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these three note cards in my hand they

contain the ignored quranic secrets that

Habibi trust me when I say that it's

going to increase your risk by so much

like bro do you realize right now if you

call yourself a Muslim you're literally

sitting on Acres of gold and you're not

even realizing it so that's why in this

whole video after you finish watching it

I want you to leave feeling like wait a

minute like I'm actually sitting on so

much gold right now like this is truly

the biggest and the best gift that I've

been blessed with like if me right now

if I lose literally everything if I lose

everything I have right now but I still

have this beautiful gift of the Quran

then I'm literally all good I'm all good

and I know this because likei I've done

this in my life I've reached a point in

my life where I was way below zero and I

was able to bounce back easily too after

learning all of this this right here

this is one of my students dose he was

able to make six figures right after

like not just implementing but just

learning these quranic secrets of wealth

and then this guy right here as well

he's he's not even Muslim bro like this

guy is not even Muslim he was able to

reach 500k after learning these secrets

of risk and look bro like I don't care I

don't care who you are you could be a

man you could be a woman man or woman

you could be young you could be old

jobless employed even if you're like a

non-muslim when I say that these secrets

are going to work on literally everybody

I mean that these are like Divine laws

that Allah has made so it doesn't matter

who you are as long as you've been made

by Allah which everything is then it's

going to work on you and you know what

bro like ever since I was even in high

school I knew that the Quran it had

Secrets like lessons of how to attract

more wealth into your life but the issue

was like anytime I would go online and I

would search up how to attract more

blessings more wealth into your life how

to basically have Allah accept your Dua

to basically getting more money but

every time I search this stuff up I

would find nothing I would find other

nothing or I would just find people who

are like oh just try to like pray your

five Salat and all that stuff and then

you'll see like more risk coming into

your life and I'm like okay I'm praying

my five Salat but I'm not seeing more

risk coming into my life and then what

happened is that I had to go through

things like learning about the law of

attraction learning about affirmations

learning about like Napoleon Hill stuff

where you write down your goals and

everything I tried all those stuff and

I'm like you know what this stuff

actually like it works but it worked in

in such a limiting way anytime I would

do it I would just feel like I'm so

limited where it's just like I'm rich

I'm rich I'm so happy and grateful now

I'm making 10K a month and I'm like bro

like it just feels way too limited so

what happened one day is that I stumbled

upon Arabi YouTube so I would basically

like you know how there is like Law of

Attraction YouTube people that are

speaking English I found something

that's very similar but people that are

speaking only Arabi and what I saw is

that like there's people that are

sharing how to use the Quran to

basically attract more Wells into your

life and I'm just like this is exactly

what I've been looking for but still it

still felt like they were only like

scratch ing the surface I'm like no way

if the Quran is truly the word of Allah

then as soon as you use it which by the

way it is as soon as you use it that's

it like you you should be showered with

a bunch of blessings into your life if

you know how to use it but not just that

like at the same time you should be

showered with a bunch of wealth but not

compromise your afterlife like imagine

if you just do it you got a you get like

a bunch of money but then you compromise

your afterlife so the beautiful thing is

that as soon as I started implementing

this knowledge I'm like bro like no

freaking way not only is this like way

faster than all the other stuff that

I've been learning from The Law of

Attraction but it literally feels like I

got a way to hack the entire universe so

what I'm trying to say is that just try

to use these three secrets into your

life right now after you watch this

whole video and just for the next 30

days just watch how Allah is going to

start showering you with so much like

more and more wealth into your own life

too so let's actually look at this so

the very first secret secret right here

and by the way just write these down the

very first secret is this one I don't

know if you can see it's probably

actually inverted yeah it actually is

inverted but I'm going to show you right

here so your risk is not something that

you control now a lot of you guys that

are going to be hearing this like your

risk is not something you're supposed to

control you're just going to be like

well yeah like your risk has been risen

for you but that's not what I mean and

just so you know this statement right

here it's not supposed to make you feel

like you're weak or that you're not in

control there's an oxymoron or a paradox

it's actually the complete opposite what

it means is that you don't even have to

worry about your risk and then why is

that because look right here because

Allah is the one that's controlling your

risk and so once you realize that Allah

