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Justin Carlo Tojon

1. What is suffrage? What are the scopes of suffrage?

Suffrage, commonly referred to as the right to vote, is a fundamental democratic principle that allows
individuals within a society to participate in the selection of their leaders and the decision-making
processes affecting their governance. The scopes of suffrage encompass various dimensions, including
universal suffrage, which ensures that all adult citizens have the right to vote regardless of race, gender,
or economic status, and restricted suffrage, which may limit voting rights based on certain qualifications
such as property ownership, education level, or tax status. Additionally, suffrage can be direct, where
citizens vote directly on laws or policies, or representative, where they elect officials to make decisions
on their behalf.

2. What do we mean by "upper house" and "lower house" in our legislature? Differentiate the two
houses from each other.

In a bicameral legislative system, the terms "upper house" and "lower house" refer to the two distinct
chambers of the legislature, each with its own roles, powers, and methods of election. The upper house,
often known as the Senate in many countries, typically represents regional or state interests and may
have longer terms and fewer members than the lower house. Its functions often include reviewing and
revising legislation proposed by the lower house, providing a check on hasty decisions. The lower house,
commonly referred to as the House of Representatives or House of Commons, usually represents the
population more directly, with members elected based on population density, and is responsible for
initiating most legislation, particularly financial bills. The key differences lie in their composition, powers,
and the methods by which their members are chosen, with the lower house being more directly
representative of the electorate's will.

3. What is bribery? How do you differentiate it from corruption?

Bribery is the act of giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value, such as money or favors, to
influence the actions of an individual in a position of power or authority, particularly in the execution of
their public or legal duties. It is a specific form of corruption that involves a direct transaction intended
to sway decision-making or actions. Corruption, on the other hand, is a broader concept encompassing
various unethical or illegal behaviors by individuals in power, including bribery, embezzlement, fraud,
nepotism, and abuse of authority. While bribery is a distinct act involving a quid pro quo arrangement,
corruption refers to a spectrum of activities that undermine the integrity and efficiency of public or
private institutions.

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