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Basic Education Department

Laya Ext., Pala-o
Iligan City

Music, Arts, Physical Education

and Health (MAPEH)

Grade 7

Third Quarter Learning Module

S.Y. 2021-2022

Prepared by:
Ms. Jearlie Mae A. Basergo

 Grading system (Mini/Performance Task=70% and Written Activities=30%).
 Do every activity in this module. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS IN THE
 Keep the learning module. Submit the WORKSHEET ONLY.
 Send your videos/outputs needed to be sent online through messenger (Jearlie
Mae Basergo).
 If you have questions, contact me through messenger with your full name and
grade level.

Name of Student: _________________________________________

Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021-2022


Quarter: Third
Subject: Music 7
Topic Area: Music of Mindanao
Designed by: Ms. Jearlie Mae A. Basergo
Teaching devices: Modular and Online instruction

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs):

The learner…

 describes the musical characteristics of representative music selections from Mindanao

after listening;
 identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources of representative music
selections from Mindanao;
 analyzes the musical elements of some Mindanao vocal and instrumental music;
 discovers ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that are similar to the
instruments being studied;
 improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to a selected music from
 perform music from Mindanao with own accompaniment
 evaluates music selections and music performances using rubrics on musical elements
and style.
Geographical, Historical, and Cultural Background

The Philippines is home to two major religions—Christianity and Islam. The Spaniards
brought Christianity in 1521.

Islam arrived first in the Philippines. It was brought by Arab traders, who taught the
religion directly to the people, in the southern part of the country in the 13th century. By the
15th century, the Sultanate of Sulu was already established.
Geographic Location of Mindanao
- Mindanao is the second-largest island of the Philippine archipelago (second to
Luzon) and is found in the southern part of the country. It is surrounded by the
Philippine Sea (east), Celebes Sea (south), and the Sulu Sea (west).
- Mindanao also has an abundant supply of undeveloped, fertile land perfect for
farming. The most cultivated crops are corn, rice, abaca, bananas, pineapples,
mangoes, and coconuts. Aside from agriculture, Mindanao also has a mining
industry—with vast mineral deposits of gold, nickel, iron, and coal.

Ethnic Groups
- Mindanao is the Muslim stronghold of the Philippines. There are two accounts of
how Islam first arrived in Mindanao:
● an Arab religious missionary named Tuan Masha’ika landed in a province in Jolo
island, said to be modern-day Sulu, in the 13th century; and
● Arab traders arrived, settled down, married the inhabitants, and spread religion
around the island in the 13th century.

- Mindanao has the highest concentrations of indigenous groups in the Philippines

and is also home to a number of Islamic indigenous groups collectively known as
moro—which came from “moors,” a label given by the Spanish which refers to
Muslim inhabitants of Spain and Portugal. These include:
 Maranao—literally means “people of the lake.” The Maranao are natives of
Lanao and are a people of great bravery—willing to sacrifice their lives for their
homeland and for Islam. During the Spanish colonization, they fought under the
flag of the Maguindanao Sultanate.
● Tausug—even before the arrival of Islam, the Tausug already had a central
government. In fact, when Islam was introduced to them, they did not resist;
instead, they embraced it and infused their government’s laws with Islam principles
and values.

Other Islamic ethnic groups are:

● Sama Badjao—sea gypsies of the Sulu archipelago;
● Yakan—natives of Basilan; and
● Jama Mapun—contained in Turtle Island, Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi.


Process questions:
1. With the resources available in Mindanao, why do you think it is not as progressive and
industrialized as Manila?

2. In your own opinion, why are the people of Mindanao the people of great bravery?

3. The Tausug embraced Islam without any resistance. How is this different from how
Christianity was enforced on the people in Manila?

Islamic Music of Mindanao

Vocal Music
 Vocal music in Mindanao and Sulu, specifically those of the Islamic groups, covers
different kinds of forms such as epics, religious songs, love songs, lullabies, and other
songs for different occasions.

 The reading of the Qur’an is considered the most prestigious form of vocal expression,
and occasions such as Maulud (the birthday of the prophet Muhammad) and baptisms
call for such reading.

 Chanted epics remain important. Epics serve as a repository for oral history which
contains the lives of their hero-ancestors, origin stories of the world, and the people’s
relationship with their god or deities—in this case, the people’s relationship with the
prophet Muhammad.

