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Name: Niel John M.



Lesson 3


Answer the following questions:

1. Among the dilemmas, which is an example of an individual?

The third delimma are the example of an individual. These is an example of individual dilemma
because it was a situation in which the decision-maker must consider two or more moral values
or duties but can only honor one of them thus, the individual will violate at least one important
moral concern, regardless of the decision.

2. How do the three dilemmas differ?

Individual dilemmas conflict arrives when a person is asked to choose between two important
values for him or her for example, choosing between one’s duties to his or her family one’s love
for another person.

Organizational dilemmas is referred to a situations encountered by institutions, business, or

organizations in their decision-making process, at this level the dilemmas that the
organizations’ experiences usually affect more than one person and they can be part of the
internal group or part of an external stakeholder.

Structural dilemmas affect a network of institutions and operative theoretical paradigms like
universal care, juvenile laws, and immigration. this type of dilemma can affect a community and
even a society at large.
Name: Niel John M. Bandada


Lesson 3

Give true-to-life examples of structural dilemmas that illustrate:

a) Excessive autonomy versus excessive interdependence.

A employee working alone in his shell and rarely working with other may feel lonely and
unsupported. But he efforts to participate and have repeatedly failed because of difficulties in
working together.

b) Flexibility versus strict adherence to rules.

A employee having to go home because of the sudden death of a relative will being able to
multitask to do his job pruductive.

c) Gap versus overlap

A patient in a prestigious teaching hospital, for example, called her husband and pleaded with
him to rescue her before she went crazy. At night, she couldn't sleep because hospital staff kept
waking her up, often to repeat what someone else had already done.

d) Differentiation versus integration

Promoting or introducing universal health care, which is tantamount to socialized health care,,
gives rise to a structural dilemma, that is, a conflict of perspective of sectors, groups and
institutions that may be affected by the decision.

e.) Centralized versus decentralized decision making

Example a secretary was explaining about thier budget plan for the month and the secretary
implies a very clevers ideas about budgeting and the manager in charge have delimma to loose
his authority but can do nothing because the secretary knows better.

F.) Sovereignty of nation versus world peace and order.

Example are an president who was a member of west or under the west big country decide to
be friends to Russia which a big enemy of west for the reason of the west will not lit him buy
Name: Niel John M. Bandada


Lesson 3

Researching on the following events that illustrate structural dilemmas:

a) Mamasapano Encounter – SAF 44 – Why were 44 killed? Based on reports, what was said to
be the cause of death of 44?

The SAF44 commandos is a tragedy, they died in the line of duty in a botched police operation
called "Oplan Exodus” against two high-value targets, Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir, alias
Marwan, and terrorist Abdul Basit Usman on Jan. 25, 2015 in Mamasapano town,
Maguindanao. Originally a mission to serve arrest warrants for high-ranking terrorists, it led to
the deaths of 44 members of the SAF, 18 from the MILF and the BIFF, five civilians, and the
death of Zulkifli Abdhir confirmed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the PNP at
6:30 p.m. on February 4, 2015, through a matching DNA result.The mission itself was declared
successful since the target was neutralized. The severity of the policemen's situation prompted
the government peace panel to intervene and requested a ceasefire from the MILF. The
operation caught the attention of the public for the relatively high number of police officers
killed. The mission was called Oplan Exodus, initially misattributed as Oplan Wolverine by the
local media.

b) Reason behind the bombing and siege of the city of Marawi.

According to the Philippine government, the clashes began during an offensive in Marawi to
capture Isnilon Hapilon, the leader of the IS-affiliated Abu Sayyaf group, after receiving reports
that Hapilon was in the city, possibly to meet with militants of the Maute group. A deadly
firefight erupted when Hapilon's forces opened fire on the combined Army and police teams
and called for reinforcements from the Maute group, an armed group that pledged allegiance
to the Islamic State and which is believed to be responsible for the 2016 Davao City bombing,
according to military spokesmen. He said that those behind the attack were just mercenaries
wanting to be recognized by the Middle Eastbased terror group. The Abu Sayyaf group, blamed
for deadly bombings and kidnappings in the past.

Name: Niel John M. Bandada


Lesson 4

Activity 1. ANALYSIS

1. What is your favorite line from the song, My Way/Born This Way? Why is it your favorite?

The line "I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried" is my favorite because it is so positive it meant the
tears of joy of having a love ones, being love and to love.

2. Does the song suggest choice or freedom? Why?

This suggest freedom to Love yourself and you have that choice or freedom to be. Have faith in
yourself. Accept yourself because you were born that way. And you were born in God's
likeness, therefore you are perfect.

3. If a beast like a dog could sing the same song, could the dog be honestly singing what the
song expresses?

I believe if the dog could sing the same song it also express same emotion because it talks
about freedom of all. We have our own way of life and we decide for it.

Activity # 2 (Understanding)

Explain why only human beings, not the brutes, can be ethical.

Human being have higher abilities to evaluate the situation and act moraly. Another reason for
giving stronger preference to the interests of human beings is that only human beings can act
morally. Since animals cannot act morally, they will not sacrifice their own good for the sake of
others, but will rather pursue their good even at the expense of others.

Activity # 3 (Reflection)

What choice have you made in life recently? Are you happy with that choice? Are you grateful
you have the capacity to choose freely?

The choice I made in my life recently is to choose to work permanently or to continue study. I
choose to study and its not that Im not happy with it Im just doing it for the best. Having to
choose freely are grateful but also think wisely before you decide.

