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1.1 Motivation
● Bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application in brain structure
and hierarchy analysis.
● Draw parallels between cerebral cortex complexity and entrepreneurial dynamics.
● Offer novel perspectives on EEG data visualization, brain tomography and MRI results.

1.2 Objectives

Understand Value Proposition:

● Understand Value Proposition:
● Analyze how different cortical regions contribute to cognitive functions.
● Elucidate the core value proposition of the mammalian cerebral cortex.
● Identify Innovation:
● Uncover neural innovations underlying cognitive processes.

Identify Innovation:
● Uncover neural innovations underlying cognitive processes.

Gauge Market Fit:

● Assess alignment between cortical structure and cognitive demands.
● Understand market fit of the machine learning and database analysis of cerebral cortex.

Assess Growth Strategy:

● Derive growth strategies from the medical results of analysis of cortical
development and plasticity.

Investment Potential:
● Evaluate investment potential of cortical structures in facilitating adaptive behaviors and
innovative solutions.
● Assess neurobiological foundations of cognition and behavior for entrepreneurial success.

1.3 Problem Statement

The brain cortex, a critical component of the central nervous system, is responsible for numerous
higher-order functions such as thought, reasoning, sensation, and voluntary movement. The complex
interplay of neurons within the cortical layers is vital for normal brain function. Researchers and
healthcare professionals need to access a wide array of data about the brain cortex for various purposes,
including academic research, clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring of neurological
conditions. However, managing and analyzing the vast and varied datasets related to the brain cortex
poses significant challenges. Data related to neuroanatomy, functional imaging, genetic profiles, and
patient medical records are often siloed across multiple databases and formats, making holistic analysis
cumbersome and time-consuming.

A robust Database Management System (DBMS) designed specifically for managing brain cortex data
could revolutionize how researchers and clinicians access, integrate, and analyze these datasets. Such a
DBMS would need to support high data volume, ensure data integrity, facilitate complex queries, and
guarantee security and compliance with medical data standards. The goal is to create a centralized
repository that provides comprehensive, easy-to-use, scalable, and secure data management solutions.
This would enable more effective research and improved clinical outcomes through better-informed
decision-making processes.


Data Availability:
● Accessing reliable and comprehensive data on the brain cortex, including its structural
organization and functional dynamics, presents a significant challenge. The heterogeneity and
complexity of data sources, including neuroanatomical studies, clinical records, and various
imaging modalities (like MRI, CT scans), often hinder the creation of a unified and accessible
dataset. Managing these varied data types in a single DBMS poses both technical and logistical
challenges, complicating research and clinical application.

Metrics and Valuation:

● Establishing effective metrics and analytical methods to quantify and interpret the complex
interactions within the cortex is critical. Researchers need to derive meaningful insights from
data such as neural connectivity patterns, cortical thickness, and activity levels. Developing
these metrics requires a deep understanding of both the biological aspects of the cortex and the
computational methods needed to analyze such data effectively.

Hype vs. Reality:

● In the burgeoning field of brain research, distinguishing between speculative findings and
scientifically validated information is crucial. There can be a significant gap between the
exciting potential suggested by preliminary studies and the concrete outcomes that can be
reliably expected based on robust data. This discrepancy can affect funding decisions, research
directions, and the clinical application of new knowledge, necessitating a grounded and critical
approach to evaluating both research findings and their practical implications.

1.5 E-R Diagram:

Figure: 1.1

1.6 Relational Diagram

Figure: 1.2


List of Tables in the brain_malignancy Databases

2.1 Genetic Tests (genetic tests): Here, we explore the genetic landscape of brain malignancies.
Which genes are implicated? What mutations occur? These answers lie within Geneticists meticulously
analyzing DNA sequences, searching for aberrations that might unlock new treatment avenues. Imagine
the genetic tests table as a library of genetic blueprints—each variant a potential chapter in the story of
brain tumors.

