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2) Precipitation is expressed in terms of the vertical depth to which water from it would stand on

a level surface area if all the water from it were collected on this surface.

The depth Is to which water would accumulate on the horizontal projection of the earth’s surface,
if there were no losses by evaporation, infiltration and runoff and if any part falling as snow etc

The amount of precipitation is measured using a rain gauge (also called pluviometer,
ombrometer, hyetometer etc). A breif study on different rainguages and selection of raingauage
stations are explained below.

Measurement of Rainfall Using Raingauges

A rain gauge consists of a cylindrical vessel assembly kept in the open to collect rain. Rainfall
collected in the rain gauge is measured at regular intervals.
Rainfall catch is affected by the exposure conditions of the rain gauge. Rain gauges may be
broadly classified into 2 categories:

Non-recording raingauges and

Recording raingauges
Non-recording Raingauge
These rain gauges just collect the rainwater but do not record the quantity of rainfall. The most
extensively used non-recording rain gauge is Symon’s gauge. Circular collecting area of 12.7 cm
diameter connected to a funnel. The rim of the collector is set in a horizontal plane at a height of
30.5cm above the ground level.

The funnel discharges the rainfall catch into a receiving vessel. The funnel and collecting vessel
(bottle) are housed in a metallic container. Water collected in the bottle is measured using a
suitably graduated measuring jar with 0.1mm accuracy. Rainfall is measured in mm or cm of
water depth
Recently IMD has started adopting fibreglass reinforced polyester raingauges. These are
available in different combinations of collector and bottle. The collector is in two sizes – having
100 and 200 sq.m area. For details see IS:5225 and IS:4986.
Rainfall is measured every day at 8.30AM IST and is recorded as the rainfall of that day.

The receiving bottle cannot hold more than 10 cm of rain. Hence on days of heavy rainfall,
measurements are taken more frequently and the last reading is taken at 8.30AM IST. The sum of
the rainfall measurements over the past 24h is entered as the total rainfall of that day.

When snow is expected, the funnel and the receiving bottle are removed and snow is collected in
the outer metal container. It is then melted and the depth of resulting water is measured. In areas
of heavy snowfall, snow gauges with shields and storage pipes are used. Snow surveys are also

Recording Rain Gauges

Recording raingauges give a permanent automatic record of rainfall. It has a mechanical
arrangement by which the total amount of rainfall since the start of record gets automatically
recorded on a graph paper. It produces a plot of cumulative rainfall vs time (mass curve of
rainfall). These rain gauges are also called integrating raingauges since they record cumulative
In addition to the total amount of rainfall at a station, it gives the times of onset and cessation of
rains (thereby gives the duration of rainfall events). The slope of the plot gives the intensity of
rainfall for any given time period.

They can provide continuous record for a number of days. They are very useful in hilly and far
off areas. In other areas, they are installed along with a non-recording raingauge.

The types of Recording Rain Gauges are:

1. Tipping Bucket Type

This is ideally suited for use as a telemetering rain gauge.The catch from the funnel falls onto
one of a pair of small buckets. These buckets are so balanced that when 0.25mm of rain falls into
one bucket, it tips bringing the other bucket in position. The water from the tipped bucket is
collected in a can.
Tipping actuates an electrically driven pen to trace a record on the graph paper mounted on a
clockwork driven drum. Water collected in the can is measured at regular intervals to check the
total rainfall recorded. The record from this rain gauge gives the intensity of rainfall. These can
be installed in stations located in hilly and inaccessible areas.
Weighing Bucket Type
The catch empties into a bucket mounted on a weighing scale. The weight of the bucket and its
contents are recorded on a clock work driven chart. The instrument gives a plot of cumulative
rainfall against time (mass curve of rainfall). In some of the instruments, the recording unit is so
devised that the pen reverses its direction at a preset value.
Natural Syphon Type (Float Type)
The rainfall collected in the funnel shaped collector is led into a float chamber, causing the float
to rise. As the float rises, a pen attached to the float through a lever system records the rainfall on
a rotating drum driven by a clockwork mechanism.

