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H > also known as TORCH syndrome, is an infection of the developing fetus or newborn
that can occur in utero, during delivery, or after birth. CONGENITAL INFECTION

T - toxoplasmosis gondii

 It is a parasitic disease that affects fetuses and newborns.

 It is transmitted from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy and can cause serious
problems to the unborn child.

O - other infection ( Trapenoma Pallidum, Varicella Zoster Virus, Parvovirus B19, Human
immunodeficiency virus)

Treponema pallidum

 A severe and potentially life-threatening infection that affects newborn babies

 Results from an intrauterine transmission of the bacterium from the mother to the fetus
 if it is not treated. In pregnant women, syphilis can cause miscarriage, stillbirth,
or premature birth

Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)

 the virus responsible for chickenpox, can cause congenital varicella syndrome in a
developing fetus.
 Causes two diseases - varicella or chickenpox, and herpes zoster also known as shingles

Parvovirus B19

 infect only people

 Spreads through respiratory secretions, such as saliva, sputum, or nasal mucus, when an
infected person coughs or sneezes

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

 causes AIDS
 HIV can pass through the placenta and infect the fetus.
 Newborns with HIV may present with low birth weight and hepatosplenomegaly

R - Rubella

 A mother exposed to the rubella virus through direct contact with infected saliva,
mucus, or air droplets
 Transmitted to a developing fetus during pregnancy can result in congenital rubella
Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)

 is a group of birth defects that can occur in a baby infected with the rubella virus during
 It generally results from an intrauterine mother-to-fetus transmission of the virus.

C - Cytomegalovirus

 Cytomegalovirus - CMV is the most common congenital infection and a virus related to
the herpes virus group of infections.
 It will present with intrauterine growth restriction and low birth weight
 Most commonly sign and symptoms are fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands
 Extreme fatigue aching muscles tiredness, skin rash and feeling sick
 hearing loss and developmental issues of the fetus is the common fetal complications
caused by CMV

H - Herpes Simplex

 most common sexually transmitted infections and HSV rarely presents with in
utero infection but instead presents due to perinatal exposure.
 is an important cause of neonatal infection, which can lead to death or long-term
 Cause eye or skin lesions, meningoencephalitis, disseminated infections, or foetal

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