These institutions are the battlegrounds where patients fight against brain
tumors. Picture bustling corridors, dedicated oncology wards, and compassionate healthcare providers.
Our hospitals table documents their locations, capacities, and specialized services. From cutting-edge
neurosurgery units to cozy chemotherapy infusion rooms, each entry represents a beacon of hope.
Here, the patient’s journey intertwines with the hospital’s legacy—a narrative etched in sterile
hallways and whispered conversations.

2.3 Imaging Studies (imaging studies): MRI scans, CT images, and PET scans—these visual
snapshots reveal the tumor’s secrets. Radiologists scrutinize pixelated landscapes, tracing the contours
of abnormal growths. The imaging studies table catalogs these studies, capturing slices of
vulnerability. Imagine the hum of machinery—the rhythmic pulse of life intersecting with the

grayscale canvas.
2.4 Medications (medications): Chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted drugs—the
arsenal against brain malignancy. Which drugs work best? How do they interact with the body’s
intricate machinery? In the medications table, pharmacologists annotate dosages, side e ffects, and
potential breakthroughs. Imagine a pharmacist counting pills—a silent warrior in the fight against
cellular rebellion. Each entry represents a vial of hope, dispens

2.5 Pathology Reports (pathology reports): Histopathology—the microscopic story of

tumors. Pathologists peer through microscopes, deciphering cellular dramas. Is it a glioblastoma or a
metastatic carcinoma? Our pathology reports table captures cell types, grades, and prognostic markers.
Imagine stained slides—their vibrant hues revealing life’s fragility. Each report echoes the patient’s
fate, inked in microscopic font.

2.6 Patients (patients): Each entry represents a life touched by brain malignancy. Demographics,
medical history, and treatment journeys unfold. Imagine faces—a mosaic of resilience. The patients
table holds their stories: the retired teacher who battles glioma, the young artist facing
medulloblastoma, the stoic elder with meningioma. Here, humanity converges—a shared
vulnerability etched in electronic health records.

2.7 Physicians (physicians): The healers—the oncologists, neurosurgeons, and

radiologists. Who guides patients through this labyrinth? Their profiles reside here.
Imagine stethoscopes draped around necks, hands gloved for surgery, eyes squinting at
scans. The physician's table introduces them: Dr. Gupta, tireless advocate for personalized
therapies; Dr. Lee, the steady hand in the operating room; Dr. Rodriguez, whose empathy
bridges science.

2.8 Treatment Modalities (treatment modalities): Surgery, radiation, or a blend of
therapies? Our table outlines the paths to healing. Imagine treatment plans—a symphony of
protocols. Surgeons wield scalpels, oncologists calibrate beams, nurses infuse hope. Treatment
Modalities encapsulates these choices—the delicate balance between eradicating tumors and
preserving quality of life.

2.9 Treatment Records (treatment records): Patient-specific logs—dates, dosages, side
effects. A chronicle of resilience. Imagine digital diaries—their pages filled with triumphs
and setbacks. Treatment Records narrates the ebb and flow: cycles of chemotherapy,
radiation fractions, moments of nausea, and whispered affirmations. Each entry—like a
footstep on Everest—marks progress.



3.1 Adding a new column to the Patients table:

● ALTER TABLE Patients: This part of the command specifies that we are altering the structure
of the "Patients" table.
● ADD Email VARCHAR(100): This part indicates that we are adding a new column named
"Email" to the "Patients" table. The data type of the column is VARCHAR, which can
hold variable-length character strings, and it has a maximum length of 100 characters.

● ALTER TABLE Patients: Similar to the previous command, this specifies that we are

altering the "Patients" table.

● DROP COLUMN Gender: This part of the command instructs to drop the "Gender"

column from the "Patients" table. Dropping a column removes it from the table's

structure, and any data stored in that column will be lost.


3.3 Adding a unique constraint to the MedicationName column in the Medications


● ALTER TABLE Medications: This specifies that we are altering the

"Medications" table.
● ADD CONSTRAINT Unique_MedicationName UNIQUE (MedicationName):
This part adds a unique constraint to the "MedicationName" column in the
"Medications" table. The constraint ensures that all values in the "MedicationName"
column are unique, meaning no two rows can have the same value in this column.
The name of the constraint is specified as "Unique_MedicationName" for
identification purposes.