A syphon arrangement empties the float chamber when the float has reached a preset maximum
level. The vertical lines in the chart correspond to the sudden emptying of the float chamber by
syphonic action, which resets the pen to zero level.If there is no rainfall, the pen traces a
horizontal line
Selection of Rain Gauge Stations
In order that the rainfall catch of a raingauge accurately represents the rainfall in the area
surrounding the raingauge, certain standards are followed while establishing raingauge
stations.The rain gauge station must fulfill following requirements:

The ground must be level and in the open and the instrument must represent a horizontal catch
The raingauge must be set as near the ground as possible to reduce wind effects
The raingauge must be set sufficiently high to prevent splashing, flooding etc
The instrument must be surrounded by an open fenced area of at least 5.5m x 5.5m. No object
must be closer to the raingauge than 30m or twice the height of the obstruction
Rainfall Measurements by Radar
In an integrated system for measurement of rainfall, rain gauges are used for measuring the total
amount as well as intensity of a rainstorm and a microwave radar (wavelength ~ 3 to 10 cm) is
used for determining the areal extent, location, and movement of rainstorms. Also the amount of
rainfall over large areas can be determined using radars with a good degree of accuracy.

The hydrological range of the radar is about 200km.

Heavy rains – 10 cm radar
Light rains and snow – 5cm radar
Doppler type radars are used for measuring the velocity and distribution of raindrops.
What is Evaporation and How it Occurs?
Before rainfall reaches the outlet of a basin as runoff, certain demands of the catchment such as
interception, depression storage and infiltration have to be met. Besides these, evaporation and
transpiration processes transfer water to the atmosphere as water vapour.

Evaporation from water bodies and the soil mass together with transpiration from vegetation is
called evapotranspiration (ET). That portion of Precipitation which is not available as surface
runoff is termed as “loss”.

Evaporation is the process in which a liquid changes to the gaseous state as the free surface,
below its boiling point, through the transfer of energy.

Evaporation is a cooling process- the latent heat of vapourisation (~585 cal/g of evaporated
water) must be provided by the water body.
Rate of evaporation depends on
Vapour pressures at the water surface and the air above
Wind speed – Incident solar radiation
Atmospheric pressure – Quality of water
Air and water temperatures
Size of the water body
Vapour pressure – Rate of evaporation is proportional to the difference between the saturation
vapour pressure (SVP) at the water temperature
Check ss
Temperature – Rate of evaporation increases with an increase in water temperature. Although
there is an increase in the rate of evaporation with increase in air temperature, a high correlation
does not exist between. For the same mean monthly temperature, evaporation from a lake may be
different in different months.
Wind – Wind helps to remove the evaporated water vapour from the zone of evaporation, thereby
creating greater scope for evaporation.

Rate of evaporation increases with increase in wind velocity up to some limit (critical wind
speed) and thereafter any further increase in wind velocity does not have any effect on the
evaporation rates. This critical wind speed value is a function of the size of the water surface
(large water bodies – high wind speeds)

Atmospheric Pressure – Other factors remaining the same, a decrease in atmospheric pressure (as
in high altitude areas) increases the evaporation rate

Soluble salts – When a solute is dissolved in water, the vapour pressure of the solution is less
than that of pure water and hence it causes reduction in the rate of evaporation.
The percentage reduction in the evaporation rate approximately corresponds to the percentage
increase in specific gravity

Under identical conditions evaporation from sea water is about 2-3% less than that from fresh

Heat storage in water bodies

Deep water bodies have more heat storage capacity than shallow water bodies. A deep lake stores
radiation energy received in summer and releases it in winter resulting in less evaporation in
summer and more evaporation in winter when compared to a shallow lake exposed to similar
The effect of heat storage is to change the seasonal evaporation rates and the annual evaporation
remains more or less unaltered.

Estimation / Measurement of Evaporation

This is done by the following methods

Using evaporimeters
Using empirical equations
By analytical methods
Types of Evaporators
These are pans containing water which are exposed to the atmosphere. Loss of water by
evaporation from these pans are measured at regular intervals (daily). Meteorological data such
as humidity, wind velocity, air and water temperatures, and precipitation are also measured and
noted along with evaporation.

