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Nuclear Medicine and Biology 38 (2011) 575 – 583

Development of a nano-zirconia based 68 Ge/68 Ga generator for

biomedical applications
Rubel Chakravartya , Rakesh Shuklab , Ramu Rama , Avesh Kumar Tyagib ,
Ashutosh Dasha,⁎, Meera Venkatesha
Radiopharmaceuticals Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai-400085, India
Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai-400085, India
Received 5 August 2010; received in revised form 23 September 2010; accepted 26 October 2010


Introduction: Most of the commercially available 68Ge/68Ga generator systems are not optimally designed for direct applications in a
clinical context. We have developed a nano-zirconia based 68Ge/68Ga generator system for accessing 68Ga amenable for the preparation
of radiopharmaceuticals.
Methods: Nano-zirconia was synthesized by the in situ reaction of zirconyl chloride with ammonium hydroxide in alkaline medium. The
physical characteristics of the material were studied by various analytical techniques. A 740 MBq (20 mCi) 68Ge/68Ga generator was
developed using this sorbent and its performance was evaluated for a period of 1 year. The suitability of 68Ga for labeling biomolecules was
ascertained by labeling DOTA-TATE with 68Ga.
Results: The material synthesized was nanocrystalline with average particle size of ∼7 nm, pore-size of ∼4 Å and a high surface area of
340±10 m2 g−1. 68Ga could be regularly eluted from this generator in 0.01N HCl medium with an overall radiochemical yield N80% and with
high radionuclidic (b10−5% of 68Ge impurity) and chemical purity (b0.1 ppm of Zr, Fe and Mn ions). The compatibility of the product for
preparation of 68Ga-labeled DOTA-TATE under the optimized reaction conditions was found to be satisfactory in terms of high labeling
yields (N99%). The generator gave a consistent performance with respect to the elution yield and purity of 68Ga over a period of 1 year.
Conclusions: The feasibility of preparing an efficient 68Ge/68Ga generator which can directly be used for biomedical applications has
been demonstrated.
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ge/68Ga generator; 68
Ga radiopharmaceuticals; Nano-zirconia; DOTA-TATE; PET imaging

