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PART A Questions

Define Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry pi is the name of the ―credit card-sized computer board‖ developed by the
Raspberry pi foundation, based in the U.K. It gets plugged in a TV or monitor and provides a fully
functional computer capability. It is aimed at imparting knowledge about computing to even younger
students at the cheapest possible price.
Name the four Raspberry Pi models and releases year.
1. pi 1 model B – 2012
2. pi 1 model A – 2013
3. pi 1 model B+ -2014
4. pi 1 model A+ – 2014
5. Pi 2 Model B – 2015
6. Pi 3 Model B- 2016
What is Serial Interface on Raspberry Pi?
The Serial interface on Raspberry Pi has receive (Rx) and transmit (Tx) pins for
communication with serial peripherals.
Define SPI Interface on Raspberry Pi.
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a synchronous serial data protocol used for communicating
with one or more peripheral devices.
Show the types of data analysis results.
 Descriptive
 Diagnostic
 Predictive
 Prescriptive
What are the challenges of IoT data analytics?
 Problems by using RDMS in IoT
1. Scaling Problems (performance issues, costly to resolve, req more h/w, architecture
2. Volatility of Data (change in schema)
Define Supervised Learning.
 In supervised learning, the machine is trained with input for which there is a known
correct answer
 For example, suppose that you are training a system to recognize when there is a human
in a mine tunnel
Show the ―three Vs‖ which categorize the big data.
 Velocity
 Variety
 Volume
Summarize the data analytics for IoT.
 In the world of IoT, the creation of massive amounts of data from sensors is common and
one of the biggest challenges— not only from a transport perspective but also from a data
management standpoint
 Modern jet engines are fitted with thousands of sensors that generate a whopping 10GB of
data per second
 Analyzing this amount of data in the most efficient manner possible falls under the
umbrella of data analytics
Compare structured data and unstructured data.
 Structured data and unstructured data are important classifications as they typically require
different toolsets from a data analytics perspective
 Structured data means that the data follows a model or schema that defines how the data is
represented or organized, meaning it fits well with a traditional relational database
management system (RDBMS).
 Unstructured data lacks a logical schema for understanding and decoding the data through
traditional programming means.
 Examples of this data type include text, speech, images, and video
 Smart objects in IoT networks generate both structured and unstructured data
 Structured data is more easily managed and processed due to its well-defined organization
 On the other hand, unstructured data can be harder to deal with and typically requires very
different analytics tools for processing the data
Explain about Machine Learning.
 Machine learning is, in fact, part of a larger set of technologies commonly grouped under
the term artificial intelligence (AI)
 AI includes any technology that allows a computing system to mimic human intelligence
using any technique, from very advanced logic to basic ―if-then-else‖ decision loops
 ML is concerned with any process where the computer needs to receive a set of data that is
processed to help perform a task with more efficiency
 ML is a vast field but can be simply divided in two main categories: supervised and
unsupervised learning
Summarize machine learning operations.
 ML operations can be organized into two broad subgroups:
o Local learning: Data is collected and processed locally, either in the sensor itself
(the edge node) or in the gateway (the fog node)
o Remote learning: Data is collected and sent to a central computing unit (typically
the data center in a specific location or in the cloud), where it is processed.
Outline the predictive analytics.
 Machine learning and big data processing for IoT fit very well into the digitization
 The advanced stages of this model see the network self-diagnose and self-optimize.
 In the IoT world, this behavior is what the previous section describes
 When data from multiple systems is combined and analyzed together, predictions can be
made about the state of the system.
Summarize NoSQL Database.
 NoSQL (―not only SQL‖) is a class of databases that support semi-structured and unstructured
data, in addition to the structured data handled by data warehouses and MPPs NoSQL is not a
specific database technology; rather, it is an umbrella term that encompasses several different
types of databases, including the following
 Document stores, Key value stores, Wide column stores, and Graph stores.
Summarize MapReduce.
 A distributed processing engine that splits a large task into smaller ones that can be run in
 Hadoop relies on a scale-out architecture that leverages local processing, memory, and storage
to distribute tasks and provide a scalable storage system for data.
 Both MapReduce and HDFS take advantage of this distributed architecture to store and
process massive amounts of data and are thus able to leverage resources from all nodes in the
 For HDFS, this capability is handled by specialized nodes in the cluster, including
NameNodes and DataNodes
Explain YANG.
 YANG is a data modeling language used to model configuration and state data manipulated by
the NETCONF protocol
 YANG modules contain the definitions of the configuration data, state data, RPC calls that can
be issued and the format of the notifications.
 YANG modules defines the data exchanged between the NETCONF client and server.
 A YANG module can import definitions from other modules.
Define MPP.
 Massively parallel processing (MPP) databases were built on the concept of the relational data
warehouses but are designed to be much faster, to be efficient, and to support reduced query
 To accomplish this, MPP databases take advantage of multiple nodes (computers) designed in
a scale-out architecture such that both data and processing are distributed across multiple
 MPPs are sometimes referred to as analytic databases because they are designed to allow for
fast query processing and often have built-in analytic functions
Define Hadoop.
 Hadoop is the most recent entrant into the data management market, but it is arguably the most
popular choice as a data repository and processing engine.
 Hadoop was originally developed as a result of projects at Google and Yahoo!
 The original intent for Hadoop was to index millions of websites and quickly return search
results for open source search engines
What is YARN?