(1) USWB Class A Evaporation Pan

A pan of diameter 1210mm and depth 255mm
Depth of water is maintained between 18 and 20cm
The pan is made of unpainted GI sheet
The pan is placed on a wooden platform of height 15cm above ground level to allow free air
circulation below the pan
Evaporation is measured by measuring the depth of water in a stilling well with a hook gauge
(2) ISI Standard Pan
Specified by IS:5973 and known as the modified Class A Pan
A pan of diameter 1220mm and depth 255mm
The pan is made of copper sheet 0.9mm thick, tinned inside and painted white outside
The pan is placed on a square wooden platform of width 1225mm and height 100mm above
ground level to allow free air circulation below the pan
A fixed point gauge indicates the level of water
Water is added to or removed from the pan to maintain the water level at a fixed mark using a
calibrated cylindrical measure
The top of the pan is covered with a hexagonal wire net of GI to protect water in the pan from
Presence of the wire mesh makes the temperature of water more uniform during the day and
Evaporation from this pan is about 14% lower as compared to that from an unscreened pan
(3) Colorado Sunken Pan
920mm square pan made of unpainted GI sheet, 460mm deep, and buried into the ground within
100mm of the top
Main advantage of this pan – its aerodynamic and radiation characteristics are similar to that of a
Disadvantages – difficult to detect leaks, expensive to install, extra care is needed to keep the
surrounding area free from tall grass, dust etc
(4) USGS Floating Pan
A square pan of 900mm sides and 450mm deep
Supported by drum floats in the middle of a raft of size 4.25m x 4.87m, it is set afloat in a lake
with a view to simulate the characteristics of a large body of water
Water level in the pan is maintained at the same level as that in the lake, leaving a rim of 75mm
Diagonal baffles are provided in the pan to reduce surging in the pan due to wave action
Disadvantages – High cost of installation and maintenance, difficulty in making measurements
Pan Coefficient
Evaporation pans are not exact models of large reservoirs. Their major drawbacks are the

– They differ from reservoirs in the heat storage capacity and heat transfer characteristics
from the sides and the bottom (sunken and floating pans aim to minimise this problem).
Hence evaporation from a pan depends to some extent on its size (Evaporation from a
pan of about 3m dia is almost the same as that from a large lake whereas that from a pan
of about 1m dia is about 20% in excess of this).
– The height of the rim in an evaporation pan affects wind action over the water surface in
the pan. Also it casts a shadow of varying size on the water surface.
The heat transfer characteristics of the pan material is different form that of a reservoir.
– Hence evaporation measured from a pan has to be corrected to get the evaporation from a
large lake under identical climatic and exposure conditions.

– Lake Evaporation = Pan Coefficient

– Clip_image018x Pan Evaporation
– WMO recommends the following values of minimum density of evaporimeters

– Arid Zones – 1 station for every 30,000
– Humid Temperate Zones – 1 station for every 50,000
– Cold regions – 1 station for every 1,00,000
– A typical hydro-meteorological station has the following:

– Recording rain gauge and non-recording rain gauge
– Stevenson box with maximum, minimum, wet, and dry bulb thermometers
– Wind anemometer and wind vane
– Pan evaporimeter
– Sunshine Recorder etc

A confined aquifer is an aquifer below the land surface that is saturated with water.
Layers of impermeable material are both above and below the aquifer, causing it to be
under pressure so that when the aquifer is penetrated by a well, the water will rise above
the top of the aquifer.

3) Simply put, rainwater harvesting is a process of collecting, storing, and

repurposing rainwater that would otherwise fall back onto the ground or drain
away. The rainwater is then used both inside and outside the home, instead of
relying on the area’s municipal supply. This results in reducing overall water
consumption and water waste. Typically these capture tanks or barrels are
placed on the roofs or sides of buildings under a specialized gutter to catch
the falling rainwater.
While regular maintenance is required, simple collection systems can be
constructed that most people can easily build and maintain. Rainwater
harvesting and storage can be incorporated in rural and urban areas and
provide many benefits to individuals, communities, and the environment. The
best part? Rainwater harvesting is a powerful technique to green your home
and to lessen your environmental footprint.

5 Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting

Below, we take a closer look at the main advantages of rainwater harvesting:

Reduces Flooding and Erosion

Harvesting rainwater can help the environment in several ways. For starters, it
can reduce erosion around downspouts and in gardens. It can also control
stormwater runoff. Rainwater doesn’t produce scale and corrosion as hard
water does. The collection of rainwater may reduce flooding in certain areas
as well.

Reduces Water Bills

Rainwater harvesting will help individuals save on their water bills and cut
costs for entire communities. The cost to supply mains and overall water
services can be substantially reduced when many people in one community
use rainwater. Having a source of water can also reduce dependence on
municipal sources in case the water becomes contaminated. Rainwater can
be used as the primary source of water or as a backup source when needed.

Reduces Demand on Ground Water

Sources of groundwater are increasingly being strained in many areas
throughout the world. Digging deeper wells is not only expensive but can
cause environmental damage, such as collapsing the soil where the water
used to be. It only makes sense to use sources of rainwater whenever
possible. Harvested rainwater can be stored and then used during times of
drought and when the groundwater supplies have been depleted.

