Jane Eyre

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Jane Eyre

1. Let’s watch this video about school. What was school like in the past? (this should
be done in class. Just a discussion based on the phrases students can understand)

2. We are going to read an extract of Jane Eyre, a book by Charlotte Brontë. Let’s take
a look at some background information.

Charlotte Brontë wrote the novel ‘Jane Eyre’ in 1847. It is the story of a
girl. Her parents are dead and she lives with her aunt and cousins. When
she is ten years old, her aunt sends her to Lowood School.

Can you name any famous Argentinian authors who lived at the same
time as her?

3. Story: Part 1 (from ‘It was the month…’ to ‘Lessons started again.’)
a. Vocabulary: match the words with the definitions.

1. BELL a. not decorated

2. PLAIN b. a metal object that makes sounds 🔔
3. UGLY c. pyjamas
4. NIGHTCLOTHES d. not pretty

b. Comprehension: True or False? Correct the false ones.

1. Jane is alone at Lowood School.

2. Jane’s new clothes are pretty.
3. The teachers at Lowood are friendly.
4. The food at Lowood school is not always terrible.

c. Comprehension: Answer the questions

1. How are the classes at Lowood School? Are they interesting?

2. Describe Jane’s uniform. Do you think she likes it?
Story: Part 2

a. Vocabulary:
1. My sister is very honest. She’s not a ________.
2. I broke a window! My mum is going to _____________ me!
3. My headteacher is a very good person. She’s ________.
4. I accidentally _________ my phone and it broke!
5. I never do bad things, I’m not a _________________.

b. Comprehension: Choose the correct option:

1. The head teacher was Miss Temple / Mr. Brocklehurst

2. Jane wanted / didn’t want Mr. Brocklehurst to see her
3. Mr. Brocklehurst was / wasn’t kind to Jane
4. Jane has got / hasn’t got a friend at Lowood school.

c. Comprehension: Answer
1. How did Mr. Brocklehurst punish Jane?
2. Can your teachers punish you like that now?

General Comprehension:
a. Read the text carefully and put the events in the correct order.
1. ______ The girls began their lessons
2. ______ Jane stood on a high chair.
3. ______ Jane arrived at Lowood.
4. ______ The head teacher and Mr. Brocklehurst came into the
5. ______ The girls sat in a large dining room.

b. Are these sentences true or false? Give reason for your answers.

a. Jane’s parents sent her to Lowood School. T / F

b. Jane had her own room at school. T / F

d. There weren’t many girls at Lowood School. T / F

e. Mr Brocklehurst was nice to Jane Eyre. T / F

f. Ms Temple was Jane’s teacher and she was cruel to her. T / F

4. Imagine you are Jane. Write a letter to a friend telling them about your experience
at Lowood School. Describe the school to them and tell them: do you like it? Do you
want to stay there?

Dear Friend,
I am at Lowood School…

5. Jane Eyre describes a school from the 1840’s. How has school changed? Make 5
sentences using comparatives about your school and Lowood School.
Ex. My class is bigger than Jane’s class.


6. IN CLASS: Describe the people and places in this chart. Think of words (adjectives,
nouns, etc) that could fit each of the boxes. (This should be done in class. The teacher
can guide the students to say words like ‘kind’ ‘ugly’ ‘cruel’ or any other important
word if the students forget to mention them)



6. b. Now, make sentences with the words you wrote!!

7. Speaking time! You will get a word connected to the story. Talk about what it
reminds you of! BOXES

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