is way more powerful merciful giving and

even faster than you are then that's it

you're basically in like the best of the

best hands so this also means is that

like the result you want the result that

you want is not really in your hand

that's not what you what you're supposed

to be putting all your focus on so don't

be waking up every single day and being

like I'm so happy and grateful now that

I'm making 10K all that stuff and blah

blah blah what I'm trying to say is that

find the process that's going to get you

this result that is not in your control

and then put all your focus on the

process so what it means is that put

your focus on the thing that's actually

in your hand so if your goal once again

is like 10K then that's the intention

your intention is to make $10,000 but

for example me for example what you'll

find me doing is that I'm going to be

focusing on making more videos if that

was actually my goal I'll focus on

building my skill like I'll focus more

on learning copyrighting or if I'm

trying to get clients I'll focus more on

sending a bunch of DMS to basically land

a client so focus on doing the thing

that's going to get you to the $10,000

per month so you're not really obsessed

about the $10,000 per month you're

obsessed with learning the skill with

sending more DMS with making more videos

but the the result is not in your head

so for example if you have a business

that's basically selling tables and you

want to make $10,000 selling tables that

every single day you focus on optimizing

your ads for example to reach the

customers that care about tables or just

focus on making more content and better

content for people that want to buy

tables but also like for example like

focusing on sending an email to your

list about the people that care about

tables and then the beautiful thing is

that let's just say you do all of this

and there's no $110,000 you're just like

oh it's not in my hand there's no

$10,000 after doing everything after

basically doing everything that's in the

process what that means is that again we

said Allah is in control of the $10,000

not you Allah is in control so because

Allah is in control then we basically go

to secret number two right here which

basically shows you how do you ask Allah

to make your goal become fulfilled even

after doing all the tasks like you're

focusing your whole day on only the

process how do you basically ask Allah

to make the intention or the goal

actually come true well this secret

States right here there's a that says I

am as my servant thinks of me now what

this meansi is that your opinion on

Allah is extremely important so your

expectation of Allah is extremely

important so for me bro for me every

time I'm doing the things right I'm

making this video I'm making any single

video I'm doing anything in business in

my head I'm just like everything I

do it turns to Gold Everything I Do

Allah is basically turning anything even

the mistakes I do Allah is turning all

of it into goodness Allah turning all of

it into the result that I want so

anything I touch I'm just like if I did

my part Allah automatically is going to

make everything work and then what's so

sad bro is that most of us were Muslim

we were raised thinking that Allah is

always angry with us and that's actually

so sad it's like everything that we do

Allah is always unhappy with it but

here's the thing in reality if you just

look at Nature by the way I wrote this

whole I wrote all of this just because

I'm like this is so beautiful if you

look at nature itself I mean bro I can

even just show you like pictures I don't

even need to prove to you anything just

look at this right here just look at

this beauty right here and even better

if I actually just had like the actual

experience like for example this one the

beauty right here is that you look at

this and it's like it's nature is just

abundance bro abundance The Sun Shines

its light to every single being without

discrimination like Allah is the one

obviously that is controlling the Sun so

you'll never see Allah shining the light

of the sun on someone that Allah hates

so even if you've done things that are

bad in your life Allah is still going to

shine this the light of the sun on you

and do you really think Allah is asking

you for anything in turn when Allah is

like shining the light of the sun on you

the day moves to the night without Allah

asking you to pay taxes fees to to

whatever the seed becomes a tree without

you having to go through the

complications of making it grow all you

have to do is just stick some water into

the seed and it's going to grow by

itself and so much so to the point that

even clouds clouds themselves they give

you water without asking for anything in

return so I'm telling you it's like

Allah is the one that's running nature

and then if you look at the way that

Allah is running nature all of it is

just like it's it's in the most loving

way the most peaceful way the most

merciful way the most abundant way

that's why Allah says in the Quran so

many times it's like look at the sky

look at the mountains look at this

beautiful creation that have built just

so you can get to know who truly is your

creator and then once you truly

understand like these the

characteristics of this Creator are all

they're all embedded into the

creation you can't help but just realize

it's like this Creator is the most

merciful being there is this Creator is

