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frqq : q*fu*rq

Candidate's Roll No. ffi

vtafi or argavia

TimeAllowed:3Hours Maximum Marks : 150

freiftdyqq:3qv| afuadq do : 150


rfi-rrr w{S ftr}v ergtu
(Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions)
b yd ffifud fu{eft al Vrw awErfrTdt q@q)


There are eighteen (18) questions in all.

Ssq Sd or6rc6 (tg) qqq tr
Candidate has to attempt any fifteen (15) questions in all.
qtqTrfr ai g,H qil6 (ts) sei h s-m ti tt
Marks assigned to each question/part are given against it.
s-+6 cqq/qFr * ft{q Frqd 0i6 ssh srqi i<q rq t t
Word limit in questions, wherever specified should be adhered to.
ce* fr Qr-q-ftqr, qEf ftf{ffiq t, o.t srgtrtor to-qr ercr urBq t
Attempts of questions shall be counted sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a
question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left
blank in the question-cum-answer booklet must be clearly struck off.
ca* * eqrd fr Tq-qr i6qE{TR d qr},ftr sTif}ro' sq t lqq.rq ca+ * st-< qi rff rndrflI * qrftft
l *
qR s& 6r-.T rrqr d r etc-sg-tsrr gk{o.r q qrft dt .rq ati 9.6 c{wr Es qrq a1 orz flfeq t

No extra/additional sheet will be provided.

qiri sTfdkff lt-e aqrq rei o.-{ri qrttr
Answer must be written in the authorized medium. No marks will be given for answers
written in a medium other than the authorized one.
ca=it* s+r t-ero srRrf( qrtqq d ft{d qri qrt6q r uffi
qttqr{ * sftfutr erq ffi qtrTq fr
fttd .rt wR rR qiri oio, Tfi trtrt I

R7 I I Contd...
What are the key differences between the Gestalt and Physiological approaches 5+5=10
to the study of perception, and how do these approaches contribute to our
understanding of how humans perceive the world around them ?

srgTfr (perception) il sTEw{ ldq rr€rz dT antft-o EMq fu +q g@
ffit t, siR EMur sqrft qrs q A;fr ftKIq o-G t6 rrgq srqi qrsqrs a1 gfaql
frt fo,s q6R kst t ? #l T\
LJ 3
L-, .J
Comment on partial reinfortement effect while analyzing the role of different l0
Schedules of reinforcement on extinguishing the learned response.

fr6 Ti sldffi?Tr of qs *t w g-{fi*-wr qi Am- gr-SqM ft1 rlFror or frqtqq

orfr gS efifho g-tfio-{'r qtn{ q{ ffi ?Ft I

What are the basic elements and structures of Freud's theory of the mind? 4+6:10
Give a detailed description of the various defence mechanisms.
I6rtr-s (Freud) * w h fugi( (theory of the mind) * I[o fldq stR ffi Hr t?
tqFr+ e-qrq d* or fuqa fq-{ror fffuq r

'Tolman's theory does not fall under the S-R category'. Discuss with one example. 10

'*ilfr{ o.r fu€if, S-R *uft n' T& oTrdr t t' (fi sq;6au1 * trer qqf mt r

How does the visual system encode and process information about visual 7+3:10
fleatures, and how do these processes lead to the perception of objects, scenes,
and patterns? Explain diagrarnrnatically.

Eeq sunft, gaq fralsdrd b qrt q qr;rorft ai A* \r{is dR rffird 6-rft t,

stR t cffi qqfr, Ee* stR H fr EKUg 61 t* wq tfr t ? fu*mo w
t qq-flr{t t O
What are the different stages of memory and how do these stages differ
r- in 4+6=16
terms of capacity, duration, and encoding processes?
qh (memory) fi lqfuT qwr wr t, ofu t qrq qT{il, ei-qRr ofn \rq1lg{ chqr0fr
b trn{fr4*ftrqt? LO
Describe the Sunk-Cost effect and comment on its influence on validating 4+6=10
the psychological accounting principle of decision making.
d6-6i€ rnnrr irr 6t dk ftuiq ti b qtffi+ro fuq-{ kgtil
(psychological accounting principle) al qTq o,Tt tr( 5sh c$TIq rr{ M 6t I