3.4 Data Manipulation Language (DML):

● DML is a subset of SQL (Structured Query Language) used for managing data within
a database.
● SELECT: Retrieves data from one or more tables.
● INSERT INTO: Adds new records to a table.
● UPDATE: Modifies existing data in a table.
● DELETE: Removes records from a table.

3.5 Triggers:

Triggers in database management systems are special types of stored procedures that automatically
execute in response to predefined events, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations on a
table. They're used to enforce data integrity, automate tasks, and maintain consistency within the
database. Triggers consist of three main components: the trigger event, which specifies when the trigger
should activate; the trigger condition, which determines if the trigger's action should be executed; and
the trigger action, which defines the task or tasks the trigger performs. Properly designed triggers can
improve database efficiency and reliability, but they should be used judiciously to avoid unintended
consequences or performance issues.


● Genetic Tests: Geneticists analyze DNA to decode brain tumor mysteries.

● Hospitals: These battlegrounds fight brain tumors, each a beacon of hope.
● Imaging Studies: MRI, CT, and PET scans reveal tumor secrets.
● Medications: Chemotherapy, immunotherapy—our arsenal against malignancy.
● Pathology Reports: Microscopic dramas—glioblastoma or carcinoma?
● Patients: Lives touched by brain cancer—shared vulnerability.
● Physicians: Healers—advocates, steady hands, empathetic souls.

3.7 Cursor:

● Definition:
○ A cursor is a movable indicator displayed on a computer screen. It serves as a
visual guide, highlighting the current position where input (such as typing or
clicking) can occur.
○ Users control the cursor using input devices like a mouse, touchpad, or similar
pointing devices.
● Functionality:
○ When you move the cursor, the computer dynamically redraws the pointer icon
at the new location.
○ The cursor allows users to navigate within applications or interfaces, perform
actions (such as selecting, dragging, or clicking), and input text.
● Use Cases:
○ Text Editing: In applications like Microsoft Word, the cursor helps select
and format text. It also enables inserting new text.
○ Web Browsing: Web browsers use cursors to scroll pages, click links, and fill
out forms.
○ Customization: Users can customize cursor appearance based on their
○ GUI Navigation: All GUI-based operating systems have cursors for accessing
buttons, menus, and other objects.


TCL, or Transaction Control Language, is a subset of SQL (Structured Query Language) used
for managing transactions within a database. It consists of commands that enable users to control
the transactions' processing and ensure data integrity.
Key TCL commands include COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT.

● COMMIT: This command is used to permanently save the changes made during the current
transaction to the database. Once committed, the changes become permanent and visible to
other users.
● ROLLBACK: ROLLBACK is used to undo the changes made during the current transaction.
It restores the database to its state before the transaction began, effectively canceling any
changes made.
● SAVEPOINT: SAVEPOINT creates a named point in the transaction to which you can
later roll back. It allows for partial rollback within a transaction, enabling finer control over
transaction's outcome.


The JOIN command in database management systems is used to combine rows from two or more
tables based on a related column between them. It allows for the retrieval of data from multiple tables
in a
single query, facilitating complex data analysis and reporting.

There are different types of JOINs:

● INNER JOIN: Retrieves rows from both tables where there is a match between the columns
specified in the ON condition.
● LEFT JOIN (or LEFT OUTER JOIN): Retrieves all rows from the left table and the matched
rows from the right table. If there is no match, NULL values are included for the columns from
the right table.
● RIGHT JOIN (or RIGHT OUTER JOIN): Retrieves all rows from the right table and the
matched rows from the left table. If there is no match, NULL values are included for the
columns from the left table.FULL JOIN (or FULL OUTER JOIN): Retrieves all rows from both
tables and combines them. If there is no match, NULL values are included for the columns from the
opposite table.


