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In the beginning of the class, I did not expect that all the subjects will be easy.

In fact, I thought it
would be formidable for the rest of the semester. In prelim that was a great experience since we were in
3rd year. I think it was the time for us to practice and develop our skills in teaching. So, our teacher
assigned us a topic for our group presentation. Luckily, I’m part of the group which was very challenging
since it was the first activity and we didn’t expect it to ace the score because our group was still
adjusting to each other.

We didn’t encounter any problems in our group reporting. Everything went smoothly so I felt
grateful for each group that I belonged to. Every time that the teacher gave us feedbacks or comments, I
always listen to them carefully because I know they will be very helpful to me to improve myself. That is
why I always think possibilities where can I improve more because it will lead it to me to become
efficient and effective educator. I don’t want to be called as a mediocre teacher but rather as a an
innovative one who thinks how to help the students in every way despite of their differences. The
midterm came, I feel pressured because I had a lot of activities and homework to accomplish but I’m still
very grateful because I know all the sleepless nights, overtimes, sacrifices will pay off.

When the final comes, I felt like. I couldn’t make it because I’m a working student. It was so
difficult for me to focus in study at the same time I had my family to take good care of. I had a lot of bills
to pay, so much struggles. But I always encourage myself even I felt dissuade by my emotion. I’m always
looking forward to get my diploma hold it one day. I would never forget it was my first time to taught to
my fellow classmates as a demo teacher. I think that was my most memorable moment that I will never
forgot. Thanks to Ma’am Rhiz she did a great job to influence and molded me. I felt like after the demo I
gained more confidence because every time I speak to different people, I feel nervous. I though it was
the last challenge from our class, when Ma’am Rhiz said that we will have individual demo to other class.
I was about to say I can’t do it. But at the back of my mind, I know this is a great opportunity and new
experience. It was a life changing experience I thought it would be very easy because I already did it to
my classmates. The feeling was different when you have a new class to teach. All their comment either
constructive or negative I took it as a challenge. There are still a lot of rooms to improve the skills in
teaching. I want to thank to our teacher that even if we might felt discourage sometimes because she
pressured us a lot in our class but I know that’s for our good. Thank you so much for molding us and
shaping our ability to be better future teacher. All credits to you ma’am Rhiz.

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