 Chants and Lullabies

- In Mindanao and Sulu, some representative epics include Radya Indara Patra and
Diwata Ksalipan from Maguindanao, and Darangen from Maranao.
- The Tausug also has a rich repertoire of lyric songs—langan batabata (children’s
songs and lullabies), baat caallaw and pangantin (funeral and bridal songs), baat
(work songs), tarasul (sung poems), and sangbay (song).

 Darangen (Watch video on

- an ancient Maranao epic song that contains their history as well as their heroic
ancestors. It explores themes of life and death, courtship, love, and politics through
the use of symbolism, metaphor, irony, and satire. The epic also makes references
to their customary law, social and ethical behavior, aesthetic beauty, and values
unique to the Maranao.
- literally translates to “narrating in song,” and existed prior to the Islamization of
Mindanao. It is also related to other ancient epics connected by a common Sanskrit
tradition that existed throughout Mindanao. It contains 17 cycles and a total of
72,000 lines.
- It is recited by men and women who specialize in performing the Darangen during
wedding ceremonies that last several nights.

 Langan batabata (Watch video on

- a collection of songs, specifically lullabies, that are characterized by soft and
relaxing melodies. These songs are sung by mothers and older men while rocking
the baby’s cloth cradle
- Subjects include birds and other animals, feelings of joy or sadness, and thoughts
about the child’s future.

Instrumental Music: Solo and Ensemble Instruments

The timbre of a musical instrument is dependent on the material it is made of. For
example, a bamboo flute has a different sound compared to a metal flute. These timbres
contribute to the unique sound of the music of an area.

Percussion Instrument
Kulintang - a set of horizontally-laid
bossed gongs widely used not just in
Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago. It is
related to other bossed gongs in
Southeast Asia.

Luntang—a set of percussion beams

used by the Maguindanao. These are a
set of five to eight logs sharpened on
one side and suspended horizontally,
one below the other, from a tree or
outside a house.
Garakot—a scraper used by the Maranao
to drive away pests from the fields
(birds, rats, and insects).

Gabbang—a bamboo xylophone popular

in Sulu communities. The instrument
consists of a series of bamboo blades of
different lengths laid horizontally on a
trapezoid-shaped resonating body. The
number of blades varies from group to
group—the Yakan have five, while the
Tausug have up to sixteen.
Kubing/Kulaing—a Jew’s harp similar to
those of other indigenous groups in
Luzon and Visayas. It is a solo
instrument held by one hand near the
opening of the mouth while the other
flicks the end of the instrument to
produce a sound which resonates in the
performer’s mouth. The sound can be
altered by changing the shape of the
Wind Instrument
Flutes in Mindanao and Sulu are solo
instruments popularly used in self-
entertainment and courtship. The two
most popular flutes are the ring flute
called suling by the Yakan and
Maguindanao, insi by the Maranao,
pulao by the Sama and the lip valley
flute called palendag by the
String Instrument
Kudlung/Hagelong/Hagelung—a two-
stringed lute whose body is shaped like
a boat. It has a long, thin neck that
holds the strings tuned a fourth apart. It
is a solo instrument and is played using
a rattan plectrum.


Process questions:
1. Muslim people regard the reading of the Qur’an as the highest form of vocal
expression. What do Christians have in their religious practices that somehow mirror

2. Why are epics said to be a good source of an indigenous group’s history?

3. Why do you think music is an effective way to educate children?

4. How does the availability of certain materials affect the kind of instruments produced
in an area?

Non-Islamic Music of Mindanao
- Mindanao is also home to minorities such as Christians and the Lumads.
Spanish Arrival and Conflict with the Moro
- Christianity first came to the country when the Spanish arrived in 1521. The Spanish also
had various objectives when they went to the Philippines, such as:
● To gain control of trade routes that supply Europe with goods from Asia; and
● To spread Christianity to the natives, competing with the spread of Islam throughout the
- Spain’s motives can be summarized in three words: God, Gold, and Glory.
- However, the Spaniards carried with them a hatred for the moro, which dates back to the
Crusades, the holy war between Christians and Muslims.
- From the beginnings of Spanish colonization of the Philippines up to the Spanish-American
War, there was a three-century Spanish-Moro conflict that occurred in Mindanao—the Moro
declared a jihad against the Spaniards, who retaliated with their massive numbers.

