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Nalla Kyle N. Rizaldo

Grade 12 - Confucius
LESSON 1: Community Action Plan for Change and Development

Let Us Practice

Activity 1. Okay. Let me continue!

1. Community Action Plan requires time and resources because the process is long,
documentary, and necessitous to meet the needs for changes and to ensure project success.

2. Change and Development is possible in every community if there is a proper action planning
and broad collaborative partnerships among members, funders and support organizations
because working together can have a clear vision of improvement.

3. There is no such as “perfect plan” because of the circumstances surrounding each community
and social progressions that impact things.


Problems/Needs If not Address, what will happen to your community
1. Shortage of Personal Protective Frontline workers will not be protected from infection. It
Equipment (PPE) can cause lack of health workers to save lives, and can
also contribute to viral transmission.
2. Environmental Degradation The vulnerability of the societies will be increased.
Scarcity of resources, such as water and farmable, will be
present as well as human health will be at risk.
3. Adolescent Pregnancy Health of teens as well as babies will be at risk. Also, it
can lead to lower educational level that can increase
number of unemployment and can adjunct to poverty.

Let Us Enhance

Activity 3: Yes, We Can!

Objectives: To encourage youths to engage with this program. To raise fund for the donation
project on giving free mask for elders.
Activities Resources Target Date Person Source of Indicator
Needed Responsible Fund
Art & Article Art Materials, July - Me, Volunteer Personal Identified
Selling for a Writing September young artists resources buyers, Art
Cause Materials & writers lovers,
Social Media Data Load October Me, volunteer Registration Social Media
Challenge youths Fee Users,
Let Us Reflect

“A community action plan is a road map for pushing change and making development in the
Community action plan are akin to road maps for implementing community-led change by
identifying what will be done, who will do it and how it will be done to achieve its vision. It describes
exactly what a community wants to accomplish, how it will to do so and the resources needed to be
successful. Desirable changes and proposed activities, timelines, and assignment of accountability
provide a detailed road map for collaborators to follow.

LESSON 2: Better Together for Change and Development

Activity 1: Together, Let’s work it out!

1. 2
2. 1
3. 3

Activity 2: Pair and Share!

1. Information – C
2. Consultation – A
3. Deciding Together – D
4. Acting Together – B
5. Supporting Independent Community Initiative – E

Activity 3: You will lead, with them!

3 Community Agents of Change

1. Neighbourhood Community. They can contribute resources for waste management, in terms of
knowledge, financial contributions and organisational matters.
2. Local Authorities. They can encourage people to subscribe for waste collection, to simulate the
separation of waste, and to monitor the performance of service level since they have the
position of trust.
3. Nucleus of Community Stakeholder Group. They guide the development of improved services
in the community and ensure feedback with the groups they represent.

Activity 4: We all Matters!

“Being asked for an opinion and then ignored is much more insulting and infuriating than never being
asked in the first place”
Everyone has the right for the opinion to be respected as stated in Articles 1 and 2 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If one consult people in the community, they have to pay
attention to what they tell them. Ignoring ideas and recommendations is insulting. At the very least.
People deserve an explanation of why their advice isn’t being followed. Failed to do so will result to
lower chances of stakeholders’ participations.

Activity 5: I am saying!

One move, will be multiplied by thousands of people, can transform the community.

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