Fixed Profit (Islamic Financing)

Enhancement ID: 1277976

Interest property class in AA now allows calculation of interest amount based on Flat rate and Reducing Rate. It also
allows provides an option to fix the total interest amount calculated during contract creation regardless of any change to
the loan parameters which affects the Profit / interest calculation.

Upfront Profit Booking (Islamic Financing)

Enhancement ID: 1277980

AA Islamic Loans can now be configured to raise an upfront accounting for the total interest amount in order to allow
banks to report the unearned income on financial statements.

AA can now be configured to post the income from Interest and Charges to an internal account instead of PL.

Advance Payment of Fixed Profit (Islamic Financing)

Enhancement ID: 1278182

AA Islamic finance contracts can be configured to accept advance payment towards unearned income.

Percentage Based Payment Calculation

Enhancement ID: 1277985

Based on the user defined percentage, the repayment amount can be calculated.

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Joint Customers
Enhancement ID: 1434821

Joint Customers are now allowed in AA, and there can be multiple owners for an account and other customers who have
some other role in the administration of the account.

AA PM Integration
Enhancement ID: 1434844

AA Deposits (AD) and AA Loans (AL) modules are linked to Position Management (PM) in T24.

SWIFT Message
Enhancement ID: 1396849

AA Loans and Deposits can now produce SWIFT confirmation message type MT320 Fixed Term, MT330 Call, MT350
Advice of Interest payment and MT935 Rate Change.

Account Closure
Enhancement ID: 1224661, 1224662, 1224664

This enhancement enables Simulation of AR Account Closure, capitalisation of Charges (Scheduled Charges, Periodic
Charges and Deferred Activity Charges) and back dated Closure.

Redemption Simulation
Enhancement ID: 1631634

Simulation process can now be transacted rather than a live activity when a full redemption is initiated.

Marketing Catalogue
Enhancement ID: 886447

This Marketing Catalogue will give the opportunity to the user/customer to compare different product based on cri-
teria/fields defined by the Marketing Administrator of the bank.

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Private Wealth


Trade Dated GL Accounting

Enhancement ID: 1261012

DX is enhanced to support TDGL Accounting.

Multiple Exotic Events

Enhancement ID: 1218991

T24 is enhanced to support multiple exotic events with the ability to capture the exotic trigger date and trigger time in
the trade application. Though the exotic event needs to be triggered manually, it is possible to define the nature of the
exotic event. ‘Activation’ type of events such as a ‘Knock In’ will activate the option; while termination type of events
such as a ‘Knock Out’ will terminate the option.

New Option Settlement Methods

Enhancement ID: 1219169

The Derivatives module is enhanced to support the following features:

l Cash Settlement of Options.

l Settlement in alternate instrument for Options with Security Underlying.

Third party valuation support

Enhancement ID: 1219189

T24 now supports third party valuation of Derivatives contracts. T24 native valuation can be switched off and the sys-
tem can be configured to receive third party valuation.

Mark to Market Accounting

Enhancement ID: 1569958

For OTC contracts, bank’s own book is one of the parties to any Derivatives contract. T24 is enhanced to book Mark to
Market Accounting Entries for bank’s own book position, thereby booking the unrealised profit and loss of the bank.

Suppression of the underlying transactions

Enhancement ID: 1218977

T24 is enhanced to support the suppression of Underlying Trades, whenever an Option is exercised or assigned.

Common Link Reference

Enhancement ID: 1218977

T24 is enhanced to hold a common reference between the main Trade and the underlying Trades. It also supports the
maintenance of B2B reference between trades for reporting and reconciliation purposes.

What's New in R16 AMR! - Page 26 of 31


Repo Variation Margin

Enhancement ID: 370628

The enquiries in Repo module are enhanced to monitor the margin calls on portfolio basis, over and above the margin
maintenance amount.

Securities Trading

Inflation Indexed Bonds

Enhancement ID: 1133910

T24 is enhanced to support Inflation linked Bonds (for example. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities), which are
either of the type where the nominal principal amount is adjusted by an inflation index or only the interest/coupon rate is
adjusted by an inflation index.