Can Be Used for Non-drinking Purposes

The majority of the water we need is used for non-drinking. Everything from
washing clothes and dishes to bathing and flushing toilets requires large
amounts of water. Rainwater can be used for all of these things. Rainwater is
soft and can lessen the need for detergents when washing clothes and
dishes. Rainwater can also be used for washing vehicles, bathing pets, and
nearly all cleaning that uses water.

Can Improve Plant Growth

Rainwater harvesting can also be used to improve plants and gardens. Using
harvested water can flush the salt buildup from plants and soil. Harvested
rainwater is generally free from several types of pollutants and man-made
contaminants. Rain is also free from chlorination. Using clean and healthy
rainwater for plants and trees can save money on overall property
maintenance and landscaping needs.


**Objectives of Integrated Watershed Management:**

1. **Sustainable Natural Resource Management:**

- **Soil and Water Conservation:** Implementing measures to prevent soil

erosion, enhance soil fertility, and ensure efficient water management.
- **Vegetation Cover:** Promoting afforestation and reforestation to maintain
ecological balance.

- **Water Harvesting:** Building structures like check dams, percolation

tanks, and rainwater harvesting systems to improve groundwater recharge.

2. **Enhancement of Agricultural Productivity:**

- **Crop Diversification:** Encouraging the cultivation of diverse crops to

improve soil health and increase farmers’ income.

- **Improved Farming Practices:** Promoting modern and sustainable

agricultural techniques to boost productivity and reduce dependency on

3. **Livelihood Improvement:**

- **Income Generation:** Creating opportunities for alternative livelihoods

through activities like horticulture, sericulture, animal husbandry, and

- **Capacity Building:** Training local communities in sustainable practices

and entrepreneurship to enhance their skill sets.

4. **Biodiversity Conservation:**

- **Protection of Flora and Fauna:** Preserving local biodiversity by

protecting natural habitats and promoting native species.

- **Ecosystem Restoration:** Rehabilitating degraded lands to restore their

ecological functions.
5. **Community Participation and Empowerment:**

- **Inclusive Decision-Making:** Involving local communities in planning,

implementation, and monitoring of watershed projects.

- **Empowerment of Marginalized Groups:** Ensuring the active

participation of women, small farmers, and other vulnerable groups.

**Applicability of Integrated Watershed Management in Holistic


1. **Environmental Sustainability:**

- **Balanced Ecosystems:** Maintaining healthy ecosystems through

integrated management practices ensures long-term environmental

- **Climate Resilience:** Enhancing the resilience of communities to climate

change by managing natural resources efficiently.

2. **Economic Development:**

- **Enhanced Agricultural Output:** Improved water and soil management

leads to higher agricultural yields and better income for farmers.

- **Diversified Livelihoods:** Providing alternative income sources reduces

economic vulnerability and promotes stability.

3. **Social Well-Being:**
- **Improved Quality of Life:** Access to clean water, increased food
security, and better income contribute to improved living standards.

- **Social Cohesion:** Community participation in watershed management

fosters a sense of ownership and collective responsibility.

4. **Infrastructure Development:**

- **Water Infrastructure:** Construction of water conservation structures

improves water availability for domestic and agricultural use.

- **Rural Development:** Improved natural resources lead to better

infrastructure and services in rural areas, such as roads, schools, and
healthcare facilities.

5. **Policy and Governance:**

- **Integrated Policies:** Promoting policies that support sustainable

watershed management ensures coordinated efforts across sectors.

- **Institutional Strengthening:** Building the capacity of local institutions to

manage resources effectively and sustainably.

By addressing environmental, economic, social, and infrastructural aspects,

integrated watershed management contributes to the holistic development of
an area, ensuring sustainable and equitable growth.

Implementing Integrated Watershed Management requires various types of spatial data to ensure
effective planning, execution, and monitoring. Here are the essential spatial data prerequisites
along with standard explanations:
1. **Topographic Data:**
- **Digital Elevation Models (DEMs):** Provides detailed elevation information of the terrain,
which is crucial for delineating watershed boundaries, understanding drainage patterns, and
planning soil and water conservation structures.
- **Contour Maps:** Show elevation contours that help in understanding the slope and
gradient of the land. This is essential for designing erosion control measures and water
harvesting structures.

2. **Hydrological Data:**
- **Stream Network Data:** Information on the location, flow direction, and hierarchy of
streams and rivers within the watershed. This is vital for understanding the hydrological
connectivity and planning water management strategies.
- **Watershed Boundaries:** Delineation of the catchment area that contributes runoff to a
particular point, essential for managing water resources at the watershed level.
- **Water Bodies:** Locations and extents of lakes, ponds, reservoirs, and other surface water
bodies, important for planning water use and conservation measures.