Name: Niel John M. Bandada

Lesson 5

Activity #1: When you hear the word “culture” what comes to your mind at once? List them down and
illustrate their differences.

The word culture means us, what make us a person is the first thing that comes to my mind. Culture is a
strong part of people’s lives. It influences our views, our values, our humor, our hopes, our loyalties, and
our worries and fears. So when you are working with people and building relationships with them, it
helps to have some perspective and understanding of our cultures.

Activity #2: Give different marriage practices as a result of culture. How and where they differ?

Marriage practices from different ethnic groups differ from each other. Marriage practices from the
Lumads, Muslims and Christians are unique in positive way. Lumads do some “dowry” where the suitor
gave some of his assets to what the family of the lady asked for. Muslims also do it but in different way
of practice. Christians do some harana and wed on church with the consent of pastors or bishops. All
cultures differs because also of ethnicity, but will become if people is united at one vision and one heart.

Activity #3: Reflection. Reflect on one cultural practice of yours. Is it moral in the sense that it makes
you more human?

One of a cultural practices of us are to pray before meal. It is common in our family that we practice
today and to pass to younger generation. It is moral that makes us humans to be graceful of what we
have to eat.

Name: Niel John M. Bandada


Lesson 6
Activity #1: Analysis Is there any danger posed by this thought: “What is true for me is true for me, and what
is true for you is true for you?

I believe this have a danger thought because the moral values of human being is the same so when it is
true to one another then it also true to others. Because if you believe that the real things that other
believe is lies then thier is something wrong with you. If that was your thoughts then it seems that you
are a selfish person taht impose danger to others.

Activity #2: Understanding

1)Explain cultural relativism

Cultural relativism is the view that moral or ethical systems, which vary from culture to culture, are all equally
valid and no one system is really “better” than any other. This is based on the idea that there is no ultimate
standard of good or evil, so every judgment about right and wrong is a product of society. Therefore, any
opinion on morality or ethics is subject to the cultural perspective of each person.

2)How does cultural relativism differ from cultural perspective?

Cultural perspective refers to the way that individuals are shaped by their environments as well as social
and cultural factors. We are being shape and grow by our experience who we are and how we see the
world. The perspective of ethnocentrism addresses foreign peoples from the standpoint of the
superiority of the observer's culture, including values, religion, and symbols. Cultural relativism
addresses other people in light of those people's culture.

3)What is the strength of cultural relativism? What is the weakness of cultural relativism?

The strength of cultural relativism is that it promotes greater diversity and understanding of ethical
differences and reduces the likelihood of an imperialist imposition of values. The weakness of cultural
relativism is its propensity towards quietism which may compromise action to protect human rights.

Activity #3: ReflectionDo you really agree with the concept of cultural relativism? Why or why not?

I believe in the concept of cultural relavation, using the perspective of cultural relativism leads to the
view that no one culture is superior than another culture. It shows fairness, respect when people take it

Name: Niel John M. Bandada


Lesson 7
Activity #1: Understanding, Accomplish this Table

Filipino trait What is positive about it What is negative about it What should be done to
make it a positive trait

1. Utang na loob A person will always Sometimes you are We should not force
remember what help forced to pay of what other to do something
you did and will help have given help in you . for us because the
you some day. person can't complain
because of Utang na

2.Kanya-Kanya It is good to self Generates feeling of Be should be

Syndrome development and being envy and responsible of our
responsible not to rely competitiveness action physically and
on others. towards others mentally.

3.Extreme family Stong family ties It could sometimes bias Be moral, and its better
centerednes to correct our family
when they wrong than
to just agreed to them .

4.Colonial mentality Being aware of others Lack of patriotism, Be open minded as

race not to bully us hardly trust orders long as it cause us good
again and to appreciate and help us to
our own. develope.

5.Passivity and lack of Too patient and relax Its give us mindset of Be more responsible
initiative 'bahala na system' that for our action
we are so relax in
suitation that should
be plan and sometimes
we failed and still ok to

Name: Niel John M. Bandada


Lesson 7

Activity #2 Reflection
Among the weaknesses of the Filipino character which applies to you? What have you done to
counteract such to become the moral person you are called to be?

The Filipino character weakness I was bieng stuck with is the passivity and lack of initiative
because I always applied the bahala na system' and lack of time management and positively
think that everything will be ok without me doing anything. I try my best to counteract this by
being mindful and active person every morning as I wake up I meditate at least 10 minutes to
exercise my mind what I will do for today.
Name: Niel John M. Bandada


Lesson 8


Read then answer the questions.

Be honest, even if others are not.

Be honest, even if others will not

Even if others cannot

He who walks honestly, walks securely. – Abhishek Tiwari


1)Is honesty or truth telling considered a universal value? Why or why not?

I believe that honestly or truth consider as universal value because it was bieng acknowledge by
everyone to be good deeds. It is common to human to lies but that was considered as bad
deeds thats why to be moral we should be honest to each other and telling truth can build trust
on one other. In conclusion honestly are considered as uneversal value as it is implies good

What are possible consequences of dishonesty?

Dishonesty is a bad habits of a person that sometimes we lies to not harm others or just not to
harm ourself. The posible consequences of dishonesty are we distroy the trust of each other.
Even you do lies to not offend others it will hurt more as he/she discover your lies then the
trust will be broken. It also affect yourself the deeper you became dishonest the deeper your
moral faded and you became immoral person. Also lies distroy relationship and friendship.
Lastly, the greatest consequences of beng dishonesty is you became untrustworthy person
considered as toxic in the invironment.

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