1. Introduction while maintaining an acceptable radiation dose to the patient.

Moreover, the half-life of 68Ga matches the pharmacokinet-
The 68Ge/68Ga generator system is an excellent source for ics of many peptides and other small molecules due to
availing ready-to-use 68Ga in clinical positron emission rapid diffusion, localization at the target and fast blood
tomography (PET) applications, allowing PET imaging at clearance [3]. The long half-life of the parent radionuclide
facilities without an on-site cyclotron [1]. The radioisotope Ge (t1/2=270.8 days) ensures the cost-effective availability
Ga is an excellent positron emitter, with 89% positron of 68Ga within the PET facility for long periods of time.
branching accompanied by low photon emission (1077 keV, Although the 68Ge/68Ga radionuclide generators have been
3.22%) [2]. The relatively short half-life of 68Ga (t1/2=68 the object of development and investigation for almost
min) permits PET application with suitable 68Ga radiotracers 50 years [4,5], their proper and relevant clinical use has
started only recently [6–8], due to lack of proper sorbents, as
one of the reasons. Numerous 68Ga-based radiopharmaceu-
ticals have been found useful in clinical studies [9,10].
⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +91 22 2550 5151. Undoubtedly, the major impetus for the development of
E-mail address: (A. Dash). Ge/68Ga generator stems from the recognized potential of
0969-8051/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
576 R. Chakravarty et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology 38 (2011) 575–583
PET technique and Ga-based radiopharmaceuticals, which S. D. Fine Chemicals, India. HPLC grade water and zirconyl
demand instant, in-house availability of 68Ga suitable for chloride (ZrOCl2·8H2O, 99.9%) were purchased from E.
clinical use [11–13]. Merck, Germany. Analytical grade (+99.999%) GeO2 was
Several 68Ge/68Ga generator systems have been proposed procured from Aldrich, England. DOTA-TATE (DOTA-D-
over the past several years in an attempt to provide a reliable Phe1 -Tyr3 -octreotate, DOTA=1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclodode-
source of the positron-emitter 68Ga that can readily be cane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid) was obtained from Pi Chem,
converted into radiopharmaceuticals for PET [5,14,15]. Of Austria. Paper chromatography (PC) strips (3 MM Chr,
these systems, the column chromatographic 68 Ge/68 Ga 20 mm width) were purchased from Whatman International
generator has emerged as an effective, efficient and the Limited, England. 68Ge in HCl medium was obtained from
most popular generator system, owing to its simplicity and Atom Hightech Company Limited, China, through an IAEA-
convenience to use in a hospital radiopharmacy. The most coordinated research project.
commonly available commercial 68Ge/68Ga generator sys-
tems are based on TiO2 or SnO2 as sorbents [5,13,14], from
which ionic 68Ga3+ is eluted in 0.1–1N HCl. The major
3. Experimental
limitation of most of the commercially available generators
is that the 68Ga obtained from the primary column is not 3.1. Synthesis and characterization of
optimally suited for the routine synthesis of 68Ga-labeled tetragonal nano-zirconia
radiopharmaceuticals. The eluates from most of the com-
mercial generators have low specific volume of 68Ga and Tetragonal nano-zirconia was synthesized by controlled
may contain different trace elements owing to the solubility hydrolysis of zirconyl chloride in ammonium hydroxide
of metal oxide sorbent. The presence of these competing medium as per the procedure reported by Yin and Xu [21].
metal ions in the eluate is a major obstacle in the The hydrogel thus formed was washed with deionized water
complexation chemistry of 68 Ga [12,13] and therefore to make it free of chloride ions. The hydrogel was then
necessitates the inclusion of multiple post-elution processing digested under reflux at ∼90°C for 24 h in a 1l round
steps [11–13,16,17]. bottom flask containing ammonium hydroxide (pH 12).
In view of the above-described drawbacks, development Subsequently, the digested gels were washed extensively
of alternate sorbents with high sorption capacity and (8–10 times) with deionized water, dried at 100°C and
selectivity for 68 Ge along with appreciable radiation calcined for 5 h at 600°C. The dried material was ground in
resistance and chemical stability in acidic medium is of a porcelain mortar and sieved to get particles of 50–100
considerable importance and deserves a serious consider- mesh size (149–297 μm).
ation. Use of such sorbents would not only facilitate the Characterization of the product was carried out using
elution of 68 Ga with high radioactive concentration and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique, infrared (IR)
avoid the need of additional concentration step, but also spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and
render 68 Ga of acceptable radionuclidic and chemical Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis. X-ray
purity. In this context, the use of nanoparticle-based diffraction measurements were carried out on the powder for
sorbents seems to be an interesting proposition owing to crystallite size estimation, using monochromatized Cu-Kα
their unique morphological features, pore structure and radiation on a Philips X-ray diffractometer, Model PW 1927.
high surface areas and high surface charge. In order to FT-IR spectra of the synthesized sorbent were recorded in a
exploit the potential of nanomaterials as sorbents in the JASCO FT/IR-420 spectrometer. The surface area and the
preparation of radionuclide generators, we have reported pore size analysis were carried out by the standard BET
the development of 99 Mo/99m Tc and 188 W/188 Re generators technique with N2 adsorption using the Quantachrome
using nanocrystalline titania [18,19] and zirconia sorbents Autosorb-1 analyzer. Transmission electron microscopy
[20], for clinical applications. Here we have attempted to was recorded by a TEM JEOL FX microscope (Jeol Ltd.,
use tetragonal nano-zirconia sorbent in the development of Tokyo, Japan) on the powder sample. The preparation of
Ge/68 Ga generator. The feasibility of the method, in terms samples for TEM analysis involved sonication in ethanol for
performance of the generator with respect to yield, low 5 min and deposition on a carbon-coated copper grid. The
Ge breakthrough, high radioactive concentration of the accelerating voltage of the electron beam was 200 kV.
Ga solution and adequate purity of the 68 Ga for
preparation of radiopharmaceuticals, has been demonstrat- 3.2. Chemical stability of nano-zirconia
ed and evaluated.
The chemical stability of the nano-zirconia sorbent was
assessed in several mineral acids and bases (0.1–5 M
2. Materials concentration), such as HCl, HNO3, NaOH and NH4OH,
adopting the reported procedure [18–20]. The chemical
Reagents such as hydrochloric acid, ammonium hydrox- analysis for the determination of trace level of metal
ide, etc., were of analytical grade and were procured from contaminations was done using inductively coupled
R. Chakravarty et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology 38 (2011) 575–583 577

