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The Rat King

A starting module for Last Arc: Tactics Analogue

Last Arc is not as forgiving as some
other systems, a fact that can be
The following module is a short exacerbated by the early levels of a
adventure intended to be a starting tabletop game. That being said, having
point for a Last Arc: Tactics Analogue your players create 2 characters for
campaign, providing an early level 1 this dungeon is a good idea, as you
adventure to start off from. might find it both convenient and
This adventure is designed for a necessary to have a backup ready to
party of four level 1 characters. Level 1 go.
is the very start of the game, which
means players may have more limited
options and will have to manage their
limited resources to succeed. The heroes have been
contracted by the mayor of a small

Session Zero
village to deal with a ‘rat problem’ that
has been causing trouble in an old
While the The Rat King module manor on the edges of the town.
is designed to be simplistic in The manor was long abandoned
both application and premise, it is still by a noble family that moved to a
advised that the GM and players different fief, and the building was left
should hold a session zero, during empty for years. Recently, travelers
which the players can create and townsfolk have been attacked by
characters, and a basic explanation of rats in the area, and the local guard is
the setting and rules can occur. too busy watching the nearby
movements of a group of orcs to the
west to handle the issue themselves,
GM Notes: thus the party has been hired to deal
with it. When you are ready to begin
Though it is an introductory
the module, read or paraphrase the
dungeon of sorts, Last Arc: Tactics
following text.
Analogue may have a bit of a learning
curve for players new to the system.
“Far from the edges of the town two ajar doors each leading to
itself stands a sizable two story further rooms, while to the far back
manor, its sprawling grounds long of the spacious foyer is a staircase
overgrown with weeds and vines, leading to the second floor.”
the building itself clearly long left in
disrepair. Shadowy shapes seem to
dart and flicker behind tattered
curtains, clear signs that whatever
Enemies and
beasts have made this place their
nest have fully taken over the old Hazards:
noble manor. The town’s mayor has
charged you with clearing out the The tattered and worn furniture
place, dealing with the apparent rat block normal movement but can be
problem that has infested it. The climbed or jumped over with a DC 12
mayor and his guardsmen are busy Athletics check without otherwise
with other matters, which gives you affecting their movement. Creatures
an opportunity to be paid well for
may take cover behind the furniture,
what will hopefully be a simple job.”
providing cover to medium sized
creatures, and improved cover to

Room 1: Foyer small size creatures. Creatures below

small size have total cover. Cover

provides a +5 bonus to the Reflex
Defense of creatures behind cover
from an attack, while Improved Cover
Description: provides a +10 bonus, and Total Cover
means they cannot be attacked from
When the party enters the
that angle at all.
room, read or paraphrase the
following boxed text:

“The party enters through the
Hiding underneath, behind, or
double doors of the old manor,
accompanied by the loud creaking of even inside of the furniture of the
hinges long lacking any oil. The foyer are 3 Dire Rats. Place these
remnants of the old foyer has enemies where you see fit. If not
tattered and torn up furniture detected these enemies will ambush
scattered around the room, some the party when they are closest to the
tipped over and all in some state of
center of the room, and try to
disrepair. To the left and right are
surround them one at a time to use Defences Ref 16 (flat-footed 13), Fort
their Overwhelm ability. 11, Will 11
Hp 12; Threshold 11
Immunity Petrify
GM Notes: Speed 8 squares, climb 4 squares,
swim 4 squares
As the enemy rats are hiding in Melee bite +9 (1d4+1)
or around the furniture, you will Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
compare their stealth of 19 (Taking 10 Abilities Str 10, Agi 17, Vit 13, Int 2,
+ 4 [Agi mod] + 5 [Trained in Stealth]) Mnd 13, Chr 4
to the party’s passive perception. If Special Qualities overwhelm
Feats Agile Manoeuvres
successful, the rats remain
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +9,
undetected. However, should
Survival +7, Unarmed +9
the party at all be suspicious, they can Overwhelm- Dire rats receive a +2
try to reveal the location of hidden morale bonus to attack rolls for each
enemies with a Perception check. We adjacent dire rat.
advise against the GM calling for Loot Beast Fang (5%), Beast Mane
perception checks. This needlessly (20%)
Steal Health Potion (5%)
alerts your players to potential danger,
stifling the sense of drama and
suspense. Let them learn the merits of
caution and restraint on their own. Room 2: Sitting
The doorways to the left lead to The Room
Sitting Room (Room 2), while the
doors to the right lead to The Room
Kitchens (Room 3). The stairs at the
back lead upstairs to The Upper Hall
(Room 5).
When the party enters the
Stat blocks like these will be listed near room, read or paraphrase the
encounters throughout the module. following boxed text:

Rat, Dire
CR 1 “Through the left side door of the
N Small Beast (rat) 2 foyer lies a wide-open Sitting Room.
Init d8; Senses low-light vision, The furniture in this room, while still
scent; Passive Perception 17 coated in layers of dust, is relatively
more intact aside from the legs
being scratched with claw and bite
Enemies and
marks, the main exception being a
large once-plush sofa to the far side
of the room next to where the
fireplace is, or was. By now the sofa Just like in Room 1, the furniture
has been torn to shreds and much of can be used as cover. Aside from that,
its cloth and stuffing has been mixed the nest in the fireplace conceals a
with shed fur and gathered straw to hole in the floor. Characters with a
form a large nest within the Passive Perception of 20, or that make
fireplace and around the hearth.
a perception check of 15 will notice
Two other doors are on the right
side of the room, but the building the hole in the floor that leads down
seems to have partially collapsed, to Room 4.
blocking them off.”

Hidden Items: Within this room are 3 Dire
Characters with a passive Rats. If combat breaks out in Room 1
Perception of 12 or greater can notice they will make a DC 15 Perception
a variety of paintings hung around the check with a +7 bonus. Any rats who
dusty walls of the sitting room. Any succeed will move to hide behind or
players may make a DC 15 Knowledge under the various furniture, making
Nobility, Knowledge History, or Stealth rolls with a +9 bonus to hide.
Knowledge Religion check. Players Any rats who fail the Perception bonus
who pass the check can pick out two will be surprised when the party
paintings in specific out of the ten enters, and rush to attack right away.
that should be worth about 100 gold When combat breaks out in this room,
each that can still be salvaged. If if there are any rats left alive after 2
players fail this check they can still rounds, a new rat will enter Room 2
attempt to sell all of the paintings from Room 4 as reinforcements. As
together, but the buyer may very well long as rats remain alive in room 2 this
attempt to rip them off for not will happen every 2 rounds until Room
understanding the price of what 4 has no more rats in it.
they’re selling!
Room 3: Kitchens
creature moving through difficult
terrain has their movement speed
reduced by half.
Description: Combat:
Within this room are 3 Fast
When the party enters the
Dire Rats. These rats are spread out
room, read or paraphrase the
and hiding inside of the cupboards on
following boxed text:
the edges of the kitchens. The
cupboards count as cover, and only
“Through the right side door of the have room for small size creatures,
foyer are the dusty remnants of a medium size creatures attempting to
kitchen long left to disrepair.
enter the cupboards treat it as
Counters left coated in dust,
cupboards with their doors broken difficult terrain and suffer a -2 to all
and hanging off their hinges. Old attack rolls while inside the cramped
pots and pans hang rusted from space.
hooks on the walls, and various
cooking utensils are scattered about
the floors and counters haphazardly.
At the far end is an ajar door that
GM Notes:
seems to lead to a set of stairs going The rats in this room remain
down into a basement.” hidden in the cupboards until the
party members are within 4 squares of
the cupboards, they will then use half
Enemies and of their movement to move out of the
cupboards and attack, then use their
Hazards: Running Attack feat to retreat 4
squares back into the cupboards.
The large counter in the center
counts as a raised platform, and can The stairway in the back leads
be used as cover or, with a DC 12 downstairs into The Basement (Room
Athletics check, one can jump atop the 4).
platform and move over it. Around the
kitchen are squares filled with
discarded knives and utensils. These
squares count as difficult terrain. Any
Rat, Fast Dire
CR 1
N Small Beast (rat) 2
Init d8; Senses low-light vision,
scent; Passive Perception 17
Defences Ref 16 (flat-footed 13), Fort When the party enters the
11, Will 11 room, read or paraphrase the
Hp 12; Threshold 11 following boxed text:
Immunity Petrify
Speed 8 squares, climb 4 squares,
swim 4 squares “The back stairs of the kitchen lead
Melee bite +9 (1d4+1) down into a grimy, dark basement,
Space 1 square; Reach 1 square the straw-covered floors strewn
Abilities Str 10, Agi 17, Vit 13, Int 2, with detritus and garbage. A rank
Mnd 13, Chr 4 smell fills the air, and the
Special Qualities overwhelm scampering of tiny feet skitter
Feats Agile Manoeuvres, Running through the shadows as the party
Attack descends. The basement itself has
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +9, one large central room with spaced
Survival +7, Unarmed +9 out columns. To one side is an open
Ambush Attackers- Fast Dire Rats door holding what appears to be a
lose their Overwhelm ability in rundown wine storage space, while
exchange for the Running Attack to another side is a dumbwaiter that
feat, trained to move quickly and looks dusty and rusted from misuse.
ambush enemies then retreat back Around the dim basement are large
into their dens. piles of ratty cloth, gathered straw,
Loot Beast Fang (5%), Beast Mane or pulled together chunks of broken
(20%) wood all put together to form nests
Steal Health Potion (5%) of some sort.”

