Desarrollo deglución y alimentación

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RESEARCH REVIEWS 14: 105 – 117 (2008)


Amy L. Delaney1* and Joan C. Arvedson2
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Medical College of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The development of feeding and swallowing involves a highly com- stressed that feeding (or eating) is distinct from swallowing.
plex set of interactions that begin in embryologic and fetal periods and Eating is primarily an oral phase function that includes oral
continue through infancy and early childhood. This article will focus on
swallowing and feeding development in infants who are developing nor-
preparation and oral transit of a bolus. Feeding is described as
mally with a review of some aspects of prenatal development that provide specific to anticipatory reactions, food getting, the placement
a basis for in utero sucking and swallowing. Non-nutritive sucking in of food in the mouth, and bolus management, including
healthy preterm infants, nipple feeding in preterm and term infants, and chewing (mastication) if necessary and the transfer of the bolus
selected processes of continued development of oral skills for feeding with the tongue into the pharynx. In addition, feeding is a
throughout the first year of life will be discussed. Advances in research
have provided new information in our understanding of the neurophysiol- broader term that includes the interactions between children
ogy related to swallowing, premature infants’ sucking and swallowing and their caregivers. Eating/feeding requires active effort by
patterns, and changes in patterns from preterm to near term to term infants who must have exquisite timing and coordination of
infants. Oral skill development as texture changes are made throughout sucking, swallowing, and breathing to be efficient. Adequate
the second half of the first year of life is an under studied phenomenon.
Knowledge of normal developmental progression is essential for profes-
growth, defined by appropriate weight gain in early infancy and
sionals to appreciate differences from normal in infants and children with for the first few years of life, is a primary measure of successful
feeding and swallowing disorders. Additional research of infants and chil- feeding. An infant should take feedings efficiently in about 20
dren who demonstrate overall typical development in oral skills for feed- to no more than 30 min without stress to infant or feeder so
ing is encouraged and will provide helpful reference points in increasing that the infant consumes sufficient volume to gain weight
understanding of children who exhibit differences from typical develop-
ment. It is hoped that new technology will provide noninvasive means of appropriately. It is expected that infants feed at intervals of at
delineating all phases of sucking and swallowing from prenatal through least 2–3 hr from the start of one feeding to the start of the
infancy. Further related topics in other articles of this issue provide a com- next feeding. This time interval is an important factor in the
prehensive review of factors influencing oral intake, growth, nutrition, facilitation of hunger, satiation at end of the feeding period,
and neurodevelopmental status of children. ' 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Dev Disabil Res Rev 2008;14:105–117.
digestion, and promotion of the next cycle. Infants need to
feed efficiently and safely to maintain stable respiratory health
and to make appropriate developmental gains over time.
Key Words: infant; child; development; feeding; swallowing; sucking; Professionals involved with assessment and treatment of
neurobiology infants and children with feeding and swallowing deficits must
have a thorough understanding of embryologic and develop-
mental anatomy of the upper aerodigestive tract and the nor-
mal physiology of deglutition [e.g., Miller, 1982, 1999; Arved-
son and Brodsky, 2002]. Research in recent years has added to
DEVELOPMENT OF SWALLOWING AND the understanding of the development of feeding and swallow-
FEEDING: PRENATAL THROUGH FIRST ing in utero and continuing through infancy [e.g., Ross and
YEAR OF LIFE Nyland, 1998; Gewolb et al., 2001a,b,c; Qureshi et al., 2002;
Miller et al., 2003, 2006].

dequate respiration and nutrition are essential for all
living creatures. Successful and safe oral feeding in Normal sucking, swallowing, and breathing sequencing
neonates and young infants requires well coordinated requires integration of multiple afferent and efferent systems in
sucking, swallowing, and breathing sequencing. Breathing typ- the central nervous system (CNS). The most complex human
ically does not require active effort by infants except for those
with complicating factors that may include, but are not limited
to, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, upper airway obstruction as
*Correspondence to: Amy L. Delaney, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W.
in Pierre Robin sequence and other craniofacial anomalies, Wisconsin Ave, PO Box 1997, MS #785, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997.
and severe laryngotracheomalacia. Swallowing or deglutition E-mail:
includes the entire act from food placement in the mouth Received 23 May 2008; Accepted 23 May 2008
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
until the material enters into the stomach [Dodds, 1989; DOI: 10.1002/ddrr.16
Dodds et al., 1989; Logemann, 1998]. Logemann [1998]
' 2008 Wiley -Liss, Inc.
Table 1. Selected Processes in Embryologic Period Relevant to Swallow Development
Number of Weeks Gestation Process Role in Swallowing

4–5 Endoderm of yolk sac incorporated into embryo to Basis for separate esophagus and trachea
form primordial gut
4 Mandible via 1st branchial arch Growth important for tongue position and soft palate fusion
6 Oropharyngeal membrane ruptures to form Nasal breathing critical for efficient nipple feeding (breast or
primitive choanae allowing for nasal breathing bottle)
6–7 Separation of esophagus and trachea from the Allows for liquid to move through esophagus without
primitive foregut aspiration

Adapted from Moore and Persaud, 2003.

neuromuscular unit in the body is the and the physiology of deglutition can- (28–31 days) or lunar months (28 days)
upper aerodigestive tract that acts as a not be overstated, although that is not a are meant. However, it is more com-
conduit for passage of air and food. major focus for this review. Pediatric mon for these ages to be described in
Feeding and swallowing are the activ- specialists working with infants and months.
ities through which parents and care children with diverse feeding and swal-
providers first assess the overall health lowing problems must keep develop-
Relevant Embryologic and Fetal
and neurodevelopmental well-being of mental milestones of typically develop-
neonates and young infants. In addition, ing infants and children in mind in
normal feeding patterns reflect the early order to carry out evaluations that result
Embryonic period (weeks 1–8)
developmental pathways that are the in optimal management decisions for
All major organs and systems
basis for later communication skills. The each unique child.
form from three germ layers beginning
interrelationship between feeding (in all
the fourth through the eighth week of
living beings) and complex verbal com- PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT OF
gestation making this the most critical
munication (unique to humans) is mul- SUCK, SWALLOW, AND
period of prenatal development. The
tifactorial and in need of continued RESPIRATION
anatomy of the oral cavity, pharynx,
research. The study of comparative The development of sucking and
larynx, and esophagus is the result of
anatomy and its implications for human swallowing can be appreciated first by
embryologic processes that begin at fer-
communication are well described understanding the context of develop-
tilization of the ovum and continue af-
[Laitman and Reidenberg, 1993] and mental changes in the embryonic (first
ter birth. The beginnings of most essen-
will not be discussed further here. The 8 weeks of gestation) and fetal (week 9
tial external and internal structures are
neurobiology of deglutition is discussed to birth) periods. The neurodevelop-
formed during this period. Table 1
by Arthur Miller and the neurophysiol- mental maturation of cerebral and
describes a few key processes relevant to
ogy of hunger and satiety is discussed brainstem pathways involved in swal-
swallowing development. A human
by Pauline Smith and Alastair Ferguson lowing underlie and contribute to the
appearance is evident by the end of the
in this issue. readiness for oral feeding. The processes
8th week. Disturbances during this pe-
The purpose of this review is to will be discussed in relation to healthy
riod may give rise to major congenital
describe some aspects of development preterm and term infants.
