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The Foundation of the House of Mexico, the following "The House", is one of the houses
of the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, the latter with the mission of dialogue of
cultures and exchange between students, researchers, artists and high level athletes of
all nationalities, in a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect.

The values of peace and cooperation are at the heart of the missions of the CIUP and its
houses. Living together in cultural diversity has been the subject of a Charter developed
by residents that emphasizes open-mindedness, knowledge of others, empathy and

As such, residents have an important role to play during their stay in the Cité
internationale and a responsibility in the implementation of the values and ideals of the

In addition, the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris has voluntarily embarked

on a proactive approach to implementing a policy that respects the principles of
sustainable development through the signing of the Cité durable charter.
This regulation sets out the common rules of life in order to offer residents the best possible
living conditions.

Residents at the Mexican House Foundation must comply :

- to the general regulations of the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

- to the rules of admission and stay at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris
- to the chart governing the living together
- to this particular house regulations
- to the charter for the use of computer resources

All of these documents are available on the CIUP website and, with respect to this
particular regulation, the House. Each resident must be aware of these documents when
confirming their admission.

They are contractual in nature and apply to residents, their spouses, guests and
visiting guests, each for the part that concerns them. As such, any stay in the Cité
internationale universitaire de Paris implies the full acceptance of all these provisions.


PREAMBLE ....................................................................................................................................................... 1

TITLE 1 - AT RESIDENT’S ARRIVAL ................................................................................................................. 3

ARTICLE 1 : WELCOME BOOKLET AND USEFUL INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 3

ARTICLE 2 : DETAILED INVENTORY AT ARRIVAL ................................................................................................................... 3

ARTICLE 3 : INSURANCES ................................................................................................................................................ 3

ARTICLE 4 : SECURITY DEPOSIT ....................................................................................................................................... 4

ARTICLE 5 : RESIDENT’S CARD ........................................................................................................................................ 4

TITLE 2 - DURING THE STAY ........................................................................................................................... 4

ARTICLE 6 : OCCUPANCY OF THE ROOMS ........................................................................................................................... 4

ARTICLE 7 : VISITS AND OVERNIGHT VISITS ........................................................................................................................ 5

ARTICLE 8 : PAYMENT OF THE MONTHLY FEE ...................................................................................................................... 5

ARTICLE 9 : ABSENCE - ILLNESS ...................................................................................................................................... 6

ARTICLE 10 : ROOM’S MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................ 6

ARTICLE 11 : SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................................................................... 7

ARTICLE 12 : LIFE RULES IN COMMUNITY ........................................................................................................................... 7

ARTICLE 13 : COMMON AREAS ......................................................................................................................................... 8

ARTICLE 14 : RESIDENTS’ COMMITTEE .............................................................................................................................. 8

ARTICLE 15 : EXPRESSIONS, REUNIONS, DISPLAY ................................................................................................................ 8

ARTICLE 16 : SECURITY .................................................................................................................................................. 9

TITTLE 3 - AT RESIDENT’S DEPARTURE ........................................................................................................ 11

ARTICLE 17 : EARLY DEPARTURE.................................................................................................................................... 11

ARTICLE 18 : DETAILED INVETORY AT DEPARTURE ............................................................................................................ 11

ARTICLE 19 : MAIL ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

ARTICLE 20 : LUGGAGE ROOM ....................................................................................................................................... 11

ARTICLE 21 : SECURITY DEPOSIT’S REFUND ..................................................................................................................... 11

TITLE 4 - DISCIPLINARY SANCTIONS ............................................................................................................. 12

ARTICLE 22 : WARNING ................................................................................................................................................ 12

ARTICLE 23 : REMOVAL OF RESIDENT STATUS .................................................................................................................. 12

TITLE 5 - SPECIAL PROVISIONS..................................................................................................................... 12

ARTICLE 24 : VIDEO PROTECTION ................................................................................................................................... 12

ARTICLE 25 : USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 12

ARTICLE 26 : IMAGE RIGHTS .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Title 1 - At resident’s arrival

Article 1 : Welcome booklet and useful information

The House provides residents with all the information useful to life in the House and
which can take the form of a welcome booklet.