3. **Soil Data:**
- **Soil Types and Properties:** Information on soil texture, structure, depth, and fertility,
which is crucial for selecting appropriate land use practices and conservation techniques.
- **Soil Erosion Risk Maps:** Identify areas prone to erosion, aiding in targeted soil
conservation efforts and the implementation of erosion control measures.

4. **Land Use/Land Cover Data:**

- **Current Land Use:** Detailed mapping of different land uses (e.g., agricultural land,
forests, urban areas), which is essential for planning sustainable land management practices.
- **Historical Land Use Changes:** Tracking changes in land use over time to understand
trends and impacts, which aids in future land use planning and management.

5. **Vegetation and Biodiversity Data:**

- **Vegetation Cover:** Information on the types and density of vegetation, which is critical
for planning afforestation, reforestation, and conservation activities.
- **Biodiversity Hotspots:** Locations of areas with significant biodiversity, important for
prioritizing conservation efforts and maintaining ecological balance.

6. **Climate Data:**
- **Rainfall Distribution:** Spatial and temporal patterns of rainfall, which are essential for
water resource planning, irrigation scheduling, and drought management.
- **Temperature Patterns:** Data on temperature variations to understand evapotranspiration
rates, which is important for irrigation planning and crop management.

7. **Socio-Economic Data:**
- **Population Distribution:** Demographic information and settlement patterns, which help
in planning community-based watershed management activities and understanding resource
- **Livelihood Sources:** Data on the economic activities and dependency on natural
resources, which aids in designing livelihood improvement programs and ensuring sustainable
resource use.

8. **Infrastructure Data:**
- **Transportation Networks:** Information on roads, bridges, and other transportation
infrastructure, which is essential for planning access, logistics, and implementation of watershed
- **Water Infrastructure:** Locations and details of existing water management structures
(e.g., dams, canals, irrigation systems), which are crucial for integrating new interventions with
existing systems.

9. **Geological Data:**
- **Rock and Mineral Resources:** Understanding the geological composition of the area,
which is important for soil conservation, water infiltration, and planning construction activities.
- **Fault Lines and Seismic Activity:** Data on geological hazards, which is necessary for
planning disaster risk reduction measures in the watershed.
These spatial data sets provide a comprehensive understanding of the watershed, enabling
effective management of natural resources, planning of conservation measures, and ensuring the
sustainable development of the area..

5) In the context of wave generation, “disturbing forces” and “resisting forces” refer to the
mechanisms that respectively initiate and limit the formation and propagation of waves in a fluid
medium, such as water. Here’s a detailed explanation of each:

1. **Disturbing Forces:**
- **Definition:** Disturbing forces are the initial forces that create waves by displacing the
surface of the water from its equilibrium position.
- **Examples:**
- **Wind:** The most common disturbing force in ocean and sea waves. Wind blowing over
the water surface transfers energy to the water, causing ripples and waves.
- **Seismic Activity:** Underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions can displace large
volumes of water, generating waves known as tsunamis.
- **Gravitational Pull:** The gravitational forces exerted by the moon and the sun on the
Earth’s water bodies cause tides, which are a type of wave.
- **Human Activity:** Ships, boats, and other marine activities can create waves through
their movement.

2. **Resisting Forces:**
- **Definition:** Resisting forces act to restore the water surface to its equilibrium position
and limit the growth and propagation of waves. They play a crucial role in the characteristics and
stability of the waves.
- **Examples:**
- **Gravity:** The primary resisting force that works to return the water displaced by a wave
back to its original level. Gravity acts on the elevated water surface, pulling it downward, which
helps propagate the wave and maintain its motion.
- **Surface Tension:** At smaller scales, surface tension becomes significant, especially for
capillary waves (small, short-wavelength waves). Surface tension acts to flatten out the water
surface, opposing the formation of ripples and small waves.
- **Viscosity:** The internal friction within the water resists motion and wave formation.
While it has a lesser effect compared to gravity and surface tension, viscosity contributes to the
damping and eventual dissipation of waves over time.