the most abundant being there is is the

most giving being there

is so your opinion of Allah matters a

lot so when you're having an opinion of

Allah that's distorted filled with

negativity just so you know this is not

from Allah that's coming directly from

thean because nature does not work in a

way where it's like that so by default

your opinion of Allah should be that

should be that Allah is the most

merciful the most giving the most

abundant the most loving that should be

your opinion of Allah Allah gives you

without literally asking for anything in

return Allah loves you without asking

for any any love back Allah is merciful

without expecting any Mercy back so

again when you see people that have bad

opinions of Allah where did that come

from from the devil bro I told you like

the devil Shan it promised that it's

going to change the creation of Allah is

going to change even the ideas that you

have on Allah so I'm saying all of this

cuz you have to realize bro your opinion

of Allah has been flawed so much by

society and the society obviously is

just controlled by the devil so your

opinion of Allah should should be of

that of truth and truth is shown in

nature and I told you the beauty is that

when the truth comes there's even ay

that says that when the truth comes

falsehood automatically it perishes it

just goes away so as soon as you start

thinking like properly of Allah

positively of Allah immediately you'll

notice that all the negative thoughts in

your mind they're just going to vanish

because the light of Truth has come so

by the way just so you know like just

this secret alone right here is going to

change your life so much is going to

transform your life so much because now

at this point you're thinking from a

point of view of Truth which by the way

brings me to the last one which I forgot

to write secret number three this one

states that truth actually states that

this is not your home this dun right

here that you're living right now is not

your home doesn't matter who you are

Muslim non-muslim doesn't matter who you

are this dun is not your home so you me

right now we're just Travelers that are

passing by this beautiful world this dun

but we're we're leaving we're not

staying here so let me give you an

analogy okay so I told you like your

real home is the afterlife J Heaven

that's your real home which means it's

so freaking silly of all of you guys to

be thinking that you're always living in

lack do you realize how silly that is so

listen to this imagine that right now I

have a beautiful house a beautiful house

that's so big this house has five

supercars this house like you can see

Rivers just flowing from within this

house this may made out of gold it has

Maids it has like the most beautiful

things that you can think of it has

everything this house has everything now

let's just say me I the one with a

beautiful house I decided I'm like you

know what let me go visit my friend

that's not so fortunate I'll go visit my

friend and this friend has like the

average Canadian home so I go to this

person's house which is my friend and

then I'm like you know what I'm just

going to basically sleepover with you

for a whole year I'm kind of bored with

my house I'll just sleep over with you

for a whole year so do you really think

after this one year I'm going to start

thinking like this is my life do you

realize how silly it is for you to be

thinking that right now because you're

sleeping over for for a whole year that

this is what you own you own your

friend's house that you're basically

living from this point of view where

it's just like this is all I have like

right now I have nothing I don't own a

beautiful home I don't own five

beautiful cars a house that has Rivers

flowing within it how silly is that do

you realize that most people are

actually living like this and do you

realize that this is truly is the truth

that you right now you have a house in J

you have a home in Jen you have all

these things that are promised to you

that are coming in Jen do you know why

Adam was actually created in Jen first

and then he was sent down on the earth

because our real home is not earth bro

the real home is not dya the real home

is Jenna itself so that is our real home

so you shouldn't be thinking of like oh

like I don't own all these beautiful

things you do own all these beautiful

things you're just coming here and

you're going back you're going back

you're not staying here so you already

own everything bro even if you're like

the most homeless of the homeless people

with nothing that you think you own you

still own everything so how silly is it

to be thinking like oh I have a bunch of

debts bro I have a bunch of bills my

house is so small I'm homeless and blah

blah blah all these things that's so

silly so you already have everything you

lack nothing Allah promised this in in

the Quran so many times you have

everything bro like do you realize why

Allah even in the Quran it

says like Allah was not just talking to

Muhammad wasallam not just Muhammad

sallam Allah's talking to everybody

that's reading the Quran we have given

you abundance the problem is that you

just fell into this this like long state

of forgetfulness where now you're

thinking you're this small being who

owns nothing and that the whole world is

just against them and that you're living

through in this world from this small

point of view and that whatever you try

you have to put so much effort and then

