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asalam alaykum this video is going to be

a very important video that I'm posting

on this channel first of all because I'm

literally going to teach you how Allah

is making me successful and how he can

make you too but also I'm going to be

talking about a concept that you've

probably even heard of but you really

haven't understood it in my opinion 99%

of people do not know what this thing

that I'm going to be talking about

really means so please stick around and

watch the entirety of the video now on

that note congrats actually clicking

this video cuz most people nowadays seek

just pure stimulation while it seems

that you're looking for real education

since you clicked it and on that note

this is not going to be an edited video

that just fries your brain there's not

going to be like sound effects edits or

for example music that is going to keep

your attention um this is just going to

be pure value pure education and in fact

if you do look throughout uh excuse me

watch the entirety of the video it will

show that you have a top 1% attention

span now on that note as well I'll give

you a quick heads up because at the end

of this video I am going to sell you my

my community my ped community that I'm

launching with this video and basically

with this community what I want to do

what my aim is is to teach you what I'm

currently doing right now which is going

viral through YouTube thanks to Allah's

permission and I also want to create a

place where we can all connect as

ambitious Muslims uh where we can talk

about business we can talk about Fitness

mentality purpose we can talk about

Islam as well now obviously I'm going to

uh put a price on this community so uh

I'm not actually charging the Islam part

because I wouldn't want to do so what I

am charging is the course that I'm

basically selling on this community so

if you're not interested uh in learning

anything about this community then

please just leave the video when you get

to the end of this video where I start

talking about the community because in

my opinion even if you're not interested

in getting this being a part of this

community trust me this video is

literally going to change your life and

I'm not joking so first of all my goal

with this video is also very simple

because I want to teach Muslim men and

women to make their life a form of I and

also want to be an example for every

Muslim who doesn't realize how powerful

Allah really is now if also if you don't

know who I am my name is LIN so Hamza

and my goal is to make young Muslim men

ambitious again and I reverted over a

year ago and I've never regretted that

decision since so let's start first of

all this is uh a photo which in my

opinion uh brings me back quite a lot

because uh we've all heard this quote

it's like either one day or day one and

this was the first ever day that I went

to the to the gym basically it wasn't

exactly the first one but it was one of

the first days but on that day on this

day where you see this image right here

I decided to start going to the gym at

4:00 a.m. and I literally have no clue

how I did it I wasn't a Muslim back then

but I went to the gym at 4:00 a.m. and I

did that from uh January all the way up

to the first weeks of March and this

just taught me so much and it was also

the point in which I started my um

entrepreneurial journey in a sense

because I wanted to find a business to

start to potentially make money

and so this is basically what I

researched I got obsessed with the gym

as I said and I started researching

about entrepreneurship and I looked into

the stocks stock market whatever it is

basically how you want to call it Stock

Exchange stock market um but I soon

realized that I needed money to start

out with and then I looked into Drop

Shipping which is what happens to 100%

of the people who try to learn more

about business and I also soon realized

that I needed money to start and I had

nothing so that's not uh something that

I could have started and neither the

stock market or Stock Exchange whatever

it may be trading online whatever it may

be I didn't have the money to start so I

was researching all these uh different

businesses and while I was going to the

gym at 4:00 a.m. so I was a very like

disciplined person in my opinion and

this period like taught me a lot

and the reason why I decided to start

even looking into business in general

was because I don't think Andrew T was

going viral at the time but basically I

started to realize that I wanted to do

something with my life which was

important I wanted to give um value in a

sense and I didn't want to just simply

work a normal 9-to-5 job potentially so

that's why I started researching um

business now time goes by and it was

around the this was 2022 by the way time

goes by and I just forget about business

entrepreneurship in general because uh I

just started my self-improvement journey

and I started improving my appearance