**Wave Generation Process:**

1. **Initiation by Disturbing Force:** A disturbing force (e.g., wind) displaces the water surface.
2. **Formation and Propagation:** The displaced water is acted upon by resisting forces (e.g.,
gravity and surface tension), which attempt to restore equilibrium. This interaction causes the
wave to propagate.
3. **Equilibrium and Damping:** As the wave travels, resisting forces continuously act to
dampen its energy, eventually leading to the dissipation of the wave if the disturbing force

In summary, disturbing forces are responsible for creating waves by displacing the water surface,
while resisting forces work to restore the water to its equilibrium position, shaping the wave’s
characteristics and limiting its growth and propagation.
7) **Major Causes of Sea Level Change:**

1. **Thermal Expansion:**
- **Explanation:** As the global temperature rises, seawater warms and expands, causing sea
levels to rise. This process, known as thermal expansion, is a significant contributor to current
sea level rise.
- **Example:** During the 20th and early 21st centuries, thermal expansion contributed to
about half of the observed sea level rise.

2. **Melting of Glaciers and Ice Caps:**

- **Explanation:** Glaciers and ice caps on land are melting due to increased temperatures,
adding freshwater to the oceans and raising sea levels.
- **Example:** The melting of glaciers in the Himalayas, the Alps, and other mountain ranges
has significantly contributed to sea level rise.

3. **Ice Sheet Melting:**

- **Explanation:** The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets contain vast amounts of frozen
water. As these ice sheets melt, they contribute to global sea level rise.
- **Example:** The Greenland ice sheet has been losing ice at an accelerating rate,
contributing substantially to recent sea level rise.

4. **Changes in Land Water Storage:**

- **Explanation:** Human activities such as groundwater extraction, reservoir storage, and
deforestation can alter the amount of water stored on land, affecting sea levels.
- **Example:** Groundwater extraction for agriculture in regions like the Indo-Gangetic Plain
contributes to sea level rise as extracted water eventually flows into the ocean.

5. **Tectonic Activity:**
- **Explanation:** Tectonic movements can cause land to rise or fall, affecting local and
regional sea levels. Additionally, the shifting of tectonic plates can alter ocean basin volumes,
influencing global sea levels.
- **Example:** The uplift of coastal regions in response to tectonic activity can lower local
sea levels, while subsidence can raise them.

**Probable Consequences of Long-Term Sea Level Change:**

1. **Coastal Erosion and Loss of Land:**

- **Impact:** Rising sea levels lead to increased coastal erosion and the loss of land,
threatening infrastructure, homes, and habitats.
- **Example:** The Pacific island nation of Kiribati is facing severe land loss, prompting
discussions about relocating its population.
2. **Increased Flooding:**
- **Impact:** Higher sea levels result in more frequent and severe coastal flooding, affecting
low-lying areas during high tides and storms.
- **Example:** Cities like Miami and New Orleans experience regular “sunny day” flooding
due to higher sea levels, impacting daily life and infrastructure.

3. **Salinization of Freshwater Resources:**

- **Impact:** Sea level rise can lead to the intrusion of saltwater into freshwater aquifers and
rivers, compromising drinking water supplies and agricultural irrigation.
- **Example:** The Mekong Delta in Vietnam faces significant salinization issues, threatening
rice production and livelihoods.

4. **Loss of Coastal Ecosystems:**

- **Impact:** Coastal habitats such as mangroves, salt marshes, and coral reefs are at risk from
rising sea levels, which can lead to the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
- **Example:** The Sundarbans mangrove forest in Bangladesh and India is under threat from
rising sea levels, endangering wildlife and local communities.

5. **Displacement of Populations:**
- **Impact:** Long-term sea level rise can force communities to relocate, leading to social,
economic, and political challenges.
- **Example:** The Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, is considering plans to
move its population to other countries due to the threat of sea level rise.

6. **Economic Impacts:**
- **Impact:** Coastal infrastructure, including ports, roads, and tourism facilities, faces
increased risks from sea level rise, leading to significant economic costs for repairs and
- **Example:** The cost of protecting coastal cities like New York from rising sea levels and
storm surges is projected to be in the billions of dollars.
In conclusion, the major causes of sea level change include thermal expansion, melting of
glaciers and ice caps, ice sheet melting, changes in land water storage, and tectonic activity. The
probable consequences of long-term sea level change are far-reaching and include coastal
erosion, increased flooding, salinization of freshwater resources, loss of coastal ecosystems,
displacement of populations, and significant economic impacts.
The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is a maritime zone extending up to 200 nautical miles from
a country’s coastline, where the state has special rights regarding the exploration and use of
marine resources, including energy production from water and wind. The importance of EEZs in
the context of the global economy and geopolitics is significant and multifaceted:

### Importance of EEZ in the Global Economy:

1. **Resource Exploration and Exploitation:**

- **Fisheries:** EEZs provide coastal states with exclusive rights to manage and exploit fish
stocks, which are a crucial source of food and income for many nations.
- **Energy Resources:** Coastal states can explore and exploit oil, natural gas, and renewable
energy sources (e.g., offshore wind farms) within their EEZs, contributing to energy security and
economic growth.
- **Mineral Resources:** EEZs contain valuable seabed minerals, such as polymetallic
nodules and rare earth elements, which are important for various industries, including electronics
and renewable energy technologies.