 Introduced with version 2.0 of Hadoop, YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) was
designed to enhance the functionality of MapReduce.
 With the initial release, MapReduce was responsible for batch data processing and job
tracking and resource management across the cluster.
 YARN was developed to take over the resource negotiation and job/task tracking, allowing
MapReduce to be responsible only for data processing.
Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) is a session-based network management
protocol. NETCONF allows retrieving state or configuration data and manipulating configuration data
on network devices.
Explain the smart lighting component.
 Smart lighting for home helps in saving energy by adapting the life to the ambient condition
and switching on/off or dimming the light when needed.
 Smart lighting solutions for homes achieve energy saving by sensing the human movements
and their environments and controlling the lights accordingly.
Summarize the intrusion detection component.
 Home intrusion detection systems use security cameras and sensors to detect intrusion and
raise alerts.
 Alert can we inform of an SMS or an email sent to the user.
 Advanced systems can even send detailed alerts such as an image shoot or short video clips.
Explain the working principle of forest fire detection.
 Forest fire detection typically involves the use of various technologies such as infrared
sensors, thermal imaging, and remote sensing.
 These systems monitor forests for signs of heat, smoke, or infrared radiation, which are
indicative of fire activity. Once detected, alerts are sent to authorities for rapid response,
helping to mitigate the spread of fires and protect ecosystems and communities.
Summarize the smart irrigation system.
 A smart irrigation system is a technology-driven approach to watering plants that optimizes
water usage based on factors like weather conditions, soil moisture levels, and plant needs.
 It typically involves sensors to monitor soil moisture, weather forecasts, and sometimes even
plant health indicators.
 Using this data, the system automatically adjusts watering schedules and durations, ensuring
plants receive the right amount of water at the right time.
 This not only conserves water but also promotes healthier plant growth and reduces the risk of
overwatering or underwatering.
Show the four essentials components of environmental monitoring.
 Monitor the environment.
 Measure the data
 Catalog data
 Provide actionable insights from the data and analysis.
Show the use cases of Smart Cities.
 Traffic Management
 Air pollution
 Healthcare
 Public transport
 Water management
 Buildings
 Waste management
 Parking
 Natural disaster management
 Infrastructure
Show the use cases for environmental monitoring.
 Water quality monitoring
 Air quality monitoring
 Energy monitoring
 Toxic gas detection
Show the use cases of agriculture.
 Precision Farming and Crop Management
 Soil Moisture Monitoring
 IoT Irrigation Control
 Autonomous Farm Vehicles
 Agricultural Drones
Define Home Automation.
 Home automation is constructing automation for a domestic, mentioned as a sensible home or
smart house. In the IoT home automation ecosystem, you can control your devices like light,
fan, TV, etc.
 A domestic automation system can monitor and/or manage home attributes adore lighting,
climate, enjoyment systems, and appliances. It is very helpful to control your home devices.
What is traffic management in IoT?
 It is important to control the traffic in cities otherwise there are huge traffic jams in popular
places and totally empty streets otherwise.
 This also depends on the design and layout of the roads but it can be managed by having smart
traffic lights.
 For example, the traffic lights should automatically adjust according to the volume of the
traffic so that green lights should have a longer duration where there more traffic and shorter
duration when the streets are empty.
 Sensors can also be embedded in roads and bridges to monitor their conditions so that they can
be repaired when there is much wear and tear. After all, roads with potholes are also a major
cause of traffic pollution!
Define Smart Agriculture.
Smart Agriculture is a topic that covers the many applications of Internet of Things (IoT)
technology in farming, agrotech and agriculture. The use of sensors, data collection, wireless
networks, cloud platforms and data analysis is already revolutionising the farming and agricultural
List out the benefits of smart agriculture.
 Increased production.
 Lower production costs.
 Operational efficiencies.
 Real-time and intelligent cost management.
PART B&C Questions
Explain the overview of IoT Data Analytics.
 Architecture (3m)
 Four Types of Data Analysis results (10m)
Summarize the MPP and NoSQL Databases.
 MPP Shared Nothing Architecture (5m)
 NoSQL Database (5m)
 Comparison (3m)
Illustrate the working model of HDFS.
 Architecture (3m)
 Name Nodes (4m)
 Data Nodes (4m)
 MapReduce (2m)
Explain the edge streaming analytics.
 Comparing Big Data and Edge Analytics (4m)
 Edge Analytics Core Functions (5m)
 Distributed Analytics Systems (4m)
Illustrate the working model of smart parking system and explain the procedure.
 Prototype Diagram (3m)
 Explanation (10m)
Explain about smart irrigation system.
 Architecture (3m)
 Explanation (10m)
Illustrate the smart lighting system with neat diagram.
 Architecture (3m)
 Explanation (10m)
Explain the air monitoring system with neat diagram.
 Architecture (3m)
 Explanation (10m)
Illustrate the Arduino block diagram with example application.
 Arduino PIN diagram (2m)
 Application Explanation (6m)
Identify the working model of blinking an LED.
 Prototype Diagram (2m)
 Explanation (6m)
Illustrate the Arduino block diagram with example application.
 Arduino PIN diagram (2m)
 Application Explanation (6m)
Name anyone IoT related application and Identify the working model of the same.
 Name IoT related application (1m)
 Prototype Diagram (2m)
 Application Explanation (5m)

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