Youth Empowerment and Political Engagement

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A Project for Youth Empowerment and Political


I. Background and Purpose

Youth is full of energy and enthusiasm to learn, act and achieve. The political
participation and youth empowerment is a must to achieve any kind of future goals
of prosperity, progress, peace, and safety.

On the other hand, youth maybe as well become a hindrance to the development
of the nation for they face myriad of issue that needs to be addressed at the grass
root level. Poverty, lack of education, drug or substance abuse, vice, crime and
unemployment are among the problems that continue to batter them. To find the
solution for this study, through proposing a specific program that can address the
issue relating to political engagement and youth empowerment.

The research seeks to provide insights into how youth empowerment can be
promoted and sustained to encourage greater political engagement among young
people. The ultimate goal is to strengthen democratic institutions and ensure that
the voices of the youth are heard.

II. Project Description

This research will generally help the young people. It will give awareness and
an urge for the government, to further take action and focus on the problem.
Additionally, it will benefit the country as well for the youth’s progress contribute to
the prosperity of the nation.

Furthermore, youth empowerment and political engagement seek to promote

accountability, transparency, and good governance by promoting civic education
and providing opportunities for young people. Ultimately, the aim is to build a more
inclusive, democratic, participatory society.

This study will involve conducting surveys and in-depth interviews with young
people from diverse backgrounds to gather their perceptions and attitudes on
political engagement, empowerment and participation. The findings from this study
will contribute to developing strategies and policies that empower young people and
increase their political engagement in society.

This project aims to equip young people with the toolkit needed to develop their
leadership and organizational skills, strengthen their understanding of policymaking
process, enhance their critical thinking and analytical abilities, and encourage them
to engage in civic participation.

III. Project Needs and Key Personnel

This project can cost for a support organization budget that can help us
advertise and promote our objectives, the supplies needed to consider this activity
is more likely in a minimum expense. By doing this research, we use the
computer/laptop to gather the information needed with my effort and my partner
Vince Tan for helping to print and organized this research.
IV. Impact of Project

This project is significant because it aims to empower youth and encourage

their political participation. By educating young people on their civic duties and
providing them with resources and opportunities to engage in the political process,
we can help create a generation in informed and active citizens. Youth voices are
critical to shaping the future of our communities and countries, and this project’s
efforts can lead to increased representation, stronger democracy, and a more
equitable society for all. The ultimate outcome is to create a more inclusive and
representative political system that reflects the needs and aspirations of all
members of society.

V. References

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