SQL views are virtual tables that are dynamically generated based on the result of a predefined SQL
query. They provide a way to encapsulate complex SQL queries into a single named object, which can
then be queried like a regular table. Views offer several benefits:

● Simplicity and Abstraction: Views simplify complex queries by abstracting underlying

data structures, allowing users to interact with data using a more intuitive interface.
● Data Security: Views can restrict access to specific columns or rows of a table, providing
an additional layer of security by controlling the data that users can see.
● Data Integrity: Views can enforce business rules or constraints by filtering or
transforming data before it's presented to users, ensuring data integrity and consistency.
● Performance Optimization: Views can precompute and cache query results,
improving performance by reducing the need to repeatedly execute complex queries.
● Data Aggregation and Reporting: Views facilitate data aggregation and reporting by
encapsulating common query patterns, making it easier to generate reports or analyze data.


Constraints in database management systems are rules or conditions imposed on data to

maintain integrity and consistency. They ensure that data stored in the database meets
certain criteria and adheres to predefined standards. Common types of constraints include:

● Primary Key Constraint: Ensures that each record in a table has a unique
identifier, preventing duplicate entries and facilitating efficient data retrieval.
● Foreign Key Constraint: Establishes a relationship between two tables by enforcing
referential integrity. It ensures that values in a column (foreign key) match values
in another table's primary key column.
● Unique Constraint: Restricts the values in a column or combination of columns to be
unique across the table, preventing duplicate entries except for NULL values.
● Check Constraint: Validates data entered into a column based on a specified
condition or expression, ensuring it meets certain criteria before being stored in the
● Not Null Constraint: Specifies that a column cannot contain NULL values, ensuring
that essential information is always provided for each record.
● Constraints play a crucial role in maintaining data quality, preventing data
anomalies, and enforcing business rules within the database schema. They provide a
mechanism for ensuring data consistency and reliability, which is essential for
effective database management and application development.


Figure: 1.3

Figure: 1.4


Figure: 1.5


Figure: 1.6


Courses and Certification


ADITYA TEOTIA [RA2211003011282]


In conclusion, the structural organization of the mammalian cerebral cortex represents a

staggering exemplar of biological complexity and functional sophistication, underpinning
its pivotal role in higher cognitive functions, sensory perception, and motor control.
Throughout this exploration, we have meticulously examined its intricate layers, diverse
cell types, and highly specialized regions, each making a unique contribution to overall
brain functionality. The laminar organization of the cortex showcases distinct layers, each
with specific types of neurons that interact in highly structured ways. Cortical columns,
vertical structures that traverse these layers, serve as fundamental functional units and
illustrate the cortex's ability to process information in a compact, efficient manner. The
interconnectivity within and between these columns, coupled with intricate neural
circuitries, highlights an elaborate network of pathways essential for complex processing
tasks such as decision-making, language, and memory retention.

This complex architecture is not merely an academic curiosity but has profound
implications for both neuroscience and medicine. Understanding how these structural
elements work together helps illuminate the underlying mechanisms of numerous
neurological disorders. For instance, disruptions in the laminar or columnar organization
can lead to conditions like autism and schizophrenia, emphasizing the importance of
structural integrity in normal cerebral function.

Moreover, this knowledge directs us towards potential therapeutic interventions. By

decoding the cerebral cortex's organization, researchers can develop more targeted
treatments, potentially correcting the specific neural circuits that malfunction in various
brain disorders.


The current state of electrocorticography-based brain–computer interfaces in: Neurosurgical Focus Volume 49 Issue 1
(2020) Journals (

Final Report ( Rohit K S , MEC20CS031) - BRAIN CHIP A Seminar Report Submitted By ROHIT K S Register - Studocu

Frontiers | Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Optogenetics, Ethical Issues
Affecting DBS Research, Neuromodulatory Approaches for Depression, Adaptive Neurostimulation, and Emerging DBS
Technologies (

The current state of electrocorticography-based brain–computer interfaces in: Neurosurgical Focus Volume 49 Issue 1
(2020) Journals (

Frontiers | Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Optogenetics, Ethical Issues
Affecting DBS Research, Neuromodulatory Approaches for Depression, Adaptive Neurostimulation, and Emerging DBS
Tecnologies (


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