Article 2 : Detailed inventory at arrival

An inventory is established on arrival on a way contradictory, no later than 48 hours

after the taking of possession of the room. Residents are strongly advised to report any
deterioration or malfunction within this period so that the damage is not attributed to
them during or at the end of their stay.

Article 3 : Insurances

Property damage insurance :

Insurance is included in the monthly fee, which covers only residents' personal
belongings against burglary within the home. The deductible and guarantee cap
amounts are available on request.

Residents with personal effects of a higher value or who wish to insure themselves on
special terms are encouraged to purchase special insurance from the organization of
their choice.

In addition, residents are compensated for any damage when the House is liable (for
example: damage caused by a ruptured pipe).

Civil liability insurance :

Residents must provide a "civil liability" insurance as soon as they arrive.

Health insurance :

Residents must justify that they have valid health insurance in France as soon as they

Article 4 : Security deposit

A security deposit of up to one month's fee will be requested. It serves as a guarantee in

case of unpaid debts (including non-compliance with the notice period) or material
damage, without prejudice to an action for compensation in the event of insufficient

It should be noted that during their stay, property damage attributable to residents is
billed directly to them.

Article 5 : Resident’s card

Depending on the type of stay, upon arrival of the residents and once their file is
complete, the House issues a card attesting to the status of resident, by the resident’s
Portail. This card is personal and unseedable.

This card can be requested at any time by the security services of the Cité internationale
universitaire de Paris.

Title 2 - During the stay

Article 6 : Occupancy of the rooms

The attibution of accommodation is strictly individual and solely within the purview of
management. Any transfer of housing, even temporary, free or not, is strictly prohibited.

Violations of this provision may result in prosecution of the unsealed and unended occupier,
as well as the implementation of the disciplinary procedure provided for by the Admissions
and stay regulations against the resident.

The House is above all, and at any time of the year, a residence of students and
researchers. Residents are not allowed to engage in commercial activity in their rooms
or to domiciliate a company or association.

No commutation of accommodation between residents or additions of furniture can be

made. No photographs, no posters, no objects can be hung on the walls of the dwelling
by a means that could damage them. No personal display or message is allowed on the
exterior doors of the rooms.

For safety and hygiene reasons, animals are not allowed in the house.

Article 7 : Visits – overnight visits

Any foreign person at the House, not accompanied by a resident, must come to the
reception to have his visit announced. In the event of the resident's absence or refusal,
access to the House is not permitted. No visit can be made between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Residents can request to welcome a guest (one at a time) for a limited time set by the
management of the house 521 nights per semester, not exceeding 15 nights at a time).

Residents must :

- declare to the reception of the House the guest they wish to host for one or more
- pay the daily contribution on this declaration set by the House
- and request, if they wish, an extra bed 48 hours in advance (watch out for the
opening hours of the reception).

The House has a limited number of extra beds. The unavailability of an extra bed does not
exempt residents from declaring their guest or paying the daily contribution.

Nights paid but not "used" will not be refunded.

Residents are accountable for the behaviour of the people they invite.

Guests are never allowed in the "twin" rooms (two roommates who are not in a

Residents must be present during their guest's stay: this cannot be a sublease or a loan.

During the guest's stay, the extra bed and bedding must remain in the resident's room. At
the end of the guest's stay, the extra bed and bedding must be left in the hallway.

Article 8 : Payment of the monthly fee

The monthly fee does not constitute a rent but the consideration for the right to occupy
a housing and access to a number of services attached to it.

The amounts for monthly fees and various paid services within the House is decided
each year by its board of directors. It is available at the House's reception and on its
website. Rates are fixed and non-negotiable. They may vary depending on the resident's
status, age, length of stay and type of accommodation.