2. **Economic Development:**
- **Maritime Industries:** EEZs support a range of maritime industries, including shipping,
tourism, and aquaculture, driving economic development and job creation.
- **Infrastructure Investment:** The exploitation of resources within EEZs often leads to
substantial investments in infrastructure, such as ports, processing facilities, and transportation

3. **Trade and Commerce:**

- **Shipping Routes:** EEZs are often located along key shipping routes, making them
strategically important for international trade and commerce.
- **Economic Zones:** Coastal states can establish special economic zones (SEZs) within
their EEZs to attract foreign investment and boost economic activity.

### Importance of EEZ in Geopolitics:

1. **Sovereignty and Territorial Control:**

- **Maritime Sovereignty:** EEZs enhance a nation’s sovereignty over its adjacent maritime
areas, allowing for control over resource exploitation and environmental protection.
- **Territorial Disputes:** The delineation of EEZs can lead to disputes between neighboring
countries, impacting diplomatic relations and regional stability.

2. **Strategic Military Importance:**

- **Naval Presence:** EEZs are critical for the strategic deployment of naval forces, providing
coastal states with control over significant maritime areas and the ability to project power.
- **Security:** Control over EEZs is vital for national security, as they can serve as buffer
zones and help monitor and prevent illegal activities such as smuggling and unauthorized fishing.

3. **Geopolitical Influence:**
- **Regional Dominance:** Countries with extensive EEZs, such as the United States, Russia,
and China, have greater geopolitical influence due to their ability to exploit vast marine
resources and maintain significant maritime presence.
- **International Relations:** EEZs play a role in shaping international relations, as countries
negotiate and collaborate on issues related to maritime boundaries, resource management, and
environmental protection.

4. **Environmental Stewardship:**
- **Sustainable Management:** EEZs give coastal states the responsibility to sustainably
manage and protect marine resources, contributing to global efforts to preserve ocean health and
- **Climate Change Mitigation:** Coastal states can use their EEZs to develop renewable
energy projects, such as offshore wind farms, which are crucial for reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and combating climate change.

### Examples:

1. **South China Sea:** The South China Sea is a prominent example of the geopolitical
importance of EEZs. Several countries, including China, Vietnam, and the Philippines,
have overlapping claims in the region, leading to tensions and disputes. The area is rich in
resources, such as fisheries and hydrocarbons, and is strategically significant for global
shipping routes.

2. **Arctic Region:** The Arctic region is becoming increasingly important due to melting
ice and the potential for resource exploitation. Countries such as Russia, the United
States, Canada, Norway, and Denmark are vying for control over Arctic EEZs, which are
believed to contain vast reserves of oil and natural gas.

3. **United States:** The United States has one of the largest EEZs in the world,
encompassing significant resources in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans. The U.S.
EEZ supports various economic activities, including fishing, energy production, and
mineral extraction, and plays a crucial role in national security and environmental

In summary, EEZs are critical for the global economy and geopolitics, providing coastal states
with exclusive rights to exploit marine resources, contributing to economic development, and
enhancing national sovereignty and security. The management and delineation of EEZs
significantly influence international relations, regional stability, and global environmental
The Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) in India is demarcated to protect the coastal
environment and ensure sustainable development along the coastlines. The demarcation process
varies for open coasts and tidal creeks, considering different environmental factors and
regulatory guidelines. Here’s how the CRZ is typically demarcated along these areas:
### Demarcation Along Open Coast

1. **High Tide Line (HTL) Identification:**

- The primary reference point for CRZ demarcation is the High Tide Line (HTL), which is the
line up to which the highest water level reaches during the highest high tide.
- The HTL is identified using satellite imagery, field surveys, and tidal data to accurately mark
the boundary.

2. **CRZ Classification:**
- **CRZ-I:** Ecologically sensitive areas and areas between HTL and 100 meters or the width
of the creek (whichever is less). This zone includes mangroves, coral reefs, sand dunes, salt
marshes, and turtle nesting grounds.
- **CRZ-II:** Areas that have already been developed up to or close to the shoreline. This
typically includes urban and infrastructural development.
- **CRZ-III:** Areas that are relatively undisturbed and include rural and undeveloped
regions. It extends up to 500 meters from the HTL.
- **CRZ-IV:** Water areas up to 12 nautical miles from the HTL and the water areas of tidal
influenced water bodies from the HTL to the territorial limits.