of normal feeding and swallowing from
prenatal periods through infancy. Topics Prenatal Age Estimations (Adjusted
include the following: (1) prenatal de- Age) Fetal period (week 9 to birth)
velopment of sucking, swallowing, and Professionals need to keep prena- The fetal period is marked by
breathing coordination that is an impor- tal age estimations in mind when setting rapid body growth from the 9th week
tant underpinning for oral feeding in skill level expectations for preterm to birth. Head growth is relatively slow
preterm and term infants; (2) develop- infants’ readiness to feed orally and to compared to growth in the rest of the
mental progression of oral feeding skills advance textures over time, given that body. Differentiation of tissues and
at the breast or by bottle and nipple in ages of preterm infants are typically organs continues [e.g., Moore and Pre-
neonates and young infants; (3) oral adjusted to the prenatal age estimate for saud, 2003]. During this period, the fe-
feeding skill development in the second the first 24 months of life. It is common tus undergoes dramatic development of
half of the first year of life. Transition to refer to the number of weeks in fetal swallowing, sucking, and oral sensori-
feeding skills emerge in typically devel- development as postconceptual age motor function. The oral cavity, phar-
oping infants by about 6 months of age, (PCA) relating to the estimated day of ynx, and esophagus are three distinct
at which time spoon feeding may be fertilization (fertilization age) or as post- anatomic regions that can function sep-
introduced. Overall developmental skill menstrual age (PMA) relating to the arately but, in swallowing, they inte-
levels, not chronologic age, must be first day of the last normal menstrual grate their functions via a neuronal net-
taken into account when one considers period (gestational age) [Moore and work. The anatomy and physiology of
expectations for advancement of tex- Persaud, 2003]. PCA is expected to be normal swallowing is well described in
tures [e.g., Rogers and Arvedson, 2 weeks shorter than PMA. There a number of resources [e.g., Bosma,
2005]. The critical need for understand- may be confusion when age is described 1986; Miller, 1999; Arvedson and
ing the anatomy of the oral/pharyn- in ‘‘months,’’ especially when it is not Brodsky, 2002]. A highly complex and
geal/laryngeal/esophageal mechanism known whether calendar months integrated sensorimotor system provides
the foundation for functional sucking, temperature, and the chemical sense of uses pharyngeal muscles and appears in
swallowing, and breathing. taste [Linden, 1993]. Taste and tactile the fetal lamb [Bradley and Mistretta,
sensation in oral regions is well devel- 1973], in the fetal monkey [Minei and
Neurobiology of Oral Feeding and oped in fetal rats and sheep [Mistretta, Suzuki, 1976], and in the human fetus
Swallowing 1972; Bradley and Mistretta, 1973]. by the 11th week [Hooker, 1954]. The
Cerebral and brainstem pathways Sensory fibers responding to taste syn- human fetus shows activity in the
involved in oral sensorimotor function apse in the rostral nucleus tractus soli- tongue at about the same time as the
and swallowing [e.g., Yakovlev and tarius (NTS). Taste buds develop during jaw-opening reflex.
Lecours, 1967; Brody et al., 1987; Kinney weeks 11–13 in the human fetus, most Central pattern generators are
et al., 1988] as well as respiration forming on the dorsal surface of the modulated by suprabulbar regions and
[Carroll, 2003] undergo developmental tongue, with some on the palatoglossal sensory feedback [Miller, 1999]. Swal-
maturation during the fetal period, arches, palate, posterior surface of the lowing can be evoked by multiple cen-
which continues after birth. Control of epiglottis, and the posterior wall of the tral pathways even after removal of the
swallowing occurs via multiple levels of oropharynx. Stimulation of various entire cortical and subcortical regions
the nervous system [Miller, 1999]. nerve branches that innervate the above the brain stem, which indicates
tongue, including glossopharyngeal that the cerebral cortex is not essential
Brainstem and cranial nerve development nerve, along with the lingual branch and to the pharyngeal and esophageal phases
The brain stem shows myelination the chorda tympani branch of the tri- [Miller, 1982]. The cerebral cortex does
at 18–24 weeks gestation. Roots of a geminal nerve, evokes potentials in the appear to facilitate the oral phase and
number of cranial nerves (CN) are my- rostral region of the NTS [Blomquist the initiation of the pharyngeal phase,
elinated during 20–24 weeks gestation: and Antem, 1965]. Neurons responding which requires exquisite timing of res-
III (oculomotor), IV (trochlear), VI to gustatory stimulation in the rat are piration and swallowing.
(abducens), as well as the intramedullary also found in the rostral region of the The relationship between the tim-
roots of cranial nerves VII (facial), IX NTS [Travers and Norgren, 1986]. Gus- ing of respiration and swallowing has
(glossopharyngeal), and XII (hypo- tatory neurons are organized topograph- been studied via transynatic neural trac-
glossal). These changes correspond with ically. The majority of the NTS inter- ers (cholera toxin horseradish peroxidase
the appearance of opening and closing neurons discharge to stimulation of taste [CT-HRP] and pseudorabies virus
of the jaw, anterior tongue movements, buds in specific regions. [PRV]) that effectively label afferent ter-
and suckling seen on ultrasound imag- The oral, pharyngeal, and esopha- minal fields within the nucleus of the
ing after 18 weeks gestation [Miller geal regions are innervated by fibers that solitary tract (NTS) as well as swallow-
et al., 2003]. respond to noxious stimuli. In humans, ing motor neurons and their dentritic
Peak synaptogenesis of the me- the highest density of neural receptors fields within the nucleus ambiguous
dulla is seen at 34–36 weeks gestation. that respond to noxious stimuli is (NA), dorsal motor nucleus (DMN),
By 35–38 weeks, the nervous system located around the mouth and nose and the hypoglossal nucleus (XII)
matures sufficiently to carry out some [Miller, 1999]. Myelinated to unmyeli- [Broussard and Altschuler, 2000a,b;
integrative functions to include nipple nated fiber ratio is relatively high in the Altschuler, 2001]. These authors stated
feeding as term approaches. trigeminal nerve, which suggests that that their data provide an anatomic basis
more myelinated fibers are involved in for interaction of swallowing motoneur-
Sensory systems relevant to oral feeding innervating these receptors than in other ons with premotor neurons located in
Sensory (afferent) cranial nerve parts of the body [Miller, 1999]. Like- the area of NA. Motoneurons that in-
input to the brain-stem swallowing cen- wise, the oral and pharyngeal regions nervate all levels of the esophagus are
ters is provided primarily by CN V, have numerous sensory fibers responding confined to the compact formation
VII, IX, and X. The oral-pharyngeal to changes in temperature [e.g., Storey, (NAc). While the motoneurons projec-
region has one of the richest and most 1968a,b; Poulos and Lende 1970a,b]. ting to the pharynx and cricothyroid
diverse sensory inputs of the entire Mechanical stimuli (touch and pressure) muscles are located in the semicompact
body [Miller, 1999]. Oral sensation are perceived over many more regions formation (NAsc), extensive bundling
occurs via a range of modalities that of the oral cavity than are thermal stim- of motoneuronal dendrites within the