plasma–atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-ES JY-238, equilibrium mixture before equilibration with nano-zirconia.
Emission Horiba Group, France). The capacity was calculated using the following expression:
3.3. Determination of the distribution ratio
ðCo − Ce ÞV
The distribution ratios (Kd) of the Ge and Ga ions were Capacity =
determined by batch equilibration method [18–20]. A
stoppered conical flask containing 200 mg of nano-zirconia,
immersed in 20 ml of HCl solution spiked with 37 kBq of the where Cο and Ce represent the initial and equilibration
Ge/68 Ga radiotracer, was shaken for 1 h at room concentrations of Ge, respectively, in terms of milligrams per
temperature (25°C). Subsequently, the supernatant solution milliliter calculated from activity per milliliter values, V is
was filtered through a Whatman filter paper (No. 542). For the volume (in milliliters) of solution and m is the mass
determination of the activity of 68Ge, the filtrate was allowed (in grams) of the sorbent.
to decay for 24 h, whereas in the case of 68Ga the
measurement was done immediately after filtration. The
activities of the solution before and after equilibration were 3.5.2. Determination of breakthrough pattern and dynamic
measured in a well-type NaI (Tl) counter using the sorption capacity
appropriate window setting (400–600 keV). The Kd values In order to evaluate the Ge sorption capacity under
were calculated by using the following expression: dynamic conditions, a borosilicate glass column of dimen-
sion 8×0.6 cm (i.d.) with a sintered disc (G0) at the bottom

Ai − Aeq V was packed with 0.5 g of the sorbent. After the column was
Kd =
Aeq m
ml=g conditioned with 0.01 M HCl, Ge solution (5 mg Ge ml−1),
spiked with the 68Ge/68Ga radiotracer, was allowed to pass
where Ai is the initial total radioactivity of 1 ml of the through the column at a flow rate of ∼0.25 ml min−1. One
solution, Aeq is the unadsorbed activity in 1 ml of the milliliter of this solution was kept as reference (Cο). The
solution at equilibrium, V is the solution volume (ml) and m effluent was collected in fractions of 1 ml aliquots (C) and
is the mass (g) of the adsorbent. All equilibration experi- allowed to decay for 1 day. The 68Ge activity in the reference
ments were carried out in triplicate. (Cο) and effluent fractions was determined by measuring the
511 keV γ-ray peak in a HPGe detector. The ratio of the
3.4. Determination of the time of equilibration count rate C of each 1 ml effluent to the count rate Co of 1 ml
In order to study the time dependence of the sorption of of the original feed Ge solution was taken as the parameter to
Ge onto nano-zirconia, the Kd of 68Ge in 0.01 M HCl was follow the sorption pattern.
determined at different time intervals. The attainment of
equilibrium was indicated by the constant Kd value after a 3.6. Preparation of Ge/68Ga generator
certain period of time.
A borosilicate glass column of dimension 8×0.6 cm (i.d.)
3.5. Determination of the sorption capacity of nano-zirconia with a sintered disc (G0) at the bottom was packed with 1 g of
nano-zirconia and kept in a lead-shielded container. It was
The sorption capacity of nano-zirconia was evaluated
preconditioned with 0.01 M HCl solution. A schematic
under both static and dynamic conditions. The solution of
diagram of the 68Ge/68Ga generator system is shown in
non-radioactive Ge(IV) was prepared by dissolving GeO2 in
Fig. 1. All the operations were carried out in a closed cyclic
0.1N sodium hydroxide. The concentration and the initial pH
system using connecting tubes. Input/output connections
of the Ge solution were adjusted with 0.1N HCl. A HPGe
were made with standard Teflon tubings of 1 mm inner
detector coupled with a multichannel analyzer (Canberra
diameter and connectors. The generator column, connectors
Eurisys, France) with a 1.5 keV resolution at 1333 keV and a
and connection tubings were integrated within a small
range from 1.8 keV to 2 MeV was used for analysis of 68Ga
portable lead-shielded unit throughout experimental use for
and 68Ge and also for their quantitative determination.
radioprotection purposes. Only the elution vial and output
3.5.1. Static sorption capacity vial were accessible externally. A disposable 0.22-μm
The static sorption capacity of nano-zirconia for Ge was membrane filter was attached to the generator column output
determined by batch equilibration method. An accurately by Teflon tubing. The 68 Ge/68 Ga solution containing
weighed amount of sorbent (∼200 mg) was taken in a 740 MBq (20 mCi) of 68Ge at pH 2 was percolated into
stoppered glass conical flask and equilibrated with 20 ml of the column maintaining a flow rate of 0.25 ml min−1. The
the Ge solution (5 mg of Ge per milliliter) spiked with Ge-loaded column was dried under vacuum for 1 min and
∼370 kBq (10 μCi) of 68Ge for 1 h at pH 2. Subsequently, washed with 100 ml of 0.01 M HCl solution. 68Ga was
the contents were filtered and the filtrate was allowed to regularly eluted from the loaded column with 2 ml of 0.01 M
decay for 24 h. The activity of the decayed 68Ge solution was HCl solution. The performance of the generator was
compared with the standard solution taken from the evaluated for ∼1 year, by periodic elutions at 24 h intervals.
578 R. Chakravarty et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology 38 (2011) 575–583

The pH of the resulting mixture was found to be ∼4–4.5 and

was carefully adjusted to ∼4 (if required) by addition of
0.1N HCl. The resulting mixture was incubated at 90°C
for 15 min. The extent of complexation achieved was
determined by PC using 50% acetonitrile in water as the
eluting solvent.

