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The Fire and The Rain

-Girish Karnad
The Fire and the Rain is a play written by a well-known kannada writer Girish Karnad. The play
is based on the myth of Yavakri, Paravasu, Aravasu and Raibhya. The myth of Yavakri comes in
the vanaparva of Mahabharata. And it is narrated by a sage Lomasha to Pandavas.
The story begins with the competition between two Bramhin brothers Raibhya and Bharadwaj
for the chief priest in the fire sacrifice organized by the king to invoke the God to shower rain as
his country has not received rain for more than ten years.
The appoints neither of them instead he appoints Paravasu (Raibhya's elder son) as the chief
priest as he is young. Bharadwaj's son, Yavakri is jealous of Paravasu and his father as his father
is deprived of all the honors, titles and positions. Yavakri goes to forest to attain Bramhagnyana
from lord Indra. He spends 10 years in the forest and attains the Bramhagnyana. Later he returns
from the foster to take revenge against Paravasu, Raibhya and Vishaka. Vishaka is Yavakri's
former lover who is now the wife of his rival Paravasu.
The play begins at the yagna mantapa where Paravasu is busy performing fire sacrifice along
with the other subordinate priests. The king supervises all this. An actor manager from a drama
company comes near the fire sacrifice but does not enter it as he belongs to the lower
community. He stays a little away from the yagnamantapa and expresses his plea to the chief
priest that the drama company is ready to present a play called Indra Vijaya (Triumph of Indra)
as part of the fire sacrifice. He opines that the gods will be pleased by the drama and shower rain.
The king and the chief priest Paravasu agree to have a play as part of fire sacrifice but they put a
condition before the actor manager. They say that Aravasu(Paravasu's younger brother) should
not be in the play. He should be away from the yagnamantapa as he is accused of committing a
crime, killing his own father Raibhya. But Paravasu allows the actor manager to have Aravasu in
the play at last.
Once Aravasu comes to know that his brother has approved his being in the play he feels happy
and he tries to share the happy moment with his beloved girl Nittilai who is no more.
He recalls his past. In the flashback Girish Karnad portray the innocent love of Aravasu and
Nittilai who belong to two different communities. Nittilai belongs to a tribal community.
They meet to discuss the plan about Aravasu's meeting with Nittilai's parents. As they engage in
the discussion they see Andhaka. Andhaka is a blind man who belongs to Shudra community. He
looks after the hermitage of Bharadwaja. He is blessed with a special skill of recognizing the
people by the sound of the footsteps.
Aravasu becomes so happy to hear that Yavakri has returned from. Nittilai wants to ask Yavakri
two questions. When he will die and why doesn't he bring rain. As Aravasu and Nittilai search
for Yavakri they discover him being with his former lover Vishaka.
When Vishaka goes home her father-in-law learns that she is in illegitimate relationship with
Yavakri. He creates Bramharakshasa to kill Yavakri.


Vishaka tries to save Yavakri by sending him to his father's hermitage. But as he learns Yavakri's
intend to avenge she pours out the consecrated water from the kamandalam.
When Yavakri tries to enter his father's hermitage Andhaka prevents him as he fails to recognise
his footsteps. As a result he is killed by Bramharakshasa.
Aravasu performs the final rites of him. As he was busy in performing Yavakri's final rites he
couldn't attend the meeting with Nittilai's parents.
The same evening when he rushes to Nittilai's house a surprise was awaiting.
As Aravasu didn't attend the meeting the parents decided to get her married to someone in their
relationship. If he had gone there a half an hour he would have got his love. He comes back
home with broken heart.
Later when Paravasu comes back from the yagnamantapa, his wife Vishaka complains that
Raibhya has been sedusing her. Paravasu kills his father Raibhya. He persuades Aravasu to
perform the final rites of their father as he has to go to the yagnamantapa to continue the fire
Aravasu obeys his brother's instructions and performs the final rites. After completion of the last
rites he meets Nittilai who tells him to go to yagnamantapa. When he goes the yagnamantapa his
brother alleges that he is the sinner of patricide. Paravasu orders the men there to keep him away
from the yagnamantapa. As he has killed his father, the innocent Aravasu is accused of
committing a murder. He is beaten by the men and is thrown at burial ground.
A drama company troupe goes to the burial ground to cremate one of their actor's. As they return
they notice Aravasu who feel unconscious. They take him to their camp and nurture him.
Meanwhile Nittilai gets married to someone in her relationship but she manages to escape and
reaches Aravasu and nurses him back to normal.
Aravasu desires to act in the play as the actor manager lets him know that they need an actor in
the play Indra Vijaya. The actor manager gives him the role of Vritrasura.
They wear the costume and start the rehearsal. As they engage in the rehearsal of the play,
Nittilai's husband and brother find out that Nittilai is in the drama company troop and kill her.
After the rehearsal the actor manager goes to the yagnamantapa for the chief priest's approval.
They enact the play, Indra Vijaya in which lord Indra is jealous of Vishwaroopa as he is admired
by everyone. Later in the play lord Indra kills Vishwaroopa.
Paravasu has been watching all this treacherous chaos. And without a word he walks into the
blazing enclosure and burns to ashes.
In the end the real lord, Indra is impressed with Aravasu's performance and he appears before
him and offers him any boon that he aspires. Aravasu uses the boon to bring his beloved Nittilai
back to life. At this moment Bramharakshasa appeals Aravasu to endow him with moksha.
Aravasu requests Indra to grant Bramharakshasa the moksha.
At the same time it begins to rain.


1. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences:
1. What was the Actor-Manager's plea to the chief priest in the play?
Presenting a play, Indra Vijaya (Triumph of Indra) as part of fire sacrifice.
2. Why was Aravasu apprehensive of his impendingmeeting with Nittilai's tribesmen?
He was apprehensive if he is rejected by Nittilai's parents.
3. Why did Yavakri spend 10 years in the forest?
He spends 10 years in the forest to attain Bramhagnyana.
4. What were the two questions that Nittilai wanted to ask Yavakri?
She wanted to ask when Yavakri will die and why he doesn't bring rain.
5. Who is Vishaka?
Vishaka is the wife of Paravasu.
6. How is Vishaka related to Yavakri?
She is former lover of Yavakri.
7. Who is the blind character in the play?
Andhaka is blind character in the play.
8. What is the major theme of the play?
Performing fire sacrifice, love, jealousy, greed for the power and betrayal.
9. What does Nittilai symbolize in the play?
Nittilai symbolizes spiritual love.
10. Who sacrifice their life at the end of the play?
Nittiai, Paravasu ans Aravasu.
11. How did Raibhya intend to punish Yavakri?
By creating Bramharakshasa.
12. Yavakri hated Raibhya's family. why?
Yavakri hated Raibhya's family because the chief priest position was given to Raibhya's son
13. How did Yavakri die in the play?
Yavakri was killed by Bramharakshasa.
14. What do fire and the rain symbolize in the play?
Victory of good over evil.