Spanish Influence in Mindanao

- The Spanish first arrived in Mindanao in 1596, when they landed in Jambangan
(modern-day Zamboanga).
- From 1565 to 1898, Philippine culture including music was reshaped—epics about
war heroes and their exploits, and the rhythms of the drums and gongs were
replaced by the liturgical chants of the Christians, Western harmony, and
instruments like the organ, harp, and guitar.
- Unfortunately, the missionaries deemed the music of the natives as demonic and
were considered barriers to the spread of the faith, so these, along with other
cultural practices, were eradicated. This led to a decrease in the performance and
practice of what must have been a rich musical culture.
- The missionaries opened schools that taught the Indio the music of the faith. It
turns out, some of the natives were enthusiastic about learning new instruments
and proved to be adept in performing songs from the new faith.

Music of the Lumad

- The term Lumad is a collective term first used in 1986 to refer to a large number of
indigenous people in Mindanao who are neither Christians nor Muslims. The use of
this term was a result of the desire to be freed from derogatory labels such as
paganos (pagan) and nitibo (native).
- Lumad is a Cebuano term for indigenous. It was chosen because Cebuano was the
common language among the different indigenous groups. The main objective of
the Lumad is to achieve self-government in their ancestral lands, ruled under their
customary law.
- They are separate from the Moro (indigenous Islamic groups) and the indigenous
groups with Visayan roots.

- Lumad music includes a wide variety of music and musical instruments for different
occasions, for example:
 The Subanen of Zamboanga, the biggest group of the Lumad tribes, have a
repertoire of vocal music that includes chants and songs such as dionli (love song),
buwa (lullaby), and giloy (funeral song). They also make use of instruments such as
the agung (bossed hanging gong) and kolintang (horizontally-laid gongs).

Subanen Agung Kulintang

 The Manobo from Sarangani, Agusan del Sur, Davao, Bukidnon, and Cotabato have
different ritual songs, narrative songs, lullabies, and songs about nature. These songs
may be accompanied by the sounds produced by the singer’s armpit.

 The T’boli from South Cotabato sings songs for different occasions such as
weddings. They, like many other indigenous groups, also sing while working. They
also show their closeness to nature through imitating sounds produced by nature
(onomatopoeia). They make use of the hagelung (two-stringed lute) in their musical

T’boli Hagelung

 The Tiruray have songs like the balikata (melodic patterns for debates and
conversations), lendugan (love song), siasid (prayer), foto moto (teasing songs sung
at weddings), and meka meka (a wife’s song of loyalty to her husband).
 The Mansaka from Davao del Norte and Compostela Valley has a wide array of
musical instruments that includes the gimbal (drum), and musical forms like the
saliada (ballad) and bayok (love and adventure).

 The B’laan from Davao del Sur makes use of instruments like the tangungo (a set of
8 metal gongs on a harness) to accompany their rituals and dances.

Tangungo/ Tanggunggu
 The Bagobo from Southern Mindanao has musical forms that accompany their
religious and festive occasions, as well as their daily activities. These include advice
songs, children’s songs, and lullabies.

Activity 3 Mini Task

Role: You are a musician who has been invited to perform the song Kastifun at a Lumad
music festival.
Competence: You must perform your own rendition of the song with a new twist but still
maintain the message of the song.
1. Listen to a performance of the song here (
v=dTjJkSuL-SY). Learn the melody, harmony, and structure of the song.
● For a copy of the text, you may refer here
● For an English and Filipino translation of the lyrics, click here
2. Create your own rendition of the song. You may make tweak some parts of the
melody, or even create a new arrangement for the song in different genres. Be
creative with your rendition but make sure to keep the essence of the song intact. The
use of musical instruments is also highly encouraged.
3. Practice your rendition. You may choose to wear costumes and create simple
choreography to add more creativity to your performance.
4. Record a video performing your rendition. Submit your video through messenger. Your
performance will be graded based on the rubric.
Process Questions:
1. Why do indigenous groups in the Philippines have songs for daily activities, such as