3.9. Simulated study for the separation of Ga from a Ge

carrier-added solution, equivalent to ∼3.7 GBq (100 mCi)
of 68Ge

The performance of nano-zirconia as a column matrix for

the 68Ge/68Ga generator with higher level of activity was
investigated by using inactive Ge carrier-added solution
simulated to represent ∼3.7 GBq (100 mCi) of 68Ge. The
simulated solution was prepared by dissolving 21 μg of
GeO2 (equivalent to 3.7 GBq of no-carrier-added 68Ge) in
0.1 M NaOH. The resultant solution was evaporated to
dryness and then reconstituted with 0.01 M HCl solution.
The above solution was spiked with an equilibrium mixture
of 68Ge/68Ga containing 185 MBq (5 mCi) of 68Ge and 68Ga.
The mixture was loaded in a borosilicate glass column
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the 68Ge/68Ga generator assembly.
(8 cm×0.6 cm i.d.) containing 1 g of nano-zirconia, adopting
the procedure outlined above. 68Ga was eluted with 2 ml of
3.7. Elution profile of the generator 0.01N HCl solution under the same conditions as in previous
studies. The efficiency of 68 Ga elution and the 68Ge
The generator elution profile was studied by collecting the breakthrough were determined.
eluate as 0.5 ml aliquots, and the activity of each fraction was
determined by measuring the 511 keV γ-ray peak in a HPGe
detector. 4. Results
3.8. Quality control of Ga eluate 4.1. Synthesis and characterization of
tetragonal nano-zirconia
3.8.1. Radionuclidic purity
Radionuclidic purity of the samples was assessed using a In order to get a product with largely open textures
calibrated HPGe detector coupled to a multichannel and increased crystalline properties, digestion of hydrogel
analyzer. The 68 Ge contamination level in 68 Ga was was pursued in alkaline media. The product obtained was
quantified by allowing the separated 68Ga samples to granular in texture with adequate mechanical strength
decay for 2 days and then measuring the 511 keV γ-peak
of 68Ga daughter. This in turn corresponds to the level of
Ge contaminant.
(1 0 1)

7nm t-ZrO2
3.8.2. Chemical purity
In order to determine the presence of chemical impurities
(in the form of Zr, Cu, Pb, Co, Cr, Cd, Ni, Fe, Mn ions) in the
Ga eluate, the 68Ga samples were allowed to decay for
Intensity (a.u)

(1 1 2)
(2 0 0)

7 days. The trace levels of the metal ion contamination in the

decayed samples were determined by ICP-AES analysis. The
(2 1 1)

calibration curves for these ions were obtained by using

(0 0 2)
(1 1 0)

standard solutions having known concentration of these ions.

(2 0 2)
(1 0 2)

3.8.3. Labeling efficacy

In order to evaluate the suitability of 68Ga for biomedical
applications, it was used for the preparation of 68Ga-DOTA-
TATE. In brief, 20 μl of DOTA-TATE solution (1 μg μl−1)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
2θ (degrees)
in HPLC-grade water was mixed with 980 μl of 0.01 M
ammonium acetate buffer (pH ∼5) and 1 ml of 68Ga eluate Fig. 2. XRD pattern of nano-zirconia: broad peaks indicating the
(∼296 MBq 8 mCi in 0.01N HCl medium) was added to it. nanocrystalline nature of the material.
R. Chakravarty et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology 38 (2011) 575–583 579

and exhibited free flowing characteristics in fixed-bed 5000

column operation.
The XRD pattern of the nano-zirconia is shown in Fig. 2. 4000
The results indicate that the nano-zirconia prepared by this
method is present purely in tetragonal phase. The tetragonal
phase was perhaps stabilized due to the excess surface

energy possessed by the nano-sized material. The average
particle size of nano-zirconia determined by the Debye 2000

