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Music has always played a vital role in my life I love listening to music and it has become part of my daily
hobbies. I have been exposed to music ever since I was in secondary school I used to do a lot of
performances that are related with music when I was in school and I really enjoyed it.

Growing I used to be motivated by my grandmother who used to play classical and opera music. Of
course, it was strange back then hearing people scream with their voices and I did not understand back
then cause I was still young but now I am older and I am studying music. Without music in my life, I do
not think I would survive it like music was injected in my veins like a calling. Back in high school I was
singing for the choir we used to sing solfa and I was not familiar with but with the love of music I began
to love it. The choir would go to the competitions each and every year to compete of course we would
win some and lose some but all in all we gained experiences through these competitions.

I only started to sing small ensembles and solo when I was out of high school and it was challenging
because I have never been in front of many people and it was a scary experience. I entered an art and
culture competitions for the first time as a solo baritone and I came 2nd place that was my first time the
second time I entered I won 1st place and proceeded to the provincial level and I lost but that did not
discourage me because I am in love with music. Music is part of my daily food there are many
opportunities waiting for me.

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