Room 4: There are three rat nests in
different corners of the spacious
Basement basement. Once the party enters the
basement fully, a Dire Rat will begin to
crawl out of each nest every 1d3
rounds. This will continue until either
4 total Dire Rats have entered the
battle, or the nests have each been dumbwaiter. Small size characters can
destroyed. The Nests have 6 hit ride in the dumbwaiter normally
points, are hit automatically by any without issue. If the dumbwaiter lift
attack, and are vulnerable to Fyr. has been pulled out, players can climb
the dumbwaiter shaft with a

Hidden Items:
successful DC 20 Athletics check (Or a
DC 15 Athletics check if a rope and
The basement has few items of grappling hook are used.)
value, however characters with a
passive Perception of 12 or greater can
notice that the wine room still has
Room 5: Upper
about 8 intact bottles within it. A
successful Knowledge Nobility or Halls
Craft Alchymy of 15 or higher will
allow a player to be able to pick out Room
one bottle that is still of value, worth
about 200 gold. If players fail this
check they can still attempt to sell all
of the bottles together, but the buyer If the players entered through
may very well attempt to rip them off the stairs in The Foyer (Room 1), read
for not understanding the price of or paraphrase the following boxed
what they’re selling! text:

GM Notes:
The Upper Halls are coated in dust,
with large rat-eaten rugs laid out
across the long halls. Doors line the
The dumbwaiter in the corner
sides, many of them boarded up,
of the room is broken down and some entirely collapsed. Only one
rusted, but a successful DC 20 set of doors seems to be still
Smithing check can repair it, or a DC relatively intact. A large set of
15 Athletics check can pull the double doors at the end of the main
dumbwaiter box out of it. If it has hall with designs that were once
been repaired, a medium sized ornate, but now have been
scratched up and fallen to ruin.
creature can fit into the dumbwaiter
and be raised up to The Upper Halls
(Room 5), though they are counted as If players entered through the
squeezing until they exit the dumbwaiter shaft in The Basement
(Room 4), read or paraphrase the DC 15 Perception check can find a
following boxed text: collection of semi-valuable items
including silverware, old bits of
You find yourself in a half-collapsed jewelry, and scattered coins equalling
room, strewn with old cookware and a total value of about 100 gold. If this
supplies, it seems to be a servants Perception roll equals or surpasses DC
room, but has partially collapsed, 20, the players can additionally find a
the roof falling in across half of the hidden jewelry box containing another
room. The door leading to the Upper 50 gold worth in jewelry and trinkets.
Halls itself is blocked by detritus and
collapsed pieces of the room.