2. Why do you think it is important for minorities to be united?

3. Why do you think lullabies are considered an important musical form for the Lumad?

Activity 4 Performance Task
(Integrated to Arts and PE Performance Task


Must have aural

Can play the Can play the Can maintain the cue
instruments with the instruments with the steady beat or in order to begin
correct steady beat or correct steady beat or rhythms for only part and maintain beat
Rhythm & rhythms throughout the rhythms during most of the song. Must or rhythms. Has
technique song. Uses proper of the song. Can have aural cues from difficulty
playing technique. resume beat or the conductor to throughout the
Follows the conductor. rhythm with visual maintain beat or song with beat or
cues from the rhythms. Plays rhythms. Needs
conductor. Uses properly. reminders for
proper technique. proper playing
Performs with Performs with Performs with Performs with
Expression expression and expression and expression and expression and
and confidence all confidence most of confidence confidence rarely.
confidence throughout. the time. sometimes.
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021-2022


Quarter: Third
Subject: Arts 7
Topic Area: The Arts and Crafts of Mindanao
Designed by: Ms. Jearlie Mae A. Basergo
Teaching devices: Modular and online instruction

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs):

The learner…

 analyzes elements and principles of art in the production one’s arts and crafts inspired
by the arts of Mindanao
 identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific areas in Mindanao (e.g., maritime
vessel [balanghay] from Butuan, vinta from Zamboanga; Maranao’s malong,
brasswares, okir, panolong, torogan, and sarimanok; Yakan’s fabric and face makeup
and body ornamentation; T’boli’s tinalak and accessories; Tawi-tawi’s Pangalaydance,
 reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message emanating from selected artifacts
and art objects
 appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of its utilization and their distinct use
of art elements and principles
 incorporates the design, form, and spirit of artifacts and objects from Mindanao to
one’s creation
 traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences that are reflected in
the design of an artwork and in the making of a craft or artifact
 creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local materials, guided by local
traditional techniques (e.g., habi, lilip, etc).
 derives elements from traditions/history of a community for one’s artwork
 shows the relationship of the development of crafts in specific areas of the country,
according to functionality, traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources
(e.g., pottery, weaving, jewelry, and basketry)
 shows the relationship of Mindanao’s arts and crafts to Philippine culture, traditions,
and history, particularly with Islamic influences and indigenous (Lumad) practices
 participates in exhibit using completed Mindanao-inspired arts and crafts in an
organized manner
Arts of Mindanao
- Mindanao is a melting pot of tribes and cultures.
- The pioneer inhabitants, the Moro and the Lumad (indigenous groups) who resisted
Spanish colonization, strongly retain the influence of the Malayo-Polynesian arts and
- It can be observed that there is a semblance in the arts of the ethnic groups of
Mindanao with that of its southern and eastern neighboring countries-Indonesia,
Malaysia, and the Polynesian Islands.

Arts and Crafts of the Lumads

Cultural Group Lines Colors
Bagobo Criss-crossed, Earth tones,
diagonal, red

Kampilan Women’s Knife Sangi

Manobo Horizontal Chrome


Mandaya Interlocking Beige

horizontal and Purple
vertical lines Red
curvilinear Blue
Dagmay cloth – made of vegetable-dyed abaca fibers which are tie-dyed.

T’boli Geometrical Beige

shapes Brown
intermingled Purple
with horizontal Red
and vertical Gray


Golden yellow

gold and brass ornaments

Tiruray Round Golden yellow
dynamic and Ochre
static lines Silver
Interlocking Red
horizontal and Beige
vertical lines Purple

Activity 1 (see worksheet for the activity)

Process questions:
1. What and how do Mindanao artisans use elements and principles of art in their
2. How can you distinguish Mindanao arts and crafts from Luzon and Visayas crafts?
3. How do foreign and indigenous influences affect Mindanao arts and crafts?
Muslim Art Forms
- Islamic traditions were first introduced to the Malays of the southern Philippines in the
14th century.
- Dominant designs are okir and sarimanok used as decorative elements in Muslim

Muslim Art Forms

- Okir a design that shows Indian and Islamic
- long curvilinear lines and

- rendered in brass or

- used as decorative
elements in architecture

- design is figurative using

plants and animals

- Sarimanok a design of a bird holding a fish on its beak.