15. Who narrates the story of Yavakri to Pandavas?

16. Who was Baradwaja’s son?
17. Who were Raibhay’s sons?
Paravasu and Aravasu
18. Who organize the Fire Sacrifice?
19. Why did the king organize the fire sacrifice?
To invoke the god to shower rain.
20. Who was appointed as the Chief Priest of the yagnamantapa?
21. Which community did Nittiai belong to?
Tribal community (Hunting community)
22. Why didn’t Aravasu attend the meeting with Nittlia’s parents?
He had to cremate Yavakri’s dead body.
23. What role did Aravasu play in “Triumph of Indra?
24. Who kills Vishwaroopa?



II. Answer the following questions in about a page each:

1. Sketch the character of Nittilai in the play.
In the play The Fire and The Rain written on the myth of Yavakri, the playwright Girish Karnad
has portrayed the characters well. He has created complex and multi-dimensional characters.
Nittilai is portrayed as bold, courageous, determined and virtuous girl who belongs to tribal
community. She falls in love with Aravasu. Initially the parents do not approve her marriage
with Aravasu because they do not trust the Brahmins. Nittilai criticizes the Brahmins and their
rituals. She wanted to ask Yavakri two questions, "why he doesn't bring rain being a
Bramhagnyani" and "when he will die". Nittilai manages to convince her parents and plans a
meeting between Aravasu and tribal people. Nittilai loves Aravasu from the innermost depth of
her heart. But when Aravasu fails to attend the meeting with Nittilai's parents her parents arrange
her marriage with a tribal boy. She marries the boy as her parents wish. She abandons her
husband, her family and all when she learns that Aravasu is in danger. Nittilai's love is not
sensual but spiritual. She nurses Aravasu when his health is in critical condition. In the end her
husband kills her.

2. What role does Andhaka play in Fire and the Rain?

In the play The Fire and The Rain Andhaka's role is highly notable. Andhaka
is a blind man who belongs to Shudra community. He guards the hermitage of Bharadwaja. He
always boasts about Yavakri, the son of Bharadwaja. Through him Aravasu and Nittilai come to
know that Yavakri is back in the town after attaining Bramhagnyana by doing a rigorous tapassu
for ten years.
Andhaka is admired by Aravasu and Nittilai. He advises them to deal their love matter with care.
He says that honey should be extracted without ruffling the bees. Despite being blind, Andhaka
was blessed with a special skill. He was able to recognize the people by the sound of the
footsteps. But for the first time in his life he fails to recognize Yavakri's footsteps when he tries
to enter the Bharadwaj's hermitage.
When, Yavakri makes an effort to avenge Raibhya's family. Raibhya creates Bramharakshasa to
kill him. To defend himself from Bramharakshasa he consecrates the water in his kamandalam.
Later on hearing that Yavakri has used her true love as an instrument to revenge, Vishaka pours
out the consecrated water and Rakshasa is almost near. Yavakri runs towards the hermitage.
That's when Andhaka fails to recognize his footsteps. As he stops Yavakri at the gate the
Rakshasa kills Yavakri. If Andhaka had recognized Yavakri's footsteps he would have been
saved from the Rakshasa.



3. What was Yavakri's plan to take revenge against the Raibhya's family?
The play The Fire And The Rain is based on a mythological character Yavakri. Yavakri's story is
narrated to Pandavas by a sage, Lomasha in the Vanaparva. Yavakri is the son of Bharadwaja.
He spends ten years in forest doing rigorous tapassu to attain Bramhagnyana. After attaining the
universal knowledge, he uses his knowledge to avenge Raibhya's family. Yavakri is jealous of
Raibhya and his son Paravasu. All the awards, titles and positions were given to his uncle
Raibhya. The king appoints Paravasu as the chief priest for the fire sacrifice. He has been
observing all the humiliation done to his father, Bharadwaja. He decides to avenge Raibhya,
Paravasu and Vishaka. Vishaka is Yavakri's former lover who later marries Paravasu. After he
comes back from forest he secretly meets Vishaka and misuses her true love as an instrument to
revenge Vishaka and her family. When Aravasu and Nittilai reach the same place exactly at this
time they notice both Yavakri and Vishaka physically involved. Vishaka runs homewards while
carries the water pot. On knowing the incident, Raibhya creates Bramharakshasa to kill Yavakri.
The only way for Yavakri to safeguard himself is by staying inside his father's hermitage. When
Vishaka pleads him to run away into the hermitage, it is then Yavakri reveals to her that all this
was planned and he wanted to revenge Raibhya's family.
In this way Yavakri plans to revenge against the Raibhya's family.
4. Comment on the play within the play called the Triumph of Lord Indra.
The playwright, Girish Karnad, in this play uses a literary technique called "play within a play"
to make the mythological story more interesting.
The play within the main play is Indra Vijaya (Triumph of Indra). The main play, The Fire and
The Rain deals with jealousy, anger, betrayal and love. While the play within the play, 'Indra
Vijaya' is about how the lord Indra brings rain by killing Vritrasura, who hides all the water
sources in his stomach.
As the fire sacrifice is taking place an actor manager expresses his plea with the king and the
chief priest that they want to present a play Indra Vijaya as part of the fire sacrifice.
In the play, Indra Vijaya (Triumph of Indra) there are three major characters. Indra, Vritrasura
and Vishwaroopa.
The actor manager gives Aravasu the role of Vritrasura. He plays Indra's role and his brother as
Vishwaroopa. In the play, Indra is insecure of his monopoly and jealous of the growing
popularity of Vishwaroopa. He plots to kill Vishwaroopa. He invites him to a yagna. During the
yagna Indra kills him. It's a great sin. On seeing this scene Paravasu gets a self realisation of the
fatal sin which he has committed, he gets up and walks into the fire without uttering a word.
Thus the playwright instilled "the play within the play" technique.