GM Notes:
Enemies and Players can spend a large
amount of time in this area trying to

Hazards: search or loot every room. Each of the

rooms is in various states of disrepair
Players can clear the debris and neglect, but none contain
blocking the half-collapsed servants anything supremely valuable. The GM
room that the dumbwaiter is in from is encouraged to try and remind
inside the room with ease, though players that opening up and searching
trying to clear it from outside the all of these rooms will be a long, and
room requires a successful DC 15 notably LOUD, process, involving
Athletics check. Other rooms can be breaking pieces of wood, tearing up
opened or cleared, but prying boards nailed planks or shifting collapsed
from the boarded up doors or timber. If the players take too long
breaking into rooms halfway down the Ratrick will not only notice that his
Upper Halls closer to the double doors home has been invaded, but may
will catch the attention of the Rat prepare an ambush for the players.
King, Ratrick. This will give him time
to prepare in Room 6, the Throne The double doors at the end of
Room. the Upper Halls leads to The Throne
Room (Room 6.)

Hidden Items:
Most of the side rooms are
empty of valuables, but a successful
Room 6: Throne Enemies and
Room Hazards:
If the players have alerted
Ratrick to their presence, Ratrick will
spend time setting up an ambush.
Description: Every room the players clear after
Ratrick has noticed them allows
When the players open the
Ratrick to summon one additional
double doors to the Throne Room,
Dire Rat from the Basement area
read or paraphrase the following
(Room 4) to join him in his throne
boxed text:
room and prepare an ambush. If all the
enemies in the Basement area have
This once-luxurious room clearly been slain, or the Nests in the
used to be the Master Bedroom of Basement have been destroyed, he will
the now dilapidated manor. A large
instead set up a Makeshift Net Trap to
and spacious room, it is draped in
now rat-gnawed cloth, once activate against the first creature to
beautiful wooden furniture now enter his throne room. Then Ratrick
covered in dust and teeth marks. and his two Fierce Dire Rat
The room’s once magnificent four companions will hide using their
poster bed has long collapsed, now Stealth checks to ambush the party.
piled with old moth-eaten pillows,
various piles of old food,
semi-valuable stones, gems, Makeshift Net Trap (CR 1)
scattered coins, and other things Attack: +5 vs Reflex Defence
that clearly make up the ‘treasure Damage: none
trove’ of whatever creature would sit Secondary Effect: Creature is
upon the makeshift throne of piled grappled (nothing on miss)
pillows, and broken furniture that Detect/Disarm: DC 12
sits atop the bed. The room itself Special: Requires a DC 15 unarmed
has several large holes in the walls check, or a DC 12 Str check to free
and thick curtains hang randomly oneself from the grapple.
draped around the room, blocking a
full view of the spacious ‘throne
Within the Throne Room is The Rage talent and fight to the death. A
Rat King, Ratrick and his 2 Fierce Ranger with the Tame talent may
Dire Rat companions. attempt to Tame either of the Fierce
The Rat King’s partners will split Dire Rats, but if they landed the final
up, with one staying between Ratrick blow against Ratrick they will suffer a
and the strongest-looking of the party -10 penalty to their Persuasion check
members, while the second will join when trying to do so.
Ratrick in trying to flank another
player to allow Ratrick to make use of If the Fierce Dire Rats are slain first
his Backstab talent. If the fight lasts instead, Ratrick may attempt to
for longer than 3 rounds, and the prioritize whichever player struck the
players have not slain all the enemies last blow against them for his attacks,
in the house, Ratrick will spend an or, if his HP is below half, the GM may
action to call for reinforcements, and have him attempt to surrender.
a Dire Rat will join the fight every
round until all rats in the mansion (A
total of 13, excluding his Fierce Dire Rat, Fierce Dire
Rat partners. 3 in the Foyer, 3 in the CR 1
Sitting Room, and 7 in the Basement.) N Small Beast (rat) 2
have been slain. If the nests in the Init d8; Senses low-light vision,
Basement have been destroyed, Dire scent; Passive Perception 17
Rats joining the fight from that room Defences Ref 12 (flat-footed 11), Fort
12, Will 11
start with half the normal amount of
Hp 13; Threshold 12
Hit Points. Immunity Petrify
Speed 8 squares, climb 4 squares,
swim 4 squares