- the head is profusely decorated
with scroll, leaf, and spiral motifs.

Characteristics of the Arts and Crafts in some areas of Muslim Mindanao

Tausug/Joloano (People of the
Current) live near bodies of water
where they could do fishing.
Torogan is the ancestral home of
Tausug leaders. It is a symbol of rank
and prestige. It is mainly madde of nipa
and bamboo.

Maranao (People of the Lake) many of

them reside along the great Lanao
Lake. Most of their arts and crafts are
patterned with okir or okkil.

Buraq is a winged horse with a head of

a woman. This relates to the ascension
of Prophet Muhammad to heaven.

Torogan is the ancestral home of the

highest titleholder in a Maranao village.
Its panolong (a carved beam that
protrudes in the front of the house) is
adorned with okir motif.
Malong is a woven Maranao cloth. It is
attractive because of its bright colors
and various design like okir.

Maguindanao (People of Flood Plain)

live in a flooded-prone area of the
Cotabato province, which is the catch-
basinof the mighty Rio Grande of
Mat and Basket Weaving

Yakan live in Sulu, Basilan, and

Inalaman is a cotton and silk textile
that are designed with various
geometric shapes and colors.

Activity 2 (see worksheet for the activity)

Process Questions:
1. What are the different factors in which Mindanao arts and crafts were made?

2. How do functionality, specialized skills, and resource availability affect the

development of crafts?

3. How do Mindanao arts and crafts affect Philippine culture, traditions, and history?

Importance of Design in our Lives

- Decorative arts furnish or beautify the spaces in which we live and adorn our bodies.
- architects design buildings that convey important functions (ex. Churches) while
fashion or clothing designers create decorative designs for the body and the clothes we

Personal function of Art

- art serves as a means of personal expression.
- The choice of fashion indicates one’s personality

Physical Function of Art

- Art is used to produce things that make living comfortable
- Artists design objects to fit with their intended use and aesthetic value that is pleasing
to the user’s eye.

Activity 3 Mini Task

Choose one (1) Muslim art form to draw (Okir or Sarimanok). Draw your chosen art form on a
bond paper. Color your artwork. You will be graded based on the rubric below. Attach and
submit it together with the worksheet.

Process Question:

1. Why is art important in our lives?

2. How is art used in our lives?


Integrated with Music and PE Performance Task

Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021-2022


Quarter: Second
Subject: Physical Education 7
Topic Area: Individual Sports
Designed by: Ms. Jearlie Mae A. Basergo
Teaching devices: Modular and online instruction

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs):

The learner…

 Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments

 Reviews goals based on assessment results
 Describes the nature and background of the dance
 Executes the skills involved in the dance
Philippine Folk Dance
- It is very important to learn the various Philippine folk dances because it helps in
understanding our culture and history.
- The art of dancing these folk dances is taught in school because it helps Filipino
students develop their aesthetic and artistic sense.
- This refinement of the senses brought by the arts, music, and dances contributes to
one’s deep appreciation of his identity as a Filipino.

Traditional/ Folk Dance

- Developed from a group of people living in a particular cultural community. These
people share the same cultural practices.

Singkil is originated from the Maranao people who Pangalay is a traditional Tausug dance characterized by
inhabit the shores of Lake Lanao. It is derived from a elaborate body postures and gestures and the graceful
story in the Darangen. arm and hand movement of the dancer, amplified by the
use of janggay or metal claws.

Ethnic Dance
- imitate nature and life while at the social core are performed rituals that keep an
ethnolinguistic group (or convergence of several) which is spirited and cohesive.
Dancing as such is a form of survival as much as it is spiritual and social expression.

Dance Festivals
- performed by the community to celebrate fiestas, and other occasions. These
dances are characterized by simple steps and done in several repetitions.
Activity 1 (see worksheet for the activity)

Process Questions:
1. How are you going to learn and improve in sports that will rely primarily on your own

2. What lifelong benefits can be attained by participating in individual sports?

Kadal Tahu
- Also pronounced as Kadal Tajo/Tahaw
- A dance literally means “the true dance of T’boli”
- It features a flock of birds that wander to search for food. Finding themselves lost,
the one with a broken leg can hardly fly.
- The dance centers on the flock repeatedly encouraging the lame bird to test its
wings once more. After many tries, it finally flies.