include taste, somesthetic sensitivity, uli with the tongue having a high den- NA supports the hypothesis that these
two-point discrimination, oral stereog- sity of mechanosensitive neurons. structures serve as networks for the gen-
nosis, vibrotactile detection, proprio- eration of complex motor activities,
ception, nociception, and chemical and Motor systems relevant to oral feeding such as swallowing [Broussard and
thermal sensitivity. Detailed descriptions Primary motor (efferent) cranial Altschuler, 2000b]. A subpopulaton of
of each modality with its neural inner- nerve input to the brain-stem swallowing neurons in intermediate and interstitial
vation and function can be found in centers is provided primarily by CN V, subnuclei of the NTS projects to pha-
Miller [1999 pp 13–33]. A variety of VII, IX, X, XII, and the upper cervical ryngeal motoneurons and buccophar-
sensory attributes are integral to oral- (C1–C3) nerves. Central pattern genera- yngeal PMNs and is synaptically linked
motor function to prepare liquid and tors in specific regions of the brain stem to esophageal peripheral motor neurons
food for swallowing. appear to control movements of mastica- (PMNs). This link between buccophar-
Taste is one of the most complex tion, respiration, and swallowing. yngeal and esophageal PMNs provides a
sensations evoked from the oral-pharyn- Development of the brain stem potential anatomic substrate within the
geal region. Miller [1999] suggests that network of interneurons controlling the NTS for the central integration of
perception of taste may be more a flavor pharyngeal phase of swallowing appears esophageal peristalsis with the pharyn-
than true taste since different modalities to reach a functional level in the fetus geal phase of swallowing and airway-
contribute to taste perception. These [Miller, 1999]. Pharyngeal swallowing is protective reflexes. Both human studies
modalities include smell, touch, texture, one of the first motor responses that and animal models that investigate
esophagoglottal closure and pharyngo- [Thach, 2001]. The LCRs include star- fluid at a volume of about 500–1,000
upper esophageal sphincter (pharyngo- tle, rapid swallowing, apnea, laryngeal ml/day [Ross and Nyland, 1998].
UES) contractile reflexes have located constriction, hypertension, and brady- Substantial weight gain occurs
the neural pathways that mediate airway cardia. Several responses make up the from 21 to 25 weeks. By 24 weeks, sur-
protective reflexes. Additional research LCR reflex. The most common factant is being secreted to maintain the
using this same paradigm may help to response is one or more swallows, patency of the developing alveoli of the
demonstrate the central integration of slightly less common is apnea that may lungs. The respiratory system is still
swallowing and airway protective or may not be accompanied by laryn- immature and may not be viable (viabil-
reflexes in infants and young children as geal closure as inspiratory efforts are ity is defined as the ability of a fetus to
well as adults [Broussard and Altschuler, obstructed. The probability of a cough survive in the extrauterine environ-
2000a]. response increases in frequency with ment).
maturation. As the infant matures, rapid By 26–29 weeks, the lungs are ca-
Effect of decreased sensory input on motor swallowing and apnea become less pro- pable of breathing air. The CNS can
function nounced, whereas cough and possibly direct rhythmic breathing movements
Short-term decrease in oropha- laryngeal constriction become more and control body temperature by this
ryngeal sensory input to adults has been prominent. This transformation relates period. Fetal responses can be induced
shown to impede cortical control for primarily to central neural processing by bitter-tasting substances at 26–28
swallowing through magnetoencepha- rather than to changes in the airway weeks, indicating that reflex pathways
lography (MEG) [Teismann et al., mucosal ‘‘water receptors’’ that initiate are established between taste buds and
2007]. Teismann et al. found decreased the reflex [Thach, 2001, 2007]. Clini- facial muscles. [Moore and Persaud,
motor activation apart from a strongly cians must keep these findings in mind 2003]. Taste can alter frequency of
reduced sensory representation. Signifi- during interpretation of instrumental suckling motions.
cantly increased swallowing related swallow examinations for young infants Sex-related differences across 2nd
muscle activation during an anesthesia during which there may be occasional and 3rd trimesters are found for early
was found compared to swallowing trace silent aspiration. In some instances, oral, lingual, pharyngeal, and laryngeal
without anesthesia. Up to about 10 this may not necessarily be a major motor activities via sonographic images
years ago many thought that swallowing problem. Further data are needed, par- of 85 healthy fetuses at 24 weeks 3 days
was coordinated only by the brainstem. ticularly outcomes data on infants who (SD 0.69) [Miller et al., 2006]. Males
Functional brain imaging methods have continue to feed orally. (N 5 43) and females (N 5 42) dem-
proved the influence of several cortical onstrated statistically similar patterns of
areas on deglutition [Hamdy et al., Prenatal Sucking, Swallowing, general physical growth, but significant
1999; Mosier et al., 1999; Dziewas and Breathing differences were found in development
et al., 2003]. Although this line of Ultrasound studies of fetuses have of specific lingual and pharyngeal struc-
research is with adults, it is hoped that revealed early development of swallow- tures, laryngeal and pharyngeal motor
similar research paradigms may aid in ing and oral sensorimotor function activity, and oral-lingual movements.
increasing understanding of the devel- [e.g., Ross and Nyland, 1998; Miller Complex oral-motor and upper airway
oping brain. et al., 2003]. Fetal swallowing is impor- skills emerged earlier in females, sug-
tant for the regulation of amniotic fluid gesting a sex-specific trajectory of
Sensory input for infants. Breathing, suck- volume and composition, recirculation motor development [Miller et al.,
ing, and swallowing activities occur in of solutes from the fetal environment, 2006]. Pharyngeal and laryngeal move-
the upper aerodigestive tract and are and maturation of the fetal gastrointesti- ments in males were less rhythmic and
orchestrated by specific areas in the nal tract [Ross and Nyland, 1998]. The complete than in females throughout
CNS. When pharyngeal and laryngotra- pharyngeal swallow is one of the first the second trimester. By the third tri-
cheal sensation is reduced, aspiration is motor responses in the pharynx and has mester, these movements became more
likely to occur with no overt manifesta- been reported between 10 and 14 similar. Overall, females attained oral-
tions, that is, silent aspiration. Research weeks gestation [Humphrey, 1967; motor skills at earlier stages of prenatal
findings have challenged the assumption Devries et al., 1985; Cajal, 1996]. maturation. These authors concluded
that healthy newborn infants cough Ultrasound studies reveal non-nutritive that differential patterns of prenatal
with aspiration [Perkett and Vaughan, sucking and swallowing in most fetuses motor development may be important
1982; Pickens et al., 1988]. Predomi- by 15 weeks gestation. The fetus in defining sex-specific indices of oral
nant responses of sleeping infants stimu- absorbs some amniotic fluid after swal- skill maturation. Additional data are
lated by introduction of a small bolus lowing it. A suckling response may be needed.