5. Bring out the symbolism in the play, Fire and The Rain.
The play The Fire and The Rain is based on mythology for which the playwright relies on an
episode in the Mahabharata. Jealousy, politics, sexual exploitation, humiliation and isolation of
characters can be seen. Everybody is anybody's enemy. Paravasu wanted to be supreme;
Aravasu, a character of humanness is exploited by his brother. Vishaka, Paravasu's wife is
neglected and isolated housewife. The fire sacrifice is a symbol of power and that of spiritual and
intellectual peak of knowledge for Bramhins as priests.
The fire sacrifice presents self gratification, self examination and self purification of jealousy,
envy and politics.

6. Give the character analysis of Aravasu in the play The Fire and The Rain.
The play The Fire and The Rain is based on the myth of Yavakri extracted from the Vanaparva
of the Mahabharata.
All the characters in the play are well portrayed. Aravasu is a fascinating character in the play.
Aravasu is the younger son of Raibhya. The only character in the play who remains pure is
Aravasu. He has a heart of gold. He is not proud of his brahminhood. He falls in love with
Nittilai, a tribal girl. And for his love sake he was ready to renounce even his caste. He never
develops ill feelings like anger, jealousy, betrayal or greed. When Aravasu and Nittilai see
Vishaka physically involved with Yavakri, Vishaka runs home. And Aravasu follows her
carrying water pot. He defends her when she is being beaten by her father-in-law. Aravasu loves
his cousin Yavakri. After Bramharakshasa kills Yavakri it's Aravasu who performs the final rites.
When Paravasu kills his father, it's again Aravasu who is assigned to do the final rites. But the
entire world believes that Aravasu has killed his own father. When he goes to the yagnamantapa,
Paravasu accuses him of patricide. He is mercilessly beaten by the men there. A drama company
saves him and later he is nurtured by Nittilai. The actor manager gives a role in the play Indra
Vijaya. He wears the costume of Vritrasura and does the rehearsal. In the end, when lord Indra
appears before him and offers a boon of his choice, initially he wants his Nittilai back to life but
as brahmarakshasa pleads he asks Indra to grant him moksha.



II. Answer the following questions in 2 pages:

1. The play Fire and the Rain revolves around the clash of egos, revenge, misuse of
knowledge and fragility of human nature. Discuss
The play The Fire and The Rain is based on the myth of Yavakrita extracted from the chapters
135- 138 of the Vana Parva (the forest canto) of the Mahabharata. It took thirty seven years for
Karnad to accomplish this work. According to the myth, Yavakri a sage who had attained
universal knowledge from Indra has a burning desire to revenge on his uncle Raibhya's family.
Yavakri's father Bharadwaja and Raibhya were brothers, they were equally learned, but Raibhya
was getting more recognition among the two. This was the cause for the anger getting hoarded
inside Yavakri. The genius playwright has added the flavor of rage to it and beautified the plot
The play The Fire and The Rain opens with a prologue wherein, preparation for a Yajna to
invoke the rain god is going on. The ritual is in the final stage and the chief priest for the seven-
year long yajna is Paravasu, the elder son on Raibhya.
Meanwhile an actor manager of a drama troupe comes asking for permission to enact a play, he
says it would further satisfy lord Indra and bring rains to the land which has been suffering
drought for about ten years. On hearing that Aravasu is one of the artists in the play, Paravasu
gives them permission to perform. Aravasu is the younger brother of Paravasu. The Play within
the play begins with the scene of Aravasu talking to his lady love. Nittilai, a tribal girl. Aravasu
is a Brahmin by birth but he is fond of acting. Dancing and acting are considered as low-caste
activities and Brahmins are forbidden from doing them. Their conversation is about Aravasu
being ready to give up his high birth for the sake of his art and love. According to the tribal
custom of Nittilai's village, Aravasu had to proclaim in front for her village heads that he is man
enough to satisfy a girl. They had arranged for a counsel and Aravasu was supposed to meet the
village heads before sunset that evening.
During their conversation encounter Andhaka the blind sudra sage who guards the hermitage of
Bharadwaja. Through him they come to know that Yavakri, the son of Bharadwaja is back in
town after attaining universal knowledge through a rigorous penance of ten years.
Nittilai being a witty girl asks many questions about Yavakri, like whether knows the time of his
death, can he bring rains and so on. By the noon time Aravasu remembers that Yavakri had
asked him meet him when the sun is above the head. Meanwhile, near Raibhya's hermitage,
Yavakni encounters Vishaka who is returning home after fetching water. She had been his lady-
love whom he had abandoned ten years ago. Vishaka is now married to Paravasu. Yavakri tries
to rekindle their love. Vishaka initially resists but later gives in. The reason for Vishaka to do so
is that she was unwillingly married to Paravasu, their married life was good for about a year, but
after that Paravasu totally shunned her and started concentrating on gaining spiritual wisdom.
Later Paravasu got an invitation to be the chief priest of the Yajna for which he left home and
had not returned for seven years. After they quench their thirst for words, Vishaka and Yavakri


further move into the bushes to quench their physical thirst. Aravasu and Nittilai reach the place
exactly at this time and see the two of them physically involved. Vishaka runs homewards, while
Aravasu carries the pot of water and follows her, to their surprise Raibhaya is back home. On
knowing about the incident, Raibhya through his meditation invokes a kritya and sends a Bhrama
Rakshasa to kill Yavakri
The only way for Yavakri to safeguard himself is by staying inside his father's hermitage.
Vishaka and Aravasu run in two different directions to save the life of Yavakri. Vishaka finds
Yavakri near the banyan tree and pleads him to run away into the hermitage. It is then that
Yavakr reveals to her that all these were planned events. He wanted to revenge on Raibhya's
family for grabbing away all the honours due to his father. It was for this reason that he had
taken up the rigorous penance and now he is already with consecrated water in his kamandalu by
which he can burn the Bhrama Rakshasa in to ashes Yavakri even reveals to Vishaka that he was
the one who made Aravasu to come exactly at that time, everything happened in favour of him so
On hearing that Yayakri had used her true love as an instrument to revenge Raibhya, Vishaka
pours out the consecrated water and the Rakshasa is almost near. Yavakri now runs towards the
hermitage but the blind Andhaka does not recognise his footsteps. While he catches him on at the
gate, the Rakshasa kills Yavakri. At Nittilai's village Aravasu is late and her marriage is arranged
with a boy of her community. Disappointed he returns home and to their surprise Paravasu
comes home after seven years.