changed my haircut changed my style as

well the way I dressed and so I started

to forget about business I went to the

to to the beach to the Sea on holiday

with a friend of mine and so generally

speaking I wasn't really interested in

entrepreneurship anymore

but I still had like this feeling inside

me that I knew that I wanted to do

something with my life I knew I wanted

to one day have this business or have a

business I didn't know what it was going

to be but I wanted a business to make me

independent make me in a sense free from

The Matrix like people uh call it

nowadays so the thing is that I still

knew deep down in my heart what I wanted

to do with my life but I wasn't doing

anything about it and so just time goes

by and I just forget about business and

one day on YouTube this guy appears this

guy he's Iman Gad gader still don't know

how to say his surname most people who

probably are watching this video may

know who this guy is he's a very very

successful uh person and he basically

started off with smma or social media

marketing and that's what I decided to

do as my first business because I find I

finally found a business that I wanted

to follow which was smma and so from the

end of 2022 which is when I discovered


gaji all the way to just a few months

ago so for like a year and a half I

spent hours and hours and hours on this

business on this business and from day

one that I started this business I

started visualizing my future and I was

like calculating the months to my birth

and I thought oh if I get this many

clients then I'll be able to afford this

and that and I'll be able to go uh to

this place on my birthday buy this for

my birthday and uh yet again I wasn't a

Muslim when I discovered smma but for

this period for most of the period that

I was working on smma I eventually did

become a Muslim and so smma kind of got

me and I realized I can start this with

no money which I had uh I didn't have

and I really believed in it and I

thought I can kind ofing Break Free with

this business model so I put hours and

hours and hours and hours onto this

business but there was one main problem

which in my opinion 99% of the people

who are trying to start off a business

especially if you're a Muslim I don't

know why but especially if you're a

Muslim that we tend to do it and I was

doing it for money materialism I was

doing it CU I wanted to buy uh the lambo

I wanted to buy the Bugatti and be like

Andrew Tate and go around and drive with

my Bugatti around Dubai for example I

wanted to do it so that I could dress a

certain way get those shoes get that

t-shirt get that jacket whatever it may

be I was very materialistic and I'm not

going to lie I am still materialistic

and I'll always be materialistic and

you'll always be materialistic because

I'm fortunately we're few we're humans

and but the problem is this I made this

the purpose behind my business the

purpose because behind this business was

that I wanted to

um start this business because I wanted

materialistic things yes with the money

and I wanted to for example retire my

parents yes I wanted to be able to

provide and protect for my family

through this money yes I wanted to for

example give to people in need but the

main reason why I was doing this was

just materialism

and the reason why I believe that it's

wrong to do this for a materialistic

reason is because it will take you in my

opinion 10 times more effort to actually

make it work and in fact for a year and

a half that I did this thing nothing

worked completely nothing worked I

managed to close a client which I we

worked for like 30 days and uh he didn't

even pay me and because obviously I mean

I told him not to pay me cuz we were

doing like a free trial but so I didn't

earn anything through it and I mean

alhamdulillah a few months later in

Autumn he did pay me uh some money it

wasn't a lot uh for a week's uh work

basically but that was it I didn't

really see any success through this and

one may say yes you just weren't putting

enough time if you did uh put enough

time and you kept on going you would

have made it and I agree completely

agree I could have 100% done it

especially because being an smma you

have to obviously choose a niche I was

on an untapped Niche nobody was in this

Niche basically so I was basically

sitting on top of a mountain of gold in

my opinion but the reason why I stopped

doing it was because he Allah he guided

me when I was lost in

materialism and he made me reason he

made me reason and it was around um 2024

of uh Ramadan 2024 excuse me where I saw


video and I'm pretty sure I saw it even

beforehand but I just don't really uh

pay enough attention but this video hit

me so hard that I'm 100% sure that most

of you guys who are watching this video

also saw this video of M man in Dubai

where he gets asked this question which

is what do you do for a living and so M

says what do I do for a living I worship

Allah like

how great of an answer would that be to