Scherrer's method [18,20] was found to be ∼7 nm. The IR

spectrum of nano-zirconia exhibited a broad absorption peak 1000
in the range 3600–3000 cm−1, which is due to the sum of the
contributions of hydroxyl groups and water molecules [20].
An absorption peak is seen at 1614 cm−1 which is assigned to 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
the bending mode of the OH− group attached to the matrix. Time (minutes)
The bands at 1000 and 490–501 cm−1 are assigned to the
Zr-O-Zr bond [20]. TEM studies of the sorbent (Fig. 3) Fig. 4. Determination of equilibration time.
indicate that the nanocrystalline zirconia prepared is
crystalline and agglomerated. The average particle size of
nano-zirconia as determined by TEM was found to be in the 4.3. Determination of equilibration time
range of 5–8 nm which is in accordance with the results
obtained from XRD. It was also observed from the TEM The time dependence of the sorption of 68Ge ions on
studies that the particles are uniform in size and shape. The nano-zirconia is depicted in Fig. 4. It could be inferred
standard BET technique indicated that the surface area of from the figure that the equilibrium was attained within
nanocrystalline zirconia is ∼340 m2 g−1 and the average pore 50–60 min and therefore a contact period of 50–60 min was
size is ∼4 Å. Moreover, uniform pore size distribution was maintained for all batch experiments.
observed in this synthesized sorbent. 4.4. Determination of Kd

In order to explore the potential to use nano-zirconia for

4.2. Chemical stability of nano-zirconia
the separation of 68Ga from 68Ge, Kd values were determined
Studies to test the stability against solubility showed that under different concentrations of HCl and the results are
nano-zirconia was insoluble in water, dilute mineral acids summarized in Table 1. Under all examined concentrations,
and alkalies (0.1 to 5 M) as b0.1 ppm (0.1 μg ml−1) level of Ge ions had significantly high Kd values. It is noticed that Kd
Zr ions was detected in the filtrate in all the cases, when values decreased gradually with increase in concentration of
analyzed by ICP-AES. HCl. On the other hand, 68Ga3+ had distinctly lower Kd
values under acidic conditions and can thus be effectively
separated from 68Ge. Although Ga3+ had low Kd values
under the acidic conditions, owing to the very high Kd values
of Ge ions in dilute acid, it was decided to use 0.01 M HCl

Table 1
68 68
Distribution ratios (Kd) of Ge and Ga as a function of concentration
of HCl
Concentration Kd
of HCl (M) 68 68
Ge Ga
0.001 12,598±120 8±2
0.01 12,743±88 0.10±0.05
0.05 6645±46 0.2±0.1
0.1 6333±52 0.10±0.06
0.5 2131±100 0.5±0.1
1 1204±84 0.7±0.2
2 931±50 0.6±0.1
3 907±53 0.4±0.2
4 614±45 0.4±0.1
5 412±61 0.2±0.1
Fig. 3. TEM micrograph of nano-zirconia showing that the material is
nanocrystalline and agglomerated. n=3; ‘±’ indicates standard deviation.
580 R. Chakravarty et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology 38 (2011) 575–583

for elution of Ga . Quantitative retention of 68Ge was

3+ 100
achieved and 68Ga could be eluted out easily using 0.01 M 1
HCl solution.

Ga (%)
1: Elution efficiency (%) 1.5x10-5
68 68

% 68Ge in 68Ga
2: % Ge in Ga
4.5. Determination of sorption capacity of nano-zirconia 60

Elution yield of
4.5.1. Static sorption capacity of nano-zirconia 1.0x10-5
The batch equilibration studies indicated that the static ion
exchange capacity of the 68Ge nano-zirconia for Ge ions was 2
135±10 mg Ge g−1 in 0.01 M HCl solution (n=10). 20