you receive the things that you want

that's so silly bro who who put these

thoughts into your mind like this is why

when when a baby is born babies

immediately they act all Alpha babies

immediately act like they they own

everything because they truly do so

everything is yours like you realize how

big Jenna is the size of this entire

Earth and the sky times 1 million so

it's unlimited so you already owned

Unlimited this and here's the thing bro

the beauty of this is that when you

start living from this point of view

this D by itself it comes crawling to

you that's why the prophet that's why he

said that in the Hadith and this is one

thing that when I see a lot of those Law

of Attraction people they always get

this wrong because they don't know the

truth that's why I'm saying Islam the

Quran has the truth and this right here

is the truth so then when you start

thinking from

truth everything that you want that you

want it starts coming to you it starts

attracting to you it starts coming

crawling to you things will never come

to a person by the way that is always

living in lack that believes they're

small that believes they they don't

deserve anything from this world it's

not that by the way the truth is that

it's not that you even deserve anything

it's that you already have everything

everything is just with you but you're

just a traveler that's passing by that's

why there's aith that says that for this

in this world it's like a it's like a

prison to the believer and like a like a

heaven to the non-believer cuz the

believer knows it's like all my stuff is

just right there so I can't have to like

come here and then like just basic

basically get tested but the

non-believer is just like oh man these

small little things is so beautiful oh

so beautiful but bro these small little

things don't even represent who you are

you have way more so then when you

become a Believer you're just like bro

like like these things yeah they're

beautiful but there's so much more

Beauty waiting for me back home into my

real home and this is such a beautiful

mentality to have this is literally the

best mentality to have because at this

point it's like bro I don't care if I'm

homeless I don't care if I have zero

dollars in my bank account I know

because Allah promised me I know I have

everything and this this is why I've

created this entire course that I called

30 days for effortless R there's a

reason why I called it effortless RIS

because again I told you us Muslims if

you call yourself a Muslim just realize

that you are sitting on Acres of gold

but the issue is that all had to sech us

up bro all 1.9 billion of us we all fell

into a state of forgetfulness that's

that's why you'll see nowadays it's like

someone's calling themselves a Muslim

but they're not living an abundant life

like we recite this aat in front of our

faces every single day and then we don't

even realize that these ayat are talking

to us bro all these ayat like Allah

tells you look into nature look at the

stuff that I created I've given you

abundance I've given you everything

you've asked for and then us Muslims we

come and then we're just like no I don't

have everything I've asked for but you

do you've always had everything you've

asked for so I mean imagine like you're

a Muslim right now that you read the

Quran every single day and you're

struggling to pay off debts or you're

living lack and depression like there is

something wrong bro and I'm not saying

that to make fun because again I told

you like Shan exists and Shan's whole

role is to basically make you fall into

a state of forgetfulness that's why in

Arabi the the word for human is insan

which is someone that's constantly

forgetting which is actually is

beautiful that this is truly the word

for a human and just so you know the

devil is not going to come to you and

say stuff like oh bro just leave Islam

disbel in God this stuff doesn't work

Allah doesn't exist and all that stuff

the devil is smart it's not going to

come to you and say these things to you

it's going to come to you and distort

all your beliefs towards Allah it's

going to make you think it's like Allah

is promising all these things in the far

distance future if you just do certain

acts but I'm telling you it's like these

things are already yours Adam was

created in Jenna first and then he was

sent down here for a test and you would

see Allah said he created the gin and

the human to worship so if you think

that worship is only only like Salah Z

like or or like fasting and that sit

you're you have such a distorted view on

this entire book worship is not just

that worship is like every single moment

you're living and it's like like Allah's

always watching you like Allah's always

here and Allah's promises are always

here and Allah promised you that all of

this is yours and by the way the devil

is so freaking smart to the point that

he's going to come to you and being like

Oh bro this guy is selling you a course

right now this guy is like basically

trans squeeze you from money you're

really going to forget about all these

times like all this free content that

I've created for all of you guys only to

help you realize truly who Allah is to

help you realize that all of you guys

are unlimited beings that you are worth

way more than even you believe you are

so the reason why I created this entire

course is because well first of all a

lot of you guys were asking like I'm