give in a like in the future like

imagine if somebody you know comes up to

you and says oh by the way hasn't seen

you like years and asks by the way what

do you do for a living because I see

you've got like nice cars you've got

this house uh you seem to be so happy

you're giving to the people in need how

what are you doing for a living and you

just answer I worship

Allah like in my opinion that's just

mindblowing as a as an answer and I

didn't understand it the first time I

saw it but in Ramadan of

2024 I finally understood that it wasn't

materialism that I was supposed to chase

it was Allah's sake that I wanted that I

should have

chased I needed to worship

Allah to be able to have Bara in my life

so that I so that then I could get the

materialistic things that I like it

wasn't the materialist istic things that

were that should have been the purpose

behind my business it should have been

the worship of

Allah that should have been the purpose

then the materialistic things come later

and in fact Allah says that inah Al

verse 46 he says wealth and children are

the adornment of this worldly life but

the Everlasting Good Deeds are far

better with your lord in reward and in

hope allahar this verse is so powerful

yet yet we just we don't really

understand it in my opinion or at least

we understand it but we don't really

rationalize it like the money that I may

make through YouTube in the future

whatever it may be because trust me

Allah is making me successful right now

I'm assigned to all of you right now who

are watching this video that what I

started doing thanks to Allah's will is

proof that if you completely submit

yourself toel life just becomes

extremely easy it it goes on easy

mode and the thing is this Allah also

says inah verse 56 uh or 51 I can't

remember um he says I did not create gin

and humans except to worship me so as I

said I was chasing the wrong type of

goal the wrong type of purpose I didn't

fully understand this verse yet I saw it

so many different times where and I

where obvious El says this verse

and I didn't quite understand it this

isn't just the like the reason why he

created us as he says was to worship him

but it wasn't just the reason why he

created us it was that he created us to

worship us so we should do everything to

be able to worship Him and in my opinion

99% of people do not understand this

concept we were created to worship a li


and 99% of people who are watching this

video who are

Muslim aren't doing everything in their

life as a form of

worship yes you may do what I did which

is basically um pray and go to the MOs

or whatever it may be but you're not

worshiping Allah in everything that

you're doing so the reason why you're

alive is to worship Allah so my question

to you which is a question that I ask

myself is are you worshiping a

as much as you

can are you actually doing it cuz as I

said that's what I asked myself I said I

was praying I was going to the M for jum

and for other days as well not just for

Juma I was making Dua I was seeking

Allah's forgiveness if I uh sinned I was

fasting my Ramadan I was doing all the

obligations so I thought yes I am but

there was one thing that I

forgot and that was business I had no

purpose behind it the only reason why I

decided to start my business was that I

wanted materialistic things but Allah

subhana wa ta'ala the King of Kings made

me reason and I
realized that if Allah created me to

worship him I need to make everything in

my life like everything in my life a

form of I form of worship and my

business wasn't a form of I

yes maybe my like giving to my parents

retiring them giving to the poor was

going to be potentially a form of

worship but in of itself like as I said

the purpose behind smma at the start was

not uh it wasn't a worship reason I was

just doing it for a materialistic reason

and so as I said I asked myself what not

why not make my business a form of a bad

so I left smma at the end of Ramadan of

2024 and around 3 weeks after the end of

Ramadan I started YouTube and I posted

my first ever video which was and is for

me at least a sign and proof that what

I'm telling you right now is true

because my first video that I posted was

a short and it isn't the first short

that you'll be able to see if you go

like on my uh Channel you go on shorts

and then you go on uh oldest video uh

eldest video whatever it may be it was a

video that now I've deleted and it only

got 400 views and it was like this edit

with the Quran in the in the background

of me training and like working and it

didn't pop off and so I thought to

myself uh doesn't seem to work maybe

Allah is just tested me I don't know but

then I realized how am I benefiting

others through this video in no way

whatsoever yes there's the Quran in the

background but that's really it I'm not

teaching anything I'm not giving value

and I'm not really even worshiping Allah

asael through that video I'm just trying

to go viral with a video a random video