If Ratrick is slain before his two Melee bite +11 (1d6+3)
partners, there is a 50% chance the Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
Abilities Str 14, Agi 13, Vit 15, Int 2,
two Fierce Dire Rats will activate the
Mnd 11, Chr 4
Rage talent and fight to the death,
Special Qualities overwhelm
otherwise they will attempt to flee Feats Mighty Swing, Bullrush
through the holes in the wall. If they Skills Perception +7, Stealth +7,
are unable to flee (If they are Survival +7, Unarmed +11
surrounded, or afflicted with a status Ferocious Beasts- Fierce Dire Rats
effect that prevents them from lose their Overwhelm ability and the
Agile Manoeuvres feat in exchange
escaping easily) they will activate the
for the Mighty Swing and Bullrush
feats, trained to attack ferociously backstab, suffers an amount of
and push back any who threaten damage equal to the number of
their king. Loot Beast Fang (10%), damage dice rolled, at the start of
Beast Mane (35%) their next turn, before taking any
Steal Health Potion (5%) actions. This damage is unaspected,
ignoring any DR.
Loot Rat King’s Scepter and 200gp
Steal Magick Root (20%), Health
Ratrick, The Rat King Potion (95%)
CR 1
NE Small Goblin Rogue 3
Init d4; Senses Darkvision; Passive Unique Item:
Perception 22
Defences Ref 16 (flat-footed 14), Fort Rat King’s Scepter
14, Will 12 This small one-handed scepter
Hp 49; Threshold 11 made from bone, wood, leather, and
Speed 6 squares Melee dagger random bits of silver has a large
(2d4+1) rat-shaped skull topping it. Once
Space 1 square; Reach 1 square per daye, as a standard action, a
Abilities Str 13, Agi 17, Vit 16, Int 8, character may use this item to
Mnd 12, Chr 8 summon two Fierce Dire Rats. For
Feats Armour Proficiency (light), the duration of the encounter the
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Fierce Dire Rats will battle on the
Proficiency (bludgeons), Weapon side of its summoner, acting as
Proficiency (crossbows), Weapon companions/allies. These Fierce
Proficiency (knives), Weapon Dire Rats gains a bonus, equal to half
Proficiency (swords), Dodge, the users character level,
Mobility, Quick Draw to attack rolls, skill checks, damage
Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +12, rolls, defences, and DR.
Deception +10, Disable +14, Light
Weapon +14, Perception +12, Stealth
Backstab: When using your light
-The End!-
weapon skill against a target, that is You’ve made it! We hope you
flanked, flat-footed, or otherwise enjoyed your time playing Last Arc:
denied their Agi to ref, each
Tactics Analogue, as well as your
explosive damage die, generates 2
additional dice, rather than 1. This adventures with the Rat King!
does not work with natural attacks.
Lacerate: Any living creature that
you successfully hit with your
Optional Rules
to be handled. Don’t make them feel
too bad if they just decide to execute
him and be done with it, but if players
and Continuing would like to be more involved you
should allow them to do just that.
Forward: After this encounter has been
If Ratrick is taken alive, either completed, players may return to the
due to accepting his surrender or town to sell off their collected loot,
defeating him non-lethally and turn over a potentially captured
capturing him, the players may choose Ratrick, and otherwise inform the
to hand him over to the local Mayor of their success, receiving a
authorities. In this case he will be reward. From there they may hear
imprisoned and eventually tried for his rumors about the orcs to the west
crimes of disturbing the peace and that were mentioned at the start of
leading his rats to attack travelers and this module, which could make for an
merchants. His sentence will be hard excellent hook to begin them on their
labor for the rest of his life. The party next adventure…
may instead question Ratrick as to his
motives, at which time he will inform
them that he attacked the merchants
and travelers to obtain food for the
many rats in the manor, though if
questioned about the various trinkets
and treasures in his throne room he
will attempt a Deception check to say
that they were already in the manor
itself, which is a lie. If confronted
about this lie, he will simply say that,
as the Rat King, he clearly deserves
such treasures. Players may choose to
release Ratrick, execute him, or
possibly attempt to persuade him to
change his ways. How the players
handle this is up to both them, and
you the GM! Have fun with it, let your
players decide how they want things

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