The fee must be paid at the house between the 1st and 7th of each month.

Any delay or default in payment may result in disciplinary action up to the exclusion of
the resident (see Admission and stay Regulations).

With the exception of short stays (see house rate table), any fortnight started is due. This
rule is applied at the beginning and end of your stay.

Article 9 : Absence - Illness

For safety reasons, residents must notify the administration of the House of any
absences of more than one week. In case of illness, residents are required to inform the
administration. If their health requires it, they will be referred to a hospital for treatment
at their own expense.

Residents also agree to respect the instructions and protocols put in place in the event
of a pandemic or epidemic and to report any disease or exposure that may require

Breaches of health rules endangering collective life may be subject to disciplinary


Article 10 : Room’s maintenance

General disposition
Residents are required to maintain their rooms in a clean condition. Failing this, and
after two recalls that have not been effective, cleaning services may be charged to them
(see Price list). Any technical incidents or anomalies should be reported at the reception
as soon as possible.

As the maintenance of the rooms is the responsibility of the House, it is necessary that
the authorized staff be able to access these rooms. In keeping with the privacy of
residents, any maintenance, housekeeping or repair intervention that can be planned is
made known to the residents concerned (by e-mail, display, telephone or mail) who are
informed of the day and time slot of the staff.

In the event of an emergency (e.g. water damage), authorized staff can access the
accommodation without prompt warning. Residents are informed of the intervention that
took place.

Housekeeping is a regular and mandatory service. It is carried out by the service staff
according to the schedule. Residents, alerted to this passage, must put away their
belongings in order to make it easier for the staff.

The sheets are changed regularly according to a schedule for this purpose. Dirty sheets
must be placed, folded, at the foot of the bed to be exchanged.

Article 11 : Sustainable Development

In order to achieve the objectives of the Cité Durable charter, residents are committed to
complying with certain guidelines regarding the reduction of energy and water
consumption and the recycling of waste that will be communicated to them during their
stay. In addition, they will have to avoid undue pollution and work to ensure that the
house remains a healthy and quality environment.

Notwithstanding the generality of the above, residents must:

 turn off lights, lamps and electrical appliances that are not used in their bedrooms
and in common areas;
 avoid unnecessarily letting water flow in showers and sinks;
 if you're away, close the windows ;
 empty their bins and participate in the sorting of waste using the containers
designated for this purpose, including glass bottles and vocals.

It is forbidden :
 to keep perishable food in the open air to prevent the spread of insects;
 to lay wet linen in the bedrooms (risk of mould) or to hang it outside the windows
(respect the exterior of the House).
After two reminders to order, disciplinary sanctions may be applied.

Article 12 : Life rules in community

Community life implies the sharing of certain principles and values such as respect,
solidarity and diversity, recalled in the chart governing living together.

Residents commit to :

- respect people, show tolerance and benevolence, take care not to disturb other
occupants (behavior, noise pollution, respect for privacy, open-mindedness,
respect for difference, respect for the property of others, etc.) remain cordial with
other users and staff of the house.
- respect the goods and facilities made available to them, leave the common areas
in good condition after use.

In this respect, in particular, it is forbidden

 smoking (including e-cigarettes) except in places specifically designated by the

 to cause noise disturbances in the rooms and common areas, any noise must
cease between 23:00 and 07:00;

 to monopolize kitchens or other common areas for parties or other meetings
without permission from the administration.

Residents should report any insect or pest infestations to the House administration
without delay.

Article 13 : Common areas

The House has common areas. Residents must follow the rules of use and opening hours
that are displayed or specified in the welcome booklet. They must, among other things,
wash and store their dishes and, after use, clean worktops, appliances, sinks and tables
in kitchens, communal toilets or other common areas.

Article 14 : Résidents committee

A residents' committee is elected each year at the beginning of the academic year. It
contributes to the cultural, artistic, social and sporting life of the House, ensures the
good understanding of the community, the exchanges between the residents and with
the administration, in connection, if necessary, with the committees of the other houses
of the CIUP.