(0.1 ml) of water or saline into the elicited at this stage as reported in spon-
pharynx via a nasal catheter are swal- taneously aborted fetuses [Moore and Preterm infant feeding
lowing, apnea, and laryngeal closure. Persaud, 2003]. Forward tongue thrust- A normal-weight fetus born at 32
Coughing is rare [Pickens et al., 1988]. ing has been reported by 21 weeks ges- weeks is ‘‘premature by date’’ as
Research on neonatal development of tation, tongue cupping at 28 weeks ges- opposed to ‘‘premature by weight’’
cough involves studies of the laryngeal tation, and suckling (anterior-posterior [Moore and Persaud, 2003]. A ‘‘healthy’’
chemoreflexes (LCR) that are stimu- tongue movements) between 18 and 24 preterm delivery may result in total oral
lated by fluid contacting the mucosa of weeks gestation. Self oral-facial stimula- feeding by 34 weeks gestation. Growth
the larynx. These reflexes are initiated tion is shown to precede suckling and slows as the fetus nears term. Infants
in the fetus and newborn when hypo- swallowing [Miller et al., 2003]. Con- delivered in this near-term period are
chloremic or strongly acidic solutions sistent swallowing is seen by 22–24 typically total oral feeders, although
contact the epithelium that surrounds weeks gestation [Miller et al., 2003]. some show evidence of mild disorgani-
the entrance to the laryngeal airway The near term fetus swallows amniotic zation of sucking, swallowing, and
aroused or agitated on the other hand,
Table 2. Infant Readiness for Oral Feeding on Basis of feedings do not typically go smoothly
Behavioral Organization States and easily because the behaviors inter-
fere with suck, swallow, and breathe
State Behavioral Organization State Related to Feeding Readiness sequencing.
1 Deep sleep, seldom seen in a preterm infant Non-nutritive sucking (NNS)
2 Light sleep success is commonly used as one of the
3a Drowsy markers of readiness for an infant to
4a Quiet awake and/or alert feed by bottle [Pinelli and Symington,
5a Actively awake and aroused
6 Highly aroused, agitated, upset and/or crying
2001], although only a few studies have
examined the relationships between the
Behavioral organization states optimal for oral feeding. Adapted from Als, 1985, 1986; Brazelton and Nugent, 1995. characteristics of NNS and nutritive
sucking (NS). Most infants are given
NNS experiences via pacifier. Studies
have demonstrated positive effects of NNS
breathing coordination for the first cou- tle-fed. The survival rates of preterm via pacifier in multiple ways (Table 3).
ple weeks of life. The course toward infants have improved significantly in Fucile et al. [2002] reported that their
oral feeding is different in preterm recent years, but one of the most com- experimental group of preterm infants
infants delivered at shorter gestation. mon and urgent care issue that contin- reached independent oral feeding 1
ues, is the subject of when and how to week earlier than a sham group with no
Preterm infant feeding development initiate and to advance oral feedings. intervention when specific stimulation
The first concerns following pre- The ability to make a transition from of oral structures was carried out for 15
term delivery relate to stabilization of gavage to oral feeding depends on neu- min once per day for 10 days starting
respiration to support life. Infants with- rodevelopmental status related to behav- 48 hr after discontinuation of CPAP.
out major cardiorespiratory or GI tract ioral organization (Table 2), to cardio- However, there was no difference in
deficits are appropriate for introduction respiratory regulation, and to the ability length of stay between the two groups.
to non-nutritive sucking, usually via to produce a rhythmic suck-swallow- Similarly, Bragelien et al. [2008] re-
pacifier, as early as 28–29 weeks PCA. breathe pattern. Healthy term infants ported that a stimulation program did
Some infants who are intubated orally have that ability, but preterm infants less not result in earlier weaning from NG
are noted on ulstrasound to suck on the than 32 weeks PCA are neurologically tube feedings in premature infants or
tube, likely a continuation of sucking immature and rarely they are capable of earlier discharge when compared to
that is noted in utero as the fetus can be that coordination. Preterm infants can similar infants with no intervention. It
seen to suck fingers or suck on the become stressed with bottle feeding for would be of interest to have a compari-
tongue. several reasons to include, but not lim- son group receiving some other type of
ited to, (1) neurological immaturity, (2) ‘‘hands on’’ intervention, e.g., soothing
Non-nutritive sucking: Indicator of oral difficulty regulating autonomic func- touch to other body parts with a ques-
feeding readiness in preterm infants tions, and (3) difficulty achieving be- tion of potential for facilitating oral
One of the most complicated havioral state organization when they feeding. This comparison has been
tasks required of a newborn infant is are presented with stimuli [Als and shown for reducing pain during heel
oral feeding that involves complex inte- Brazelton, 1981; Brazelton and Nugent, stick with saturation levels maintained
gration of anatomic structures to 1995]. Oral feeding is usually optimal significantly better in Yakson (a tradi-
include lips, jaw, cheeks, tongue, palate, when an infant is drowsy, in a quiet tional Korean touching method) and
pharynx, and larynx. Coordinated awake and alert state, or actively awake NNS group compared to control group
rhythmic sequences of sucking, swal- and aroused. When an infant is in deep neonates [Im et al., 2008]. These
lowing, and breathing are required of sleep (seldom seen in preterm infants) authors found no difference among the
infants whether they are breast- or bot- or in light sleep, on one hand, or highly groups with regard to heart rate and

Table 3. Outcomes Associated with NNS via Pacifier for Preterm Infants
Authors Outcome

Paludetto et al., 1984 Increased transcutaneous oxygen tension between 32 and 35 weeks gestation
Burroughs et al., 1978 Promoting oxygenation
Treloar, 1994 Higher transcutaneous oxygen tensions [tcPO2s] after crying induced by heelstick
Field and Goldson, 1984; South et al., 2005; Im et al., Soothing during invasive procedures (less fussing and crying); Pain reduction during heel
2008 stick procedure
Field et al., 1982; Gaebler and Hanzlik, 1996 Shorter transition from tube to oral feeding; shorter hospital stay
Bernbaum et al., 1983 Maturing suck pattern, enhanced growth and maturation
Measel and Anderson, 1979 Improved digestion by simulating the natural way nutrients are ingested
Field et al., 1982 Weight gain
DiPietro et al., 1994; McCain, 1995 Regulating state and facilitating optimal behavioral state for feeding
Standley, 2003 NNS with music significantly increased feeding rate
Pickler and Reyna, 2004 Prefeeding NNS had no effect on NS, breathing during feeding, or select behavioral
characteristics of feeding

pain measured by the Neonatal Infant sucking is irregular with an average of be of sufficient duration to assess effects
Pain Scale, but they did not use any 2–3 sucks per sec and not linked with on growth and time to oral feeding and
measures to compare oral feeding swallowing. Transitions occur during hospital discharge.
