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Project Title: E-commerce Website

1. Purpose of Project

The purpose of this project is to design and implement a comprehensive e-commerce

website that facilitates online shopping. The platform aims to provide a seamless and
intuitive shopping experience for customers and an efficient management system for
administrators. The ultimate goal is to create a scalable solution that can handle numerous
products and users while maintaining performance and security.

2. Description of Project

This e-commerce website is designed to cater to both customers and administrators.

Customers can browse a wide range of products, view detailed information, and make
secure purchases. Administrators have a dedicated dashboard to manage product listings,
orders, and user accounts. The project emphasizes usability, security, and scalability.

3. Technology Used for Project

● HTML: Utilized for structuring the content on the web pages.

● CSS: Used for designing and laying out the web pages, ensuring a responsive and
visually appealing user interface.
● JavaScript: Implemented for client-side scripting to enhance interactivity and user
experience. Includes functionalities such as form validation, dynamic content
updates, and interactive elements.
● PHP: Employed for server-side scripting to handle database interactions, user
authentication, and business logic. PHP is also used for processing forms and
managing sessions.

4. Modules Description

1. User Module

● Registration and Login: Users can create an account or log in using their
credentials. Passwords are securely hashed before storage.
● User Profile Management: Users can update their personal information, change
their password, and view their order history.
● Browsing and Searching Products: Users can browse products by categories, use
search functionality to find specific items, and view detailed product descriptions,
prices, and reviews.
● Adding Products to the Cart: Users can add products to their shopping cart, view
the cart, update quantities, and remove items.
● Checkout and Order History: Users can proceed to checkout, provide shipping
details, select payment methods, and review their order history and status.
2. Admin Module

● Admin Login: Secure login for administrators to access the dashboard.

● Product Management: Admins can add new products, edit existing product details
(name, description, price, images), and delete products.
● Order Management: Admins can view all orders, update order statuses (e.g.,
pending, shipped, delivered), and handle returns or cancellations.
● User Management: Admins can view registered users, manage user roles, and
deactivate or delete user accounts.

3. Product Module

● Product Listing: Products are displayed with pagination and sorting options. Each
product listing includes a thumbnail image, name, price, and a brief description.
● Detailed Product View: When a user clicks on a product, they are taken to a
detailed view page with full product information, additional images, and customer
● Product Search Functionality: Users can search for products using keywords, filter
results by categories, price range, and ratings.

4. Cart Module

● Add and Remove Products: Users can add products to their cart from the product
listing or detail page. They can remove items directly from the cart.
● Update Product Quantity: Users can adjust the quantity of products in their cart and
see real-time updates on the total price.
● Calculate Total Price: The cart automatically calculates the total price based on the
products and quantities added, including applicable taxes and discounts.

5. Order Module

● Order Placement: Users can proceed to checkout, fill in shipping information, and
confirm their order.
● Payment Processing: Integrate with payment gateways for secure transactions.
Options include credit/debit cards, PayPal, etc.
● Order History and Tracking: Users can view their past orders, current order status,
and track shipments.

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