Dance Culture – Indigenous Hill Community

Place of Origin – Lake Sebu, South Cotabato
Ethnolinguistic Group – T’boli

Dance Properties:
Costume – Top (black blouse), Lower (red or black tube-skirt worn like a malong), Props
Music – 24 composed of two parts: A and B
Formation – no definite formation

Basic Dance Steps or Movements

1. Slightly bent knees and trunk throughout the dance
2. Pulling movement like a lame leg
3. Scooping action using malong, simulating big flight.
4. Flipping action of wrists simulating a small fight
5. Turns with arms either clipped or extended.

Activity 2 (see worksheet for the activity)

Process Questions
1. How can folk dance contribute to the attainment of personal fitness?

2. How significant is flexibility in performing a folk dance?

3. How essential is your level of fitness in a dance performance?


Activity 3 Mini Task

Watch the video of Kadal Tahu:

Practice the steps for your Performance Task in Music, Arts, and PE.

Activity 4 Performance Task

 Perform the Kadal Tahu with costume and music. Record your performance in a video.
Submit your video through messenger. You will be graded based on the rubric.

Category 4 3 2 1
The student performed the routine with little or no
The student handled the apparatus with little or no
Transition from movement to movement was generally
smooth throughout the routine.
The student made use of the floor space available
The student maintained good posture throughout the
The student moved with soft, flowing, and graceful
The student showed confidence and appropriate facial
and body expressions.
The students moved synchronized to the music
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2021-2022


Quarter: Third
Subject: Health 7
Topic Area: Mental Health
Designed by: Ms. Jearlie Mae A. Basergo
Teaching devices: Modular and online instruction

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs):

The learner…

 explains the factors that affect the promotion of good mental health
 explains that stress is normal and inevitable
 differentiates eustress from distress
 identifies situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress
 identifies physical responses of the body to stress
 identifies people who can provide support in stressful situations
 differentiates healthful from unhealthful strategies in coping with stress
 demonstrates various stress management techniques that one can use every day in dealing
with stress
 explains the importance of grieving
 demonstrates coping skills in managing loss and grief
 recognizes triggers and warning signs of common mental disorders
 discusses the types, signs, symptoms, prevention, treatment, and professional care in
managing common mental health disorders

Mental Health
- an aspect of health that is related to our emotional, psychological and social self.
Our way of thinking, acting and feeling on a certain scenario is affected. It also
affects how we are going to handle different situations in life, may it be as an
individual or as a group. It is important that each should be aware of their health
- Good mental health is what anyone needs to live an enjoyable and fulfilling life.
However, mental health problems may occur at any age that is why it is important
that any individual is aware of factors that may affect them mentally.
Here are the factors that affect good mental health:
Self-esteem - pertains to how an individual value themselves. Low self-esteem
affects one's view of self-worth.
Neglected - some children at a very young age didn’t receive the love that they need
which made it hard for them to be comfortable and open with their feelings. They
would mostly feel that there’s no one for them in hard situations.
Confidence - people who lack confidence are the ones who are not very open with
new things to discover or try. They have a fear of failing and are not ready to take
Family breakup or Loss - a person at any age who went through a family separation
or loss is an individual who hardly can cope with life’s challenges especially if he/she
values the whole family.
Difficult Behavior - some people who are not open with the people around them
might find a hard time expressing themselves when they feel unhappy or angry. They
tend to act out and appropriately express themselves.
Illness - people suffering from any illness are the ones that are affected by low self-
esteem and poor self-confidence. They have the mindset of not being able to do things
because they are physically incapable.
Abuse - people, especially children, who are victimized by abuse are highly at risk of
poor mental health.

- whenever a person feels stress, tension and pressure can be felt mentally and
- Stress is present because of stressors.
- causes of intense pressure and tension to a person leading towards stress. It can
be a person, a thing, or an event in someone's life. There are two types of stressors
—eustress and distress.