Additional Mutual Fund Attributes

Enhancement ID: 1218884

For funds, T24 can capture additional attributes in the SECURITY MASTER application. These attributes relate to the
type of fund (hedge/non-hedge, ETF indicator, open/close ended), details of fund advisor(s), Manager(s) and Trustee,
issue details, fee structures, minimum subscription/redemption amounts, key details of fund holdings (by Geography,
by instrument), details of fund performance (12M High/Low NAVs) and certain key ratios/measures related to the fund
(alpha, beta, Sharpe Ratio for example).

Upfront payment on fund subscription

Enhancement ID: 1218942

It is now possible to handle upfront funds payment in T24. In the case of subscription to funds, the client account can be
debited upfront and the units can be credited later once the NAV is known.

Independent Asset Managers (IAM) fees

Enhancement ID: 1218996

T24 is enhanced to support calculation and booking of Independent Asset Managers (also known as Third Party Man-
agers) fees. The IAM fees uses the existing management fee framework. It is now possible to identify the portfolios
managed by the IAMs, specify the balance on which the fee are calculated (closing, average and so on) and define the
frequency of fee calculation along with the applicable rates.

Structured Notes
Enhancement ID: 1219167

T24 can now support various types of structured notes like the Equity linked notes, Airbag certificates, Twin Win cer-
tificates and the Bonus notes. New fields are added in SECURITY.MASTER application, to capture the various attributes
of the note – underlying, barrier, strike, and so on. The final pay-out in the case of a Structured Note, as compared to a
conventional fixed income security, is based on the performance of the Underlying(s). T24 now has the functionality to
record the pay-out details and process the same.

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Stamp Tax on Security Trade
Enhancement ID: 1218919

Stamp Tax functionality is enhanced to set up calculation rules based on Instrument, Asset Type, Security Domicile and
Stock Exchange.

Stamp Tax on Security Transfer

Enhancement ID: 1218890

T24 is enhanced to support calculation of stamp tax on Transfers, if there is a change of beneficial ownership as a result
of the Transfer.

Different Settlement Periods

Enhancement ID: 1218927

T24 now supports different settlement periods based on the type of transaction (Buy/sell). The settlement days can also
vary based on the trade currency (typically, longer period for transactions involving restricted currencies). The different
settlement days based on transaction type and currency are defined in STOCK.EXCHANGE application.

Suppression of Swift
Enhancement ID: 1218949

T24 now supports suppression of Swift messages (MT540-543, MT515 and MT 518) for instruments, where ISIN is not
available. The feature is helpful in the case of new instruments (IPOs) and Structured Notes, where the ISIN is available
only after a certain time. When the ISIN is available, the instructions can be released by the Back office staff.

Tracking changed commission

Enhancement ID: 1218955

T24 is enhanced to track the commission/fee waived by RMs, by maintaining a record of both original and the changed
commission/fees. Reports are generated which displays the trading commissions and management/safekeeping fees
changed/waived by RMs.

Withholding Tax
Enhancement ID: 1237565

Withholding tax functionality is enhanced to handle specific bonds like the Italian and Belgian bonds; wherein the with-
holding is applicable on accrued interest/discount.

Reimbursement of Trailer Fees

Enhancement ID: 1218998

T24 is enhanced to reimburse the Trailer fees received by the bank, to the clients if required. This option is available at
portfolio (SEC ACC MASTER) level, to specify whether the Trailer fee is reimbursable or not.

Order Session – Margin Value

Enhancement ID: 1291023

T24 is enhanced to check the Margin or Collateral availability for a Portfolio, based on the positions held and the market
value of the same.

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Structured Products

Dual and Triple Currency Investments

Enhancement ID: 1242777

T24 is enhanced to support transacting in Dual and Triple Currency Investment contracts (DCI and TCI). T24 supports
the complete lifecycle of these products from inception to maturity.