aspects. week 34. From 35 to 40 weeks’ PMA,
infants have well-defined sucks occur- Oral feeding at term and during first few
Comparison of non-nutritive and nutritive ring at 1 suck per sec and suck/swallow months of life. Healthy premature infants
sucking in a preterm infant sequences appear well established. The at their expected delivery date and
In contrast to previously held ratio of 1 suck to 1 swallow predomi- infants delivered at term during the first
beliefs, Miller and Kang [2007] reported nates in infants until they are beyond 40 week of nipple feeding are likely to
that lingual patterns on ultrasound weeks PMA. At that age it is not un- have intermittent decreased minute ven-
showed significantly greater displace- usual for 2–3 sucks per swallow to tilation, respiratory rate, and tidal vol-
ments and excursions when a preterm occur [Qureshi et al., 2002]. These ume during oral feeding. During the
infant was sucking for nutritive pur- changes may reflect a pattern of matura- next few months, infants refine their
poses (NS) compared to NNS on a pac- tion representing the process of enceph- skills and increase efficiency so that they
ifier. The angle of the hyoid movement alization with infants maturing to alter maintain feeding durations while they
was significantly greater with NS than their feeding strategies qualitatively from consume a greater volume appropriate
with NNS. Vertical tongue body excur- a pattern that has had some reflexive for their weight gain and growth.
sions occurred similar to those previ- feeding rhythm characteristics [Bosma, Regardless of age, the majority of
ously considered at 6–9 month develop- 1986]. The maturation of sucking and infants’ swallows are followed by expira-
mental skill levels. These authors sug- swallowing from preterm to term and tion [Kelly et al., 2007].
gested that technical advances in beyond is characterized by increased The anatomy of oral and pharyn-
noninvasive ultrasound imaging techni- sucking and swallowing rates, longer geal structures in the first few months
ques with integration of semiautomatic sucking bursts, and larger volumes per of life underlies and facilitates nipple
computerized analyses of tongue surface suck [Mathew, 1991; Schrank et al., feeding. The mandible is disproportion-
configurations and hyoid activity pro- 1998; Lau et al., 2000, 2003; Gewolb ately small compared to the skull. The
vide means to enhance knowledge of et al., 2001a,c; Qureshi et al., 2002; tongue fills the oral cavity and contacts
oral swallowing function in early phases Mizuno and Ueda, 2003; Gewolb and all surfaces leaving little space for varia-
of preterm infant development. Vice, 2006]. tion in tongue movements. The fat pads
Feeding experience appears to be in the cheeks narrow the oral cavity in
Facilitation of oral feeding (breast and bottle) the best predictor of feeding outcomes the lateral dimension [Kennedy and
The movements of non-nutritive [Pickler et al., 2005, 2006], with the Kent, 1985; Bosma, 1986; Arvedson
sucking and swallowing in preterm number of sucks in the first suck burst and Brodsky, 2002]. The posterior one-
infants are characterized by organized also contributing significantly to feeding third of the tongue lies within the oral
bursts of lingual movement separated by outcomes [Pickler et al., 2006]. Pickler cavity as the larynx is positioned much
brief pauses in motor activity [Wolff, and Reyna [2003] suggest that achieve- higher in the pharynx than in the adult
1968; Daniels et al., 1986]. These ment of full bottle feedings may be structure without the 908 angle separat-
movements represent ontogenetic matu- facilitated by increased bottle-feeding ing the oral and pharyngeal cavities and
ration of morphologic and neurological opportunities, given the inverse rela- the approximation of the soft palate and
systems [Hafstrom and Kjellmer, 2000; tionship found via number of bottle epiglottis. This positioning of the larynx
Miller et al., 2003]. The readiness for feedings received per day during transi- high and under the tongue base affords
oral feeding is related to behavioral state tion from the first bottle feeding to full the infant some protection, but not
organization [Als, 1985, 1986] (Table bottle feedings and length of transition total protection, from aspiration of liq-
2), to a rhythmic suck-swallow-breathe to full bottle feedings in 25 preterm uid into the lungs. This anatomic con-
pattern, and to cardiorespiratory regula- infants. Crosson and Pickler [2004] figuration supports the act of suckling,
tion [McCain, 2003]. Some infants do reviewed the literature on demand feed- defined as backward–forward tongue
appear ready to begin oral feeding at ings for preterm infants. They found movement to extract liquid from the
32–33 weeks gestation [Cagan, 1995; that the seven studies in the previous 50 breast or bottle [Bosma, 1986; Arvedson
McCain, 2003], although 34 weeks ges- years used a variety of research methods and Brodsky, 2002].
tation is often used as the lower limit of with interpretation difficulties because Infants delivered at term typically
expectations for full oral intake to meet of inadequate sample sizes and incom- take only breast milk or formula via
nutrition and hydration needs. plete descriptions of methodology in nipple during the first few months of
Developmental patterns of rhyth- some studies. They concluded that life. According to the American Acad-
mic sucking and swallowing in preterm overall findings support cautious con- emy of Pediatrics (AAP) [Samour and
infants have been outlined by Gewolb tention that demand feeding might King, 2006], infants in the first month
et al. [2001a] who used intranipple and prove to be the feeding approach of of life average 75 ml (2.5 oz) formula
pharyngeal pressure recordings. They choice for most healthy preterm infants. or breast milk per 450 g (pound) of
found that swallow rhythm is established In contrast, Tosh and McGuire [2006] body weight per day over 7–8 feedings
as early as 32 weeks’ PMA and does not concluded following a standard search lasting 15–20 min at 2–3 hr intervals.
change through 40 weeks’ PMA. strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Typical infants increase the amount of
Although the swallow rhythm does not Review Group that there are insuffi- breast milk or formula by 30 ml (1 oz)
change, the stability of the suck rhythm cient data to guide clinical practice as of per month until 6–9 months when they
increases steadily from 32 to 40 weeks the date of their review. They urged a take 240 ml (8 oz) per feeding 3–4
PMA. At 32 weeks’ PMA, sucking is large randomized controlled trial to times per day [Samour and King, 2006]
rapid and of low amplitude, not linked focus on infants in the transition phase (Table 4). By 6 months of age, these
to swallowing. By 33 weeks’ PMA, from gavage to oral feeding that should infants taking smooth pureed food by
Lourie, 1981] with feeding becoming a
Table 4. Typical Number of Bottle/Breast Feedings per Day and social time. Pauses after sucking bursts
Range of Formula Intake during nipple feedings become more
obvious. Feeders may interpret those
Age (months) Number of Feeds per Day Range of Intake per Feeding pauses as the infant signaling a need to
<1 7–8 2–4 ounces (60–120 ml) burp or indicating satiety, whereas the
1–3 5–7 4–6 ounces (120–180 ml) infant may be pausing as a cue for
3–6 4–5 6–7 ounces (180–210 ml) socialization. Infants begin to exert
6–9 3–4 7–8 ounces (210–240 ml) more control over their environment by
9–12 3 7–8 ounces (210–240 ml)
about 6 months of age at the beginning
Adapted from Samour and King, 2006.
of the separation/individuation period.