sharing all this information on YouTube

but you guys were like I need like a

step-by-step plan because all of this is

like a bit overwhelming so you wanted a

system that by the end of it you use use

everything and you 100x your life think

about it if you're using the laws of

Allah like the Divine laws do you really

think it's not going 100x to your life

100x is like me under promising you and

honestly like even just this scattered

information that I'm sharing on YouTube

like not only is it inviting more people

to Islam but even the people that are

actually implementing the things I'm

sharing with you you're actually seeing

results with it both financially and

healthwise I'm like I need to create a

system step by step that literally puts

everything for you on like a like a

platter a silver golden platter but the

other reason too bro is that Allah has

created this thing that is called

balance so if you look right here it

says do not transgress within the

balance which basically means like

everything in nature is going to reach

an equilibrium is going to reach a

balance so when you see someone who's

like constantly like giving giving

giving eventually in order to have a

balance there's going to have to be like

an asking that's going to come

eventually and the reason for that is

because like things are going to be

unbalanced so even the giving giving

giving is not going to continue anymore

there's it's going to come to a stop and

I told you like even you see like people

like heroi bro even people like heroi

like the non-muslims they can't escape

the laws of Allah so this guy was he was

giving giving giving so many times but

at some point he's just like like this

is trining I can't keep giving giving

giving because I'm just a human so at

some point he just he just started

asking after only establishing the

giving part so this new course I called

it 30 days for effortless risk risk in

this case is like wealth so we're going

to go through 30 days where I'll share

with you things that will literally blow

your mind like literally blow your mind

bro to the point that by the end of the

30 days you use exactly what I share

with you and again I told you like even

herzi can't escape the laws of Allah

like the laws of Allah are inescapable

even by non-muslims once you do it you

will be able to attract effortless risk

now listen I called it effortless risk

does that mean it's like when you go

through this there's going to be not a

single ounce of work involved no you'll

still do a lot of work but it's just

that it'll feel so effortless like you

ever felt like you were in this like

like flow Zone where Everything You

Touch just automatically turns into gold

and there's like no thoughts in your

brain and you're just flowing that's

exactly what you'll become but look bro

like you've seen my videos you've seen

how TR parents have been with all of you

guys so let's just say this course right

now you go through it and then your goal

after the course is basically $10,000

per month but then after 30 days of you

implementing everything I shared with

you and then let's just say you achieve

10K on the 40th Day 40th Day Habibi come

to me IG Twitter email whatever come to

me email me tell me and you have my word

like just tell me which email did you

sign up with I'll send you a refund cuz

this is the thing first of all we're

going to be spending 30 days installing

I'm going to install this entire system

this effortless risk system into your

mind then you take the next 30 days of

using the system and then in 60 days 60

days if you're not where you want it to

be where your intention was to be then

that's it bro just let me know so that

the whole point is that you're basically

going to be spending $5 per day learning

how the Quran will help you attract more

risk into your life and then

implementing what you learn and then by

the end of it just like how it changed

my life and the lives of the people that

have actually been sharing this

information with that inshallah even

your life is going to improve too so

this right here is some of the things

that we're going to be learning in the

next four weeks so I'll teach you how

everybody teaches the Law of Attraction

wrong and you've already seen in this

presentation too by the way and then

when you learn the correct and Halal way

of the Law of Attraction like your

results is just naturally 100x because

again like this is coming directly from

the Quran so again I told you like 100x

is like an under promise the second

thing is that the true laws of the

universe coming straight from the Quran

and how to use these laws for even more

money and by the way don't be feeling

guilty it's like money Allah says in the

Quran that he wants to make things easy

for you Allah gives wealth risk to

whoever he Wills without even asking for

anything in return so risk if you

increase your risk don't even be feeling

guilty about that because I know some

people for some reason they feel guilty

about that you should actually be

willing to increase more of it and then

just watch the things that you can do

for this entire um not just for the um

like even your family bro your family

and I'll teach you how the rich sahaba

they're able to go from zero to a

millionaire status and just whatever

business they do like it's not the

business bro it's not the business it's

the mindset it's like the state that

they're coming into the business in and

then working doing the work from the