0 0.0
4.5.2. Dynamic sorption capacity of 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
nano-zirconia Time (days)
The breakthrough curve developed in 0.01 M HCl
medium is depicted in Fig. 5. It was observed that the Fig. 6. Performance of the generator over a period of 1 year, eluted regularly
breakthrough point was reached after 70±2 mg of Ge was at intervals of 24 h; data points shown at 10-day interval.
quantitatively retained per gram of sorbent (n=10) in the
column. The total capacity of the sorbent under dynamic 68
4.6. Preparation of Ge/68Ga generator
conditions (at C/Co=0.9, n=10) was found out to be
∼125 mg of Ge per gram of sorbent, which is quite close About 740 MBq (20 mCi) of 68Ge activity at pH 2 was
to the static sorption capacity. quantitatively retained in the column. On washing with
The concentration of Ge ions (5 mg Ge ml−1) used in 100 ml of 0.1N HCl solution, only b0.3% of 68Ge came out.
these experiments does not reflect the real ‘generator The generator was eluted on every working day over a
situation’ owing to the fact that much higher concentration period of 1 year. Over this period of time the generator was
of Ge ions was used. Although the concentration of Ge ions eluted for ∼260 times. The performance of the generator
used in this experiment does not reflect the real situation, it with respect to the radiochemical yield of 68Ga and the 68Ge
provides information on the sorption capacity of Ge ions breakthrough is illustrated in Fig. 6. The figure shows that
which is appreciably high (135±10 mg Ge g−1 sorbent). the radiochemical yield of 68Ga was always N80% and the
Since 68Ge is available in no-carrier-added form, the amount level of 68Ge impurity present in 68Ga was b10−5% over this
of Ge present in 37 GBq (1 Ci) of 68Ge solution is only period of 1 year.
0.14 mg. It was observed that when Ge solution of this
concentration was used the entire amount of 68Ge ions was 4.7. Elution profile of the generator
quantitatively taken up by the sorbent. Five milligrams per The elution profile of 68 Ga from the generator is
milliliter was chosen to indicate the excellent capacity of the illustrated in Fig. 7. It can be seen that the elution profile
sorbent, much more than adequate to adsorb Ge ions is sharp, with b2% of the 68Ga eluted in the first 1 ml fraction
expected to be present in a clinical-scale generator. and N90% of the 68Ga activity eluted in the subsequent 2 ml
of eluent. For the regular elutions, the first 1 ml fraction