3. **500-Meter Boundary:**
- A buffer zone of 500 meters from the HTL is marked inland along the open coast. This buffer
is intended to regulate activities and prevent significant environmental impact.

### Demarcation Along Tidal Creeks

1. **HTL Identification Along Creeks:**

- The HTL along tidal creeks is similarly identified using satellite imagery and field surveys.
The HTL follows the maximum reach of tidal water during the highest high tide.

2. **Creek Width Consideration:**

- The width of the creek is a critical factor in CRZ demarcation. If the width of the creek is less
than 100 meters, the CRZ extends to the entire width of the creek.
- If the creek is wider than 100 meters, the CRZ extends up to 100 meters from the HTL on
both sides of the creek.

3. **Buffer Zones:**
- The CRZ along tidal creeks is often divided into smaller buffer zones based on the sensitivity
and ecological significance of the area.
- **CRZ-I:** Ecologically sensitive areas along creeks, such as mangroves and marshes,
which require stringent protection.
- **CRZ-II and CRZ-III:** These zones are demarcated similarly to the open coast,
considering existing development and relative undisturbed nature, respectively.

4. **Regulatory Zones:**
- **CRZ-IV:** Includes the water areas of tidal influenced water bodies such as creeks, rivers,
and estuaries. This ensures the regulation of activities affecting water quality and marine life.

### General Considerations

- **Ecological Sensitivity:** Areas identified as ecologically sensitive, such as mangroves, coral

reefs, and nesting grounds, receive higher levels of protection and may fall within CRZ-I,
regardless of their distance from the HTL.
- **Development Regulations:** Different zones have varying levels of permissible activities.
For instance, CRZ-I areas have the most stringent regulations, while CRZ-II allows for regulated
- **Community Involvement:** Local communities and stakeholders are often involved in the
demarcation process to ensure their needs and traditional practices are considered.

### Conclusion
The demarcation of the CRZ along the open coast and tidal creeks involves identifying the High
Tide Line, applying buffer zones, and classifying areas based on ecological sensitivity and
existing development. This systematic approach helps in protecting coastal ecosystems,
regulating human activities, and promoting sustainable development along India’s diverse coastal

Discover the meticulous methods proposed by Thornthwaite to compute potential
evapotranspiration, a pivotal aspect in UPSC Geography Optional Mains 2019. Thornthwaite’s
techniques meticulously assess climatic variables to derive accurate estimations. These
techniques delve into intricate factors like temperature and precipitation patterns, ensuring
comprehensive evaluation. Exploring Thornthwaite’s methodologies unveils a profound
understanding of environmental processes, critical for aspirants navigating the UPSC Geography
Optional Mains syllabus. Delve into Thornthwaite’s nuanced approach, deciphering the essence
of potential evapotranspiration calculations with clarity and depth. Mastering these techniques
equips candidates with invaluable insights, augmenting their prowess in addressing complex
geographical concepts. Embark on a journey through Thornthwaite’s methodologies, unraveling
the essence of potential evapotranspiration computation for academic excellence and holistic
Lewis Thornthwaite was a prominent climatologist known for his contributions to the field of
hydrology, particularly his method for estimating potential evapotranspiration (PET).


Thornthwaite’s method for calculating potential evapotranspiration (PET) involves several steps:
Significance of Thornthwaite’s Method:
1. Widely Applicable: Thornthwaite’s method is versatile and can be applied in various
geographical contexts.
2. Importance in Arid Regions: Particularly valuable in arid and semi-arid areas where water
resources are scarce.
3. Contribution to Hydrological Studies: Used in assessing water resource management and
studying the impacts of climate change on hydrology.
4. Historical Importance: Thornthwaite’s method has a rich history and has served as a
foundational tool in climatology and hydrology.
5. Simplified Approach: Provides a straightforward method for estimating PET, making it
accessible to researchers and practitioners.
6. Basis for Comparison: Thornthwaite’s method serves as a benchmark for evaluating other
PET estimation techniques.
While it remains a valuable tool, advancements in understanding evapotranspiration processes
may lead to further refinement and improvement of estimation techniques. Researchers should
continue to explore new methods while acknowledging the historical importance and ongoing
relevance of Thornthwaite’s contributions.

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