and that's really it and so then I

deleted I put it on private at first and

then later on I deleted it so I don't

have it on my YouTube channel and I

cannot make it public for you to see um

but then I decided to post my second

video which is the eldest video that you

can on my channel which was a short form

video and it's basically the miracle of

the Quran where I talk about how uh our

beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihi

wasallam could not have come up with the

Quran as in the Quran there's the word

Al which means leech and uh you cannot

see the Ember when it looks like a leech

because it's on a 24th 25th day so Etc

you can go and watch the video If you

haven't watched it yet but I'm 100% sure

that anyone who is watching this video

has seen that video

and since posting that video and it's so

incredible to even like show you show

you what I'm about to show you since

posting that video in just over 60 days

of doing YouTube this is what Allah gave

me allahar like this is what Allah gave

me it's probably nothing compared to

what Allah can give me it's probably

nothing but

for most people it's a

lot 30,000 subscribers as of yesterday

and I'm recording this on Wednesday and

I took the screenshot on Tuesday and all

these other screenshots I took them on

around Saturday I'm pretty

sure now this is over 2 million views in

the last 28 days I've got over 31,000

subscribers now this short got 300,000

subscribers uh sorry views this got

630,000 views short this short got

163,000 and this short got

750,000 and then you have the long form

video which is proving aam in 90 minutes

and 29 seconds as a

revert uh which now weighs close to

100,000 V uh views so as I said this

screenshot is a little bit old over a

days like this is literally what Allah

gave me after I decided to make my

business for the sake of Allah not for

the the Lamborghini not for the house

not for the money but for

Allah the videos that I posted were for

Allah and I ask Allah sincerely that

obviously he keeps me and he keeps you

if after watching this video you do

decide to implement what I've just

taught you okay to keep us firm on this

intention of doing it for the sake of


because life just becomes easy once you

do something for

Allah Allah will put Bara in your life

and if you're thankful this way as well

for what he's given you he'll give you


more as he prefers the Muslim who is

thankful so please brothers and sisters

who are watching this video right now do

was I said everything you do in life

even if it's to go to the supermarket to

get something for your mother do it for

the sake of Allah and you can literally

do anything in life for the sake of

Allah except for sins obviously so

please trust me when I say this this

worked and is actually at least it's

working it hasn't worked it's working

and it's currently working you can see

it with your own eyes like my channel is

a sign for you who are watching this

video that what I'm telling you is first

of all nothing new to you because you've

seen that verse first of all you've seen

it already 100% but you've never

understood the value of it and second of

all it's a sign because you know that

I'm not just chatting rubbish to you and

trying to sell you something at the end

this is actual facts you can see them

here and so on that

note I only posted eight videos and

because you may say okay yeah but you

posted quite a few videos so it makes

sense I just posted eight videos I

didn't post even 10 videos and now I've

got over 2 million views as of now that

I'm recording this video got close to 2

million views in total in my channel so

trust me when I say this this 100% works

and that's it I don't know what to say

I'm literally speechless cuz as I'm

saying this I'm like getting gassed so I

mean I hope you're gassed as well about

this video that that I made for you uh

who are watching this

video but like everything I did in my

life was super hard was extremely

complicated as soon as I decide to

change my business and I I decide to

change the purpose behind

it this video down here which is the

first short video that I posted this

miracle proved it's from Allah which is

about the the leech

miracle in my opinion it's not even a

good video in my opinion like when I was

recording it my thought was I'm just

going to do it cuz I want to spread the

message I don't care if it's this great

video and it's the video with the most

views on my channel Allah is literally

making life for me on easy mode on easy

mode while you have a lot of people who

are doing starting a business for a

materialistic reason materialistic

purpose and yes you 100 % May achieve

success through it but it's going to be

so hard so let me ask you why are you

trying to make it hard on yourself make

it easy do it for the sake of Allah find

something that would make it for the for

the sake of Allah and so on that note I

basically conclude this part of the

video and this is where I'm going to