R7 I I Contd...
8 Are projective tests really projective in nature? Describe Rorschach & 4+6=10
TAT tests and comment on their reliabilities.
.Hr q*q t c*ft rffu * t ? tr
qftsTq qrkrcr stn rar qftqT"il or qoiq 6t
slR trr-+1 fuiqtrftwr q1
ffi 6{r
(}) (}')
9 (i) What precautions a participant observer must take while collecting and 5
interpreting data ?

\16 qM qfaqro ?b1 t-er \r6-d ?mi gfu sqd alr@rl m-G vqq wr HrqElftqi
qcffft erf6q ?
(ii) What are the sources of bias and ethical issues in psychological testing? 5
qqtffi{o .rteTor fr
Tqi'rt oft( ttil{ Td il *o mr t i

l0 Give a comparative evaluation between Semantic Differential and Summative l0

Rating scales for the measurement of attitudes.
q-ftfr (attitude) fr qrqq * fuq ffik6 MfErq-e ft *rnffi6 tff,r tqrfr fu ftq
gf,qrfim aeim-r t r

(}) 01
ll How is Guilford's theory diff'erent from other Factor Analysis based theories l0
of lntelligence ?

ffi€ tnr ksid sk fr srq ?b'rc6 flqrtq"r oTrqrfta ftrgid t t6s q-6R flrq t ?

l2 Explain deductive and inductive reasoning, with two real world examples. 6+4=10
How can these reasoning processes be applied to improve critical thinking
skills and decision-making in everyday life?
ErRh6 gfrqr * * s-ffrroil * mq fr,I.T{rH-6 etr enrrrqmo il6 qft qrsr of r

tqrrf a1 ti-q,t q qe-st't *q alqrn sik ffiq d gER il fuq Eq ilfi qtmqrsfr
61 a* dr1 tsqr qr FFdr t ?

13 Critically examine the Schachter and Singer model of emotion with 5+5:10
appropriate examples.

sfdd sarfwii * srlr qr+fl fr drw (Scfrachter) gft( fS'R (Singer) *go m
sftqfitro qftq{or 6t r

R7 I 3 I Contd...
What are some practical considerations associated with conducting different
types of research? How does ethical issues, sample selection, data collection,
and data analysis affect the validity and generatizability of research findings?
t t
fqFr;{ n6K rfu ott g} g;u er+rrfuo fq-qn HI t ? itd6 5}, =rqt uo-t,
tdr €16 otrc +dI fu{iqq, fu
Frqm * aqdr oln qrqrdr+,pr a1 ar& 'gqlfua o.-G t ?
o o'\
Explain in detail different types of conflict and coping strategies to manage stress'

il{rq 61 q-dRrd o-{i h toq ftFrq s-6"R fr conflict frt coping strategies *
qlt n
f{wr t e-drg t

16 Describe the chemical charrges which allow the information to be passed

from 7+3=10

one neuron to the other. Give diagram.

sq rrfl-qFro qnrq-ffi mr qulq 6t d qa-* a1 qd qf{ t (st qria (-o RrHffif,
6d m trgqfr tt t r sTrts fffuqt

17 (i) Briefly explain the various Strategies of Problem solving.

glr€r vr{rglr;r fr fqnrq wrftffi ol d*q frffi 61'
Comment on the relationship between intelligence and creativity.
gkq-fl efu E-qr€6-dr * drs {dq .r{ ftso?r ott O
18 What are the various outcomes in Signal Detection experiment and which
factors contribute to these outcomes?
qnFnd q rit'lEH
f$.{d t€tag1q e{jtrr t fqfuq qftunq qqr t etR dH t orro {{
6.G t?

LO Lfi
6 o\
O C)

R7 I 4

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