08KMERENG3001BS_V1- A Memorable Event - Pertemuan 01.docx

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VIII SMP | Kurikulum Merdeka | A Memorable Event | Subtopik: Simple Past Tense (Positive

and Negative) | Pertemuan 01

Quiz -1
1. Yesterday, my father and I ‘....’ a horror movie. 8. The correct answer to fill in the blank (8) is
A. watch C. watches
B. watched D. watching A. I did C. i didn’t
B. I was D. i wasn’t
2. Siska ‘....’ her teeth last night.
A. not brush C. did not brush Quiz -2
B. do not brush D. does not brush 1. My little brother ‘....’ so loud last night.
3. Alfred and his sister ‘....’ the food their A. cry C. cried
father gave them. B. cries D. cryed
A. did not like C. did not liked
2. Bu Nina ‘....’ to the market by bike this
B. did not likes D. was not liked
4. she ‘....’ happy hearing the news yesterday A. go C. gone
A. wasn’t C. didn’t B. goes D. went
B. weren’t D. aren’t
3. She ‘....’ to go to the park last month..
5. My father ‘....’ a pilot when he was young. A. want C. wanted
Now he is a businessman. B. went D. won’t
A. is C. was
4. They ‘....’ their shoes last Sunday.
B. are D. were
A. wash C. washen
6. Shinta and Jojo ‘....’ very hungry this B. washed D. washing
5. We ‘....’ a good food at a restaurant a week
A. is C. did
B. was D. were
A. eat C. eated
The dialogue is for question no. 7 and 8. B. ate D. eaten
Susan : What did you do last weekend?
6. She ‘....’ two books in a month this January!
Fanny : Oh, I ‘....’ (7) some books at the
bookstore. A. read C. rode
Susan : Yeah. I almost forgot you love books B. readed D. rides
so much. Did you go there with your
7. Billy always ‘....’ his friends when he was 10.
Fanny : No, ‘....’ (8) I went there alone. A. help C. helped
B. helps D. helping
7. The correct answer to fill in the blank (7) is
‘....’ 8. When he was young, my grandpa usually ‘....’
a letter to my grandma once a month!
A. buy C. buyed
B. buys D. bought A. write C. writted
B. wrote D. written
Quiz -3
Looks at the picture below

1 2 3

5 6 7

1. Which of the following is the best description of the pictures?

A. On Sunday morning, I woke up and immediately had my breakfast. After that, I took a bath at 7. I
tried to study and do my homework, but I got distracted and just played my guitar instead. Feeling
a little bit tired, I fell asleep. When I woke up again, I continued my study.
B. On Sunday morning, I woke up and immediately took a bath. After that, I had my breakfast at 7. I
tried to study and do my homework, but I got distracted and just fell asleep. Feeling a little bit
tired, I played my guitar. When I woke up again, I continued my study.
C. On Sunday morning, I woke up and immediately took a bath. After that, I had my breakfast at 7. I
tried to study and do my homework, but I got distracted and just played my guitar instead. Feeling
a little bit tired, I fell asleep. When I woke up again, I continued my study.
D. On Sunday morning, I woke up and immediately took a bath. After that, I fell asleep at 7. I tried to
study and do my homework, but I got distracted and just played my guitar instead. Feeling a little
bit tired, I took a bath. When I woke up again, I continued my study.
Read the following sentences!
i. Last weekend, my family and I went to a zoo in the city. My little brother, Al, was a big fan of
animals, especially birds. Therefore, we got to the zoo as early as possible.
ii. Finally, we visited the bird area. My brother could not stop staring at the birds.
iii. Second, we went to the aquatic area. We met a lot of fishes and reptiles there.
iv. After that, my dad decided to take us to a restaurant to have lunch.
v. That was the best experience seeing animals in real life, especially for my little brother!
vi. First, we saw giraffes not far from the entrance. Al was so excited seeing those tall animals!

2. Which of the following is the best arrangement of the sentences?

A. i - vi - iii - iv - ii - v
B. i - vi - iii - iv - v - ii
C. vi - iii - iv - ii - v - i
D. vi - iii - iv - ii - i - v

The text is for question no. 3 to 5.

Yesterday I was going to the shopping mall with my friend, Lia. We were walking around the
supermarket to buy some snacks before watching a movie in the cinema. We were going to see a
romantic movie. Suddenly, I saw someone who looked like my friend, Shera. I tried to call her name many
times but she didn’t respond. I thought that she didn’t hear me call her name. So, I approached her and
softly hit her in the shoulder. Then I was surprised when the girl wasn’t my friend. Immediately I said
sorry and went away from her. There were many people looking at me at the same time, and I saw Lia
laughing at me while saying that it was so embarrassing. Yeah, I know that!

3. What would the writer and her friend do after buying some snacks at the supermarket?
A. watching a romantic movie
B. watching a horror movie
C. shopping other goods
D. visiting a friend

4. Why did the writer softly hit the shoulder of the woman she saw?
A. Because the woman was busy
B. Because the writer was embarrassed
C. Because the writer did not want to make the woman angry
D. Because the woman did not respond the writer’s calling

5. Why did Lia laugh at the writer?

A. Because the writer was surprised when she saw her friend
B. Because the writer greeted a wrong person
C. Because the writer said sorry and went away
D. Because many people looked at the writer

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