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TAFJ-N u o DB I n s t all

TAFJ-N u o DB I n s t all

Amendment History:

Revision Date Amended Name Description

1 06th February 2018 Initial version

2 22nd March 2019 TAF team R19 AMR review

3 26th March 2020 R20 AMR review

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TAFJ-N u o DB I n s t all

Copyri g h t
Copyright © Temenos Headquarters SA 2009-2020. All rights reserved.
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Errat a and Com m e n t s

If you have any comments regarding this manual or wish to report any errors in the
documentation, please document them and send them to the address below:
Technology Department

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TAFJ-N u o DB I n s t all


Copyright................................................................................................................................................ 3
Errata and Comments............................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 5
Install NuoDB.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Post-Installation on Linux...................................................................................................... 5

Check-Installation on Linux................................................................................................... 6

Creating a new domain administrative account......................................................................................6

Create a new unmanaged database with a user and a password..........................................................7
Check the creation of the database....................................................................................... 8

Accessing the SQL command line.......................................................................................................... 8

Properties............................................................................................................................................... 9
Load the necessary stored functions...................................................................................................... 9
Procedures for Offline Backup & Restore............................................................................................. 10
Procedures for Full Online Backup & Restore......................................................................................12

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Intro d u c t i o n

This document will show all the steps to configure NuoDB database, ready to use by T24
with TAFJ.

Reference documentation for NuoDB will be available in the URL:

Inst a l l Nu o D B

Please find the product documentation for Linux

Installation of rpm file for Linux

 sudo rpm –install <file_name>.rpm

Pos t- Ins t a l l a t i o n on Linux

On the Linux terminal, run the following commands to disable hugepages:

 echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

 echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag

To open the NuoDB firewall ports:

 firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=48000-48500/tcp

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Now, you are required to update the file

1. Go to <NuoDB_Home>/etc/ file.

2. Uncomment the domain and domainPassword and set it as ‘<domainPassword>’

Che c k - Ins t a l l a t i o n on Linux

Once the installation is success, we could be able to start the NuoDB using the following

 sudo service nuoagent start

 sudo service nuorestsvc start

Creat i n g a ne w do m a i n ad m i n i s t r a t i v e acc o u n t

Run the following command

 nuodbmgr --broker <broker_IP> --password <domainPassword>

At the NuoDB Manager prompt, enter the following command:

nuodb [domain] > create domain administrator

Enter the User name and Password in the prompt as t24 and t24. In addition, enter exit to
quit NuoDB Manager.

Moreover, sign-in every time using the command

 nuodbmgr --broker localhost --user t24 –-password t24

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Note: Incase nuodbmgr is unidentified, move to <NuoDB_Home>/bin and retype the

command as ./nuodbmgr --broker <broker_IP> --password <domainPassword>

Creat e a ne w un m a n a g e d data b a s e with a us e r

and a pas s w o r d .

1. Start the nuodbmgr.

2. Start the Storage Manager(TE) and create a DB using the command

 start process sm database <DB_Name> host localhost archive

/var/opt/nuodb/production-archives/<DB_Name> initialize true

3. Start the Transaction Engine(TE) using the command

 start process te database <DB_Name> host <hostname> options '--dba-user

<DB_User> --dba-password <DB_Password> ’

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Che c k th e cre a t i o n of th e dat a b a s e

To check the creation of DB run the following command in the NuoDB Manager

 show domain summary

This gives the list of brokers, TEs and SMs with DB information.

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Acc e s s i n g th e SQL co m m a n d lin e

The SQL command line of the NuoDB is accessible using the command

 nuosql <DB_Name>@<broker_IP> --user <DB_User> --password <DB_Password>

Prop e r t i e s

JDBC URL: jdbc:com.nuodb://<broker_ip_with_port>/<DB_Name>?


JDBC driver: com.nuodb.jdbc.Driver

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User Name: <DB_User>

Password: <DB_Password>

Load th e ne c e s s a r y stor e d fun c t i o n s

In the TAFJ installation <TAFJ_HOME> \dbscripts\NuoDB, you will find 2 SQL scripts:

 NuoDBFunction.sql

 createVoc.sql

Open the console and move to <NUODB_HOME>/bin directory and do the following in the

1. Open the NuoDBFunction.sql file, change the line


2. Load the NuoDBFunction.sql in the <DB_Name> using the following command

 nuosql <DB_Name>@<broker_IP> --user <DB_User> --password

<DB_Password> --file <NuoDBFunctions.sql_FullPath>/NuoDBFunctions.sql

3. Load the createVoc.sql,

 nuosql <DB_Name>@<broker_IP> --user <DB_User> --password

<DB_Password> --file <NuoDBFunctions.sql_FullPath>/createVoc.sql

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Proc e d u r e s for Offli n e Bac k u p & Res t o r e

Follow these steps to copy and restore the archive and journal of the shutdown storage
manager (SM)

1. Open NuoDB Manager.

2. To locate the SM's archive and journal directories, use the commands

 tags search name archive_base

 tags search name journal_base

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3. Now, shutdown the hosts using the command

 shutdown host

Enter the IP, PID of the hosts in the prompt

4. Quit the manager and open the console in the Archive_base directory. Type the
following commands,

 cp –Rp <DB_Name> <Backup_DB_Name>

 cp –Rp <DB_Name>/journal <Backup_journal_DB_Name>

 rm –r <Backup_DB_Name>/journal

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5. Now, open the NuoDB Manager, use the command

 restore database

Now enter the <Backup_DB_Name> in the database prompt and enter the host.

Proc e d u r e s for Full Onli n e Bac k u p & Res t o r e

1. Open NuoDB Manager.

2. Shutdown the database using the command

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 shutdown database <DB_Name>

3. Create the database as mentioned above with minimum one SM and TE with the
journal hot copy enabled

 start process sm database <DB_Name> host <broker_IP> ARCHIVE

/var/opt/nuodb/production-archives/<db_name> initialize false options

'--journal-hot-copy enable'


4. Populate the database with model tables in nuosql prompt

5. Now, in NuoDB Manager prompt, do a hotcopy

 hotcopy database <db_name> host <broker_IP> backupsetdirectory

'/var/opt/nuodb/production-archives/<restorable_location>' type full

6. Quit the manager prompt.

7. Now we will do the restore in other directory using the command

 nuochk –restore-dir /var/opt/nuodb/production-archives/<restore-database>


8. Open the NuoDB Manager prompt

9. Now create a new DB using SM through command

 start process sm database <restore-database> host <broker_ip> initialize false

archive /var/opt/nuodb/production-archives/<restored_location>

10. Create the TE through the command

 start process te database <restore-database> options ‘—dba-user t24 –dba-

password t24’

11. Now open the Nuosql prompt to see the restored directory works fine

 ./nuosql <restore-database> @<broker_IP> –user <db_user> –password


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