Causes of Anxiety or Stress

 Working too hard - sometimes, working too hard can make a person exhausted
which makes it hard for the body to function and the mind to think clearly.
 Difficulty in school - some students tend to keep on their own if they find a lesson
hard until it gets to the point of failure on the subject.
 Being bullied - anyone who is a victim of bullying can make a person feel
uncomfortable and scared most of the time. Trauma may occur when intervention
didn’t happen after the bullying.
 Busy schedule - setting appointments each day until there’s no time left to spend it
by yourself is another cause of stress. Giving time for one's self can help refresh the
body and mind.
 Family problems - whenever a problem occurs among a family member, everyone is
automatically affected as any person doesn’t want their family to be in a bad situation.
 Death in the family - no one ever wanted to lose anyone from the family. Dealing
and adapting after the scenario is hard and may cause depression.

Activity 1 (see worksheet for the activity)

Process questions:

1. What is mental health?

2. What is stress?

3. How are mental health and stress related to one another?

4. How does stress affect a person?

5. Do you think you are ready enough to handle stress? Why?

Coping with Stress
Coping is a conscious effort and energy to solve problems. Adolescence deal with more
painstaking stress as they go through more complex situations. Dealing with stress seeks to
master, minimize, or tolerate stress and stressors that occur in everyday life.
Coping with Dying and Death
Death is the permanent end of the physical being of any biological organism. It can be
caused by an illness, aging, or an accident. It is an irreversible stage in an organism’s life that
must be learned to accept. Dying is related to death as it is the process of transition as
someone is near to death. Both can bring difficult experiences to the dying person and his
loved ones. It brings grief, the emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster, misfortune, and
death, particularly to the surviving relatives and friends of an individual. In this lesson, you
will understand the importance of grieving and the ways to cope with death and dying.

Grieving is frequently associated with death. But based on its definition, it is also the
suffering due to loss, disaster, and misfortune: people who had experienced an earthquake,
typhoons, tsunamis, storm surges, and other natural disasters. Their grief might come from
the loss of their property and other valuable possessions. An individual may also grief for a
misfortune such as getting robbed, failure in an examination, or losing significant things.
Separation from friends and conflict with others are grievous experiences people can
undergo. Grieving is not a sign that a person is weak. It is healthy and helpful for an
individual to become a stronger and better person. The experience teaches valuable lessons
in life like contentment and valuing the people and things you have now.

According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, she described the coping process with dying and death
using DABDA model. DABDA stands for Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and
Acceptance. This model is not a step-by-step process as anyone can go through it in any
order and it does not necessarily mean that one should undergo each stage.
Other Ways to Cope with the Death of Loved Ones
Joining rituals, like memorial services and funerals, can help an individual deal with and
accept the death of their loved ones.
Express and release your emotions as this process will eventually make you feel better
over time.
Talk about it when you can as it helps you release negativity and feel ok in the
Preserve memories of your loved ones like remembering their birthday.
Join support groups where you can find others who share the same situation as yours.

Activity 2 (see worksheet for the activity)

Process Questions:
1. How can you achieve holistic health when you feel stressed?

2. What are the sources of support you can rely on to manage stress?

3. What coping skills will work best with you?

Types and Management of Common Mental Disorders
Mood Disorders Signs and Symptoms of Mood
These are psychological impairments when someone’s Disorders
general mood fluctuates or is inconsistent with the ● Frequent fatigue
events around them. It can interfere with their ● Headaches, body aches, pains,
everyday function. These disorders are frequently cramps or digestive problems
accompanied by oscillation between extreme sadness ● A dilemma in focusing,
and extreme happiness and feeling of emptiness or remembering details, or making
being irritable. decisions
● Loss of appetite or overeating
● Insomnia or oversleeping
● Contemplating suicide and
attempts on it
● Loss of passion in
activities/hobbies he loved before
● Unrelenting anxiety, sadness or
feelings of emptiness
● Feeling worthless, hopeless, or
● Always pessimistic