Equity Accumulators and Decumulators

Enhancement ID: 1388099

T24 is enhanced to support trading of Equity Accumulators and Decumulators. The complete lifecycle of these contracts
can be processed in T24

FX Participating Forwards and TARKO

Enhancement ID: 1219179

T24 is enhanced to support the transaction in Participating forwards and TARKO contracts. The complete lifecycle of
these products from inception to maturity is supported by T24

Interest Multiplier Facility

Enhancement ID: 1219184

T24 is enhanced to support transacting in Interest Multiplier Facility (IMF). The complete life cycle of this products from
inception to maturity, including rollovers is supported in T24

Enhancement ID: 1219189

T24 now supports third party valuation of Structured Product contracts.

Corporate Actions
Enhancement ID: 1219191

The terms of a Structure Product contract changes when the Underlying equity undergoes a Corporate Action. The SY
framework is enhanced to automate the bulk update of the terms.

Mark to Market Valuation

Enhancement ID: 1569958

For OTC contracts, bank’s own book is one of the parties to any Structured Products contract. T24 is enhanced to book
Mark to Market Accounting Entries for bank’s own book position, thereby booking the unrealised profit and loss of the

Email Alerts
Enhancement ID: 1219187

The Structured Products in T24, that is Accumulators/Decumulators and Dual Currency Investments are been enhanced
to trigger Email and SMS alerts during various stages of the product life cycle.

What's New in R16 AMR! - Page 29 of 31

Treasury (T24)


Uneven Swaps
Enhancement ID: 1226216

FX Swap functionality is enhanced to capture deals where the Swap Base CCY amount of First and second legs is not the
same, that is, uneven.

SWIFT 2015 Changes

Enhancement ID: 1156906

SWIFT messages such as MT600, MT604 and MT605 are enhanced according to SWIFT 2015 changes.

Internal Rate Request

Enhancement ID: 1294096

FX LIM ORDER application in T24 records customer Limit orders to book Forex contracts at a specified rate. The new
functionality added allows to make use of the FX LIM ORDER functionality by applications with in T24 or interfaced to
T24. The internal rate requests are essentially for transactions with value today and not meant for making any forward

Interest Rate Swaps

SWIFT 2015 Changes

Enhancement ID: 1156906

SWIFT messages such as MT360 and MT361 are enhanced according to SWIFT 2015 changes.

Position Management

AA PM Integration
Enhancement ID: 565545

AA Deposits (AD) and AA Loans (AL) modules are linked to Position Management (PM) in T24.

OTC Clearing

OC Module
Enhancement ID: 1504658

'OTC (Over-The-Counter) Clearing’ module has been developed in response to the regulatory requirements imposed on
derivative players across the world, more specifically to cater to EU established banks under European Market Infra-
structure Regulation (EMIR) to fulfil the reporting requirements. OC module is expected to be further enhanced to cater
to clearing functionality for standardized OTC instruments and margining requirements for non-centrally cleared OTC
instruments based on the implementation schedule by the regulators.

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Treasury Trader


Uneven Swaps
Enhancement ID: 1305820

FX Swap functionality is enhanced to capture swap deals where the amount entered in 2nd leg Currency 1 field, is dif-
ferent from the 1st leg Currency 1 field, that is, Constant Currency amount is not even in the legs.

Capture Interbank Rate

Enhancement ID: 1398662

Interbank rate can now be captured while booking customer deal.

Internal Rate Request

Enhancement ID: 1398662

Using FX.LIM.ORDER application in T24, an interface is established with Treasury Front office, whereby applications
within T24 can make request for exchange rate from the Treasury Dealer for transactions processed for same day
value. This process can work in a fully automated manner.

Single Instance for Multi-Entity

Multi Entity
Enhancement ID: 1133406

Now, TT can support centralised treasury operations for a group of bank entities (also called companies) that are loc-
ated in different locations/countries using Multi company.

Inter Company Deals

Enhancement ID: 11305657

Automatic capture of second deal, which is part of inter company deal booking process, is now possible.


Reuters Rate Interface Using RFA

Enhancement ID: 1317623

TT is now enhanced to support RFA connectivity.

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