The news of Vishaka going astray was the reason for his return. Paravasu shoots his arrow and
kills his own father. He instructs Aravasu to do the last rites for their father and then come to the
palace where the pooja was almost in the final stage. When Aravasu goes to the yajna. Paravasu
cunningly puts the blame of their father's murder on Aravasu. The villagers hit Aravasu badly
and he faints.
On gaining consciousness he learns that the actor manager and their troupe saved his life and
Nittilai had left her husband and come to take care of Aravasu. The actor manager gives Aravasu
arole in the play. They chose the story of lord Indra betraying his brothers Vishwarupa and
Vritra. Aravasu takes the character of Vritra. During the fire sacrifice, Indra kills Vishwaroopa.
On seeing this scene being enacted, Paravasu gets a self- realisation of the fatal sin which he has
committed. Paravasu at the peak of his realisation calmly walk into the fire without revealing the
truth to the mass.
Meanwhile Nittilai's brother and hushand find her and kill her. Aravasu who is in total defeat
now walks into the fire carrying Nittilai's corpse. The fire extinguishers and Lord Indra appears
in front of them. He grants Aravasu a wish of whatever he asks for. Aravasu asks for the life of
Nittilai. Aravasu finally asks for the liberation of the Brahma Rakshasa which would have been
Nittilai's wish too. Indra grants his wish and this act of humanity brings rain to the kingdom.
With this the play ends.



2. What is the significance of fire sacrifice arranged in the play?

The titles of the plays of Girish Karnad are relevant and reveal the main theme. The title of "The
Fire and the Rain' is apt and brings to light the main theme which is the performance of the fire
sacrifice to propitiate Indra, the god of rain, for bringing rain to the drought hit land. The play is
based on the myth of Yavakri and Parvasu from the Mahabharath'.
The theme of the play centres round the fire sacrifice for bringing rain to the land. The land has
been severely hit by drought for the last ten years. So the King organises the performance of a
seven year long fire sacrifice or Yajna to invoke Indra, the god of rains in the play the Yajna is
performed inside a sacrificial enclosure. Paravasu is assigned the task of performing the duties
and responsibilities of the Chief Priest. He is the eldest son of saint Raibhya. Yavakri feels small.
He thinks that Paravasu has become the Chief Priest by manipulation. His father deserved to be
the Chief Priest. He says to Vishaka: "I cried at the humiliations filed on my father. He was one
of the most learned men in the land. Probably the most brilliant mind, but he was scorned while
this brother of his grabbed all the honors."
The King have preferred Raibhya to be the Chief Priest. Since it was a seven year rite he thought
"a younger man safer" So the King appointed Paravasu the Chief Priest Raibhya feels
Vishaka. Paravasu's wife, suffers because her husband leaves her alone to bear the anguish of
separation from her husband during the seven year fire sacrifice. Her former lover, Yavakri, uses
her as an instrument of revenge on Raibhya and his son, Paravasu. The fire sacrifice is the root
cause of her sufferings. Paravasu expiates by sacrificing himself in the fire sacrifice for
Arvasu fails to take revenge on him. He says "I lost Nittilai and Paravasu won. He went and sat
there in front of the altar, unafraid and carried on with the sacrifice. I couldn't destroy him." The
'fire sacrifice has been disrupted, Rain does not fall. The fire dies out. Indra, who is pleased with
Arvasu, appears before and persuades him to ask for anything he wants. Crowds request him to
ask for rains but he wants that Nittilai be restored to life. Aravasu finally asks for the liberation
of the Brahma Rakshasa which would have been Nittilai's wish too. Indra grants his wish and
this act of humanity brings rain to the kingdom.

3. Bring out the significance of the tile of the play The Fire and the Rain' by Girish
The play The Fire and The Rain is based on the myth of Yavakrita, extracted from the chapters
135-138 of the Vana Parva (the forest canto) of the Mahabharata. It took thirty seven years for
Karnad to accomplish this work. According to the myth. Yavakri a sage who had attained
universal knowledge from Indra has a burning desire to revenge on his uncle, Raibhya's family.
Yavakri's father Bharadwaja and Raibhya were brothers, they were equally learned, but Raibhya
was getting more recognition among the two, this was the cause for the anger getting hoarded


inside Yavakri. How he satiates himself and what are the consequences he faces contribute to be
the source for the play. The genius playwright has added the flavour of rage to it and beautified
the plot.
The play is structured around ideas and excess of strangled relationships, which unfolds with a
rare economy and intensity of emotions. Conflict is defined as a struggle between two or more
individuals over perceived incompatible differences in beliefs, values, and goals, or over
differences in desires for esteem, control, and connectedness. These differences are a constant
breeding ground for conflict. Conflict has been studied from multiple perspectives, including
inter-personal conflict and intra-personal conflict. Duality arises out of conflict. As the title of
the play The Fire and The Rain suggests the play focuses on the negative and positive human
emotions - jealousy, betrayal, deceit as well as selfless love. The play presents the celebration of
fire with Vedic rituals for the appeasement of the divine, peace and happiness of the mankind.
But just behind the screen of the art, Karnad associates the aesthetics of Brahmanism with the
mind games of egocentrism. All the lead characters in the play: Raibhya, Bharadwaja, Paravasu,
Arvasu, Yavakri and Vishakha are involved in the practice of evil and sin. There is the cycle of
evil in the play which leads to conflict among the characters of the play. Virtue wins in the play.
But it is too late. The death of virtuous low caste girl, Nittilai, makes it a tragedy. The play is the
fine analysis of human psyche in the depiction of jealousy of man against man, father against
son, brother against brother, wife against husband, and high caste against low caste. Conflict is
an inevitable part of the play The Fire and The Rain.
Girish Karnad's The Fire and the Rain has humanistic characteristics unfolded.