% 68Ga eluted



Amount of sorbent = 500 mg
Concentration of feed solution = 5 mg Ge/ mL
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0
Volume of Ge solution (mL) 0 1 2 3 4
Volume of eluent (mL)
Fig. 5. Breakthrough profile of Ge on passing Ge (5 mg Ge ml−1) solution
through a 500 mg nano-zirconia column at a flow rate of 0.25 ml min−1. Fig. 7. Elution profile of the generator.
R. Chakravarty et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology 38 (2011) 575–583 581
68 68 3+
containing negligible amounts of Ga was discarded and the identical conditions unlabeled Ga remained at the point
majority of 68Ga was available in 2 ml of 0.01N HCl solution of application (Rf=0). It was observed that as low as 20 μg of
with appreciable radioactive concentration. DOTA-TATE (13.9 nmol) was sufficient for labeling
∼296 MBq (8 mCi) of 68Ga with N99% complexation
4.8. Quality control of Ga eluate yield. The specific activity of 68Ga-DOTA-TATE was
4.8.1. Radionuclidic purity ∼21.3 MBq nmol−1 and it was obtained with N99%
Since 68Ge decays solely by electron capture to 68Ga, the radiochemical purity. The high radiochemical purity of
amount of 68Ge contamination in 68Ga eluate could not be Ga-DOTA-TATE was comparable to that of 68Ga-DOTA
directly estimated by γ-ray spectrometry. The 68Ga eluate peptides prepared by the reported methods adopting multiple
was allowed to decay for 2 days, during which the 68Ga purification steps [13,14,17]. The present findings amply
eluted decays and any 511 keV peak is due to the 68Ga suggest that traces of Zn ions present in the eluate do not
arising from the 68Ge that was eluted along with 68Ga. interfere significantly in the complexation chemistry of 68Ga.
Hence, aliquots of the decayed samples were assayed by 4.9. Simulated study for the separation of Ga from a Ge
γ-ray spectrometry (511 keV γ-peak) to estimate the amount carrier-added solution, equivalent to ∼3.7 GBq (100 mCi)
of daughter isotope 68Ga, after 48 h of growth. The amount of 68Ge
of 68Ge impurity in 68Ga eluate was b20 Bq (b10−5% of the
total 68Ga activity) in all the elutions over the period of The recovery of 68Ga from Ge/Ga mixture simulated to
1 year (Fig. 6). This proves that 68Ga is obtained with represent 3.7 GBq (100 mCi) of 68Ge was as good when
appreciable radionuclidic purity suitable for radiopharma- lower amounts of 68Ge were used. The overall yields of 68Ga
ceutical applications. in the simulated experiments were ∼85% and the 68Ge
breakthrough was b10−5%.
4.8.2. Chemical purity
The presence of Zr ions in the 68Ga eluate, possibly due to
bleeding of the nano-zirconia column matrix, was analyzed 5. Discussion
by ICP-AES analysis and was found to be as low as
0.05±0.01 ppm (0.05±0.01 μg ml−1). The level of Zr ion With the ever increasing utility of PET imaging in clinical
impurity in the 68Ga eluate was analyzed by random diagnosis, the need for a 68Ge/68Ga generator to obtain 68Ga
selection of 68Ga samples over a period of 1 year. It was in an ionic form suitable for the preparation of radio-
found that the level of Zr ions in the 68Ga eluate was pharmaceuticals is imminent. The aim of the present work
consistently low over this prolonged period of time was to develop a simple generator system producing ready-
(~0.05 ppm). It is clear from the result that 68Ga obtained to-use 68Ga for labeling of biomolecules.
from this generator is adequately free from Zr ions and is The efficacies of 68Ga-based tracers are comparable to
suitable for the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals. those of 18F-based agents and have stimulated researchers to
It is reported that the 68Ge solution may be associated investigate the potential of 68Ga-based imaging agents
with other chemical impurities like Cu, Pb, Co, Cr, Cd, Ni, [1,5,6]. Apart from being a PET radionuclide that enables
Fe and Mn ions, and may also contain a significant amount imaging with better resolution, 68Ga3+ has more amenable
of Zn ions as a decay product of 68Ga [5]. In the 68Ga eluted chemistry attributes for labeling than 99mTc, a versatile
from the generator, Pb and Cr ions were not detected and the SPECT radionuclide, and 18F, the most widely used PET
amounts of Co, Cu, Cd, Ni ions, etc., were b5 ng ml−1. radionuclide. 68Ga3+ is stable and forms complexes with the
Owing to the unavailability of instrumental facility to cyclic ligand DOTA with high affinity, which in turn makes
analyze radioactive samples, elemental analysis of Zn in it possible to prepare high specific activity 68Ga-labeled
the freshly eluted 68Ga samples could not be carried out and peptides or other biomolecules conjugated to DOTA. 68Ga-
was conducted using decayed 68Ga samples. The presence of labelling of DOTA-related peptides can be performed in a
Zn ions in appreciable amounts and hence its interference in very short time, allowing excellent imaging of neuroendo-
the complexation chemistry of 68Ga could be indirectly crine and neuroectodermal tumours [3,9]. DOTA-TOC
tested by investigating the labeling efficacy of 68Ga. (DOTA-D-Phe1-Tyr3-octreotide) labeled with 68Ga showed
high binding affinity for the human somatostatin receptors
4.8.3. Labeling efficacy and possessed tumor imaging capabilities [22,23].
The suitability of 68Ga for biomedical applications was The availability of a reliable, simple-to-handle 68Ge/68Ga
evaluated by labeling DOTA-TATE with the radionuclide. generator would facilitate more research on new radio-
This is also an indirect test to ascertain the chemical purity, pharmaceuticals with 68Ga for imaging. In this investigation,
as high chemical purity is essential to achieve a good we focus sed our attention on exploring the potential use of
complexation yield of the radiolabeled agent. The complex- nano materials as a promising sorbent. To this end, we have
ation yield was determined by PC using 50% acetonitrile in identified nano-zirconia which is known to have specific
water as eluent and it was observed that 68Ga-DOTA-TATE sorption properties along with its high chemical stability for
moved towards the solvent front (Rf=0.8–0.9), while under the intended application [24]. Owing to the simple and
582 R. Chakravarty et al. / Nuclear Medicine and Biology 38 (2011) 575–583