The residents' committee is subject to the Rules of Procedure of the Residents' Committee
of the Mexico House Foundation.

The committee is the residents' interlocutor with the administration to discuss the
topics, requests or problems faced by them. He refers to the administration who tries,
as far as possible, to find a solution.

Article 15 : Expressions, reunions, display

The Foundation of the House of Mexico guarantees its residents the exercise of their
freedoms of expression and assembly. These freedoms are exercised with strict respect
for the pluralism of opinions, and the rights and freedoms of other residents, as well as
the general values, ideals and regulations of the CIUP, excluding any form of proselytism.

When it comes to meetings, residents are free to meet with each other in the spaces
dedicated to this purpose. Any event with guests outside the House, as well as any event
in the Benito Juarez room, Multipurpose room or garden/terrace are subject to prior
authorization from the administration.

A billboard is made available to residents, under the responsibility of the Residents'

Committee. Any external communication that results in a display or broadcast in the
House must be targeted by the administration.

Article 16 : Security

Combating discrimination, harassment and sexual and gender-based

Any resident who witnesses or experiences discrimination, harassment or violence is
strongly encouraged to report it.

 In case of immediate danger, notify the Central Security Post: 27 Boulevard

Jourdan, 75014 Paris - 01 44 16 66 00 or 01 43 13 65 10 -Open 24 hours a

 To make a report, you can contact the management of the house and / or by
email to:

 For psychological, medical and social assistance, the international social

relay is available to residents: 19B, Boulevard Jourdan 75014 PARIS - 01 44
16 65 62 -

It's important to talk about it and get help.

Access to the building

For obvious safety reasons, residents are encouraged to exercise constant vigilance to
keep everyone safe. To this end, residents must ensure that:

- not to give their badges to third parties (visitors, delivery drivers, etc.), but to come
down in person to open the door;
- make sure that the front door is properly closed and do not bring in unknown
persons behind them;
- do not bring in visitors through emergency exits;
- pay particular attention to the badge they are given when they arrive.

The badge of access to the House and the accommodation of the residents is strictly
personal. It must not be loaned. In case of loss, residents will have to buy a new one
from the house administration.

Basic safety rules

Inside the building, residents must take care of basic security measures. In case of
absence, even for short periods of time, residents ensure that their doors and windows
are closed (especially for ground-floor rooms) to avoid intrusions and thefts.

It is forbidden to place or hang objects on the windowsill, as well as to sit on the window
sills. The House does not accept any responsibility in the event of an accident.

Residents must store their cycles in the designated location. No motor vehicles can be
stored there. Residents are not allowed to park their vehicles within the CIUP compound.
Exceptional authorization may be granted for up to two hours during a move. This
authorization is to be requested from the administration of the House who contacts the
security service of the CIUP.

Fire safety
Evacuation and fire alarm systems ensure the safety of residents.

Any act that prevents or limits their normal functioning will result in disciplinary
sanctions up to the exclusion of the resident and a financial penalty if necessary
(replacement of a fire extinguisher, for example).

To ensure an effective evacuation of residents in the event of a fire, traffic, stairwells,

stairs, emergency exits must remain clear and should not be cluttered with objects.

Similarly, emergency exits are equipped with fire safety devices (panic bar, alarm) that
must be properly functioning. For this reason, emergency exits are prohibited as a means
of accessing or exiting the building (except during an evacuation exercise or in the event
of a fire).

In order to limit the risk of fire, certain equipment, other than those provided by the
House, are not allowed in the rooms:

- electrically-intensive appliances (pressure cooker, cooking plates, microwave,

radiator, air conditioner...)
- gas appliances
- candles.

Only common electrical and electronic equipment is permitted: Hi-FI, video, telephone,
computer equipment, hairdryer or low electrical kettle.