talk about digital Uma which is the

community that I'm basically going to

launch with this video so I'm going to

um explain you what uh uh the offer that

I'm basically making with this community

so if you're not interested in

Brotherhood Islam business and more and

you do not really care about um learning

to do what I'm currently doing right now

from me then 100% leave the video no

problem but please do leave the video

knowing that you should apply what I've

just told you okay but if you're

interested in actually changing your


potentially and learning from me on how

I did this and

literally being able to say that in the

future that you worship Allah as your

job then please stick around for these

like next five minutes it's going to be

very quick where I talk to you about

digital um and my plan with this uh

community so first of all there's going

to be four courses where I teach you the

video topic that uh I use to go viral so

basically it's going to be a course

where you will be able to choose what

content of of Islam you want to create

and the second course will be uh where I

teach you how to create the perfect

script to go viral with your videos the

third course is uh understanding what

makes a video engaging through editing

to go viral and the fourth video uh

sorry course is a course where I teach

you about successful titles hashtags and

at what times you should post your

video now in my opinion and I'm quite

sure of this if you were to follow what

I say you will see results in 30 days or

less cuz I saw results in around a month

of starting this channel even less I

can't remember exactly and now it's been

over two months and I've achieved

something that some people even take

years to achieve I thought I was going

to take years to achieve what I've

achieved right now it's taken me more

than just over 60 days so I'm quite

confident to say that if you do follow

what I'm going to teach you in this

course and we all learn together how to

make um videos for the sake of Allah and

potentially if it is best for us to earn

from them you will see results in 30

days or even less now what is the

content of this community uh apart from

the four courses first of all these four

courses they're going to have these 13

lessons and it's it's going to be a

total of like through these four courses

is it's going to be a total of just over

an hour of pure value of me explaining

to you how to go how to be successful

with YouTube videos because that's what

I'm basically selling and you'll also be

able to have private consultation calls

once you get to a certain level onto the

community you will also be able to be a

part of community calls for discussions

in general about YouTube about Fitness

about business in general about

mentality and potentially in Islam and

also it's going to be 100% a place to

network with ambitious Muslims and

before you leave the video value does

not mean price okay this is the value

that I think this community has but it's

not going to be the price that I will be

charging and obviously in this value

that I give Islam does not have a price

so take it out of this equation Islam is

completely price Priceless I'm not going

to charge you uh to learn about uh Islam

cuz you can easily go to someone who has

more knowledge than me and pay them

which is

more right more right more righteous in


opinion so I want to give you all of

this for just $19 a month and one thing

I will change this price in the future

cuz I want to First understand if I can

actually give you the value that I'm

telling you right now and if I can give

you the value that I want to give and

you can actually see the results in 30

days or less then this price will 100%

go up in the future uh as I believe it

would be more fair in my opinion and so

price is very low $19 a month and you

get all of this in this community as I

said you get the four courses the 13

lessons private consultation calls

Community calls for discussions and

you'll be able to network with ambitious

Muslims for just $19 a month so if

you're interested in this community

you're interested in changing your life

once and for all like I'm currently

doing thanks Allah's permission then

please click the link below it's the

first link that you'll see in the

description box below click it and make

sure to to join the community as it will

100% change your life inshallah if it is

best for
you so this ends the video thank you so

much for clicking this video and if you

stick you stick throughout the whole

video it shows that you have like 1%

attention span so congrats on that and

me bless you for even clicking this

video or watching the video and may

Allah bless anyone who clicked it but

didn't even watch it throughout the

whole uh video and as I said make sure

to click the link below for the digital

um community and trust me this will

literally change your

life and I'll see you in the digital um


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