From 6 months to 36 months, the pri-
mary behavioral development is a strug-
spoon are still getting 80% of nutrition language skills) are below chronologic gle to attain a sense of self. Caregivers
needs met by formula or breast milk age (or adjusted age for children born provide boundaries, structure, and limits
with decrease to 50% by 10 months of prematurely), feeding and swallowing that allow a child to explore safely. A
age [e.g., Samour and King, 2006]. Effi- specialists should guide parents and common challenge at meal times during
cient infants and children spend 30 min other professionals in ways that help this time involves a balance between
or less at mealtimes [Reau et al., 1996]. them to appreciate fully the relationship autonomy and dependency.
The AAP Committee on Nutri- of oral feeding skills and global develop- Although this article focuses on
tion recommends that infants are given mental levels. For example, a child at 12 the infant and young child for oral skill
iron-fortified formula or breast milk months chronologic age, 9 months development while stressing the impor-
until 12 months of age for optimal adjusted age (born at 26 weeks gesta- tance of swallowing efficiently without
nutrition status [AAP, 1999]. Cow’s tion) and not yet sitting independently risks for aspiration, successful feeding
milk before 12 months of age increases (expected by 6 months), is not expected also requires appropriate reciprocal rela-
the risk for iron deficiency anemia, to chew and swallow solid food. This tionships among caregivers and children.
milk protein allergy, gastrointestinal child realistically would be expected to The complexities of feeding in typical
blood loss, and inadequate nutrition. have oral feeding and swallowing skills children and those with feeding and
No nutrition supplement is equivalent to a typically developing swallowing problems involve multiple
required until 6 months of age as term infant at about 6 months of age. At that factors, all of which must be considered
infants usually have adequate iron stores age, nipple feeding continues to be the for caregivers to make decisions regard-
until then, whether they are breast or primary means of meeting nutrition and ing optimal facilitation of safe and non-
bottle fed [Griffin and Abrams, 2001; hydration needs with spoon feeding for stressful feeding. The need for knowl-
Samour and King, 2006]. By 6 months practice and developmental skill edge of normal development continues
of age, caloric requirements are not advancement. In addition to the skill de- to be important as typical children reach
always satisfied with formula or breast velopment that infants experience dur- the second half of the first year of life
milk alone. Total breast-fed infants ing the first year of life, they also partici- and become ready for transition feeding.
require iron and zinc supplements, usu- pate in reciprocal feeding or mealtime
ally by introduction of iron-fortified relationships that change over time. Changes in second half of first year: Transi-
infant cereal and pureed meats by spoon tion feeding. Infants demonstrate readi-
[Fomon, 2001; Samour and King, 2006; ness for transition feeding when they
Krebs, 2006]. The transition to spoon Relationship changes relevant to feeding are 6 months of age, or when their
feeding is an important milestone for development overall developmental skills are at that
developmental skill purposes and nutri- Feeding during infancy is a recip- level, usually including the ability to
tion well-being. rocal process that depends on specific maintain an upright posture for a short
abilities and characteristics of caregivers time when placed in a sitting position.
and infants with a give-and-take Anatomic changes have occurred
Preterm infant age adjustments after birth exchange. Normal feeding development as growth of the oral cavity and lower-
Preterm infants should be given includes the following three stages: ho- ing of laryngeal structures provides
the benefit of their adjusted ages for the meostasis (0–2 months), attachment more space in the oral cavity. With
first 24 months of life. In addition, (3–6 months), and separation/individua- elongation of the pharynx and descent
functional levels relating to gross and tion (6–36 months) [Chatoor et al., of the larynx, a 908 angle of the oral-
fine motor skills, cognitive skills, and 1984]. A healthy positive feeding rela- pharyngeal complex occurs as the pos-
language and speech skills, must all be tionship is critical for successful feeding. terior 1/3 of the tongue descends into
taken into account when determining Caregivers need to understand the pro- the pharynx. The fat pads are absorbed
expectations for oral feeding recom- cess in the young infant’s achievement and disengagement of the soft palate
mendations. The expectations for feed- of some degree of self-regulation during and epiglottis occurs. These anatomic
ing skills and swallowing safety are esti- the stage of homeostasis. Caregivers changes allow for increased movement
mated in relation to both adjusted age must recognize and respond promptly to of the oral structures that aid in the
and overall developmental status. Differ- hunger cues, and they should assist the transition from the early pattern of
ences become particularly important infant in regaining an organized state af- suckling to sucking and the introduc-
when determining readiness for advanc- ter becoming overstimulated or upset. tion of spoon feeding. Sucking is char-
ing textures. When overall developmen- During the stage of attachment, infants acterized by the tongue showing verti-
tal skill levels (gross and fine motor begin to engage interest of other people cal movement to extract liquid with
skills as well as cognitive and speech/ in interactional patterns [Greenspan and only small vertical movement of the jaw
and firmer approximation of the lips
[Bosma, 1986; Arvedson and Brodsky, Table 5. Selected Motor Skills (Gross, Fine, and Oral) in
2002]. With the change in direction of Children During Transition Feeding Development
tongue movement during sucking, the
child is ready for transition to foods Mean age (months) Motor Skill
other than liquids. As additional 4–5 Sit on caregiver’s lap without help
research is carried out, perhaps the case Reach for spoon when hungry
study report with vertical tongue action Open mouth when spoon approaches or touches lips
noted in a preterm infant on ultrasound Move tongue gently back and forth as food enters mouth
Use tongue to move food to back of mouth to swallow
may provide added support for that Keep food in mouth; no refeeding
finding [Miller and Kang, 2007]. 6–8 Transfer toys and foods from one hand to the other
Feed self cracker or cookie
Critical and sensitive periods affecting 8–10 Crawl on hands and knees
expansion of diet textures Turn upper body from sitting to crawling
Eat finger foods without gagging
Critical periods have been Use fingers to rake food toward self
described for chewing and for taste. Put fingers in mouth to move food and keep it in the mouth
The critical period for chewing is that Eat foods with tiny lumps without gagging
time following the disappearance of the Chew softer foods, keeping most in mouth
10–12 Walk without help
tongue protrusion reflex that should Poke food with index finger
occur around 6 months of age [Illing- Chew firmer foods, keeping most in mouth
worth and Lister, 1964]. The tongue
protrusion reflex is characterized by Adapted from Carruth and Skinner, 2002.
pushing food out of the mouth when it
is placed on the anterior tongue. Most
children have difficulty in learning spe-
cific oral movements if these new tex- Anatomic and sensory changes 6–9 months), textured puree foods
tures are introduced after the critical Eruption of teeth is an important (e.g., mashed banana, cottage cheese at
period has passed. When textured foods anatomic change in late infancy. The 6–9 months), ground solids at 6–9
are introduced after 10 months of age, teeth assist in biting and grinding of months, soft diced solids (e.g., fruits and
children are more likely to refuse solids. more textured foods. vegetables at 9–12 months), and eventu-
They consume inadequate volumes of Dentition is thought to play a ally a general toddler diet of table foods
food and are choosy about the foods crucial role as sensory receptors during by 12–18 months of age.