Persuasive Speeches
1. Never Give In
- By Winston S Churchill
Sir Winston S Churchill was a British statesman, orator and author who served as Prime Minister
of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He was born on 30
November 1874 at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire in England to a wealthy aristocratic family. His
father, Lord Randolph Churchill, represented the Conservative and had been elected as Member
of Parliament for Woodstock while his mother Jennie, was a daughter of a wealthy American
Churchill began boarding at St George's School in Ascot, Berkshire, at age seven but was
academically poor. In 1884 he transferred to Brunswick School in Hove, where his academic
performance improved. In April 1888, aged 13, he narrowly passed the entrance exam for
Harrow School where he was trained to join the military academy. In February 1895 Churchill
was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Queen's Own Cavalry regiment of the British
Army. Along with the regiment, Winston Churchill came to Bangalore in October 1896 as a
young army officer and left three years later. In his book, My Early Life, he writes, "The climate


of Bangalore, at more than 3,000 ft above sea level, is excellent. The sun even at midday
temperate and the mornings and evenings are fresh and cool." He died in January 1965 at his
London home.

On 29 October 1941, Sir Winston S Churchill delivered one of his most famous speeches at
Harrow School in London. The speech was addressed during the time of the Second World War
when Britain was going through a major crisis. Just ten months prior to this speech, the United
Kingdom engaged in an air battle with Nazi Germany, which caused a devastating loss to the
country. Churchill motivates the young students to leave the past behind and not heed to other's
words. In his speech, Churchill also stresses on the importance of never surrendering to defeat
and hopelessness, no matter how bleak the situation is or how overwhelmingly mighty the enemy
is. On October 29, 1941, United Kingdom (Great Britain) Prime Minister Winston Churchill
visited Harrow School to speak to the students. This became one of his most quoted speeches.

Churchill stood before the students and said, "Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give in.
Never give in. Never give in. Never give in." Then he sat down. In reality, he made a complete
speech that included words similar to what are often quoted. Also, some believe he said, "Never
give up."

Winston Churchill started his speech saying that he had come at Harrow School almost after one
year at the kind invitation of the Head Master of the school to cheer himself and the hearts of a
few of his friends by singing some of their own songs.

Describing the situation of Britain in the last ten months, he comments that many terrible
catastrophic events happened in the world-ups and downs, misfortunes. He also remarks that no
one is bothered about it and no one feels deeply thankful for the great improvement of U.K. and
of their homes. Here, he wants to instill patriotic spirit in the people and encourage them to face
the difficult situation and fight bravely against the Nazis. Churchill reviewed the great events and
suggested that his audience might be wondering why more was not happening.

Further he says that last time they were alone because they were poorly armed but now they are
not poorly armed. Recollecting the past experiences, the speaker says that enemy's danger or
threat was not measured properly last time and the air attacks experience is unforgettable.
Churchill concentrated on the purpose of his speech i.e. to inspire his audience to maintain the
relentless spirit of the nation and to fight for the final victory in the war.

The First lesson: The speaker motivates saying that we must learn to be equally good at what is
short and sharp and what is long and tough. He means to say that British are fully aware that they
should not only be able to fight and win short and quick battles but also be ready to fight and win
hard and enduring wars. It is generally said that British are often better at the last. He means to
say that British do not expect to move from crisis to crisis, they do not always expect that catch
day will bring up some noble chance of war, but when they slowly make up their minds that the
thing have to be done and the job put through and finished, then, even if it takes months- if it
takes years - they do it. This is how the speaker sings the glory of British.

The Second lesson: The speaker further says that another lesson we may take by recalling the
meeting before ten month and now and will find that the appearances are often deceptive. By this
the speaker means that British should not be frightened by the seemingly powerful enemy and
disillusioned by the misfortunes and disasters. Winston Churchill quotes the words of Kipling
and says we must " with Triumph and Disaster. And treat those two imposters just the
same". The speaker intends to say that both triumph and disaster are deceptive in that people can
make things out far worse than they really are when they have a disaster and they can lose their
vigilance when they are in triumph.

Views on imagination

The speaker says that imagination makes things out far worse that they are. At the same time he
also emphasizes the importance of imagination because without imagination not much can be
done according him. Imaginative people imagine more dangers that they exist and many more
will happen. At the same time, such people who imagine must pray for the extra courage to carry
such far-reaching imagination. Here, Churchill's attitude towards the people who are imaginative
is critical.

Lessons learnt throughout the past ten month The speaker remarks about the lessons learnt in the
past ten month "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or
small, large or petty-never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to
force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy".

The lesson learnt throughout the ten months was that when facing great difficulties, one should
never give in. With a combination of imagination and courage, British could overcome any kind
of difficulties and smash any attack of the enemy.

The British were in heavy attack by Germany, many other nations thought that Britain was
finished. As the country stood to their great surprise, those nations changed their views.

"We stood all alone a year ago, and to many countries it seemed that our account was closed, we
were finished. All this tradition of ours, our songs, our School history, this part of the history of
this country, were gone and finished and liquidated". Britain defending itself when the world
assumed it was completely defeated Churchill took one step further to the listener that it was
high time that the British preserve to conquer, suggesting a more ambitious goal for the nation.

As the speaker says, "Very different is the mood today. Britain, other nations thought, had drawn
a sponge across her slate but instead our country stood in the gap. There was no flinching and no
thought of giving in, and by what seemed almost a miracle to those outside these Islands, though


we ourselves never doubted it, we now find ourselves in a position where I say that we can be
sure that we have only to persevere to conquer".

Idea of replacing the word 'darker' with 'sterner' in the song It is the song's line: "Not less we
praise in darker days", with the Head Master's permission, the speaker wished to alter darker to
sterner. "Not less we praise in sterner days" Churchill could venture this idea earlier because that
was the worst time for Britain She was desperately alone, poorly armed and many other countries
believed that Britain would not be able to survive the war. It was not the right time to do so since
pessimism was prevailing among many people at that time.

2. Harvard Commencement Speech

J K Rowling
J K Rowling is a British author and philanthropist. She wrote Harry Potter, a seven-volume
children's fantasy series published from 1997 to 2007. The series has sold over 500 million
copies, has been translated into at least 70 languages, and spawned a global media franchise
including films and video games.