In the event of an offence, the resident is ordered in writing to remove the prohibited
device from his room without delay. It can be stored in the storage room indicated by the
House administration until departure. Failing this, the device may be removed by the
house's authorized staff and kept until the resident leaves.

In the event of a security issue or problem within the Cité internationale universitaire de
Paris, the security service is available to the houses and residents.

24h/24h ► Central Security Post : 01 44 16 66 00

Title 3 - At resident’s departure

Article 17 : Early departure

If residents wish to leave before the expiry of the period for which they have been
admitted, they must notify the administration of the House at least one month before
their departure, for long and medium stays, and 15 days for short stays. It is recalled
that any fortnight started is due.

On the day of departure, residents are required to vacate their rooms before the time
indicated by the House. Failing that, an additional night will be due.

Article 18 : Detailed Inventory at departure

Before their departure, an exit report will be carried out with an agent of the House and
in the presence of the resident. If damage is found, their financial cost may be deducted
from the security deposit.

If residents do not sign the status of the premises, they will not be able to challenge any
deductions made on their security deposit.

Article 19 : Mail

Residents can only receive mail for them. In the event of a temporary or permanent
departure, the House is not obliged to keep their mail, nor is it authorized to hand it over
to a third party, resident or not. Any temporary or final change of address must be
communicated to the post office.

Article 20 : Luggage Room

Luggage room stores personal belongings that residents do not wish to store in their
rooms. Any resident who leaves the Mexican House Foundation permanently is required
to remove their luggage from the luggage room. The security deposit can only be refunded
after the resident's luggage has been fully withdrawn. Failing that, at the end of one year
and one day of the resident's departure date, the House is entitled to dispose of it.

Article 21 : Security deposit’s refund

The security deposit is returned to the outgoing residents, net if any of the various
unpaid (fee, notice period, degradations, guests). The refund is made within two months,
provided they have withdrawn all their personal belongings.

Titre 4 - Disciplinary sanctions

Article 22 : Warning

Violations of this particular regulation may give rise to a warning which will be notified
by a letter from the management of the house addressed to the resident concerned.

Article 23 : Removal of resident status

In the event of a serious or repeated offence, the Director of the House may declare the
removal of the resident status and initiate legal proceedings against him.

Title 5 - Special provisions

Article 24 : Video protection

Some common areas may be placed under video protection for security reasons. In this
case, signage is affixed to the entrance of this areas.

For information, residents can contact the administration.

Article 25 : Use of personal information

The management of residents' stays is subject to various automated processing of

personal data (following payments and planning, sending information about the House
or the Cité, etc.), in accordance with the current legislation.

For any information, residents can contact the administration with which they can also
exercise their right of access, in accordance with Law 78-17 of January 6th, 1978
relating to computers, files and freedoms, amended.

Article 26 : Image rights

During their stay, residents may be photographed, recorded or filmed in common areas
during events organized by the House or as part of action to promote the House or the

Acceptance of this regulation is worth express permission from residents (and their
spouses) to fix, reproduce and communicate their image and/or voice in the context of

the House's non-commercial communication and waive the right to be credited to the
film's credits or as a photography caption.

This authorization is valid for ten years from the time they leave the CIUP for any reason.

At any time, residents can terminate this authorization, by simple mail or email to the
management of the House.

These regulations were approved by the Board of Directors of the Mexico House
Foundation on May 12, 2022.


I, undersigned,

LAST NAME :…………………………………………………………….……………..……..

Name : ………………………………………………………………………………….……

admitted to stay at the House of Mexico, states that it has been

aware of and accepted the provisions of the Règlement particulier

de la Fondation de la Maison du Mexique, du Règlement général de la

Cité international universitaire de Paris, du Règlement des admissions

et de séjour à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, de la Charte

régissant le vivre ensemble, de la Charte d’utilisation des ressources

informatiques and commits me to complying strictly and


Date : …………………………………………………………………………………………

Signature of resident preceded by the mention « lu et approuvé »


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