they accept at 15 months of age biting and chewing [Bosma, 1986; In the U.S. and some other coun-
[Northstone et al., 2001]. Arvedson and Brodsky, 2002]. Onset of tries, a spout cup is introduced between
Critical periods have also been tooth eruption is expected for mandib- 6 and 9 months as a beginning step in
reported for introduction of tastes. ular incisors (6–8 to 12–13 months), weaning from the breast or bottle. Chil-
Newborn infants detect sweet solutions, molars (12–24 months), and canines dren are more likely to be successful
reject sour flavors, and are indifferent to (16–20 months) [Bosma, 1986; Arved- with cup drinking if a spill-proof valve
the taste of salt [Mennella and Beau- son and Brodsky, 2002]. is not used until a child has learned to
champ, 1998]. By 4 months of age, suck actively to extract liquid. By 12
infants recognize salt water relative to Introduction of spoon feeding months, children are generally receiving
plain water and over the next 2 years The introduction of spoon feed- their fluids through a combination of
changes in taste response occur. By 18 ing of thin smooth pureed food occurs bottle or breast feeding and cup with a
months, children begin rejecting salt once a child reaches about a 6-month valve or a straw. Children are expected
water in preference for salt in table level developmentally. Foods are intro- to drink independently from a spout
foods [Mennella and Beauchamp, 1998]. duced one at a time in a specific order cup or straw, usually by their first birth-
Children first introduced to fruits per guidelines by dietitians that permit day. Independent drinking from an
showed preference for fruits over vege- observations for potential food allergies open cup usually occurs later.
tables. However, multiple exposures to [Fomon, 2001; Fiocchi et al., 2006; With these feeding transitions, gen-
varied foods increased their overall ac- Samour and King, 2006]. The American eral motor development and oral feed-
ceptance and intake [Sullivan and Birch, Dietetics Association recommends a ing ability are shown to relate closely
1994; Forestell and Mennella, 2007]. thin rice infant cereal as the first food although a one-to-one relationship has
Breast-fed children have been reported because it is an unlikely allergen. Single not been established (Table 5) [Carruth
to have less prominent food selectivity ingredient foods (such as commercial and Skinner, 2002; Koda et al., 2006].
than formula-fed due to exposure to Stage one thin pureed food in the U.S. With broad developmental gains in
multiple flavors from the breast milk if or well blended smooth food) should be gross motor function, children can
the mother frequently consumed those introduced one at a time after cereal to improve stability through the trunk,
foods [Forestell and Mennella, 2007]. test for food allergies. Combination neck, and shoulder musculature to
Likewise difficulties in introducing foods that are smooth pureed foods increase mobility of extremities for self-
unpleasant tasting protein hydrolysate (e.g., Stage two baby foods in the U.S.) feeding activities These gains aid in the
formulas during older infancy (at 7 can be introduced after all single ingre- stability of respiratory muscles, laryngeal
months of age) may relate to early lim- dient foods have been offered usually and oral-pharyngeal structures impor-
ited experiences with multiple flavors between 7 and 9 months of age. Gradu- tant to achieve feeding milestones [e.g.,
for infants on milk based formulas ally food with texture are added, such Alexander, 1987; Larnett and Ekberg,
[Mennella et al., 2004]. as, dissolvable solids (e.g., soft cracker at 1995; Morris and Klein, 2000].
Table 6. Typical Oral-Motor Development with Clinical Relevance for Transition Feeders
N; Age Groups
Source (months) Method Normative Data

Gesell and Ilg, 1937 N 5 10; Birth to 12 Longitudinal clinical feeding observation; Descriptions of oral-motor behaviors
months Cine recording;
No standardized feeding procedures
Gisel, 1991 N 5 143; 6, 8, 10, Cross-sectional clinical feeding observation; Chewing duration, number of chewing
12, 18, 24 months Video recording of 10 trials of different cycles, time/cycle ratios per textures
textures (puree, small piece viscous, large averaged across 10 trials
piece viscous, solid).
Morris, 1982 N 5 6; Birth to 36 Longitudinal clinical feeding observation; Descriptions of oral-motor behaviors
months Video recording; No standardized feeding
Stolovitz and Gisel, N 5 143; 6, 8, 10, Cross-sectional clinical feeding observation; Frequency of occurrence of: anticipation of
1991 12, 18, 24 months Video recording of 10 trials of different food, food removal with lips, reaction
textures (puree, small piece viscous, large after spoon removal, tongue movements
piece viscous, solid) averaged across 10 trials
Wilson, 2005 N 5 48; 4, 7, 12, 35 Cross-sectional kinematic feeding Analyses:
months assessment, five trials of each food texture 3-dimension volume;
in child’s current diet. 2-dimension horizontal excursion;
Rate/frequency of chewing.

Oral-Motor Development for Early data, (2) lack of agreement of terminol- laryngeal, and upper esophageal muscle
and Advanced Transitional Feeders ogy among researchers, (3) variability in movements by observation. In instances
Growth patterns, progression of ages reported for skill acquisition, (4) where concerns include possible pha-
texture advancement, and mealtime du- subjectivity required by observer to ryngeal phase swallowing problems, to
ration are factors in the feeding devel- interpret skills, and (5) overall limited include risks for aspiration with oral
opment of young children. Disruptions number of typically developing children feeding, instrumental examinations
in these factors are common in children studied. The current state of normative become important.
with feeding and swallowing problems data leads to concerns regarding the
when they should be transitioning to wide range of ages reported for acquisi- Instrumental Examinations of Oral
new skills that are needed to reach a tion of any specific oral skill. These Sensorimotor Skills and Swallowing
goal for table food and cup drinking. reports based on small number of typi- Instrumental methods that supple-
These disruptions do not define under- cally developing children may inflate ment observations of feeding include
lying oral sensorimotor difficulties. the influence of individual variability. electromyography (EMG) and kinematic
Understanding of the typical oral-motor The reported range of onset of oral analyses [Green et al., 1997; Wilson,
development related to feeding enables motor skills across typically developing 2005]. However, these methods have
clinicians to sort out delayed advance of children varied from as little as 6 limitations. For example, EMG meas-
diet from disorders of feeding and swal- months to as high as 26 months for any ures muscle activation patterns but it
lowing. Observation and description of given skill [Morris, 1982; Carruth and does not provide relevant observational
oral-motor behaviors in typically devel- Skinner, 2002]. Descriptions of oral- movement patterns. Kinematic analyses
oping children have been primary motor development commonly used to yield movement patterns of the jaw in
means for reaching conclusions regard- evaluate and to make management deci- two- and three-dimensions by tracing
ing oral-motor development and func- sions for children with feeding and reflective markers placed on the chin,
tion. These descriptions of oral-motor swallowing deficits are based primarily but they give no indication of bolus
development form a basis for diagnosing on descriptions of six children followed position.