In 2008 J.K. Rowling delivered a powerful graduation speech at Harvard University. It was, in
many ways, absolutely spellbinding -and quickly became the most-viewed commencement
address on Harvard's website.
This speech is a plea to her audience to avoid the pitfalls of privilege and to use their human
capability of imagination to make a life for themselves that really matters.
As Harry Potter author JK Rowling prepared her Harvard commencement speech, she felt a deep
responsibility to deliver words of wisdom. She decided to convey the lessons she learned the
hard way and advice she wished someone had given her when she was a graduate. She came up
with two core lessons appreciate the value of failing and recognize the importance of

Rowling uses her first remarks to bring about audience connection with humble humor and self-
deprecation:"The first thing I would like to say is thank you. Not only has Harvard given me an
extraordinary honour but the weeks of fear and nausea I have endured at the thought of giving
this address have made me lose weight."

She gives a powerful message for the audience of Harvard grads, but for many other listeners
across the globe, especially those with privilege and advantage.

She says failures are part of our live. They are inescapable. But one should be courageous to treat
them as advantages to become strong. She failed in her life. She was separated from her husband
she didn’t have a job. She had to take care of her daughter. It was the darkest period in her life.
Only thing she had at that time was a great idea, an old type writer and a big hope. With all this


she rebuilt her life. She started writing stories during the lunch hours in her office. Later this
passion brought her great success when she published her first volume of Harry Potter. From
1997 to 2007 the series has sold over 500 million copies. Such a huge success was waiting in her
life to meet her. But she had to tolerate the pain, struggle and failures for a long time.

Rowling identified her greatest fear as the fear of failure. She goes on to recount that seven years
after her university graduation she was, by any objective measure a failure. She found herself
divorced, unemployed, a single parent and quite poor. In other words, her greatest fear had
become a reality. But in this difficulty she found liberty.

She had no way of knowing how her story would play out. The success she would achieve, at
that stage, was merely a dream. And yet, she had this to say about how failure served
her:"Failure meant the stripping away of the essential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was
anything other than what I was and began to direct all my energy at the only work that ever
mattered to me.

And then, Rowling's own interpretation stoicism, enchanted with powers of metaphor "Rock
bottom became the solid foundation on which she built her life"

JK Rowling has an original take on the subject essentially her argument is that only humans have
the capacity to appreciate the situation of others, or as she puts it "they can think themselves into
other people's places." And it is our duty to use this power, coupled with our privilege to make
the world a better place

The enemies of progress are the 'willfully unimaginative' because we could all fall into the trap
where we 'refuse to hear screams or peer into cages". Profoundly she says: "What is more, those
who choose not to empathies enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of
outright evil ourselves we collude with it through our own apathy." "We have the power to
imagine better."

3. Message to Women
Dr. B R Ambedkar

Dr. B R Ambedkar (14 April 1891-6 December 1956) is one of the tallest intellectual political
leaders in the mainstream socio-political discourse of modern India. He was the pioneer
intellectual in the study of caste and untouchability. He delved into such details that with all their
possible and conceivable dimensions, he fought caste discrimination at all given levels, social,
political, economic, and educational. His seminal work Annihilation of Caste is both an
illuminative as well as redemptive text. Ambedkar used his writings and lectures to confront a
world of indifference and betrayal in order to pursue his reformative agenda only paralleled by
Gandhi. The prescribed text throws light on the emancipation of women.



The speaker expresses that there cannot be an occasion of greater happiness to anyone interested
in the advancement of the Depressed Classes than to witness the gathering of women. About
20,000 to 25,000 women assembled to listen to Dr. Ambedkar which was really unthinkable
before ten years. The speaker is a great believer in women's organization. He believes that
women's organization can do a lot to improve the condition of the society if they are convinced.
Such organizations have played an important role in the eradication of social evils according to
Dr. Ambedkar. He testifies this with his own experience where he mentions that the day he
began to work among Depressed Classes; he made it a priority to carry women along with men.
Hence, his conferences have both men and women.

The speaker measures the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have
achieved, and when he observes this gathering, he feels both convinced and happy that we have

Later, the speaker gives a piece of advice to women like

Learn to be clean
Keep free from all vices
Give education to your children
Instill ambition among their children
Inculcate in their minds that they are destined to be great. Remove from them all inferiority
Don't be in hurry to marry: marriage is a liability.
Speaking on the issue of marriage, he says that marriage should not be imposed upon children
unless financially they are able to meet liabilities arising from marriage.
Those who marry will bear in mind that to have too many children is a crime.
Speaking on the parental duty, he says that parental duty lies in giving each child a better start
than its parent had.
Speaking on the women empowerment, he says that let each girl who marries stand up to her
husband, claims to be her husband's friend and equal and refuse to be his slave.
Dr. Ambedkar concludes his speech saying that if the above mentioned advices are followed,
women will bring honour and glory to themselves and to the Depressed Classes.



4. Narayana Murthy’s Speech at Lalbahaddur Shashtri Institute of Management.

Nagavara Ramarao Narayan Murthy (born 20 August 1946) (age 76) was born and raised in
Shidlaghatta, Karnataka. He graduated from the National Institute of Engineering, University of
Mysore with a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and a master's degree from the Indian
Institute of Technology Kanpur. Before starting Infosys, Murthy worked at the Indian Institute of
Management Ahmedabad as chief systems programmer, and Patni Computer systems in Pune
(Maharashtra). He started Infosys in 1981 and was the CEO from 1981 to 2001, as well as the
chairman from 2002-2011. He is an Indian billionaire businessman.
As of April 2022, his net worth was estimated at US $4.4 billion. He has been listed among the
12 greatest entrepreneurs of our time by Fortune Magazine. He has been described as the "Father
of the Indian IT Sector" by Time Magazine and CNBC for his Contributions to outsourcing in
India. Murthy has been honoured with the Padma Sri (2000), Legion of Honour (2008) and
Padma Vibhushan (2008).