state which automatically puts them from

like zero to million or status and how

to unlock risk from the sky cuz remember

bro like Allah promised you your risk is

coming directly from the sky and that's

not like it's not a metaphor I'll show

you exactly like how to extract this

risk and make Allah bring this risk down

to you literally from the sky and then

seven hacks that are going to remove any

money blockages from your life CU for me

I noticed that like I used to like try

to I used to wish like make Dua for more

risk but there's actually things that

block your risk so after implementing

like at least just one of seven hacks

it's like you you know when you have

like a clogged sink and then you just

fixed it up and things start flowing

that's what the the hacks are supposed

to be doing to you because you have

these things in you you have these

blockages in you otherwise you would

have been attracting money like

effortlessly but also here's the thing

so because this course is still very new

still very new I'm going to include five

bonuses for you guys so the very first

bonus is that I'll give you my entire

coopering course that helps you master

the skill that literally prints money so

this is the skill that I actually have

in my Discord so this entire course is

going to be included for free the other

one is that my set it and forget it

Amazon influencer course so this is the

course that actually helped me achieve

passive income listen I don't believe in

passive income man but Amazon Amazon

influencer it was truly passive income

and I'll give you my YouTube automation

course that's going to help you reach

$110,000 per month basically sharing how

like I'm doing YouTube and how to do

YouTube The Faceless method too to make

$10,000 per month and then this course

right here is a very simple course five

steps to abundance course this one even

me to be honest I still go through this

course almost like every week and then

lastly once you actually start having

proper money like obviously you're going

to have to have a wife or a husband so

how do you attract a spouse that not

only loves

you but your whole family actually

approves of bro it's so sad cuz some

people they love someone but their

family does not approve of it so I'll

teach you how to attract someone that's

all obviously good that's like good for

your religion and your life but your

family also approves of but here's the

thing like these courses right here

they're coming directly from my like my

paid community so honestly bro it's not

really fair to like share everything

like these bonuses to everybody so I'm

limiting this and don't even tell me he

like oh he's using scarcity and stuff I

have to bro I literally have to I'm only

sharing this with the next 50 people

only but listen bro like 30 days to

effortless risk this course is not for

everyone so if you're not comfortable

just like spending $300 and what I mean

by that is like you don't even notice

that $300 escaped your account if you're

not with that don't even buy this course

also if you're the Arrogant type that

believes it's like no but a Muslim is

supposed to live in a life of poverty

because poverty equals piety and blah

blah blah don't sign up for this course

and then if you're the stubborn type

that believes like you know what bro all

the knowledge in the Quran has already

been revealed there's no new knowledge

don't sign up to this course like please

bro don't sign up to this course and for

those of you who are like this guy is

just trying to sell a course and trying

to like make money from the course first

of all I told you why I'm selling it but

for those of you who still believe that

listen I can literally make all these

videos that I have in the course I can

unlist them on YouTube create like a

free playlist and just give you that for

free but here's the thing if you're not

going to bring something that basically

shows your commitment for Change and

progress in your life then what's going

to happen is that you will see no change

or progress in your life so if you're

thinking I'm only going to be doing this

for money and stuff like that that's my

only intention then look take this $300

go on Google right now just search up

like a what is it orphanage building

near me go to any orphanage that you

believe in that's like near you and then

donate to them $300 send me an email

show me the receipt and I'll share this

whole thing with the entire course with

you for free I told you if you're not

going to be basically putting something

that shows your commitment to yourself

bro not to me but to yourself then even

if I give you this entire course for

free nothing it won't even change an

ounce of things in your life but again

bro listen for the next 60 days the best

case scenario that you can have is that

you implement this entire course you

take everything you learn everything and

then you implement it what's going to

happen is that I'm 100% sure that you're

going to come back to me with a

testimonial you just share with me like

how your life changed and I'll basically

include you as like a win from this

course but the worst case scenario

what's going to happen you'll see no

results and I'll have to give you back

your money all 300 of it so if you see

below like below this page right now

there's supposed to be like a button

that says like sign up or something

click that button put all your info in