feeding disorders. Developmental hier- over time [Morris, 1982]. The expected Other examinations that focus on
archies of oral-motor skill acquisition age of onset for all oral-motor behaviors pharyngeal phase of swallowing include
that have been described for transitional was reported when two-thirds of the videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS)
feeders are found primarily in reviews participants (four of the six children) and flexible endoscopic evaluation of
and based on expert opinion through demonstrated that particular skill. swallowing (FEES) with sensory testing
informal observations [e.g., Bosma, Detailed descriptions were presented. (FEESST). VFSS provides visualization
1986; Pridham, 1990; Stevenson and However, normal variability is not of oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and upper
Allaire, 1991; Alexander et al., 1993; likely accounted for with that limited esophageal structures in two-dimen-
Pinder and Faherty, 1999; Morris and sample. Most descriptions of normal sions. The primary focus for that exam-
Klein, 2000; Arvedson and Brodsky, oral-motor development for feeding are ination is to define pharyngeal physiol-
2002]. Empirically based systematic and based on Morris [1982]. ogy for swallowing. The FEES with
formal observations for typically devel- Observation of children while sensory testing (FEESST) does not pro-
oping transition feeders are limited they are eating and drinking offers clini- vide visualization of the oral phase of
(Table 6). Formal and informal descrip- cians opportunities to note some oral swallowing, although it visualizes
tions have limitations that include the skills, but some oral movements are not tongue base, soft palate, laryngeal, and
following: (1) inconsistent operational visible during these kinds of evaluations. pharyngeal structures. Details regarding
definitions for observational normative It is not possible to define pharyngeal, these instrumental examinations can be
found in several sources [e.g., Willging, reveal that the movements of the jaw the lips to remove food from the spoon,
1995; Willging et al., 1996; Arvedson during chewing do not follow the to stabilize the rim of the cup to extract
and Lefton-Greif, 1998; Willging and predictable pattern previously described. liquid, and to maintain a bolus inside
Thompson, 2005]. Kinematic analyses have expanded the oral cavity. Poor lip strength is
understanding of the complexities of thought to interfere with lip function
Developmental Progression of jaw movement during feeding develop- during feeding.
Oral-Motor and Feeding Skills ment that cannot be discerned by visual Achievement of lip closure to
Movements of the jaw, lips, and inspection alone. remove a bolus from the spoon or to
tongue serve as the foundation skills The initial stage of chewing de- retain a bolus within the oral cavity
required during oral feeding. The jaw velopment established between 6 and 9 varies by texture and age. Visual obser-
supports and positions the tongue and months consists primarily of vertical jaw vation of circumoral (lip) movements
lips and opens and closes to accept and movement (munching) with a suckling during feeding reveal differences in 6-
chew food [Kennedy and Kent, 1985]. motion by the tongue while chewing to 24-month-old children’s ability to
The lips open to accept food, close to solids has been agreed upon [e.g., Mor- use full lip closure on a spoon for food
contain food within the oral cavity and ris, 1982; Gisel, 1991]. The complexity removal and to retain a bolus in the oral
may retrieve food outside the oral cavity. of jaw movements seems to increase cavity after removal of a spoon [Stolo-
The tongue curves around the food to simultaneously with lateral movements vitz and Gisel, 1991]. Most of the 143
control it within the oral cavity, reposi- of the tongue to transfer the bolus to children achieved lip closure on the
tions and changes shape to manipulate the molar or chewing surfaces. These spoon to remove a bolus of pureed food
the bolus, retrieves food outside the oral kinematic data also suggest that overall and maintained lip closure to retain a
cavity and moves upward to contact the range of jaw movement increases as bolus in the mouth. By 12 months of
hard palate to propel the bolus into the children make advances with textures. age, all children achieved lip closure for
pharynx [Kennedy and Kent, 1985; These findings suggest that movement at least 80% of trials for all consistencies
Hiiemae and Palmer, 2003]. Overall, patterns are different for different tex- for both removal and retention.
early transition feeders demonstrate in- tures resulting in the consensus that Normative midline lip closing
accurate and inconsistent control of oral children should be observed as they take pressure during feeding of puree was
structures during feeding development food of varying textures [Gisel, 1991; determined for 104 typically developing
as they advance textures, but the oral- Wilson, 2005]. children using a strain gauge transducer
motor movements for feeding become The coordinative organization for embedded in a spoon [Chigira et al.,
more accurate and less variable with ex- chewing measured by EMG is estab- 1994]. The mean lip closing pressure on
perience, similar to experience with lished by 12 months of age but contin- the spoon steadily increased from 5
other oral-motor movements [Robbins ues to be refined into childhood [Green months to 3 years of age (from 25 g/
and Klee, 1987; Clark et al., 2001]. et al., 1997]. Overall, chewing effi- cm2 stabilizing at 75 g/cm2) while
ciency increases with age and is texture variability decreased with age. Lip clos-
Jaw movement development specific. As children gain chewing effi- ing pressure increased only slightly
Jaw movement development has ciency, they use fewer chewing cycles between 3 and 5 years of age [Chigira
been the focus of considerable scrutiny (each cycle consists of one down and et al., 1994]. Strength cannot be judged
in feeding development research, likely up movement of the jaw) for overall accurately from clinical assessments of
due to easy access during direct obser- shorter duration than when they were oral feeding [Clark, 2003], but logical
vation and instrumental measures. The first introduced to chewing [Gisel, estimations may be made from observ-
amount and type of jaw movement used 1988]. Chewing duration for solids sig- able findings.
during feeding provides meaningful in- nificantly decreases across the transition
formation about the motor control of feeding period [Gisel, 1991] and does Tongue movement development
this structure. Accepted descriptions of not stabilize until sometime after 3 years The tongue has important func-
the developmental progression of jaw of age [Gisel, 1988]. tions during oral feeding. The tongue is
movement from a vertical opening and Children take more time to chew highly visible when a child opens the
closing movement described by Bosma solids than pureed food, which is to be mouth to accept a bolus or when one
[1986] eventually developing into a cir- expected since pureed foods typically licks the lips. On the other hand, the
cular-rotary chewing pattern [Morris, require little or no chewing. The only tongue is difficult to observe when a
1982] may be dispelled with recent ki- gender difference occurs with girls tak- child is chewing or swallowing with
nematic analyses of chewing develop- ing more time to chew solids than boys closed lips. The tongue is expected to
ment [Wilson, 2005]. More specifically, [Gisel, 1991]. Time/cycle ratios were remain in the oral cavity during feeding
early transition feeders are described as generally between 1.0 and 1.5 for all except for retrieval of food from the
using wide and ungraded jaw move- textures and no significant differences lips. However, early transition feeders
ments during spoon feeding. Opening were found by age or texture [Gisel, are likely to protrude the tongue out-
movements of the jaw to accept the 1991; Wilson 2005]. Collectively, stud- side of the oral cavity during feeding.
bolus are inaccurate and overshoot the ies suggest that infants move their jaw This protrusion decreases with experi-
intended target, which is ascribed to with similar range of movement as ence. Children gradually minimize a
lack of experience [Morris, 1982]. Wilson adults. Infants just learning to chew suckling pattern from 6 to 10 month of
[2005] supported the descriptions of produce the same chewing rate as adults age for viscous consistency and from 6
inaccurate movements as she stated that across textures [Wilson, 2005]. to 12 months of age for puree. As chil-
the 4- and 7-month old children used a dren shift to sucking patterns with the
greater range of jaw movement for Lip movement development tongue by 6 months of age, gross roll-
pureed foods than older children and Lip movement during oral feed- ing movements in a lateral direction can
adults. However, kinematic analyses ing is readily observable. Children use be noted. Over time, children advance
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