Role of Western values in contemporary Indian society - delivered at the Lal Bahadur on
Shastri Institute of Management October 02, 2002 by Chairman of the Board, Infosys
Technologies Lunited, Bangalore, India.
In this extract Murthy talks about some of the values we need to learn from west. Being a leading
businessman working throughout the world he encountered many things and among that he tells
us about the values we have to learn or acquire from the west. He is not neglecting Indian
society's values, India has long cultural tradition but in present, the westerns following great deal
of value system and we are not doing so. That's why he calls his countrymen to follow the
westerners for their values.
Respect for the public good: Here Murthy respected Indian culture for having deep-rooted
family values: but contrary the same values disappears when we came out of the family and get
involve into the society Our attitude towards the community is very different from our attitude
towards the family. We keep our homes spotless, but when we go out we do not think about the
public goods. Carelessly we spit, we through garbage on the road, etc. But in the West streets are
clean, they think that the public goods are also Acknowledging the accomplishments of others:
We never appreciate other's achievements says If we want to progress, we must listen to and
learn from people who have performed better than us.
Accountability: Another attribute we must learn from the West is accountability. You must be
held responsible for what you do. However, in India, the more important' you are, the less
answerable you become. If something good happened then the most important person will come


front to take the credits for that and if something wrong happened then the same person will
blame to the others/his subordinates.
Dignity of labor: According to Murthy, for anything to be run successfully, everyone - from the
CEO to the person who serves tea-must discharge his or her duties in a responsible manner. We
need a mindset that reveres everyone who puts in honest work, no matter what it is.
Professionalism: In the West people do not let personal relations interfere with their
professional dealings. They do not hesitate to criticize a colleague for his wrong deed, even if he
is a friend. But in India, we treat our relatives/ friends with soft corner even if they make
mistakes. If anyone criticized such friend/relative, they will take it personal. We do not respect
the other person's time. Indian Standard Time always runs late, and deadlines are typically not
Intellectual independence: From the childhood of their children the western parents teach them
to think for themselves. Hence, these children grow up to be strong, confident adults. However,
in India, we suffer from feudal thinking. I have seen bright people who prefer to be told what to
do by their bosses. We need to overcome this attitude if we are to succeed globally
Honoring contracts: The Western value system teaches respect for contractual obligations.
However, we do not extend this to the public domain For example: several students get national
scholarships for higher studies in US universities. Most of them did not return to India even
though contractually they were obliged to spend five years here after getting their degree
Finally, Murthy says we are all aware of our rights as citizens. But we often fail to acknowledge
the duty of a citizen
Conclusion: Hence, Murthy lists the values that Westerners follow the community must develop
a system of values everyone must strengthen equality over the individual and society. It cannot
be implemented by the rule of law. But such behavior is followed by everyone in the community
We have a tremendous love for our family. But, we don't have the same attitude towards our
community. In West, people respect merit Meritocracy is a great virtue. Therefore, he wants
India to emulate the West Here, he quoted the words of Dwight Eisenhower to justify his view.
The statement made clear that if people wanted to benefit in two ways, it would lose both of its


5. Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
- Robert Dylan

Robert Dylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman, May 24, 1941) is an American singer-songwriter.
He regarded as one of the greatest songwriters of all time. Dylan has been a major figure in
popular culture during a career spanning more than 60 years. Much of his most celebrated work
dates from the 1960s when songs such as "Blowin' in the Wind" (1963) and "The Times They
Are a-Changin' (1964) became anthems for the civil rights and antiwar movements. His lyrics
incorporated a range of political, social, philosophical, and literary influences, pop music
conventions and appealing to the burgeoning counterculture.
Since 1994, Dylan has published eight books of drawings and paintings, and his work has been
exhibited in major art galleries. He has sold more than 125 million records, making him one of
the best-selling musicians of all time. He has received numerous awards, including the
Presidential Medal of Freedom, ten Grammy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, and an Academy
Award. Dylan has been entered into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Nashville Songwriters Hall
of Fame, and the Songwriters Hall of Fame. The Pulitzer Prize Board in 2008 awarded him a
special citation for "his profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by
lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power".
In 2016. Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for having created new poetic
expressions within the great American song tradition"


Bob Dylan greeted the members of the Swedish Academy and to all the other distinguished
guests. He mentions that he has been familiar with and reading and absorbing the works of those
who were deemed worthy of such a distinction; Kipling, Shaw, Thoman Mann, Pearl Buck,
Albert Camus, Hemingway. These giants of literature whose works are taught in the schoolroom,
housed in libraries around the world.

Secret dream; The speaker further comments that anyone who writes a book, or a poem, or a play
anywhere in the world will have a secret dream of such noble honour in their life. Bob Dylan
while receiving the news of Noble Prize, says that he was out on the road when he received this
surprising news and it took for him more than a few minutes to properly process it. He began to
think about William Shakespeare, a great literary figure. He would reckon he thought of himself
as a dramatist. Speaking about Shakespeare, Bob Dylan says that Shakespeare's words were
written for the stage and they were meant to be spoken not read. While writing Hamlet,
Shakespeare would have thought a lot of different things like about actors' roles, stage. His
creative vision and ambitions were no doubt at the forefront of his mind but there were also more
mundane matters to consider and deal with. "Is the financing in place?" "Are there enough good


seats for my patrons?" "Where am I going to get a human skull?" The speaker would bet that the
farthest thing from Shakespeare's min was the question "Is this literature?"

Big Prize in Bob Dylan's mind; When Bob Dylan started writing songs as a teenager, and even as
he to achieve some renowned for his abilities, his aspirations for these songs only went so far. He
thought they could be heard in coffee houses or bars, maybe later in places like Carnegie Hall
and the London Palladium. He further says if he was really dreaming big, maybe he could
imagine getting to make a record and then hearing his songs on the radio. That was really the big
prize in his mind. Bob Dylan remarks that making records and hearing your songs on the radio
meant that you were reaching a big audience and that you might get to keep doing what you had
set out to do.

His songs getting famous; Bob Dylan says that he had made dozens of records and played
thousands of concerts all around the world. But it was his songs that were the vital centre of
almost everything he did. They seemed to have found a place in the lives of many people
throughout many different cultures and he is grateful for that. Bob Dylan unable to play for 50

Bob Dylan further remarks that he had played for 50,000 people as well as for 50 people. But he
found it difficult to perform for 50 people rather that 50,000. Because the large number of
audience has singular persona. Each person has an individual, separate identity, a world unto
themselves. They can perceive things more clearly. He further mentions, "Your honesty and how
it relates to the depth of your talent is tried. The fact that the Nobel committee is so small is not
lost on me".

