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1) A.

Past simple: Read the article and complete it with the simple past of the verbs below


1 was
2 become
3 broke
4 entered
5 gave
6 grew up
7 named
8 practiced
9 started
10 won

B. Answer these questions.

a. Where was Danny born?
He was born in Portland, Oregon.
b. How old was he when he won his first competition?
He was 11 years old.
c. What did he do in 2005?
He was the first person who jumped over the Great Wall of China.
d. Did he break his leg in 2008?
Yes, he did.

C. Now, in pairs (breakout rooms), imagine: One of the two is a famous athlete, movie star, singer ,
etc. and the other one is a journalist.
Write questions and answers and create an interview.

Journalist: Hi everyone! Today, we are going to interview the famous singer and animator Jack Staub
er! He´s famous for songs like Buttercup, Oh Klahoma, Dead Weight, Two Time and Baby Hotline. Wl
come Jack, how are you?

Jack Stauber: Hello, very good, and you?

Journalist: very Good too, Lets start, Where did you start sharing your content? On what platform?
when did you start singing and cheering for youtube?

Jack Stauber: I started in 2013, in my YouTube cannel. I started uploading concerts with my olds ban
ds, for example the song “Cruise Control” with Joose, or animations who i did to practice.
Journalist: Ok! How was your experience in Adult Swim?

Jack Stauber: It was really good. It´s funny to see how the people who follow me make their own dra
wings and interpretations of the videos, they do their own storys too. I love to see their cretions.

Journalist: Right! Thank you for come Jack!

Jack Stauber: Thanks for for inviting me!

2) Recycling! Look at the pictures and complete the phrases:

1) 2) 3)

4) 5) 6)

a) _Recicle_ paper b) _Colect_ the rubbish c) use _Public _ _transport_

d) reuse _Plastic_ _bags_ e) __Switch_ _off_ the lights f) recycle _plastic_ _bottles_

2) a.Brenda has a plan! She wants to be greener! Read the text and complete her resolutions
using going to:
Hi, I’m Brenda. My family ...are going to.... help the planet and we ....are going to... be environmentally friendly. Every Monday m
d I ...are going to....... walk to school. On Tuesday when I clean my teeth, I going to...... save water. On Wednesday my bro
to.... help me to put glass, paper and cans in different boxes. Thursday going to help... be the day of energy.
We ....are going to...... save energy switching off the lights and the TV. Every Friday I going to....... recycle paper. It’s a goo
e on 2 sides of a piece of paper. At the weekend we ....are also going to..... take action. Mum going to... reuse plastic bags w
s the shopping and on Sunday we ...are going to... throw away rubbish in the recycling bins.

b. Read the text again and answer the questions:

1. What is Brenda and her family going to do every week? They are going to be friendly with
the planet.
2. How is she going to save water? She is going to switching off the water when she is brushing
her teeth.
3. Are Brenda and her family going to save energy? How? Yes, they are. They are going to
save energy switching off the lights and the TV.
4. What’s Brenda’s idea about paper? She thinks who It’s a good idea to write on 2 sides of a
piece of paper.
5. Is Brenda’s family going to do anything on Sunday? They are going to throw away rubbish
in the recycling bins.


5) a. ANIMALS! What do you know about lions and elephants? Where do they live? Are they all
the same?
b. Read the text and find out if your ideas were correct!

b. Write T (True) or F (False) at the end of each sentence. Correct the false ones.
a. The African elephant is lighter than the Asian elephant. _F_ (African elephants aree bigger and
heavier than asian elephants)
b. The Asian elephant’s ears are smaller than the African’s. _T_
c. The African elephant has got longer tusks than the Asian elephant. _F_ (Asian elephants tusks
are longer)
d. The Asian lion is darker than the African lion. _T_
e. The African lion’s mane is thicker than the Asian’s. _F_ (Asian´s lions mane is thicker than
f. The Asian lion is bigger than the African lion. _F_ (Africans lions are bigger than Asian)

c. Now take a look at this information about turtles and tortoises. Write a short paragraph talki
ng about their differences using comparatives and superlatives.

live in the water live on land

flat shell round shell

long limbs (arms and legs) short limbs (arms and legs)

eats vegetables and meat eats only vegetables

Turtles and Tortoise are diferents. For example turtles lives in the water
but tortoises lives on land. Tortoise´s shell are rounder than turtle´s shell,
but turtle´s limbs are longer than tortoise´s limbs. Tortoise eats only
vegetables, but turtles eats vegetables and meat.


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