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Signs and Symptoms of OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a type of ● Always thinking negative
anxiety disorder due to the constant fear or thought thoughts
that leads them to perform particular practices ● Dreads of contamination
hindering them to perform functionally. The ● Aggressive desires
disorienting speculations are called obsessions, and the ● Repeated sensual thoughts
practices are called compulsions. For example, one ● Imagining hurting loved ones
who keeps washing his hands due to the thought that ● Contemplating on causing harm
everything has germs. to others
● Speculating on getting hurt
● Constant checking
● Habitual counting
● Cleaning over and over again
● Washing hands time and again
● Frequently monitors the stove
or door lock
● Organizing things to face a
certain way
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Signs and Symptoms of OCPD
is different from OCD. First, it is a type of personality ●Hardship in maintaining
disorder. Second, it is much more extreme than OCD relationships
as it can affect other people around the person with it. ● Constant cleaning
A person with OCPD follows a strict rule in keeping ● Increased social isolation
orderliness and control over his surroundings. This ● Mood swings
could limit a person’s flexibility and experiences. But it ● Depression
also affects others as the person might take control of
their life. This mental illness is due to genes and
environmental factors. They are very neat and in order
and obsessed with being perfect. Also, they always feel
righteous and indignant when others “confuse” their
perfect world. This could lead to social isolation.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

a mental illness acquired due to dreadful experiences ● Increased social isolation
such as sexual or physical abuse, a sudden natural ● Mood swings
disaster, or the abrupt death of a loved one. This can ● Depression
become long-term mental distress which can impair ● Intense guilt
the basic functions of an individual.

Bipolar Signs and Symptoms of

also called manic-depressive disorder. It is a form of Bipolar
depression characterized by exchanging mania and ● Rapid speech and racing
depression. The person with bipolar experiences times thoughts
of many delights, then at an instant may become ● Having a hard time deciding
absolutely sad and desperate. ● Being imprudent and impulsive
● Easily agitated
●Unfocused and less
● Extreme irritability
● Euphoria
● Feeling of invisibility
● Ongoing happiness despite
● Lack of interest in hobbies once
loved before
● Fatigue
● Difficulty in remembering
Schizophrenia Signs and Symptoms of
is a serious mental illness with biological origins that Schizophrenia
interferes with the person’s normal functioning, ability ● Having hallucinations
to think precisely, severe alterations of the senses, and ● Experiences delusions
suffers from the inability to interact with reality. ● Confusion and difficulty in
● Forgetfulness
● Disconnected in reality
● Speaks and mumbles sound to
● Disorganized thinking
● Thinks or imagines very
● Depleting social interactions

Prevention, Treatment, and Professional Care in Managing Common Mental

Health Disorders
Early detection and prevention help maximize ways to care for mental health. Knowing the
causes of each mental illness discussed above can help to prevent and manage them. In this
lesson, ways to prevent, treat, and professional care in managing some common mental
illnesses are explored.
Mood disorders like bipolar have effective treatments. There are certain factors considered to
determine the best approach. Considerations encompass:
● Health, age, and medical history
● The severity of the illness
● A specific type of mood disorder
● Suited medication
● Necessary procedures
● The expectations and personal preferences
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment is a treatment that focuses on the actions and
behaviors of the person. It helps the person to recognize distorted or self-defeating thought
patterns, and then actively replace them with positive thinking and behavior.
The patients are advised to take antipsychotic drugs, medications to stabilize and quickly
moderate the symptoms of the behavior. An electrical simulation is a medical procedure
specified for the treatment of extreme form of mood disorders.
● Group therapy allows the patient to communicate and learn from other patients who are
suffering from the same trauma or illness.
● Psychotherapy can employ the talk therapy technique to help the traumatized individual to
understand his situation and deal with his life to function normally.
● Hypnotherapy helps the person to deal with the trauma by reverting to his mental state
before the trauma happened and use a strong state of mind to overcome any acquired
behavioral issues.

Activity 3 Mini Task

Materials: ● pen ● paper ● coloring materials
1. Draw a character for each mental illness: Mood disorder, OCD, OCPD, PTSD.
2. Then, explain the characteristics of each character with the specified mental illness.
3. Attach and submit your output together with the worksheet.

Process Questions:
1. How can you achieve holistic health when you have a mental illness?

2. What are the sources of support you can rely on to manage a mental illness?

3. Why is it important for teens like you to learn about different mental illnesses?

Activity 4 Performance Task

Nowadays, different studies had shed light on various forms of mental illnesses. A teen that
faces stress in life can also be affected by any of the mental illnesses explored in this unit. In
this activity, using the knowledge you have gained in the lessons, you will make an
infographic on the mental illness you want to focus on (choose one mental illness).
Include details like signs and symptoms, causes, and treatments about the mental illness.
Attach and submit it together with the worksheet. You will be graded based on the rubric.

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