Comparison with Shakespeare

The speaker comparing himself with Shakespeare remarks that he is also often occupied with the
pursuit of his creative endeavors and dealing with all aspects of life's mundane matters. He
questions to himself

"Who are the best musicians for these songs?" "Am I recording in the right studio?" "Is this song
in the right key?" Some things never change, even in 400 years. Later, he says that he has never
asked himself, "Are my songs literature?" Finally, he thanks the Swedish Academy, both for
taking the time to consider that very question, and, ultimately, for providing such a wonderful



Complaint Letter

Write a complaint letter to ABC Organic Foods, Bangalore that you have received only
40honey bottles instead of 50honey bottles which you had ordered for on 4 th Dec 2021.
Furnish the details of your order. You are Manoj from Maruthi Provision Store,

Maruthi Provision Store, Bangalore-51
Ph: xxxxxxx32, Email:

Ref: 52/m/2021

14th Dec 2021

The Manager
ABC Organic Foods
Respected sir,

Sub: Complaint Letter

With reference to the above we thank you for executing our order which was placed on 4 th Dec
2021. We had ordered for 50 honey bottles (500mg) but on receiving we noticed that there are
only 40 bottles in the parcel. We are unhappy with this and we are claiming for the
compensation. The payment of the same was done on the same day of execution of our order.
Each bottle cost us rupees 300. Now since we have received only 40 bottles we request to give
the compensation for the 10 bottles.

The mistake must have taken place while packing or dispatching. We hope that such mistakes
will not occur.

Thank you Yours faithfully

(Maruthi Provision Store)


Reply to complaint letter.

Write a reply letter to the complaint that you have received from Sunil Garments that they
had received only 5 bundles of raw materials instead of 15 bundles for which had had
ordered for on 10th Jan 2022.

You are Prathibha from Smart Clothing Solutions, Bangalore.

Smart Clothing Solutions, Bangalore
Ph: 0802121212, Email:

Ref: 011/22/12/2021

18th Jan 2022

The Manager
Sunil Garments

Dear Sir,

We thank you for placing an order with us. We understand that you had ordered for 15 bundles
of raw materials.

We sincerely regret that instead of 15 bundles of raw materials we have delivered only 5
bundles. On verification it was discovered that the mistake had taken place in the package
section. The balance of 10 bundles will soon be delivered to you. The staff at the packing
section have been warned about it. We once again regret the inconvenience and assure that such
mistakes will not occur in the future.

Thank you Yours faithfully

For Smart Clothing Solutions


Sales letter

Write a sales letter to Adithya Home Appliances that you have launched a product, Smart
Flask. Furnish all the details about the product and price. You are Mr. Ashwin, sale
executive, Sunshine Steels.

Sale Executive, Sunshine Steels, Bangalore
Ph: xxxxxxxx96, Email:

13th Jan 2022

The Sales Manager

Adithya Home Appliances

Dear Sir,

We are pleased in write this letter to announce that we have launched a new product called
‘Smart Flask’.

Dear sir, you are well aware that everyone is becoming health conscious nowadays due to the
Covid Pandemic. We see people carrying hot water to their work place, schools, colleges and
people are advised to drink hot water.

We have launched a new product called Smart Flask which is made from pure stainless steel.
The specialty of the product is that it holds hot water for 24 hours. The actual price the product is
rupees 1200 but we are offering this product to you at an attractive price at rupees 799. It comes
with a bag which attracts the customers. People can easily carry this bottle.

Stocks are very limited.

Hurry up.

Thank you Yours faithfully



Write a letter to send a quotation for 20 computers.

Naveen V
Surya Sen Street, Kolkata 700012
Phone: 033- XXXXXXXX, email:

12th Dec 2022

Ref no: XYZ/QE/4/20/1

The Manager
ABC Computers
Chandni Chowk Kolkata-700001.

Dear Sir,

Sub: Enquiry for quotation of computers.

I have the pleasure of informing you that our institute intends to purchase 20 computers
for our institute. The computers must comply with the configurations specified below.
Please quote the price of the computers within 10 days of the date of issue of this letter,
mentioning the time, mode of delivery and terms and conditions of payment.

Thank you Yours faithfully



Write a letter of enquiry for furniture.

Raju P
Sanjaynagar, Banaglore
Phone: 033- XXXXXXXX, Fax:033-xxxxxxxx, email:

11 March 2022

The Manager
KASH Furniture,
Mystic Falls.

Dear Sir,

Subject: Enquiry for furniture.

We have recently opened our new office, and we would like to buy a lot of wooden furniture
which includes tables, chairs, and desks. We would like to see your company catalogue which
has details of all the furniture that you manufacture. We will go through it and see if any
products meet our requirement.

We have a huge requirement, and we hope that you will be able to meet our demands. We are in
search of modern, compact and sturdy furniture for our office. We would also like to know that if
you make furniture on demand or if you could design new furniture for our office as per the
requirement within a stipulated time.

In case we like your designs and products we would like to place an order, and we would work
out the pricing in person. We could send one of our representatives from our end to oversee the
products and finalize the price. We shall discuss the further matter after you send the catalogue.
In the case of any queries, feel free to contact me.

Thanking you Yours truly



Complaint Letter Sample 1 - Poor Maintenance of the Garden and Improper Waste

B. Rory Lane
Damsel Street

19th November 2022

The Secretary
Residential Association


Subject: Complaint letter regarding the poor maintenance of the garden and improper waste

I am Shawn Mendez, a resident of Rory Lane. I am writing to bring to your notice the poor
maintenance of the garden around our residential area and the improper disposal of waste. The
garden around the residential area was watered regularly, and grass shrubs were trimmed and
maintained neatly in the beginning. It has been more than a month now since any kind of
maintenance is done in the garden. We have tried contacting the person in charge, but every
effort has just been in vain.

Another growing issue is the problem of waste disposal.

There were people from the corporation collecting garbage for disposal every two days, but it has
been more than a week now since they have collected any garbage from our area. This has led to
the accumulation of waste, and people have started dumping it in the corner of the street as they
have no other choice. Kindly look into this and the maintenance of the garden as it will become a
huge mess if this continues. It would be highly appreciated if you could also inform the residents
that all garbage would be collected and not to throw them out around the street corners.

Thank you in advance. Yours faithfully,



Power point presentation.





Design a product manual for any product of your choice.










Prepare a brochure for the annual sports meet of your.


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