reliable synthesis procedure using commercially available order to predict the exact mechanism of 68Ge uptake and
chemicals, large-scale preparation of nano-zirconia could be Ga elution, further studies are warranted which is beyond
achieved in the laboratory. It was hence considered worthy to the scope of this investigation. The small volume of the
establish the suitability of this material for the preparation of eluate with appropriate radioactive concentration and
Ge/68Ga generator. Nano-zirconia synthesized by this the availability of 68Ga3+ ions in an uncomplexed and
procedure is porous and, hence, can be used as a solid phase highly pure form facilitate the direct use of 68Ga for
support to percolate liquid in column chromatography labeling of biomolecules without the inclusion of post
operation. It has a sufficiently large surface area and exhibits processing procedures.
significant retention of 68Ge. The synthesized material The radionuclidic purity of 68Ga obtained from this
showed high resistance toward chemical attack and pre- generator is comparable to that obtained from commercial
cludes the presence of Zr ion impurities that could interfere generators [12,13]. However, the eluate (68 Ga) from
in Ga(III) complexation chemistry. Subsequent investiga- commercial generators is subjected to multiple purification
tions were directed towards the selection of the optimal steps [12,13] to obtain clinical-grade 68Ga, whereas the
experimental conditions necessary to separate 68Ga from reported method provides 68Ga of similar purity in a single
Ge using batch equilibrium experiments. The chromato- step. A major advantage of this generator is its consistency,
graphic column packed with nano-zirconia sorbent has been which is superior to that of the widely used SnO2- and TiO2-
proven to have higher selectivity for 68Ge than for 68Ga due based 68Ge/68Ga generators, which have been reported to
to the significant difference in the Kd of Ge(IV) and Ga(III) show degrading performance on repeated elution over a
ions, under acidic conditions. prolonged period of time [5,12,15]. It is reported by Asti
Nano-zirconia particles can be considered to consist of et al. [12] that the amount of 68Ge breakthrough increased
discrete zirconium oxide clusters covered by surface with time (∼15% increase per month), ranging from
hydroxyl groups. The interaction of nano-sized zirconium 1.1×10−2% to 2.6×10−2% of the 68Ga activity within the
oxide particles with aqueous solutions results in the 7 months of evaluation. Moreover, the elution yields of 68Ga
hydroxylation of surface sites and imparts a pH-dependent from these generators decreased from 82% to 69% on
surface charge and hence is primarily responsible for the repeated elution (100 times) over a period of 7 months [12].
uptake of metal ions. In dilute acid solutions (pH 2–3), the Although the consistency of the elution yield (N80%) and the
principal germanium compounds [25,26] probably are [GeO purity of 68Ga are good indications of the radiation stability
(OH)3]−, [GeO2(OH)2]2− and [[Ge(OH)4]8(OH)3]3−, which of the sorbent, the effect of radiation on the performance of
are negatively charged. The strong affinity of 68Ge on the nano-zirconia loaded with clinically useful amount of 68Ge
nano-zirconia sorbent at pH ∼2 is speculated to be due to the (∼1.85 GBq or 50 mCi) is yet to be demonstrated. However,
electrostatic attraction of negatively charged germanium it is well reported that nanocrystalline metal oxides exhibit
compounds for the positively charged surface of the nano- enhanced radiation stability compared to their bulk counter-
zirconia sorbent. For the success of a 68Ge/68Ga generator in parts [29]. The sorbent matrix is stable to radiation, over a
clinical PET, it is also essential to obtain 68Ga in an prolonged period of time, and does not lead to bleeding of Zr
uncomplexed chemical form, maximize the elution yield of ions in the 68Ga eluate, unlike the commonly used TiO2- or
Ga, minimize the 68Ge breakthrough and keep the elution SnO2-based 68Ge/68Ga generators [12,13]. However, if the
volume to a minimum. These requirements place severe Ge/68 Ga solution is associated with other metallic
constraints on the eluent that can be used, and the choice is impurities (like Zn, Cu, Pb, Co, Cr, Cd, Ni, Fe, Mn ions),
rather limited. Gallium exists in aqueous solution exclusive- the post-elution processing procedure reported by Zherno-
ly in the +3 oxidation state. It hydrolyzes nearly completely sekov et al. [13] needs to be adapted. This procedure not only
at neutral pH [27,28] and readily forms highly insoluble concentrates the 68Ga eluate but also removes trace levels of
amorphous Ga(OH)3, while Ga3+ ions at hydrochloric acid other metallic impurities.
concentrations N5.5 M form the negatively charged [GaCl4]– This investigation contains ample scientific data that
complex [17]. In view of these limitations, we chose to work could provide a deep insight into the various stages of the
under acidic conditions and use 0.01 M HCl as eluent, based entire process and evidence on the quality of separated 68Ga
on its negligible Kd value and effectiveness in desorbing for clinical applications. These could be used as supporting
Ga while maintaining the level of 68Ge impurity in the data for obtaining regulatory approval for the preparation
eluate to a permissible level. The decay of 68Ge to 68Ga is not and use of a clinical-scale generator. The present findings
accompanied by any serious disruption of chemical bonds. suggest that nano-zirconia might be an effective sorbent for
As these 68Ge ions start transforming into 68Ga ion which the preparation of 68Ge/68Ga generator for clinical applica-
does not form a negative complex at 0.01 M HCl, it is not tions. The major benefits in the use of nano-zirconia sorbent
appreciably retained by the nano-zirconia matrix and an easy are (1) high capacity of the sorbent owing to small size and
displacement of 68Ga is expected. The porosity in the high specific surface area, (2) rapid packing due to the high
structure of nanocrystalline zirconia provides several density of the sorbent that settles in a few minutes, (3)
advantages such as rapid diffusion of 68Ga into the solution rigidity which allows the use of high flow rates, (4) enhanced
phase due to the high mass transfer and fast rate of elution. In chromatographic efficiency due to large surface-to-volume
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