it add the payment info and stuff and

then once the payment is through you'll

basically get like an email that gives

you all the videos in your email now as

for the free bonuses like yeah you'll

receive all of that but again keep in

mind like I honestly don't even want to

be showing the the free bonuses to a lot

of people so the next 50 people you'll

receive the free bonuses because again I

told you like people bro people paid

money for this stuff so it's literally

only fair for me to only be sharing this

to not that many people but yeah bro

like this this course right here is

honestly one of my favorite my favorite

work that I've done so I'm hoping I'll

see you inside and by the way let me

just actually show you something right

here so if you go right here you see all

the stuff right here so these are

basically all just like testimonials

that I've had from people that were in

my Discord so these are the people that

were like doing they've gone through the

courses on how to make money so this

course the effortless risk one it's not

like money making method it's just to

basically change this and then as a

result like everything on the outside is

going to be changed like knowing how to

basically use laws from the Quran to to

attract more wealth into your life so if

you just see right here like this one

right here s this person is making

$15,000 on Etsy just because of the ETS

course this person right here so $3,000

and then
$99,000 all year so far this one right

here so this is do he basically flipped

$70 to $10,000 on crypto this one right

here so this person just recently

actually he just recently started but

like 15,000 1500 the first month that's

not bad bro this one right here so this

actually is one of my one of my close

students I can't even how do I freaking

remove this thing right here so any so

this is his name is sa that's not really

his real name I'm not going to show his

real name but this is just from one of

his stores he told me that he has

another store right here that he was

making like another half a million from

so he literally reached a million from

it him and his partner this person right

here I mean they just got their first

sale alhamdulillah and I told you bro

there's so much more right here I can

show you all of this right here so this

is just from like the the the cheap

program that I have so this person right

here Salman he went through the YouTube

automation course which you'll get for

free by the way and he's like I can't

remove this thing right here so he took

action from it and he created this

Channel and immediately he just started

getting a views which is actually

beautiful so this person right here

again s this is his $2,000 not even a

month this is basically like in 11 days

this one right here another one $5,000

from crypto this one right here they

basically started doing Tik Tok and so

far he's made $1,000 which is beautiful

again this is dose he's doing something

other than crypto $300 in one day I mean

just imagine now that you're you're

basically going through the moneymaking

methods like YouTube copyrighting Amazon

Tik Tok all of this stuff crypto you're

going through the money-making methods

but now you're coming to it from a point

of view of like effortless risk you've

gone through the effortless risk course

and you like now you know how to attract

all these things you're really going to

tell me like in the next 60 days you're

not going to have a screenshot that

you'll send me that shows your win

that's impossible bro and I can go on

and on about all this results right here

this person right here 3 million views

not really like money-making screenshot

but still this guy is getting nice views

this person right here let's work

together almost like Landing his first

client this one right here $80 in just

one day I think you just actually

recently started this one Rahman this

one right here $1,000 in one trade

initial investment was $0000 this guy by

the way is actually pretty good at

crypto now this one right here $20 from

the creativity program just from Tik Tok

recently signed up and this one right

here it's not just about money bro like

this person is losing body fat 6% body

fat and gain muscle but the best case

scenario bro is that you go through all

the stuff and it just not only makes you

realize that our religion like this this

entire beautiful book it has so much so

much beauty that you can use not just in

the afterlife but like also this life

right here and then you take all these

teachings and then you put it into your

life make more money attract a beautiful

spouse become healthier and not only

that like this stuff is going to is

going to stay with you your whole life

and I have a feeling bro I'm like if I

actually knew all this stuff back when I

was still in in University I would have

destroyed University so much like I

would have passed literally everything

even though I did pass like I knew part

of it so I kind of got like only part

results but this is the beauty so thank

you so much man for watching this whole

thing and by the way if you can't even

afford $300 watch all my free stuff

don't even buy watch all my free stuff

and then inshallah you'll be able to

even make more money more than just $300

but I hope this video was so helpful I

hope the course is going to be helpful

and that's going to benefit a lot of you

guys and if it is bro then just let me


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