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Enrollment No: SGVU45D4112124327


Annexure A


This is to certify that this project entitled “A PERFACT -MARKETING” submitted in

partial fulfilment of the degree of MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) to

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, done by Mr./Ms. MANOJ KUMAR JANGID, SID No.

2158594 is an authentic work carried out by him/her under my guidance. The matter

embodied in this project work has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or

diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the student Signature of the Guide

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to many people. This project is an effort to
contribute towards achieving the desired objectives. In doing so, I have optimized all
available resources and made use of some external resources, the interplay of which, over a
period of time, led to the attainment of the set goals.

I take here a great opportunity to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to
my esteemed faculty Mamta Sharma for giving me an opportunity to work on this project.
The support & guidance from sir, was of great help & it was extremely valuable.

I also express my sincere thanks to all the people who, directly or indirectly,
contributed in time, energy and knowledge to this effort.


P1 /Explain the key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function:

For every business organization, the main objective to make sustainable profit by satisfying
and meeting the customer needs. To do this business need to show their product and services
clearly to their customers and society to make customer awareness and attraction on their
products. For this, marketing is the one and only effective option for the business. It does not
matter how much quality products are producing by the company until customer get
awareness on these. Marketing is a kind of art what makes a business beautiful and
presentable to their customers. To reach the profit margin company have to set an effective
marketing team what can operate good marketing activities. Before defining the marketing
concept, first need to understand the meaning of market. A market is place where goods or
service are selling to the individual or group of customers by single or a group of sellers. On
that place the products is not only sell but also ideas of an organization are also sharing with
the customer and most of the time business trying to reach customer review on their products
and services. Traditionally, marketing concept is knowing as a concept what helps to show
the business to their customers but in modern sense, marketing is a process that helps
business to match their product with their customers and also match the effective location of
the market of every particular product. It also shows that which product should get more
profitable and which one need to modify as customer demand. So company can understand
all the external facts on their product and organization.
On that time this marketing concept raise and become more significant for every business.
Businesses started to find out the answer of these question and nowadays all the companies
are giving high importance on the marketing concept because without strong marketing
business cannot achieve their goal.
Gradually, marketing concept is a process to do analysis, planning, execution and monitoring
the market, customer, competitors and business its own to reach the success level for
individual business. Nowadays marketing trends is become changing a lot and it should get a
new era in future. Because of more technical improvement businesses focusing on more
online marketing promotional activities. Currently companies trying to figure out customer
needs by getting customers review, doing statistics, doing promotional activities by
advertisement on TV, social websites, billboards, sponsoring entertainment and sporting
events. But in future it should be more on virtual reality basis because people are more
believing and giving time on virtual life.

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